TFP Soundwave, written by Ocean, 21+
Last active 60 minutes ago
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Soundwave turned, curling so that he could take both sides of Megatronus' helm in both servos, thumbs sweeping under both optics. Yes, it had been good fun, hadn't it?
Bending, he returned the nudge of a helm with his own, visor pressing against the side of Megatronus' helm with something like a soft, static 'kiss', and a shared suggestion in a few different voices- "Megatronus: spar with Soundwave?"
{ @reservedrestraint } A long digit traces over a scar on Megatronus' face plate- he calls this one. He's the one who gave it to him, after all.
{ @reservedrestraint }
“Yes, you got me good, didn’t you? Five staples and a cauterizer. Almost lost the optic. What fun we had, us two.”
Megatron butts his big stupid helm affectionately into the broad, flat underside of Soundwave’s forearm, optics squinting up in outright affection. “I wear it with pride, beloved.”
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Was talking with @alsi-alice and they wanted me to buy a little barbie pool for my Soundwave figure. And then this happened
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Soundwave is not.. above consuming Earth media. It is handy, at times, and he has always been the sort to keep knowledge in his subspace for later.
But this is entirely, perhaps, a selfish thing. A small leisure he allowed himself. 'Christmas' is both a new concept, and yet not entirely foreign. Cybertronians also had their holidays, and the idea of a Holiday surrounding darker, colder days is not unfamiliar. But this one is.. brighter.
On Cybertron, the lights were to keep the dark at bay, of course, but there was something joyous about Earth's festivities. The exchanging of presents, the culture.
The lights.
Brightly colored neon littered trees, and buildings, sometimes even the humans outfits. A level of palpable excitement hung in the atmosphere. They called it 'Peace on Earth'. He did some research into it, and it seemed as though there was a sort of expectation that everything just.. stopped.
Crime, Violence, all of it, for one day, just. Stopped.
For this one day, enemies became friends, shared in the festivities, drank and were merry.
There seemed to be some sort of religious origins, but as far as he could disconcert, it had traveled far past that for most. It was about.. togetherness.
As it was, he had taken to consuming Earth movies on the matter, 'Christmas Movies'.
..he had a particular fondness for the Nutcracker.
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- - this bro struck me with his beauty 💟
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“Soundwave. Soundwave, darling. My dear, dear Soundwave.”
There is a sort of skill that came to both ignoring someone while also being aware of what they were doing.
Which was to say, Starscream wanted something, something Soundwave could likely give, and Soundwave was not paying any attention to the Seeker.
Even if watching the cameras was incredibly dull at times. He's of the opinion that that vehicon had been staring at the wall for a total of four groon. ..he wondered if he should send someone, perhaps Knockout to go take a look at it.
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I needed a distraction x)
Because of these sketches, there was a headcanon about prime Ravage. He's a beast who befriends Soundwave as a kitten (i.e. he's not part of Soundwave like Laserbeak).

However, Ravage was caught and put on a chain to be a wild beast in the arena. And that was the reason why Soundwave went into gladiators. He was given the condition that he would get his pet if he became the champion of the arena.However it's not a place you can walk away from of your own free will but where fighters fight until they die of exhaustion or are killed in battle.

Ravage was killed before Megatron started his revolution, so it was an additional reason for Soundwave to join the decepticons and despise the autobots.
(Actually on the second sketch it's just a random beast x) With random weapon. And only then did the headcanons already go. So it's not so much Ravage here, but just a hint of him)
And now we remember who Ornstein is transforming into in Part 9 x) (he's a lion, but he's basically a big black cat too)

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Soundwave (Transformers Prime)
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Being hooked into the mainframe of a computer isn't just plugging in and telling the computer what do to.
He is the computer.
He's the entirety of the ship. Every camera, every wire, felt like it's his own. When he vents, so too does the Nemesis. There is a sense of largeness that comes with it, an expansion, an extension of more than just his senses, but his sense of self. One might consider it to do something like an ego boost, and they wouldn't be entirely wrong, but not entirely right, either.
Of course, Soundwave is not alone, in here. Trypticon is there, too. Soundwave weaves his consciousness into and around Trypticons like a cyber cat winding around a mech's legs, familiar and almost affectionate in the way he strokes over the ship's processor. He is hardly a CitySpeaker, but he does well enough on his own, he thinks, because there is a touch of amusement to Trypticon, now, when it lets Soundwave in. Soundwave is rumored to know what goes on everywhere, and while this is not.. entirely the truth, he does not dissuade such rumors, because ultimately they serve to assist his goals and also prevents Decepticons from doing weird stuff in the closets.
He does not want to talk about how many times he has had to shoo Decepticons out of the closets.
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Death of the Phoenix
This is by far the biggest - and longest - project I have worked on to date. I was massively inspired by a scene from Death of the Phoenix, Return of the Wolf by @novafire-is-thinking

Variations and timelapse below
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Finally finished this one, it was a long time coming! If you’ve missed them, here are some of my other humanformers. Thanks to everyone who visited during the stream!
Get the print!
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Soundwave's field goes warm with a sort of pleased smugness. Optimus will look very good, of that, he is assured.
Permission granted, long digits first curl under Optimus' chin, and then over his arm. His canvas is clean- time to get to work, then. Soundwave dips a paint brush first in solvent, and then dabs it lightly on mesh before dipping it in paint.
His servos are steady as he paints, easy, thick, purple lines that branch into small lines, all which trail underneath his windshield, along his hips. His arms and legs, too. These lines are then carefully outlined in brighter silver on the inside, and black on the outside.
Eventually, however, Soundwave comes to the main event: Optimus' face. He makes the same sprawling lines, and very carefully outlines Optimus' optics in silver, pausing to look over his work before finally tilting his helm back and forth.
Apparently satisfied, he nods before going, "Go show Megatronus~" in a soft litany of voices.
Luckily for Optimus, Soundwave doesn't have anything malicious in mind.
Instead, he leads Optimus to a seat, where he gestures for the Prime to stand, not sit. There is a kit of paints and brushes, and solvent, and Soundwave nudges the seat out of the way.
"Optimus: agreeable to being painted, temporarily?"
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No spark to these mechs, no sense of adventure. Soundwave, tickled by Megatron's bellowing, holds his position from the ceiling, second tendril springing into action- just to swat his aft, again.
A third trails down to make a grab at the cube, slowly making its way down in attempt to latch onto the edge of the energon.
Who else would dare, but Megatron's living shadow, the extension of his own will?
Soundwave does not laugh out loud, of course, but there is a minute shake him in his amusement, slender digits clutching the ceiling tightly.
{ @reservedrestraint } Take the cube from him, is that it? Let's make a game of it, then. Soundwave swats Megatronus' aft with a tendril from behind to draw his attention. A second tendril lies out of sight in wait.
{ @reservedrestraint }
No takers, beyond Dreadwing being a damp sponge about the whole thing. Megatron is almost disappointed, really.
When did the Decepticons become such a bunch of ninnies?
At least someone has some nerve to them, as a (very familiar and very familiar) data-cable whaps him across the aft with an audible swssh-clank.
“Who DARES?” Megatron bellows, theatre for the sake of being theatrical. His aft isn’t even stinging. How fun this all was. “Come out here, if you’re so willing to strike a mech to his back… side!”
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Luckily for Optimus, Soundwave doesn't have anything malicious in mind.
Instead, he leads Optimus to a seat, where he gestures for the Prime to stand, not sit. There is a kit of paints and brushes, and solvent, and Soundwave nudges the seat out of the way.
"Optimus: agreeable to being painted, temporarily?"
Soundwave taps Optimus on the arm very lightly with a tendril, beckoning the mech to come with him. ———@reservedrestraint.
" oh ... soundwave ... "
cue a blink. what an unexpected turn of today's events ; he has not come face—to—visor with soundwave in quite some time. but he turns to follow the spymaster with a groan & hiss of his hydraulics, curiosity plain in his field.
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You know, the funny thing about media and real life is that one factor really does stay the same.
Nobody ever actually looks up.
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Starscream mistakes his concern for something else. Curious.
His answer is seemingly sufficient enough, because Soundwave's next act is to pull a data pad out of subspace to give to Starscream.
The datapad contains coordinates, a bit distant but sufficiently far away enough from civilization that Soundwave isn't concerned about any Autobot interference. Coordinates to an energon jackpot- and maybe some other materials they could use for building, as well.
"Run reconnaissance, here." A few voices spilled together.
{ @reservedrestraint } Staring. Soundwave is staring at Starscream. Hard.
“And just what is it I’ve done this time, you unappeasable cloud of radio static?”
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