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Reblog if you are willing to roleplay with an ESL student
For those of you who don’t know, ESL stands for English as a Second Language.
It has happened to me more than one time to be discriminated because my sentence structure is a bit different and since people care so much for being literate, I would like to know those who don’t really discriminate, as long as it is understandable and it doesn’t show horrible mistakes that makes it hard to read.
#some esl peeps i know speak/write english so well that i wouldn't guess it wasn't their native language#plus everyone has room for improvement anyway#( psa. )#( queue. )
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Whence come the highest mountains? I once asked. Then I learned that they came out of the sea. The evidence is written in their rocks and in the walls of their peaks. It is out of the deepest depth that the highest must come to its height.
Friedrich Nietzsche (via itsquoted)
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Friendly PSA
That if a thread ever becomes stressful or no fun for you to just let me know! I am more than fine with dropping a thread, and same goes for writing in general. If you lose interest in my muse or don’t feel comfortable writing with me it’s no big deal! I’d rather someone be happy and threading with other people who they have fun with than being upset or stressed by interacting with me or a particular thread.
It’s no hard feelings. Role-playing is for fun and I don’t want to be the cause of someone’s anxiety on here, so you do what you gotta do. I’ll always be more than happy to pick something up should you ever change your mind.
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please have an information page for you character.
this doesn’t just apply to ocs (though it’s twice as awkward to follow an oc without an information page than to follow a canon character without an information page). even if you are playing a canon character, you need information about them to be readily available on your blog.
you may think that someone can simply google your character for information, and yeah, sometimes that’s enough. but every roleplayer will have a different spin on the same character, and there may be bits and pieces of canon which you, in your interpretation, tweak or disregard or interpret differently to other roleplayers; there may also be headcanons you have incorporated. how can someone know if that’s the case if you haven’t laid it out for people?
not to mention that not all muns have the time or inclination to trawl the internet for information on your muse. particularly if they’re a character from a complex canon and/or with a long, complex history, such as with many comic book characters.
please have a rules page.
seriously, you might consider yourself the chillest mun ever — but every roleplayer has something they could put on a rules page. even if it’s just that you’re open to anything, smut, gore, multipara, script, whatever. it can be as short or as long as you want, but put something on there.
as a roleplayer, i like to know what my partner’s boundaries are. i want to know what you are and are not comfortable with, and whether our roleplay styles could mesh well. without a rules page to guide me, i simply won’t feel comfortable following you. furthermore, you may be able to avoid many uncomfortable confrontations by giving yourself a rules page; people won’t know to avoid a certain subject, style of roleplaying, etc. which you are uncomfortable with unless you tell them. trust me: having a rules page is beneficial for both parties.
and finally:
please make your rules and information pages easily accessible.
there’s absolutely no point in having these pages if your followers cannot find the damn link to them.
thank you.
roleplaying psa:
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is it cold in here or is that just my heart
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My muse is not always nice. My muse can and will kill. This is in character, and in no way, me against you. I will warn you. I will explain why my muse behaves like that, if it is appropriate to, timing and plot wise. I will attempt to give you a way out of it. But I will not change my muse’s character for you. If your muse pisses off my muse, and my muse wants to attack and kill yours, there is only so much I can do to ensure that my muse is still in character. If you do not want your muse to die, please discuss with me. But if you keep pushing my muse, despite being warned that death is what my muse desire for yours, please face the consequences with no negativity.
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Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.
Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince (via feellng)
#( unsaving. musings. )#( mercantile. musings. )#( neutral perception. musings. )#( therapist. musings. )#( incontaminite. musings. )#( queue. )
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i’m all out of lies ——
and ways to say goodbye.
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"Forgive me, please. For not being able to save you."
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Some nightmares don’t end when we open our eyes
gg (via necro-mance)
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All truths are for me soaked in blood.
Friedrich Nietzsche (via rabbitinthemoon)
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I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible, and when I leave you will finally understand why storms are named after people.
Katrina M. K (via thingskeptaway)
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Fight them? No. I am going to break them.
Hecarim (via calisvol)
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I think he’s very lonely. Lonelier than he lets on. Maybe lonelier than he even realizes.
The Royal Tenenbaums. (via theburnthatkeepseverything)
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I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, ”More Than Just A House” (via wordsnquotes)
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I never wanted to be saved—just loved.
(337/365) by (DS)
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