Requoraquoth Dream Journal
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 7 months ago
I was walking through Japan with my mom. We went into the subway and I tried yo see if o could get through without paying. I did bit instantly regretted it. Once we got to the platform, there was an error and the train came in lurchy and then my mom and j went in. Still feeling guilty, I turned around and got off the train to go pay, and it left with my mom in it. I didn't have a phone so I'd need to get back in contact with her later. I went up the stairs to the gate and there was an officer there who I guess narrowed straight in on me being a gaijin and asked me for my ticket in rough English. I tried to explain my situation to him but he just told me that his partner was in the toilet and to talk to him. I went down to the toilets to wait for the partner and on my way I passed a security guard, who signed 'good morning' to me in what I understood to be ASL. The sign as I remember it was an OK hand under his chin and then he twisted it back and forth. I wondered about him while I wandered through the isles of a weird dollar store combini thing and then saw a guy in a uniform coming out of the toilets and approached him. He told me to follow him and we walked up these stairs. At the top of the stairs sitting in a play area were two kids who looked like a young Gus and Shawn from Psych and the Gus kid recognised me and called me over, only I didn't recognise either of them. Regardless, they knew my name so I probably had them at summer camp at some point or something, so I went over and said hi. He pointed out the boo boos on my knees (that I currently have IRL from bikini skiing) and I told him j got it from skiing and that I had to go I was right in the middle of something, then I can off to find that cop. I followed him out and he continued walking quickly down the street while I tried to explain my situation to him. He was like, "Walk with me, I'm busting for a piss" and once I started explaining, "I hear you, man, but you still gotta pay the fine." I paid with credit card and then I woke up.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 1 year ago
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Madeline and Badeline.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 2 years ago
I was in my house at some point, watching a movie with my dad, upstairs. I needed to go to the bathroom, so I went downstairs. It was dark and I was scared, but I stayed strong and turned on the lightswitch. Nothing happened. I went over to the light and turned it on. Still nothing. I tried inside the bathroom, which was really the downstairs closet that my parents must've turned into a bathroom at some point. Everything I tried wasn't working. I don't remember the transition, but I was outside with several new friends I had just made. I remember approaching them and getting ready to say goodbye because I had to go, but one guy jumped up and started climbing one of the nearby staircases from the outside. I attempted to do the same and he waited, but I couldn't. He gave a playful "ha ha!" And continued climbing. It was nighttime and I remember approaching another member of the friendgroup and having a really deep and meaningful conversation with them (her? I didn't catch pronouns before I woke up). The thought of, 'this is great but I have to go really soon or my parents are gonna be mad' was in my head. Down from above one of the other friends, very similar in personality to the guy who'd climbed the building they were both in, had a megaphone and was reciting some annoying meme just for the sake of being annoying. The other guy was standing next to his wheelchair. They were both laughing. The one I was talking to yelled up "I'm gonna kick your ass if you keep that up!" in a joking way. All I could think about was that we were being very loud at night time with lots of windows around and people to potentially be mad at us.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I swallowed my friend's cornet mouthpiece.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I was caught trying to break into the house across the street.
I looked like Frankenstein's monster and that was just something for this dream. I was assigned my house and I was happy for that day. I had a nice meal with my assigned parents and then everyone went to sleep. I got up after dark and snuck across the street with a blanket over my head. The edgy teenage boy inside heard me and assumed I was the neighbour that lived next to me. "Hey baby," he quietly called out the window, "You want to go out to my trailer and hang out?" I didn't know what to say, so I ran back over the street back to my house. I was going to go back to sleep, but then my monster instincts and thirst for blood took over and I went back across the street to the trailer. I went inside and looked around for anyone but only found a cat, which skittered under the bed. My tail went under the bed and I felt a pop, which got me the blood I wanted, but also snapped me out of my monster haze. I ran back across the street but I was spotted my my next door neighbour, the most goody-two-shoes girl with ringlet blond hair. I ran inside and upstairs the guest bedroom, where I was staying. I got under my covers but I could hear an angry mob forming, so I went to my parents and told them the truth. They were very understanding, somehow, and then we started brainstorming ways to get out of this. Eventually we came up with a plan. We called up some relatives including my great-uncle, who somehow naturally almost looked like Frankenstein's monster as well. We also dressed my dad up to look like me too, using prosthetics. Then, my mom opened the door, the mob was huge, with torches and pitchforks too. Exactly how an angry mob should look. "What seems to be the problem?" She asked. "We know you are harbouring a monster!" Someone from the crowd yelled. The neighbour nodded from her window. Then was time for me, my dad, and my great-uncle to start running. We jumped out of different windows and started running in different directions. They managed to catch my great-uncle by the leg with a rope and a balloon, and he started floating. He got out of reach but was still not floating too far away because at the other end were attached a puppy and a rabbit. He seemed to be having fun so we both kept running. My neighbour noticed us and said "There's still two more! Get them!" And they kept trying. But eventually the Queen got involved and pardoned me and everyone involved, for some reason. It turned out that there were people involved all over Europe and she'd reached an agreement with other country leaders that if we were to travel, we could do it freely. I tried to thank her, but it was too late. She was gone. I was left with an enormous map of Europe and my house. It was like a cast party now, nobody was in character anymore. On the side of the house there was this graffiti of words, but depending on what colour lights you shone on them, the words would say different things. And it all related to my release.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
Something about a bridge and getting sunburnt. Summer camp? My dad made me leave because I was talking too long.
I had asked my dad to bring me to this bridge for some reason and I
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
Tesco was closed but all of a second it wasn't.
I walked up to the Tesco and the doors slid open, like normal, but inside, the lights were turned off. I thought it was odd and I also noticed that the usual display of snacks on the movable carts wasn't out. They must have been closed but forgot to lock their doors for some reason. I went over to the fruit shelf in front of me and grabbed a single, perfect, banana. They couldn't have been closed for long, maybe not even out of business. I walked back towards the door so that I could take a photograph of the abandoned Tesco with a banana pointed towards it like a gun. I always take photos of abandoned places for one of my friends. But then I realised that I didn't have my phone on me, so I put the banana back, and as I was walking back towards the door, this lady comes in and starts picking up a shopping basket. "Uh, I think it's closed," I tell her, wanting to seem like I've only just walked in myself. "But the doors were open," she says, confused. "That's what got me too," I say, as we walk out the entrance "I don't know if they're closed for good or not, but I don't know why they kept their doors unlocked". To our left there are more people walking away from Tesco, leaving out of the exit with full shopping bags in their hands. Me and the lady turn back around, confused, and go back to the entrance of the Tesco. We walk inside and everything is normal. The lights are all on, people are milling about, and all of the movable snack displays are in their usual places. I'm blown away and I look over to the lady, to see if she's seeing what I'm seeing. Next thing I know we're walking up the street and it's unclear whether or not we did any shopping. "It was definitely closed the first time, right? The lights were all off and there was nobody in there?" I don't get much of a reaction, but I know I've got to write down what's just happened. I reach into my pocket and find my phone, which I know for sure wasn't in there when I was in the store the first time. I pull it out and start trying to write while I walk, but writing is very difficult for me to do in dreams. Then I woke up.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I was running late for my job at summer camp.
I was waiting for my co-councilor Shy in my car, and eventually I decided to drive up the street, and there he was walking along the road. I picked him up and we drove to my house because I needed to grab my bag. When we got there my co-councilor was now Skylar. Her mom was waiting at my house when we got there and telling us that we needed to go or we'd be late. I ran in and got my bag but realised I didn't pack my swim suit, so I ran upstairs to grab it. I searched through my drawer to find it but Asia, who was in my room, kept distracting me and talking to me. I spent a while looking for my camp shirt as well, ended up finding it, and ran back downstairs.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I went to Dungeons & Dragons class at school
I was in year three and we had PE. We all went outside to the courtyard in our PE uniforms, and our teacher told us that we were starting a new unit. We got split into groups and the teacher explained what Dungeons & Dragons was. My group got excited and we all went to the costume box and started picking out bits of costumes for our characters. I found a pair of goggles that, although they were a bit manky and a little bit too small for me, they look cool with two smaller lenses on the sides. I also needed to put my other goggles/my glasses above these ones. When all was said and done I had my complete costume. I was a goblin cleric, and then people were ready to play. Each party had a DM, and we all got in a U shape, where the DMs had their backs to each other, and the parties were sitting like a party normally would, except I believe that instead of sitting at a table we were on the floor.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I flew using balloons
I left the dinner party and strapped on my balloon harness to lift off. I rose above the traffic and all the cars looked up at me. I saw people that I went to high school with and they yelled up to me asking where I was going. I told them that I was going to the circus. I flew over the river and down Western Avenue and started picking up speed, which was good, because I was running late. As I flew down the road, a new problem presented itself, however: I wasn't flying high enough, and I kept barely making it past the large signs over the road and the telephone wires. I would make grand swimming motions to change my direction, but my altitude would only change slightly. I made my way to the side where I could climb a telegraph pole. I missed the first two, but the third one I got. As I climbed the spikes, I heard Weird Al sing in my headphones, something along the lines of "...and in my dreams, I see myself climbing that pole, that glorious pole. The Amaretto Rio (not sure if it was Rio Amaretto or Amaretto Rio, but the Rio was at the top, it's letters nailed into the pole). It's gone through a lot, but as I'd make it to the top, I would swan dive onto the oncoming asteroid and sing: The Rio Amaretto!" and as he sang that I jumped off the top, but instead of floating up like I was hoping, I drifted down as the next song began to play, his parody of Shake It Off, where he dressed up as Skweezy Jibbs. When I made it to the sidewalk, I pushed off the ground and got back in the air, and then I woke up.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I set off a bomb.
Did I make the bomb? Was it a big explosion? Small explosion? Where was it? Did I survive?
I have the answers naught.
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requoraquothdreamjournal · 3 years ago
I had a dream I was being chased by a bear
I wasn’t terrified, just slightly frightened. I was running and there was this kid with me. I knew the kid probably was playing with the bear’s cub, and there was nothing we could do but run. We climbed a tree but the kid shook it too much and the tree fell over. There was someone else; an adult, compared to us two, who wasn’t being chased by the bear, but was unable to help, for one reason or another. One other person: a homeless woman around my age, slightly older maybe, who could have been me from the future, I don’t know. The bear never got us, and I believe either we got away in the end or I just woke up. But either way the whole dream was in those woods.
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