20 posts
affiliated Alice of SiNoALICE
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
“Ah! It’s Alice!” Dorothy exclaimed. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
As she drove her sword deep through the chest of a minotaur-like being, Dorothy smiled warmly towards the ever stoic, blue haired girl - before twisting the blade, and wrenching it free with a sudden yank.
She paid the fallen beast no further heed, as she turned to face her companion.
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“These sure are some unusual Nightmares, huh? Isn’t it great?!”
Spectral beings, who nevertheless writhed - and bled - when struck with normal, corporeal weapons. Tiny men, not unlike munchkins, but with much more angular and feral features. Oversized crabs, with pincers sharp enough to pierce steel. A bonafide unicorn; nothing more needed to be said, to explain why that was intriguing. Ah, and of course, the bull-headed man currently bleeding out on the floor…
So many wonderful specimens, all in one place… 
“This section of the Library, too! I don’t think I’ve ever been somewhere like here before! In fact, it doesn’t even look like a library anymore…”
The country born girl - from an age far gone - had little concept of modern civilization. To her, the sights and sounds of the ruined city were not so different from the magical splendor that she had long since become accustomed to. 
But oh, Toto… They weren’t in the Library anymore….
     Dorothy’s personality was always something unusual to find in the Library. Within the hallowed halls of darkness and depression, this girl always seemed to walk with a pep in her step and a tune in her speech.
     Not that Alice sought company to keep in the first place, but this particular girl was hard to ignore completely.
     That didn’t change now that they had been transported out of that book-filled Hellscape. When Alice hears her name called in that familiar voice, she can only be so surprised to see it derived from the magenta-haired girl so gleefully chatting away as carnage falls like snow around her.
     Alice herself has quickly bathed in the blood of monstrosities, not hesitating to continue the mindless slaughter she followed in the Library, so it wasn’t strange. They were all there for the same reason, doing the same things...
     ...But now, they were here. Dorothy didn’t seem to understand that. If it weren’t for that, the pocket-watch wielding girl may have wandered off without a word.
     “Dorothy... This isn’t the Library.” Said bluntly, as always.
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      “And I...” Interrupted momentarily by a gremlin with too many eyes, Alice shakes it off her arm, followed by a silent slip of her sword into its abdomen. Rude...
     “I don’t think these are Nightmares.” Not that it mattered much, did it?
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
Good, at least she could at least have that. Running off to claim her room, she felt the need to stay behind for just a little bit longer. Lingering by the corner to look at the her again. Only just now really noticing the wooden sword in her hand.
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“Mmmmm I don’t think that sword is going to do anything for you. And do you always look like that?”
     Ah-- Alice turns her head with surprise. Is this sassy little gremlin still here? She would have thought she’d disappear after relinquishing her prize of a room.
     Calling attention to her sword, Alice gives no answer, keeping it by her side gripped tightly still. Of course, she knew it was flimsy, but... Did it just make her feel more comfortable? 
     As for her other comment... 
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     “Look like... what?” Was there something on her face?
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
     She wouldn’t question why her sword here again, when she had been denied it upon arrival. That mutant pocket-watch that did as much to mock her as it did to protect. At the very least, it did well to cut down monster after monster, clearing as much of the path ahead of her as it could.
     As long as she restricted her emotions, she could mindlessly slaughter masses at ease. As long as she didn’t, for a second, think about the members of her group, think about this strange city, think about the brown-haired boy racing across the street--- 
     -- And thus her slip up. The single misstep that loosens her grip. The hesitation that allows the bodies of monstrous beings to pile upon her, separating weapon from hand and threatening to swallow her whole.
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     For a second she wonders if that boy was still running around, or if her group members had followed her. For only a second, as it was useless to dwell on such a stupid thought. 
    Even still through the bodies Alice’s blackened hand would reach forward, unconsciously begging for aid, even if she knew it was nothing but undeserved.
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
“It’s not a bother at all.”
His eyes closed gently as the girl turned around, seemingly trying to reign herself in from her sudden burst of interest in the old instrument. It wasn’t something he was unfamiliar with, being constantly on guard with your own emotions. However the girl was young, and it pained him somewhat to see someone trying so hard to hold themselves back in their younger years.
“I’m going to hold onto it. I unfortunately know someone better at mending these things than I do, so I’ll see if he can assist me in getting it back to its old shape.”
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“Maybe when it’s done and the city is more put together, I’ll look for it’s original owner. If I can’t find them, would you like to hold on to it for me?”
     Any normal person would find intrigue in his statement. Any abnormal person might, too -- any person, full stop. Alice herself, however...
     ...Well. She could not deny the ghosts of what would be interest that tickle at the back of her mind. Perhaps she dwells upon their existence too much, as his next statement causes her eyes to widen just slightly with surprise. Why is he being so nice to her?
     “Why?” You just met me. You can’t trust me. I can’t trust you.
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     “I just told you I don’t play.” Cold words are murmured, eyes sliding towards the item in question.
     “...You should keep it.” I want to hear you play. “It would be better in the hands of someone who could actually do something.”  I want to hear beautiful music again.
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
He saw that, you know. But he’s going to be nice and not say anything.
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“I mean, you’re right, but if I’m going to spend time here, I don’t want to walk through rubble and dirt, yeah? That just sounds like a bother.” Then shut up and clean, is probably what she looks like she’s going to say. Geez. “You don’t think it’s unfair?”
      “It is.” She pauses for what seems like a long time.
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      “...Unfair, that is.” She looks around again then back at him blankly, almost expectantly. 
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
“Nobody told me I had to share with other people… this sucks.”
Forced to room with a bunch of people she didn’t know, it seemed oddly familiar to her. At the very least there was more space between them all. Ignoring the threat of the wooden sword, she began to wander over to the kitchen to check the fridge and cabinets for anything to eat.
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“You didn’t pick a room right? I kinda wanted to have the first choice.”
     The stark contrast between their body language is almost laughable. Alice watches behind her sword as the little girl simply walks on past, unbothered by the threat of a wooden weapon ready to pierce at any point.
     After a couple minutes of watching her walk around the kitchen, Alice’s muscles begin to relax. She straightens up, sword by her side -- grip still tightened, but more curiosity and fatigue compelled her than malice.
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     “...I don’t care.” She glances to the rooms in question. None of them looked worth fighting over. 
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
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“Isn’t it kinda weird that whoever brought us here didn’t even bother to clean up their mess? It’s like they’re asking us to do their job for them. The hell?”
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    “No one is asking you to.” Despite this, Alice feels her attention called to the clutter around them, beginning to (not boot)scoot the dirt with her foot. There, a nice 1x1 ft square.
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
The girl seemed more guarded than most, and while he couldn’t fault her, the fact that she even responded to his bad joke in the slightest eased his worries. She had no obligation to stay, but while she was there he wanted to make it clear that he wasn’t hostile or suspicious. Despite how suspicious he might have looked.
“I have to wonder about the owner of this violin. They’d probably be heartbroken to see it in a state like this.”
Light eyes glanced over the dusty instrument, spotting signs of use past all the dust and blemishes before turning back to the girl.
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“Do you play?”
     Musing over someone’s heartbreak over a simple item was almost laughable. Caccooned in her own heartbreak for so long, was it impossible that she might forget the perils of hearts that weren’t her own? Was it impossible for her to try?
     For Alice, as much as she wished to restrict her emotions, was quite possibly the most emotional of them all. Perhaps this is why she’s found herself suddenly closer, eyes glued to the violin sitting broken in his fingers.
     Was it happy that it was being used again? Or was it sad because the hands that held it weren’t the ones it had always known.
     ...Just what that the hell is she thinking?
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     “I do not.” Her gaze feels transfixed, but forcefully she turns her head away, then soon her body. “...Sorry to bother you.”
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
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“I see….There is strength in numbers! I hope we can all get along.” The smile on her face is small, but very much there. She can’t guarantee she’ll be very useful, but this should make it easier for all of them. With a rustle of skirts, she turns her attention to the taller girl’s statement, before back to the ominous creature in the sky.
“Yes, I suppose we should. However, we have to decide on a name to proceed, don’t we?” Long red nails tap against her chin, a soft hum exiting her mouth. Something simple, but fitting…well, she wasn’t good at this sort of thing. “Do any of you have any ideas you’d like to share?”
bloodburial > @lacedwithcharm​ > @eyeofdestruction​ > @restrictedwonderland​
THE GIRLS ALL SEEM READY AND WILLING to take care of the matter at hand, which is fine with Yukari. She’d rather be as hands-off as possible – willing to step in should anything go south, so to speak – and allow them to take care of everything. If not, well… that’s why she’s here, isn’t she?
<<I was thinking perhaps we could try something poetic, but I fear it might be lost on the audience. Really, I don’t mind whatever we choose so long as we do so quickly, please.>>
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<<Moonlight is in limited supply these days, you know.>> Her fingers tap at her parasol impatiently.
bloodburial > lacedwithcharm > @eyeofdestruction​ > restrictedwonderland
“Yeah… and those eclipses are annoying too. Sometimes it’s fine to go out but you never know how long you have.” Hopefully they’ll be somewhat scheduled so she can work around it.
“I wonder what could make for a good team name…” It should be something that says something about all of them right? Or something that sounds cool. Unfortunately time wasn’t on their side given the urgency of the matter, so she couldn’t spend hours trying to come up with something good.
“I don’t really have anything. Right now it’s just looking like Team Grandma and the Goths.” Pointing to Yukari then the other two for each of their titles, leaving herself out of the equation. In the next moment their acceptance kit came crashing down towards them. The team has been locked in.
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bloodburial > lacedwithcharm > eyeofdestruction > @restrictedwonderland​
     Alice can’t restrain the twitch under her eye as the kit’s arrival officiates their team name. She couldn’t deny the goth part but... Really?
     Alice moves forward to pick up the kit, shooting a blank glare over to Flandre as a cautionary ‘think before you speak.’
     With the kit in her arms she turns to face the other two, dashing away the question in her mind why she didn’t just say four goths. Both of them looked quite young. They all did.
     “--Alice.” She speaks after a few moments. They were going to be working together, perhaps it’s only polite...
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     “...We should get moving, we can pick a location while we walk, I think.” She suggests. If they seemed in agreement she would put forth her little Goth foot and begin the journey.
@bloodburial​ > lacedwithcharm > eyeofdestruction > restrictedwonderland
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
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“It’s a bit scary…isn’t it?” She doesn’t sound entirely too afraid despite her words, and she instead opts to fold her hands carefully, blank gaze turning from the woman at her side to the other two in the immediate vicinity.
“But, I’d rather not die. Or…rather, I can’t. I don’t suppose the rest of you feel the same?”
bloodburial > @lacedwithcharm > @eyeofdestruction > @restrictedwonderland
<<I would be frightened had they managed to reveal some sort of deathly trap within the first hour. I suppose it’s good for creating suspense, though, an unspecified end.>> Yukari taps thoughtfully at her chin, then leans on her parasol, the tip digging deep into the loose dirt.
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<<That does, admittedly, answer the question of getting along for the sake of staying alive very easily now, doesn’t it? The choice remains yours, of course. I’m not opposed to it. I do believe I recognize another of our lot – the younger Scarlet, if I’m correct?>>
It’s shaping up to be a long night ahead.
lacedwithcharm > @eyeofdestruction​ > restrictedwonderland > bloodburial
“Mmhmm, that’s me” Which was oddly cheerful despite the situation. Her sister always told her to watch out for this youkai in particular, but how bad could she really be?
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“I thought I was going to be the only one from Gensokyo here. I wonder what happened to that place. Oh, I brought a friend.” Showcasing the woman she dragged along with her for the two to see. “She seemed a little grumpy so I thought this game could help to cheer her up a bit.”
eyeofdestruction > @restrictedwonderland > bloodburial > lacedwithcharm
     Indeed the overwhelming strength of the small girl had proven to be detrimental to Alice’s plans of solitude. Try as she might, embarrassment tingled at her cheeks when Flandre introduces her as her “grumpy” plus one.
     Glancing to the two women who had gathered along with them, she couldn’t help but notice how elegantly they poised themselves. Was this some sort of fairy-tale tea party?
     ...Not that she was one to talk, really. At any rate, death was not an option in attaining her goals. So, Alice thought, for now...
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     “...We should get going.”
restrictedwonderland​ > @bloodburial​ > lacedwithcharm​ > eyeofdestruction​
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
Well, that was the last thing he had intended to happen. A shout climbs his throat as he falls, and stops when a hand grabs his own, leaving him hanging above a pitch black void.
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   ❝ T-trying to stop you from jumping, milady! Though I-I have made a grave error! ❞
To think that this journey had led him to almost taking someone’s life. He had threatened to take deserving lives in the past, of course, but death by falling into a mysterious abyss was far from an honorable death granted by a warrior’s blade.
   ❝ I… I have no choice but to atone for my foolishness! I have lost my katana, so seppuku is not an option, but…! I shall let go of your hand, and face whatever awaits me below! ❞
     Alice stares down with cold curiosity as he swears to atone for his sins. Yeesh. If he hadn’t done anything, perhaps she would be back at the Library by now...
     ...Then again, perhaps she wouldn’t.
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      “Stop that.” She snaps, hoping to cut off this horribly sacrificial train of thought. “Have more respect for your life.”
      With her strength cut in half, it was a bit more difficult to get good momentum, but she eventually swings the boy back and forth and essentially tosses him back up to the edge.
     Hopefully he wouldn’t do anything to mess up the trajectory, as she begins to climb up over the edge herself.
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
     The swift entry of this -- this ----- child immediately puts Alice on the defensive, wooden sword pointed and knees bent as if ready to strike.
     She stares back as the girl looks incredulously, as if she hadn’t expected anyone else to be here. Truth be told, Alice hadn’t expected it either. No more than she had expected such an eclectic-looking person. Was she a type of Nightmare...? If so, then....
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     “...Yes.” She narrows her eyes, still in battle-ready position. “...Who are you.”
When she heard that she was getting her own house, she was ecstatic. An entire house all to herself, being her own boss with nobody like her sister or roommates to worry about. Barging right on in, she was shocked and confused to find someone else in the house. What was she doing here and why did it look like there were flames coming off her head?
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“Uhh… did they tell you that you were supposed to live here too?”
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
     Upon meeting his eyes the girl immediately casts away her gaze. She had not intended to stand still and stare for so long, or to let her disapproval show so plainly on her face. The light-hearted, apologetic response he gives only makes her feel more awkward about being caught.
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     Alice’s weight shifts from one foot to the other. To walk away now, although she would have liked to do so, felt wrong. What if he was violent? Vitriolic? Vengeful?
     “...It’s fine.” She murmurs, standing still as she quickly and violently banishes away the intrusive thought that she may like to hear the sweet tune of a... better-prepared instrument.
The effort to rebuild the city was proceeding at a slow, mechanical pace. In his brief time on the island, he grew to wonder less about the ghostly inhabitants and more exactly what it was they were striving to put back together. Standing idly by had never been his forte, especially not since becoming a Servant, but he knew better than to interfere with a job he had no insight on.
Amidst the riddle he found a violin sitting, battered and covered in dust next to a crooked bow. He made a pile of bricks his seat and let the violin come to rest under his chin before blowing the dust away. Steady, but uncertain fingers brought the bow across the strings as he searched for a sound, completely unsurprised when what he found was a shrill squeak like a rusted door hinge. A weary squint saw the girl standing not too far away from him, likely unimpressed by his performance.
“Forgive me if you were looking for a concert.”
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“It looks like I’m out of practice.”
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
Her silence only contributes to his anxiety, and her dismissal of his warning fills him with disbelief. Has she lost her mind? He cannot sit idly by and allow her to throw her life away. Souma reaches forward, intending to pull her back by her sleeve…
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…and in his haste, loses his footing, sending them both towards the gaping hole.
     “Ah---” Eyes widen slightly at the unexpected rescue attempt, even more so when it fails completely. 
     Shit! She hadn’t wanted to drag someone innocent into this. Panic pumping through her veins, Alice reaches to dig her fingers into the rocks and dirt lining the pit, stopping her descent. Her other held a tight grip caught onto the boy before he could be swallowed into darkness.
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     “What are you doing?!”
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
At first, he thinks he misheard. Oh, how he wishes he had misheard. Bottomless or not, such a drop couldn’t possibly be anything less than lethal.
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   ❝ Wha-whaaaaa? Milady, I would strongly advise against doing so! We know not what lies below, so please…! ❞
     “...” She listens without response. The tone of his voice matches her own nervousness -- but just acknowledging that, she realizes, would be her downfall. That’s it, then...!
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     Alice bends her knees, steps forward towards the unending darkness and...
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restrictedwonderland-blog · 7 years ago
The defensive gesture doesn’t go unnoticed. He remains still, keeping a respectable distance from the stranger; a swift counterattack, if necessary, would be simple.
Despite his nervousness, Souma peers into the void.
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   ❝ ‘Tis impressively deep…! I wonder, is it bottomless, as people have speculated? ❞
     Bottomless, he says... Staring into the void of darkness this pit had created, Alice can’t help but wonder.
     Perhaps... This is the way back to the Library? She takes her sword out, not to strike, but to calmly place on the ground beside them.
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     “I’m going to jump in now.” 
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