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“Well now… it looks like someone had too much to drink before bedtime he he! Even your onesie is struggling to hold your drenched diaper. It’s okay though, I’d much rather see your diaper and onesie struggling to hold it than see your ill-equipped bladder muscles lose the battle and soak our sheets. Your diaper did what it was suppose to and my cute little baby boyfriend did what he was suppose to by putting a nice thick diaper between his legs before bed. I absolutely love the way your soaked diaper fills out your onesie; you look so cute and helpless. The fact that you finally agreed to wear the onesie I bought you really proves you are becoming ever-submissive to me. I think the next step is I’ll have you suck on a pacifier while I change you. Don’t go anywhere sweetie, I’ll be right back”
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“Wakey wakey sleepyhead! Remember how you were pestering me last night with telling me how you’re a big boy now and don’t need diapers anymore? Why don’t you have a quick look down at your diaper and tell me what you think now! I’ll assume by your stunned silence and look of defeat that you must realize you’re still a wimpy bedwetter and the only way you’re keeping the bed nice and dry is with a thick diaper between your legs. Hopefully this is a valuable lesson for you to never forget that I’m the mommy in this relationship and mommy is always right”
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“Pull your undies down sweetie, mommy wants to see. Oh my! It looks like you failed. Again! I keep trying to potty train you, but the problem with you is you by the time you feel the urge, you can only hold it for a few short seconds. By the time you run to the bathroom and fumble with getting your pants down it is too late… You stand there helpless sending a full stream of pee into your diaper as you stare at the potty in defeat. I think it’s time to dismiss the idea that you’ll ever be able to hold it like a big boy and accept the fact that my boyfriend is a diaper wetting wimp who needs mommy to tell him what to do”
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"Marissa what are you doing in here? get out!"
"Um gender neutral washrooms I'm allowed in here. What is your problem?"
Your problem was the ever-growing erection in your pants. You were in the club with your friend keeping things under control. You had kept your focus and hadn't gotten turned on. Until thats is, you went to the bar for some drinks.
You had ordered yours and were waiting patiently. Suddenly there was some commotion. You heard a girl all but howling and turned to find her. She was excitedly getting a large serving of beer and swung it back into her face, the problem really started when most of the beer missed her mouth.
You watched her guzzle back the drops of beer as most of it streamed down soaking her chest. Her wet breasts began to glisten in the low club light as you watched the liquid roll down her chest like the water of a water fall off the rocks below. You head began to spin the whole night you had surpressed an sexual thoughts but now it felt as if all your deisres were rushing back towards you. As your cock began to shift in your pants. You steady your self on the counter and then turn around. A girl in an orange dress was sitting next to you. You hadn't noticed her before.
"Oops I cant get this drink in my mouth, I'm all wet now." Your eyes lock in on her your cock still growing.
You fall ont her chest as she wipes herself down. You are mesmerized by the show. You feel a tingle in your pants as your knees start to go weak. "You alright there mister?" You snap around again. It was the bartender.

"You look a bit wobbly there sir you alright?" You hadn't even noticed her before and now you were drinking in the sight of her perfect breast swinging in a loose shirt. You backed away from the bar and almost turn heels and ran. The club was now different. In your horny state you were noticing every sexy girl in it.
Your eyes would lock on to a dancing girl and you would have to force them away. It was like drowning in a sea of ass in tight skirts and titties bouncing out of their tops. A girl appoached you to dance.
"Let's see the moves!" Your cock surged when you watched her rhythmic movements and her chest pop forward in her shirt. You slide away from her through the crowd. "Yeah whatever man!" She call out to you. Some where in the crowd you bump into Marrissa. "Hey man where have you been?" You look around nervously. "Marrissa where the bathroom?" You shout at her over the music. "Um over to the left there, why are you ok?" You were nervously sweating and in a panick. Your eyes darting around the room for the washroom sign. Your cock must have been fully sticking out by now. You spot the sign and start to shuffle away when Marissa grabs your shoulders. "What the hell is up with you?" You were taller than Marrissa and saw right over her head. Her voice faded into the back ground as you focus in on a group of girls dancing in a corner.
You watch them push their perfect butts out in almost complete sync. You feel a surge in your pants and you lean over gripping your cock. You dont have much more time so you sprint away from Marrissa and into the washroom.
This brings us back to the beginning.
"What the hell is up with you?" Normally you dont get too turned on by Marrissa because you were used to her, but now you couldnt think about anything excpet for her perfect curves and perky breast you couldnt focus on anything but the way her nipples were poking out visible in her shirt.

You held your cock and backed away from her. "Marrissa trust me when I say you are making it worse right now!" She walked towards you. "How? How am I making it worse?" You watch her body move in her tight top. Your cock begging to explode. "Marrissa just go...or cover up or something please"
"Cover up? So the way I dress is bothering you?" She was yelling and moving, her breast were jumping as she shouted. You were getting closer and closer. You were at your most desperste you almost couldnt take any more. Your head felt like it was pounding. The pressure grew in your cock. You didnt know if it would subside. For a second you lose your mind and blurt out. "Marrissa your about to make me fucking cum in my pants!" She stops dead in her tracks. Her face turns a deep red. "Oh". She says. You look at the floor. "I didnt know I had that effect on you."
"It wasnt just you, this whole place is like a death trap for people like me. I ignored it but eventually I broke I couldnt ignore it all....."
"You must have to work so hard at that. Like if anything sets you off you just blow. Like even the slightest turn on and your cock just gives out and explodes. Oh god how horny are you? You must be on the absolute brink right now thinking about all the girls shaking there asses, your dick must be ready to spray your pants with so much......"
"MARRISSA, That is not helping."
"Hehe right, sorry, so how do you usually come down off of this?"
"I dont know, I held it back so long I dont know if its going to go back down."
"Maybe you should just do it then"
"Just cum"
"No way"
"You arent going to make it and you cant stay hunched over in the washroom the whole time so just get it out of your system"
You were throbbing, talking about it had made things alot worse. She may have been right but you wouldn't admit defeat.
"No way, I'm not cumming"
"Fine" Marrissa says, and then oddly she walks into a stall. A few moments go by and she comes back out.

You almost jump back when you see her. She was in a full bikini set. Her large breast now held up with her hands, she was holding them together for you. You absorb the sight as your cock throbs in your pants.
"Come on let it out. You know you want to. Just finally have the sweet release, dont fight it anymore. Cum, just cum."
You couldnt look away couldnt move, your eyes only saw her breast. Your ears only heard her voice. You grit your teeth as your cock surges one more time and finally you explode. Your hips thrust out as your back slams on the wall behind you. You yell as an ocean of cum floods your pants you try to steady your self as your cock gives way.
When the last but of cum leaves you you stand up straight. A huge stain is left on your pants as you regain your composure.
"See, isnt this way better?" She was kind of right you felt so releived. But you sort of just mumble and nod your head. It was strange having your friend take control of your cock like that. "It is a good thing a packed this suit for Tina's midnight pull party later. Which reminds me we better get going. Also Rhonda is gonna be there and I'm thinking you must get turned on looking at her ass like its so huge and I'm worried you might blow especially if she is in a bikini but you dont have to worry if you get too randy I can just finish you off somewhere safe. It is so good you told me about this problem of yours." A small smile appears on your lips and you feel your cock straighten a bit. It may be nice having Marrissa finish you off from now on. You begin walking out of the washroom. "Wait Marrissa shouldnt you change back into your regular clothes?"
"No I figure Seeing me like this might help a few guys releive themselves you know?" Almost on que as she says that a guy pushes opens the bath room door. He freezes when he sees Marrissa, it is easy to notice that he was already hard. He eyes Marrissa up and down landind on her breast. He stares for a few second before grunting and then leaning over the cover the wet spot Marrissa had caused on his pants. He slinks back out of the washroom. "See I am helping already. I'm a real good Samaritan!"
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“Oh my goodness! Looks like someone had too many juice boxes before nap time. Your Pampers look like they’re about ready to burst!”
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“Well now… it looks like someone had too much to drink before bedtime he he! Even your onesie is struggling to hold your drenched diaper. It’s okay though, I’d much rather see your diaper and onesie struggling to hold it than see your ill-equipped bladder muscles lose the battle and soak our sheets. Your diaper did what it was suppose to and my cute little baby boyfriend did what he was suppose to by putting a nice thick diaper between his legs before bed. I absolutely love the way your soaked diaper fills out your onesie; you look so cute and helpless. The fact that you finally agreed to wear the onesie I bought you really proves you are becoming ever-submissive to me. I think the next step is I’ll have you suck on a pacifier while I change you. Don’t go anywhere sweetie, I’ll be right back”
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Out of options...
Once she knows you need your diapers to make squirties, the best thing you can hope for is that she'll still include you in her sex life in one way or another! You can learn how to fluff her bull to get him nice and hard for her tight pussy that you'll never feel again!
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You might be too small to fuck your girlfriend, but you'll never be too small to fuck your diapers!
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Too revealing!
Once your girlfriend knows about your diaper kink, there's always a risk that she'll want you permanently diapered. No breaks. No exceptions. It doesn't matter if you're just lounging around at home or if you're going to a pool party with lots of people and exposed bodies. You're going to be diapered and she's going to make sure of it.
Speaking of which, she'll probably start exposing her body a lot more too... Why fuck a pathetic diaperboy when she can fuck a real man that doesn't need diapers to get off?
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You're afraid of pussy now!
Hot girls are so scary! Look at that sexy black Victoria's Secret thong she's wearing and compare it to the soggy thick diaper between your legs! She wears skimpy little thongs that perfectly frame her ass when she bends over for real men, knowing they'll get rock hard for her. Meanwhile, you're sitting in soggy pampers desperately playing with your buzzy wand, trying to make pathetic loser squirties in your padding!
Imagine if she bent over like that for you! You'd be so afraid! You wouldn't even know what to do with a girl like her, would you? No, you'd much prefer making stickies in your huggies!
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No sex for bedwetters!
One day you have an accident; no big deal. Your girlfriend assumes it was a one time thing.
That night you wet the bed. Your girlfriend is pissed off, but she helps you clean the sheets and tries to be understanding.
The next day you have another accident, and then a second one! Now your girlfriend is demanding you wear a diaper just in case. You go to the store to buy some, and by the time you're home to put one on, your underwear is already wet with a noticeable leak patch on your pants...
Now you're wearing a diaper, and you try to use the bathroom... but it's wet before bedtime. You change into a fresh night diaper and you wake up again, soaked! She checks your diaper and rolls her eyes -- she didn't want to date a bedwetting pissbaby....
It happens the next day and night, and the ones after... Finally, your girlfriend confronts you when you wake up in a soaked, leaky, diaper. You're going to be put in chastity and it's going to be permanent until you can learn to keep your pants dry during the day and night. Real men get to focus on things like women, orgasms, and sex. You, on the other hand, need to focus on being potty trained and staying dry at night! At this rate, you might never be unlocked. Your days of sex are over, just like the days of waking up dry!
Meanwhile, your girlfriend isn't going to stop having sex just because you can't. She'll find another man who doesn't need a chastity cage and diapers to keep the bed dry at night. Too bad, cucky!
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My eyes are up here, mister. Honestly, you boys are all the same. Shove a pair of boobs in your face and you’re struck dumb! Don’t worry though, you’ll be getting very familiar with my breasts soon enough. Did your wife tell you why I’m here?
No? Great! Then I get to be the one to tell you the good news. Your wife has applied to have your adult status legally revoked, and she’s hired me to be your new Nanny. Congratulations! You’re going to be an adult toddler! You’ll wear diapers 24/7, and you’ll use them for pee and poop. You’ll drink breastmilk three times a day, you'll be spanked when you misbehave, and you’ll learn to call your wife your 'Mommy'. Isn’t that wonderful?
Oh? You’re not going to let that happen to you? Sweetie, I assure you it will. I’ll be in charge of your regression training. I’ve turned dozens of men like you into diaper-dependent adult babies, and you won’t be any different. Now be a good boy and lay your head in my lap for your first feeding. I promise you'll feel much less cranky with a belly full of breastmilk!
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My eyes are up here, mister. Honestly, you boys are all the same. Shove a pair of boobs in your face and you’re struck dumb! Don’t worry though, you’ll be getting very familiar with my breasts soon enough. Did your wife tell you why I’m here?
No? Great! Then I get to be the one to tell you the good news. Your wife has applied to have your adult status legally revoked, and she’s hired me to be your new Nanny. Congratulations! You’re going to be an adult toddler! You’ll wear diapers 24/7, and you’ll use them for pee and poop. You’ll drink breastmilk three times a day, you'll be spanked when you misbehave, and you’ll learn to call your wife your 'Mommy'. Isn’t that wonderful?
Oh? You’re not going to let that happen to you? Sweetie, I assure you it will. I’ll be in charge of your regression training. I’ve turned dozens of men like you into diaper-dependent adult babies, and you won’t be any different. Now be a good boy and lay your head in my lap for your first feeding. I promise you'll feel much less cranky with a belly full of breastmilk!
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“That’s the second time today you’ve cum in your pants. Do I need to stop at the store and buy you some fucking diapers?”
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