lantern-bearer {ap}
20 posts
private ind. jack of the lantern from folklore mun time: Updates currently in: 1/5 roleplays mun status:
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
“ you’re trying to seduce him, not break his neck. ” “ he’s not gay. ” “ be catty. be flirty. be the opposite of your bitter, angry self. ” “ that looks like a trash bag. why are you wearing a trash bag? ” “ can you zip this up for me? ” “ that looks like a dildo. put it down. ” “ is that your evil laugh? you sound like joker on helium. ” “ i need a robin thicke kind of fuckboy. ” “ that british accent offends me & i’m not even british. ” “ if you touch my butt one more time i swear…. ” “ of course the lights seem too dark you’re wearing fucking sunglasses. ” “ HOLY SHIT THIS IS HEAVY. ” “ peter pan didn’t have such nice thighs though. ” “ no, you can’t say that. kids will be around so keep it PG-13. ” “ can someone help be carry this? PLEASE. ” “ isn’t this the song americans use in all high school movies? ” “ you can all be the stars of tonight. i’ll be THE FUCKING MOON. ” “ those sandals are so ugly they make jesus cry. ” “ who’s phone is ringing? i said VIBRATE ON. ” “ i didn’t break it. it broke all on it’s own. ” “ i’m allergic to dust i can’t do this. ” “ i’m not being dramatic. I AM dramatic. ” “ maybe i’m gay? ” “ no fireworks. we’re not americans. ” “ i hope you’re not making out in there! ” “ cinderella wouldn’t say ‘FUCKING HEELS’. neither can you. ” “ did you rip the dress? DID YOU RIP THE DRESS? ” “ you can’t say ‘i love you’ so violently. ” “ who carved a dick into the table? can the dick carver raise his hand? ” “ put your shirt on, you’re not chris evans. ” “ FOCUS AND STOP SINGING HAMILTON DAMNNIT. ” “ he’s her dad, not her daddy. ” “ you can’t say ‘bro’ to a king. ”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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          “BRO. Schleeping.”
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              Shane pulls out a random bowl of cereal and starts chompin’. “Schleeping? Bro?”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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          “Bro, you schleep.”
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             “You schleep, bro?”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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           “You bro... schleep.”
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             “Schleeping, bro.”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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          “Schleep you bro.”
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            “You schleep, bro? Schleeping bro.”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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          “Bro... you schleep?”
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             “…..Schleep. You bro…”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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          “Schleep, bro you.”
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             “Bro, schleep you.”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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          “Schleep, you bro?”
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            “You bro, schleep?”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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         “You schleep bro..? Bro, you schleep?”
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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         What an odd fellow, Jack knew better than to judge someone on appearances but it revealed too much not to. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover? Such a crock of shit, how do you know if you want to read the book if the cover doesn’t draw you in? So much could be told if one would just look, sadly there wasn’t much to look at with the man’s clear enjoyment of the hood. Respectable, your very own hiding place from the world which read easily enough he enjoyed his privacy. Too bad Jack didn’t care much for traditional boundaries, however he knew when too much was truly too much. He appreciated that hoodie man was at least humoring him now, although just speaking to him to get it over with was very possible but that worked just fine for Jack. “Rumors must hold some truth, don’t you think? If not, even the trip and searching for the source is fun itself.” A questioning cant of his head, playful smile still revealing teeth. Afterall, what the hell was the point if you weren’t having fun? “That’s the thing, even the rumors are mysterious. Things of the unnatural sort apparently, very intriguing.” The bartender was a stark contrast of friendliness, warm and jovial. He didn’t appear to judge such early drinking, maybe he did, just internally like most judgement. “Thank you,” pleasant softness to his tone. His eyes drank in the golden liquid before taking a sip, a long hum as if deep in thought. He directed his attention back to the unkindly stranger, tilt of his head with lifted brows. “You know about anything weird?”
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             Shane was often drinking, he was the town drunk, honestly. You probably wouldn’t know this unless you knew him, of course, or were a native to this town. His built up tolerance and dependence on his liquor.. his poison. How quickly he would drink to numb himself.. How often he was at this very bar and wasted his remaining time and life away. It was clear he wasn’t here for socialization. He was here while it wasn’t busy and barely running, after all. It was all too late for him and his life, anyway.. it was hopeless. “You’re here on rumors?” he questioned. “Curious type..” he hummed. “What are the rumors?” he watched as Gus, the bartender, entered. “Gus.” He nodded at the man, clearly and obviously more comfortable with him, more than likely from familiarity and time. “Sure thing. Sorry about that, had to do some stuff in the back. We’re not usually operating this early, but of course I won’t turn ya away! I’ll just be a little slower.” the bartender had said with a nod and friendly smile. Gus refilled the tourist’s drink with ease, then refilled Shane’s mug with his usual liquor as well, an unspoken understanding and one filled with casual routine. “Please, enjoy.” Gus smiled happily. “I’ll be in the back if y’all need anything.” he finished and returned to the back through the western-styled saloon door. Shane gave Gus a slight nod.
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repentor-blog · 8 years ago
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              Shane watched distantly as the man pulled on a small cheshire grin. He listened to his words with a brow raise, then switched his attention to chug the rest of his beer down in a few quick gulps. As he finished his mug, he pushed it away from him in a seemingly routine and natural manner. Sensing the other man’s movement, he glanced over and watched him spread his fingers on the bar counter as he spoke. “…Yeah. It can.” he grated. “Why’d you pick here of all places, anyway? Sightseeing or somethin’?” he wet his lips with his tongue and cleared his throat. His voice dehydrated and coarse. His eyes skirted back to the counter in front of him, staring remotely, his face appearing tired and spaced out. 
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         While Jack was all too curious and interested in the stranger, he’s not sure how much longer he would keep up the innocent tourist act. It was painfully clear that it was failing, who in their right mind came to such a small town just for tourism? Not that it mattered, the guy was clearly slipping from sobriety. Unfortunate for him but all the better for Jack, eyes locking on the other with a new triggered fascination. “Mm, sort of? The place is elusive and rumors are about all anyone knows.” Eyes shifting to the empty glass with a soft frown when he found it was empty. “Not that it isn’t beautiful, just not entirely why I am here. I’ve got a knack for the bizarre and unknown.” The bartender finally made an appearance from the saloon door, offering a gentle smile to him. “Think I’ll take a beer.”
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repentor-blog · 9 years ago
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         His head shifted but a tick to the side, it was difficult to truly catch a glimpse of the stranger, the fact he finally turned his head did help the light illuminate his face. While Jack had no real reason for coming to the small town as it was more a pit stop than anything, the mystery surrounding it was enough to pique his interest. So detached from the world, the whole place felt like another planet. The soft curve of a smile came dancing over his lips again as the other replied. “I don’t guess that there would be many visitors.” Elbow that was resting on the bar-top pulling away so he could place both hands over the flat surface. Attention now directed down to his hands. “Total disconnect from the world here,” fingers splaying apart on both hands as if to replicate how it was severed. “Doesn’t it get a little.. maddening?” 
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             Shane turned his head to get a good look at the man, noticing his eyes on his own hands, he subtly quit the drum of his fingers, and covered his hand with his hoodie sleeve. Noting silently with a brow raise how quickly the man downed his liquor. New people in this small town are rare, the other townsfolk no doubt would be interested in this tourist. As for himself.. he didn’t like strangers, ..talking to them a whole new ordeal. “Uh,” he rasped. “Yeah. You ‘ssume right.” Shane confirmed with a suspicious squint.
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repentor-blog · 9 years ago
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Volcano Eruption | Photographer
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repentor-blog · 9 years ago
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mind my WICKED words              &                                                                                   tipsy topsy slurs.
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repentor-blog · 9 years ago
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         He lifted his brows slowly, turning himself in the stool to face the stranger as he swirled around his poison of choice for the time. Blue scanning over the man before his eyes fell upon the drumming hands. “Tourism,” he confirmed with a nod before tossing his head back to down the rest of the brown liquor. Funnily enough, the first person he came across who didn’t seem entirely preoccupied was this stranger at the bar. “Best way to get to know a town is the BAR.” He courteously covered his mouth when he coughed, shrugging a shoulder to the other. “I assume you are from here?”
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             Shane stubbornly stayed fixed staring at his now sweating beer, his stand-offish nature showing. He drummed his fingers against the bar counter. “What do you want?” he questioned curtly. “Why are you here in the valley, anyways? Tourism?” he followed a sweat bead with his eyes down his mug. His tonality now, still slightly aggravated and guarded, with a tad bit discomfort, but not as combative as before. There is a slight slur to his words, presumably from the liquor. He cleared his throat and continued the drum, drum, drum of his fingers. Gaze still fixated on his drink.
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repentor-blog · 9 years ago
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Famous last words…
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repentor-blog · 9 years ago
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           At first, Jack remained silent for a moment and previous toothy grin reduced to just a lift of his lips. Finally he let out an acknowledging hum, shifting gently on the bar stool. He returned his own attention to the short glass on the bar now only a quarter full of amber liquid. “Fair enough. You can’t be bothered to humor said company?” He spoke with a still visible smile, head turning back to watch the stranger.
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             Shane clicked his tongue in irritation. “The conversation… too early,” he looked the man up and down dismissively, then continued. “and wrong company.” He curtly turned his attention back to his frothy beer. Clearly committed to dismissing him further and forging an exit, Shane pulled his hood to cover his face more. He thought with relief, perhaps that will deter the stranger from further conversation.
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