reverham · 4 years
max ‘apologising’ without using the words “sorry” or “i apologise” is exactly what i expected lol
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reverham · 4 years
max can fuck off with that “apology” honestly what the fuck does “we live in a world where everything might be a bit sensitive“ even mean !!!!!!!!!!! like ????????????????????????????????????????? dude literally shouted two slurs and then is like ….. oh lol i guess this world is so sensitive :p … ………….. im FUMING . he didnt even apologize to ppl he just brushed it off with a half assed clarification BYE 
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reverham · 4 years
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i was tagged by @gyzhou-s to do this picrew
thank you🥰
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tagging: @pourchairexshwarztman @god-awfulcharleslechair @n0ts0sane @reverham if you’ve done this already, oops (and if you don’t wanna do it, ignore this)
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reverham · 4 years
i just wanna say that slurs don’t just “slip out” when they aren’t part of your everyday vocabulary. the worst thing ive ever had slip out at an inappropriate time was an “oh fuck” when i messed up in art class, because i don’t use violent slurs that i have no right to say.
just remember that the next time your friend, or some youtuber, yells out a racist slur when he gets beat at a video game. it’s not the kind of thing that comes out by accident when you never use it usually.
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reverham · 4 years
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To donate £5 to the charity supporting the male victims of domestic abuse, text the message: MKDV46 to 70070
Click here to watch the video
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reverham · 4 years
hey ana have you seen the info about redacted doing an illegal practice start in Belgium and not getting penalized for it???? #lewiswasright
i haven't???? HOLD UP BRO WAIT
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are we even surprised at this point fuck the fia bro
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reverham · 4 years
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This makes me so angry.
If you work in a movie theater and you do this I have no respect for you.
My younger brother is Type 1 Diabetic.
When we go to a movie theater, we always get him diet soda. If he were to get regular when we asked for diet, we would not give him the insulin he would need for it. If that happens, his blood sugar level could go so high he could go into a coma, go blind, or even die.
If somebody gave him regular soda instead of diet without telling us, that person could be responsible for a nine-year-old being killed or blinded.
Just thinking about that makes me so angry. I get scared every time we take him to a movie in case the people working there saw this picture and decide to do the same thing.
Please signal boost this so people know.
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reverham · 4 years
“Family gatherings” aka “90% of the people here are racist”
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reverham · 4 years
Kimi: gets a penalty
Kimi: *screams on the radio* FOR WHAT?! FOR WHAT?!
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Lewis: gets a penalty
Lewis: *asks a genuine question* where is that in the rule book?
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reverham · 4 years
When we talk about being fat-positive and we say, “weight is not an indication of health,” I will reblog it. But I want us to also say, “health is not an indication of value.”
I could be at any weight and I will never be healthy, because I am chronically ill. Someone might be chronically ill and fat, or they might be chronically ill and not fat, and it really doesn’t matter.
When you make it about health, you’re saying health is the pinnacle of human achievement, and you’re shitting on those of us for whom health will always be a pipe dream.
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reverham · 4 years
Muslim brothers and sisters
So I found this app called Scan Halal where you scan the bar code of your food and it tells you if its halal or not. It’s a free app too. Pass this on so others can see and worry a little less about their food/snack choices
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reverham · 4 years
Alright everyone, since im pretty sure all of f1blr went on that k*m* related adventure with me- id like to end it with a cautionary message:
If you find yourself arguing with people of color (1) when we share stories, (2) give you full explanations (that you should not need and are not entitled to get cause GOOGLE EXISTS), and/or (3) for literally identifying something as racist - you are the problem.
If you are not a BIPOC, you do not get to tell me what’s racist and what is not. You don’t. You just don’t.
And if you have the audacity to claim to be down for BLM or ending racism while doing the most to undermine BIPOC voices, you are NOT down for BLM or ending racism. You are actively upholding the systems you claim to be against and are a performative ally.
For those of you confused or angered about this message, please go read a book. Preferably one on how to become a real ally to BIPOC.
the extremely tired POC who is borderline sick of continuously trying to explain this shit to all of you
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reverham · 4 years
peel back the layers of kimi's "personality" and he's just a rude, annoying, and privileged man who hides behind this fan bestowed image of being an iceman so that he doesn't have to be accountable for his actions.
he didn't kneel? oh it's kimi, he just doesn't care
he put a nazi symbol on his merch? oh he probably doesn't even realise
he perpetuates toxic masculinity? oh he's a legend, he can say whatever he wants
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reverham · 4 years
anyways everything is political and to call SPORTS out of all things “not political” or “no place for politics” and “not that deep” is so fucking funny and literally so tone deaf considering multiple nonwhite ppl have come forward telling their personal stories with racism in sports ….. like grow tf up read a real book and not just weird fanfiction and maybe get a grip <3 the rich white boys have time to learn how to set up a twitch account they got time educate themselves on racism and the privilege they have <3 
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reverham · 4 years
petition-please help UK trans people!
hi tumblr-the conservative party is back at it again. 
currently, the GRA (gender recognition act) says to transition “legally”, trans people have to: 
 get two diagnoses of gender dysphoria (including one from an NHS gender clinic, which have a 2-3 year wait time currently), 
prove you have lived as your chosen gender for 2 years, 
swear to live the remainder of your life as such
and  do all of this in front of a “gender recognition panel”, a process which is very humiliating and largely depends on people deciding if you are “trans enough”. 
in 2018, the idea was put on the table to progress the rights of transgender people in the UK. Including: 
 allowing them to self identify as their chosen gender (including 16 & 17 year olds, who have previously been denied the right to)
demedicalising the transition progress, no doctors would need to diagnose gender dysphoria to transition.
removing the cost to have your gender legally recognised
allow non-binary identities to be recognised
it has recently been leaked that the current government has scrapped these ideas [source  source]. Our equality minister, Liz Truss, is horribly transphobic and wishes to backpedal on the few rights we have. 
trans people have said for years that the GRA is outdated and in need of reform, and have had the tiny ray of hope that it may be changed ripped out from under us behind closed doors. 
petitions on the parliament website are legally obligated to be responded to at 10k signatures and have to be debated in parliament at 100k signatures. 
only british citizens can sign this, but if you are not from the uk, please boost it so your british followers can see! 
thank you-and fuck the tories ✌🏳‍🌈 
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reverham · 4 years
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This is utter and absolute bullshit and Caster Semenya and all the other women who will find themselves in her position in the future due to this absurd, discriminatory ruling deserve so much better. I am so angry and so sad for her.
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reverham · 4 years
"omg kimi is so funny!" the man collaborated with a neo-nazi who's brand is banned in schools to make merchandise with the iron cross (a nazi symbol) on it. He's been accused of sexual assault. He's not kneeling because he doesn't give a fuck about human right's. He's now making "jokes" on insta abt Lewis (during a time where he's being attacked left and right on social media) with a meme posted by an account with a loooong history of being racist. He's not ur funny iceman driver he's a nasty old man who should be out of Formula 1 already.
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