revclations Β· 10 months
if ur gonna post spoilers at least tag them lol
"hi could u tag spoilers please" would have worked just fine?
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revclations Β· 10 months
hypothetically speaking....if i wanted to write a saltburn inspired thread with a jacob el*rdi fc with someones muse being utterly obsessed with him and ruining his life so he'd be with them......hypothetically......
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revclations Β· 10 months
by clicking on the source link, you will be redirected to 347 hq gifs of JACOB ELORDI as NATE JACOBS in the first half of the second season of euphoria. all of them were made from scratch by me for rp purposes. you MAY edit them into gif icons and use them for sidebars and crackships, but you MAY NOT claim them as your own or include them in gif hunts.Β potential triggers include alcohol, s.ex, n.udity, violence, blood, flashing lights, pregnancy, head banging, and choking. likes/reblogs aren’t required, but are appreciated. <3
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revclations Β· 10 months
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while teddy had tried his best not to let his expectations for his first date with bronte get the better of him, it was hard not to quickly become enamoured with her quick wit and confidence when it stood so firmly as the opposite of everything he could offer. he wasn't the sort of man who found it easy to reign himself in, shelter his eagerness behind a layer of coolness that others might have found less intimidating but for whatever reason, she'd seemed to like it. his hard work to secure a second date appeared to have worked and by the time that night finally arrived, teddy was practically vibrating with excitement. it was clear to him that bronte was careful with her time, she wasn't willing to waste it on anything she wasn't certain would be worth it and that made him even more anxious to prove himself. he wasn't much of a chef but he'd learned one or two things from his father and after visiting the local florist to pick up a bouquet of flowers that was both not too showy but declared effort in its selection, teddy felt prepared for the night ahead of him. he'd been waiting patiently for bronte's arrival earlier than he'd expected her, tucked away in his living room looking over a particularly rough essay from one of his students so he hadn't realised her lateness till she knocked at the door and he glanced to the clock. if it wasn't for his distraction, there was no doubt that he would have found himself stressed about her tardiness, or questioned whether or not she actually intended on showing up but in an attempt to not pay any of that anxiety any mind, teddy quickly grabbed the flowers and headed to the front door. "noβ€” no it's okay, it was worth it, you look beautiful." he replied with a breathless smile as he took in the sight of her, it had only been a few days but the anticipation of their next meeting had made patience become a foreign trait. he huffed out a laugh and looked down at the flowers with a touch of embarrassment. "ah, yes, you caught me. i was just trying to sneak her out the back and then you arrived so... i guess you can have them instead." he said and held the flowers out for her to take.
closed: @revclations
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when it came to dates, bronte didn't often allow for seconds. not many people were successful at holding her attention for more than a few hours, so why would she waste her time with another attempt at a connection that wasn't there? based on her first impression of him, she'd assumed teddy would fall into the unfortunate category of boring her to tears before they'd even been served their entrees, but much to her surprise (and delight), he'd kept her entertained all night. even before he'd invited her home, she was fairly certain he wouldn't be a one hit wonder, and that night and the following morning successfully solidified that prospect. not only did she agree to a second date, bronte was actually looking forward to it, every day between their last meeting and their next seeming to drag by until she got to see him again, this time insisting they forgo the conventional restaurant date and just have dinner at his place instead. not only would they have more privacy, but it would also give her a chance to sample his cooking, too. everything was a test with her, feeling as though she needed to assess a person's worth before they earned a place in her life. though it hadn't been her plan to make him wait, by the time she finally got there she was twenty minutes late, somewhat expecting him to be even more eager to see her because of it. "hey," she greeted the man on the other side of the door once he'd answered. "sorry i'm late! i wish i had a proper excuse, but i just kinda started hating everything in my closet five minutes before i was supposed to leave, so... y'know." just seeing his face felt like a breath of fresh air, only becoming aware of how much she missed him once he answered the door. "are those for me?" her smile only brightened once she spotted the flowers in his hand. "or is your other date hiding in the bathroom?"
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revclations Β· 11 months
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revclations Β· 11 months
on a scale from one to ten how bad is it to fuck the roommate of the man who ruined your life
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revclations Β· 11 months
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there was little else to do while stuck in his apartment other than mess with each other. well, it was mainly mathieu picking the fights but he couldn't resist the temptation, he enjoyed getting people riled up and with the safe haven he was providing, it wasn't like valerie had any chance to really fight back. he saw the way her features shifted in discomfort at his accusation and he drew his attention down towards his desk. "i do believe you, but an accident doesn't negate death. people still died, doesn't matter if you pulled the trigger or let them burn." he shrugged and stabbed at the cold noodles with his chopsticks before dropping them all together and turning his eyes back up to the blonde. "it's no judgement from me, people who have done much worse have sat where you are and i have paid them no mind. you will be better off accepting yourself than pretending you are anything other than this now."
the eyeroll couldn’t be suppressed this time. blanket of smoke was hardly the right description for the mild incident that had taken place. how was it her fault that his stove heated up about ten times faster than the ones she was used to? β€œyou’re the one who made a big fuss about wanting something different to eat. i wouldn’t have even bothered to make something so out of my comfort zone if you hadn’t been bugging me for days.” okay, so she might have a tendency to exaggerate, too. it was one of the few, surprising things they had in common. that, and the fact that they were both officially unsavory characters now. valerie had always known her family weren’t exactly the kennedys, but she’d been naive enough to think she was different from them. that she had a chance to make something of herself, set herself apart. or rather, to blend in with everyone else, all of her normal peers who she’d never quite fit in with before. she flinched at the word β€˜killer,’ her expression shifting from defensive to wounded. β€œthe fire was an accident. i thought you believed me.” brow creased as chin lifted defiantly. β€œi’m not a killer.”
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revclations Β· 11 months
im focusing on plots and threads i've made with previous partners atm so if we had a thread on my old blog you'd like to continue or maybe start a new one with those characters, please like this and i'll drop you a message!
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revclations Β· 11 months
open to: @lvciddreamt
featuring: hamish mueller, twenty-nine, queer, record store employee, he/him.
plot: after a night of smoking, effy accidentally finds hamish's dirty little secret, a collection of her panties that he'd been stealing for weeks.
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the last thing that he should have been doing after having his filthy little secret discovered was thinking about how hot effy looked standing there with her hands on her hips, her expression stern and unimpressed. still, hamish was nothing if not a patron of bad decisions. he wasn't sure what to say so he sat there like a startled animal, barely listening to her as his brain insisted on switching over to obsessing over the strange eroticism of being exposed for being a bit of a creep. well, a bit was an understatement, but he had to try to maintain some self-respect. "it's not... i know i shouldn't have taken them." was all he managed to say in defence of himself, but what else was there to say? there was no understandable reason that he'd taken her underwear, and rummaged through her drawers or laundry basket when she wasn't in the room to steal away the prettiest pairs, what could he possibly say that would make him appear less horrible in her eyes? "i'm sorry." he mumbled pitifully before slowly moving to swing his legs over the bed so he could make an attempt to stand up. obsessed with her was another understatement, though fighting that was impossible. he'd been in love with her since they'd met, though never in a million years had he ever thought it'd be possible someone like her could be into someone like him. it was part of the reason he'd become so desperate to have this part of her, it was the closest he could get to having her as he wanted. "i don't know why i did it, effy i justβ€” i don't know, once i started i couldn't stop."
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revclations Β· 11 months
by clicking the SOURCE LINK, you will find 189Β gifs of evan rachel wood in westworld (2016–2022), s04e07–08).Β these gifs were made by me from scratch. please do not include in other gif hunts, do not repost, or claim these as your own. do not use for taboo/smut/real life hollywood roleplays. you’re free to edit or resize these, but please credit me/tag me. please like/reblog if you find these useful. enjoy!
warnings: kissing, water, flashing lights
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revclations Β· 11 months
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`it was strange to see winnie in his home, checking out all the little details that had become mundane and commonplace in his eyes. she was like a kid in a candy store, excited by all the possibilities and it was endearing to watch, there was nothing off limits now that he had bared all the secrets he had to offer. her childlike glee at learning who he was outside of his role as her priest wasn't surprising to jude, not when she'd displayed such unwavering dedication to him and achieving a place in his life. it was a nice change, to be known for who he was and not what he was offering, he loved his position in the community but it would be a lie to suggest that it wasn't sometimes lonely being known as a servant of god first, not a man capable of human wants and desires. there was an element of perfection expected and at home, he could shed himself of that, he could leave flowers to wilt and eat scraps of whatever was left in his fridge after forgetting to go grocery shopping for the third night in a row. he leaned against the doorframe to the office and watched winnie traverse the small space before sitting at his desk with a school-girl giggle. he smiled as her curiosity took over and while he didn't miss the touch of jealousy in her voice as she studied the photo displayed on his desk, it only served to endear him further considering how ludicrous it was for her to feel envious over the woman photographed. "she is pretty." he agreed and walked across to the desk where he then extended his hand out for winnie to place the frame in. after studying the photo for a moment with a melancholic gaze, jude returned it back to its rightful place on his desk, displayed a little left from his lamp and beside one of the few bibles in his home. "it's my sister, nellie. she died not long before i went to the seminary, you would have liked her." she had been older than him, almost ten years so before his parents had decided to try for another, a son this time. she had remained permanently faithful while jude had wandered off, found himself drawn to sinful things too tempting to refuse. if she hadn't been so steadfast in her belief, he sometimes doubted whether or not he would have found god again, whether he would have been reminded how precious life was and that he was not to waste it. "she was funny, very bright, she used to take me for ice cream after mass when my parents had to go to work. i think she would have found it funny where i ended up, i never wanted to go to churchβ€” it took me a long time to find comfort there."
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if they just focused on things moment by moment, enjoying each other’s presence and savoring the physical comforts when they could without getting ahead of themselves, perhaps they could get through whatever hardships were coming their way. though the risk involved with almost getting caught had made things all the more tantalizing, getting to savor his touch in total privacy was a relief, feeling as though she could finally release that breath she’d kept held tight that whole week. her grin spread from ear to ear as he agreed to her request, eager to get to see just how he lived, adding that new piece to the puzzle of jude that was swiftly coming together to form a complete person. after many nights spent imagining what his living space was likeβ€” what she would look like in itβ€” winnie found that there were no surprises hidden in his home. everything was more or less how she’d pictured it; modest and neat, nothing too ostentatious, with just enough personal affects to prove that a real human being actually lived there. her fingertips trailed against the wall as he led her down the hallway, her other hand holding one of his, and winnie made sure to inspect each bit of the space she could, studying his family photos and picking up a book or two just to get a feel for what sort of subjects he was interested in. it was as if she’d walked into a museum, finding even the most mundane aspects worth fascination. was this the mug she'd use for her morning coffee if she spent the night? would they sit at that little table in his kitchen and drink it together, or enjoy it in bed? as they moved through the house, she began to get braver, already feeling comfortable in the space as if it was her own, and when they reached his office she ventured in herself. after drifting around to each wall, taking note of the many books on his bookshelf (all with titles and authors she’d never heard of in her life), winnie plopped down in the chair behind his desk, giggling as she spun around in it. β€œi feel like a teacher… or the president!” not even considering that she might be overstepping boundaries, she’d begun rummaging around through the contents of his desk before her gaze landed on a framed photo atop it, picking it up to get a closer look. β€œwho’s this?” it was of a woman, and it looked like it could’ve been taken decades ago, but a paranoid, insidious voice in the back of her head insisted it must be his former lover, the woman he’d told her about on their first night together. β€œshe’s real pretty.”
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revclations Β· 11 months
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a new face in church was always a good sign in jude's book. whether they were a believer, a sceptic, or just there to enjoy a story and some music. he recognised the blonde's parents as avid members of the congregation and recalled them mentioning their daughter once or twice but with so many people spilling their hearts and souls to him on the regular, it was a little more difficult than he'd like to admit to remember all the specific details. the service went well, as it often did and by the time he made it around to the faulkner family, the majority of the church had already pulled him aside to offer their praise for the service and say their goodbyes. there was a mischievous glint in the young woman's eyes that jude noted before she'd even spoken, he'd grown quite apt at reading people and his few assumptions of juno were proven right as she joked with him as though they were old friends. his eyebrows raised with amusement and his gaze flickered over to her mother as she quickly tried to make up for her daughter's immaturity. "it can get rather gloomy here, maybe some comedy is what we need." jude replied simply before looking back to juno and extending out his hand. "lovely to meet you, hopefully you'll feel inspired to come again."
✧ closed starter for @revclations.
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Time passed by everywhere except in her hometown; that was Juno’s theory. She’d avoided returning as much as she could, only coming back on her parent’s birthdays and once or twice during Christmas in the couple of years she’d failed to find a decent excuse to stay away. So, of course, it felt like a stab from the universe to have to move back. It was just a small break until her life got in order; she would be leaving again, but just for the sake of preventing confrontation, the blonde had tried her best to keep her family content in the week since her return. Even if it meant sitting in a pew and trying not to play with her bracelets while she was forced to give insincere smiles to the familiar faces she saw in the church. It was ridiculous, the way everyone knew everyone else. Or so she thought, until the priest got everyone’s attention as he approached the pulpit, causing Juno’s eyebrows to rise with curiosity. A hot priest was not something she’d counted on, but at least it gave her something to think about during the service. And after, too, as she waited next to her parents, who’d demanded to say their goodbyes before they left. β€œThat was a really good one, Father,” was the first thing she said, amusement shining in her blue orbs. β€œGot me feeling sorry about not wanting to come to mass this morning... or this decade,” she joked easily, head tilted to the side in a challenge to see what he’d say. Her mother was quick to intervene, though, with a serene smile on her face that screamed exasperation as she said, β€œthis is my daughter Juno, Father Jude. As you can see, she’s quite the comedian.”
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revclations Β· 11 months
church girl + unholy bf . i need it .
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revclations Β· 11 months
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forgiveness, that would be nice. it was a pretty concept, one that olivia wanted to agree to but it wasn't as simple as either of them would have liked. "it's the middle of the night." she argued softly, clutching her front door with the temptation to shut it right then and there to save them both the embarrassment of a failed rekindling. "you can't... it's not fair to show up out of the blue like this, theo. you know that."
@revclations liked this for a dramatic lyric starter.
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"i haven't seen you in so long and i miss you so much. i want, i want to look into your eyes, hold you in my arms. it's true, i wouldn't lie about it. honstly, i mean, you could just forgive me, and just take me back one more time. i swear, i'd do anything and everything i need to so i don't lose you again."
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revclations Β· 11 months
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"all you needed to do was tell me." it was a nice gesture, a bunch of pretty words sewn together but ultimately, that was all it was. "i mean youβ€” come on santi, i wasn't asking for the world, a bit of honesty wouldn't have killed us, aye?"
@revclations liked this for a dramatic lyric starter.
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"it's like your face was painted onto the walls of my room. honestly, i considered moving just so i could live somewhere where there wouldn't exist the thought of you. i, i just, i liked you so much."
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revclations Β· 11 months
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jude knew better than to take winnie's eagerness to heart, he believed that she meant what she said when she claimed she'd never regret being with him but she could only speak for herself at that moment. the future was uncertain, especially with the rockiness which he knew their relationship would have to traverse to gain any kind of permanence, they both wanted it to last but being realistic about the struggles to come would allow for an open discussion on how to handle them. he huffed out a soft sigh of relief at her confession of trust and then melted into her kiss, lowering himself ever so slightly to help ease the strain on winnie. kissing her felt like the easiest thing in the world, it made all the stress and panic he'd felt in the previous week melt away, as though it had never existed in the first place. he would have happily stood there for hours, in the privacy of his own home with nothing to think about except how soft her skin felt beneath his palms or the feeling of her warm breath against his parted lips as she asked to see the rest of his home. "of course." he offered a warm smile and one more slow kiss before pulling away. as she'd pointed out before, jude's house was remarkably clean. he liked to keep things organised, everything had the right place to go and would always return there after its required use. there was some art on the wall, countless books stacked up beside his bookshelf waiting for any free time to be organised and then read, little pieces of evidence that came together to prove that he was a man who existed outside of the pulpit. a pair of reading glasses on the bedside table or a bouquet of slightly wilting flowers he'd been given as a gift from a neighbour, it occurred to him that while winnie had clearly fantasied about him before their initial meeting in the church, she'd never had a real look at what he was like outside of that position of power. would it be exciting to see that he was just as ordinary as any other man, or would that mundanity be something worth praising? either way, as they lingered in the doorway of his small office, jude found himself struck with the realisation of how intimate they were becoming, perhaps more so than when they'd had sex.
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there were still many uncertainties regarding their relationship, but that was all to be expected given how new it was. not only had they just recently found the courage to be honest about their feelings for one another, jude was still trying to sort out what engaging in a relationship meant for him and his faith, so winnie knew she had to be patient. rushing some sort of promise would likely only drive him away, overwhelmed by the intensity of her need for certainty right then and there, and after she’d gone through so much just to get to this point, she knew better than to spoil it all too soon over her own insecurities. her gaze remained trained on him as he cradled her face in both hands, reading the reverence spelled out clearly in his eyes and feeling slightly more at ease. would a man who didn't care for her deeply hold her with such gentleness? would he have already put his whole life here in jeopardy just to be with her earlier in the library, and even now as they risked someone seeing her make her way to his home? she’d come to softly grip onto his wrists, making sure he kept his hold of her, though she doubted he’d ever pull away. β€œi won’t,” she insisted. β€œthere ain’t nothin’ in the world i want more than you.” he was right, though. the future was never certain, and trust was a two way streetβ€” it would take just as much for him to believe winnie was in it for the long haul and wouldn’t leave when things got tough as it would for her to believe the same of him. it was a trust of faith, more than anything else, and winnie was no stranger to those. β€œyes… i trust you, father.” this time it was winnie who initiated the kiss, stretching onto her tiptoes to reach his lips while one hand abandoned his wrist in favor of grasping at his cheek to pull his face down to her level. they met in the middle, mouths gently molding together as their lips began to move, and though that voice of uncertainty still chirped in the back of her head, she was able to sufficiently quiet her worries and just give in to the moment, accepting the comfort his body provided without questioning it. β€œcan i… see the rest of the house? … please?” she spoke in between quick kisses, the soft smacking of their lips punctuating every few words, unwilling to part from his lips for too long. β€œi want the full tour! then we can talk some more… β€˜bout us.”
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revclations Β· 11 months
open to: @lvciddreamt
featuring: mathieu dahan, thirty-six, queer, hacker, he/him.
plot: following a supposed accident that took multiple lives, valerie went to mathieu with the request of hiding out at his apartment till the heat of the police looking for her died down.
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"overly complicated is an understatement. it was hard to see anything through that blanket of smoke." mathieu had a tendency to exaggerate but it was all meant in good spirits, if he actually held any ill will towards valerie then she wouldn't have been on his couch in the first place, she'd probably be behind bars or in the back of an ambulance covered in a white sheet. people often came to him seeking refuge, he knew how to hide in plain sight and his specific set of talents were favoured amongst the down on their luck, though it didn't mean it was always happy about the revolving door of misfits who made themselves at home at his place. it was different with valerie, she wasn't quite as grimy as the others, which would have been surprising to anyone else if they had learned what it was she was so desperate to hide away from. he raised an eyebrow at her callout and bit back a smile, he appreciated the sudden pair of balls she'd grown in the face of his persistent teasing. "you're right, but a snitch is better than a killer, so i'd still be winning." he wouldn't actually hand her over, if people didn't trust him then he lost any kind of credibility and he was good as dead. it was fun to tease her though, and they had to pass the time somehow.
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