renzoshigetalife · 3 months
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Name: La’Renzo Shigeta
Birthdate: December, 12, 2005 (19)
Born in: Nagano, Japan.
172.72 cm (5’8″)
Nationality: Japanese
Model / Family Business Man
A upbeat, feminine guy who enjoys his friends company.
Goofy personality, can be funny, simp over Nicholas Wang, Jo Asakura, and Lyam, very loud, sensitive, can’t take compliments well, blushes easily, soft, mental health first!
Music, his friends, nice people, puppies, dancing in the shower, fruity drinks, skinship is a must, Lyam!!, Jieun, Haruki, Amory, Xion, EJ
Rude people, one liners, bullies, short jokes, when someone hurts his friends and Lyam
Despite his upbringing in a bloodline filled with smart and intelligent men and women. In the bustling heart of Tokyo, the Shigeta family's path to billionaire status was marred by the shadow of Hiroshi Shigeta's relentless drive for perfection—a trait that had turned his once warm and nurturing demeanor into a stern and demanding presence, especially towards his children.
Hiroshi, a self-made tycoon who had built Shigeta Electronics from the ground up, held his offspring—Yuko, Satoshi, Aiko, and the youngest, Renzo—to impossibly high standards. His unyielding expectations and harsh criticism cast a long shadow over the family, shaping the siblings in ways both profound and painful.
Yuko, the eldest, bore the brunt of her father's demands, striving to meet his exacting standards and expand the family business globally. Satoshi, the middle child, internalized Hiroshi's perfectionism, channeling it into groundbreaking research and development projects that garnered accolades but left him emotionally distant.
Aiko, the youngest daughter, learned to navigate her father's sharp tongue and unrelenting gaze with grace and poise, excelling in the world of marketing and branding despite the constant pressure to prove herself. But Renzo, the youngest and most sensitive of the siblings, faced Hiroshi's wrath with a heavy heart and a sense of crushing inadequacy.
Renzo's creative spirit and gentle nature clashed with his father's rigid expectations, leading to constant clashes and disappointments. Hiroshi's disapproval weighed heavily on Renzo, dimming his once bright enthusiasm and casting a shadow over his ambitions.
As the years passed and Shigeta Electronics soared to new heights of success and influence, Renzo struggled to find his place within the family business. His efforts were met with scorn and skepticism, his ideas dismissed in favor of his siblings' more conventional approaches.
Despite his siblings' successes and his family's wealth, Renzo felt like an outsider in his own home, a misfit in a world defined by his father's unrelenting pursuit of perfection. The once-promising young man found himself adrift in a sea of self-doubt and longing for a father's approval that always seemed just out of reach.
So, the story of Renzo Shigeta, the youngest son haunted by his father's impossible expectations, unfolded against the backdrop of a family bound by ambition and burdened by the weight of unspoken disappointments—a tale of resilience, yearning, and the enduring quest for acceptance in a world defined by the harsh glare of a demanding patriarch.
In the sprawling halls of the Shigeta estate, young La’Renzo Shigeta grew up in the shadow of his father's disdain. At the age of five, he first sensed the icy glares and biting words that marked his father's contempt for him, all because he was his mother's favored son.
As Renzo navigated the lavish yet loveless world of the Shigeta family, his father's animosity only grew more pronounced with each passing year. The rift between them deepened, a silent barrier that no amount of wealth or privilege could mend.
Renzo’s father, a titan of industry, saw in his son a reminder of his own inadequacies, a living embodiment of the love he could never fully claim. His bitterness seeped into every interaction, poisoning the air with unspoken resentments and unfulfilled expectations.
Despite his mother's attempts to shield him from the storm brewing within their gilded walls, Renzo found himself adrift in a sea of loneliness and longing. His talents and accomplishments went unrecognized, overshadowed by the suffocating weight of his father's disapproval.
As the years passed, Renzo’s spirit dimmed, his once-bright dreams tainted by the knowledge that he would never earn his father's love or approval. The mansion that was meant to be his sanctuary became a gilded cage, trapping him in a world where he would forever be an outsider.
And so, the story of La’Renzo Shigeta, the boy who dared to hope for his father's love, ended not with reconciliation or redemption, but with a bitter acceptance of a truth he had long known in his heart—that some wounds run too deep to ever truly heal.
19 ooc, semi-lit, ADHD ooc, dni -16, interactive, posts random posts with random captions
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