reprrise · 20 hours
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reprrise · 4 days
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love this guy
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reprrise · 4 days
I graduated! And here's my final uni project
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I was studying communicative design, so the choice of themes was pretty wide. I love illustration as much as working with text and fonts, and of course I wanted my hyperfixation on Greek mythology to be included, so I decided to make a design, layout and illustrations for the book "Circe" by Madeline Miller. Unfortunately the book doesn't have a belarusian translation, so I had to work with russian version.
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This project was huge, and in the end I made the book cover (hard cover and dust jacket), the whole design inside, 7 big illustrations, 13 mini-ones, 3 bookmarks, as well as printed copy of the novel in my design.
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Also here's some screenshots from the video I made about the project, big thanks to my bestie for playing the best Circe.
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reprrise · 4 days
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"It's all forgettable, with just a single drink, and yet, I always hesitate..."
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reprrise · 6 days
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Got early access for Hades 2 lets GOOO
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reprrise · 10 days
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sketched achilles again because i reread tsoa i miss him sm gn
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reprrise · 11 days
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❄️ Winter day at Pelion
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reprrise · 13 days
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How far you've gone
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reprrise · 14 days
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Saw a tik tok and got inspired
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reprrise · 16 days
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running emoji
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reprrise · 20 days
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He is half of my soul, as the poets say.
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reprrise · 20 days
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insert that one spiderman meme
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reprrise · 24 days
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⚠️cw // blood
And I wanted to be able to listen, to digest the bloody images, to paint them flat and unremarkable on the vase of posterity. To release him from it, and make him Achilles again.
one of my favorite lines in the song of achilles! every time i reread them they always gut-punched me in ways i could not describe 🧎
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reprrise · 27 days
hello gay people is there a patrochilles discord …
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reprrise · 29 days
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im a big Achilles fan and im an even bigger fan of making him miserable
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reprrise · 1 month
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fears for the weak lad
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reprrise · 1 month
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Old art
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