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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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well, so much for a quiet afternoon in the sun. for the last few weeks it felt like he had no time for peace. stress about james, a stranger, threw his whole day off and every lesson since only getting harder to control. now another stranger in the park interupts his one free day? he wonders if he did something to deserve all this... chaos. "like the constellation? i'm named after a star, less impressive i think." he almost misses him ask for his name, placing the book down in defeat and holding a hand out to shake, "regulus. nice to meet you."
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sirius stopped dead in his tracks as he saw his younger brother. he wasn’t supposed to be here. he was supposed to be dead. but then again, so was sirius. the older man furrowed his brow as he looked at the younger, “oh, my apologies. you just look like someone i used to know.” sirius said with a small sigh, “the name’s sirius.” he told him, “what’s your name? if you don’t mind my asking.” 
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
closed starter for jo from haymitch @fictionul
he made it. only just. but this time, he made it. the library wasn't closed yet and he'd be able to get this stupid book out of his life and back to rotting on the shelf it belonged. he'd been awake for twenty hours, trying to force his way through a shift and keep from ripping the book up the spine. "excuse me. where can i dump this thing? bloody unhelpful, honestly. if you guys didn't have fees i'd-" maybe it was time to stop. so the self help book he'd checked out earlier in the week proved... hurtful, to say the least. "seriously, can you get this thing away from me. as soon as possible."
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
closed starter for jo from bruno @fictionul
"i'm sorry to bother you but-" bruno without hesitation steps into the other's personal space, squinting and pointing into the sky with a curiosity akin to... fear? or confusion? "do you see the star at the end of orion, there? the flickering one?" somehow, technology still made little sense to him, though many had explained the concept of satellites to him before. maybe he was just born too late. "it feels unnatural... don't you think?" maybe the isolation was getting to him, a haze seeming to block just enough to keep him guessing.
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
closed starter for marlene from regulus @fictionul
regulus was not a regular at the club, if anything, he actively avoided it. though with the day he had maybe he deserved it. having a book thrown in his direction was not the start to the day he'd hoped for, especially with his nerves already sky high at the prospect of leaving a gift on another teacher's desk. maybe he'd spent too much time around his students. "do you have any suggestions? i'm not very- i know nothing about alcohol- basically."
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
sometimes ‘brb’ stands for ‘be ready bitch’ so you have to be careful
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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American Beauty (1999) dir. Sam Mendes
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
closed starter for chloe from rachel ! (@expectgrcatness )
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"hey asshole! you wanna back the fuck up? or do i need to remind you what happens when we bother people that don't want to be bothered?" sure, they seemed like they could handle themselves, but rachel really wanted to get in a fight tonight. (un)fortunately for her, she'd scared this guy last week and he wasn't about to repeat his mistakes twice. "ignore him, loser doesn't know how to spell personal space, let alone have any." the irony is lost on her, how familiar this is. history repeating itself in the weirdest way possible. she holds her hand out to shake, "i'm rachel."
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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“ i don’t know what the fuck you’re even talking about. “ eddie mumbled, drumming his painted nails against the check out counter. eddie hadn’t even been in salem that long, and already he was meeting some extremely unique people. he’s had people claim to have super powers and everything else come in and out of his shop. the only good thing to all this ? nobody remembers any of the shit that went down in hawkins.
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well... that’s embarrassing. maybe bruno had become a little paranoid for his own good. though with people literally chasing him down on sight, he couldn’t be too careful. “shit, that’s- i’m sorry. people have been-” god, how could he even explain this? “i can barely leave the house... people think i make bad things happen.”
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
( olivia scott welch / 20 / she/her. ) i heard that RACHEL AMBER is from LIFE IS STRANGE . i also heard that they are PASSIONATE & CHARMING but also RECKLESS & DRAMATIC. someone said that they DON’T HAVE their memories thanks to this spell. i heard the work as a RECEPTIONIST at SAVING GRACE VETERINARY CLINIC. hopefully they get settled well enough.
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triggers: drug mention, creepy guy, lying, death mention.
rachel amber is a storm. her life in essence made up of impulsive moves and countermoves, sort of like chess. a lying father, an absent mother, a snake, an imposter. family became complicated, and complicated didn't work for rachel unless she was the cause.
the more her choices upset her father, the more likely she was to continue. drug dealers, 'unsavoury characters', rich boys, she really tried everything to push them away but they kept pulling her back into their trap. the trap of approval, wanting her life back the way it was... it was a dream she'd never quite reach.
her kindness became her downfall. who knew befriending the wrong person could cost you your life? she let him in, comforted him, told him what he wanted to hear and in return? well... she's not really sure. her only memory of before is vague. white lights, weightlessness, and him.
losing her memory became a blessing, a weight off her shoulders. for once everything seems easy, makes sense. her job is steady and enjoyable enough, a routine keeps her in line, at least a little. she's hoping to find something here, a purpose, anything. maybe she was given a second chance for a reason.
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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"nice to meet you james, sorry for the yelling i've been- i chased you for a bit," he chuckles nervously, nearly hitting himself upside the head for how pathetic he sounded. the staring made his stomach twist, what the fuck was going on? "uh, like five? i think. i was using string and they kinda fell on my head, think i'd be liable if that happened to a kid, so..." why was he over explaining himself? "do i.. do i know you or something? i feel like i've seen you somewhere. the club, maybe?"
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hearing regulus' voice made james freeze where he was. he had to take a few deep breaths before he turned around and was met with him. he didn't think this was possible -- ever. he was gone, james heard he was gone but yet here he was. "um -- i'm james. james potter..." he whispered. he was staring at the man before he realized he was asked a question "oh -- right, yeah i have a few. um ... just follow me to the gym. how many do you need?"
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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honestly, that was the last question he wanted to answer. with all the anger directed at him lately he may've overestimated how many people knew about his gift, and now he'd shot himself in the foot unknowingly. "shit, i'm sorry- i. i've not been out by myself in a week." sighing, he begins to tap his foot nervously, still checking corners for unsavoury company. for privacy he leans closer to her, only a little. "if i'm in the right conditions, i see things. i can tell people what's gonna happen to them. once i do... they blame me for it, like i made it happen... i got beat up last week."
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"i did not come to you for any vision." the bluntness in her tone was evident, as she looked the other up and down. something about him was intriguing, though, so she'd bite the bullet and insert herself into the equation. even though he was the one who had initiated the conversation at hand. it was confusing, but she was left with more questions. "what kind of visions are we talking about here?" whether or not he'd actually answer was ultimately up to him at the end of the day, she supposed, but she'd at least throw the question out there.
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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"do you think anyone but a man would come in here and genuinely defend beer as a beverage? it's basically wet bread," she snorts, now leaning her elbows against the bar. "what's your deal? most guys that come in here looking like you are much more... defensive. or literally just disgusting. someone hurt you or something?" maybe that was blunt, but lisa wasn't exactly known for her subtlety.
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"and what is that supposed to mean?" steve was quick to retort, elbows crossed in front of him on the countertop. there was nothing but curiosity to his tone. if anything, the conversation was gearing up to be — interesting. "yeah?" it was obvious he hadn't actually been expecting for her to go with the whole drink on the house thing, but — yeah, there it was. but he could handle a question. "hm. depends on what the question is, but i'll bite. let's hear it."
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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"have you ever knee'd yourself in the face trying to get out of bed? because that's pretty much a weekly occurance for me." his clumsiness was more embarrassing now that he'd become an adult, his students certainly seemed to find it funny. but if it meant making a friend he'd be willing to throw himself under the bus a little. "i'm a teacher, a kid threw a rock at my head today. maybe we both needed a change." he holds out his hand to shake, never one to be informal, "regulus. nice to meet you, steve."
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"hm, well, now you've officially caught my interest." steve was too curious for his own good, and something about the other was interesting. besides, he didn't see the harm with continuing the conversation. the other seemed — nice enough. "yeah. della's. i work there." a short pause, as he reached out to take back his lighter, sliding it back into his pocket. "as you can imagine, it's just so exciting. can't possibly imagine why i'd ever need to show up here to loosen up a bit." a small, almost pathetic chuckle escaped. "name's steve. what brings you here?"
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respicefincm · 2 years ago
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"uh, yeah. yeah they do..." a conversation was the best outcome he could hope for, even if they were yellling at least they were just yelling. "uh, yeah, definitely. depends on what you like. there's a lot of sweet coffee now, if that's your thing. the bitter stuff is what i'm drawn to but... if i'm honest? american coffee sucks." it's nice, someone treating him like a person. hell, he'd take indifference if it meant ailing just a touch of the loneliness he felt. "uh, you can try mine if you want?"
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❝ DO PEOPLE REALLY waste your time for that shit? ❞ There's a small look of disgust on her face, looking around the establishment as if she'd maybe see one of said menaces in the room. ❝ No, I was going to ask if you could recommend something? I thought coffee was just . . . not as complicated as this. ❞
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