rennnyloo · 8 years
When I start getting urges to relapse
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rennnyloo · 8 years
Mercury in Pisces will speak in a sensitive manner. They rarely raise their voices and will tip toe around peoples feelings, as they do not want to say anything to cause people pain. 
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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rennnyloo · 8 years
When being bubble buddies goes wrong :/
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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rennnyloo · 8 years
2016 Forecasts/Predictive Reports for the year. Last chance!!
So as you may already know, I’ve been doing personalized 2016 forecasts (predictive reports) for my followers since December. However, I decided to expand the time frame and keep on doing them until the 29th of February. 
As I’m only able to write 1 report per day, I can only take in 27 more requests, starting tomorrow. 
The options are:  1. Major Dates, Events & Shifts 2. Yearly Report (life in general) 3. 2016 Love life report
Reblog/like this post & then send an e-mail to: [email protected] to get one!
-Crystal Melbourne.
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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has this been done yet?
tag yourself I’m Awwww
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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Romantic and Platonic Asexual Valentines
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rennnyloo · 8 years
when you want to help someone but you cant
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rennnyloo · 8 years
what is this from??? is there more? i need more. 
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rennnyloo · 8 years
If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more of that.
Unknown (via likeabullot)
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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Whew, wanted to shade these but I doubt I got so lazy ;__;
Anyhow, here is a few character designs for my Undertale AU Underkeep! Mettaton rules the underground (not following the neutral ending though), and everyone we know is appointed to a position of sorts in this fantasy land like place:
Frisk - The Hero
Papyrus - Second in command of the Royal Guard
Sans - The Royal Jester/Overseer of Snowdin
Muffet - Duchess of the Spiders/Royal Baking Specialist
Mettaton - High King
Alphys - Marquess of Hotland/Royal Scientist
Undyne - Baroness of Waterfell/Head of the Royal Guard
Hopefully I can get the other characters done soon as well! Also, everyone’s outfit is (hopefully) reminiscent of their location and/or title (Alphys represents fire, Undyne represents water, etc)…
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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Today, my dad got this at the hospital for me. He doesn’t know much about my depression or how I’m feeling but it’s things like this tell me that he still cares, even if he doesn’t fully understand.
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rennnyloo · 8 years
Reasons Humans are the cutest animals:
1. They know that automatic doors open by themselves, ut when they walk towards them they slow down just in case. Sometimes they hold out their hands and pretend it’s magic.
2. They adopt smaller animals and live with them in their homes, sometimes imitating noises and sounds in attempts to communicate.
3. When they see something funny on TV, they immediately repeat it, sometimes to other people who were already in the room watching to begin with.
4. When they like being around someone very much, some humans will take clothing items from the person to have their smell around when they’re gone.
5. Many humans will take their favorite foods away from their regular feeding areas and hold off on eating them until they are sufficiently comfortable and entertained, to maximize on the experience.
6. Sometimes, a human will associate a particular song with an individual or event, and the song will invoke deep emotional reactions.
7. While many humans prefer to sleep alone, a large number of them sleep better when in close contact with another human who they trust and enjoy the company of.
8. When a human is particularly engaged by an enjoyable task or hobby, sometimes they simply forget that their bodies require basic care to survive.
9. Sometimes the urge for them to sneeze suddenly disappears, and they become frustrated with their automatic immune responses
10. Some humans talk in their sleep, or make funny noises or breathing patterns.
11. When a human likes another human, they begin to imitate vocal patterns and mannerisms.
12. Humans come in a wide range of shapes and colors, and many humans will decorate themselves with flashy dyes or fabrics.
13. They will collect random objects with no set objectives in mind- they will gather items such as paper squares, lengths of fabric, puzzle games, and pleasantly-shaped rocks, which they will excitedly show off to other humans.
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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Cat inspired yarn!  
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rennnyloo · 8 years
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rennnyloo · 8 years
You’re welcome
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