renleonhart · 23 hours
Alright. I'm going to say it.
Everyone is always saying that Wolverine is being a creep/stalker/etc. whenever it comes to Jean Grey because of that VERY uncomfortable love triangle between her, Logan, and Scott. But what people are failing to notice is that Jean actively led Logan on into thinking that she loved him the same as he did her.
She actively flirted with Logan seemingly only whenever Scott was around, like she was trying to make him jealous. But when Logan tries to reciprocate the affection, she immediately plays the "not interested/you're only my friend" card. And what I find even more sad, is that Logan has risked his life for her multiple times, literally facing Death in the face for her, and has always been the first person she more or less runs to when she's having an emotional crisis, only for Jean to throw it all back in his face and ultimately choose Scott over him. (I know its canon in the comics. I'm talking about the tv shows and movies here.)
Like, why the ever loving hell would Jean fucking Grey think it would be a good idea to play into Logan's affection for her if she was just going to get with Scott in the end. Instead of doing that she should have just told Logan straight up that she wasn't interested in him and left it that that instead of playing with his heart like she did.
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renleonhart · 24 days
This particular gif set kinda rattled a memory from my childhood.
I was maybe 6 or 7 years old watching X-Men Evolution with my older (by a year) brother when we got to the particular episode that this gif set is from. Seeing Logan shirtless (in animated format and Live Action format courtesy of Hugh Jackman.) , I like any girl my age would stare wide eyed and being all giggly. My brother, immediately and quite LITERALLY slapped his hand over my eyes and said these exact words:
"No! No shirtless, hunky superheroes for you!" and I just remember laughing from the way he said that.
But hey! I am entitled to know what I like! It's Marvel's (and partially Hugh Jackman's) fault for Wolverine being fine as hell. 🤣
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renleonhart · 2 months
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Luna and Houdini everybody. 😁
They are also biological sisters too! Houdini is just the runt so she still looks like a kitten compared to Luna.
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renleonhart · 2 months
I swear if they actually did do that on purpose, I would be so happy.
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So I was looking closely at Hook’s signature in Return to Neverland and noticed that Hook’s writing (particularly his capital letters) is pretty similar to Hans Conried’s. I can’t prove the animators did this on purpose, but I really hope they snuck this in as an intentional nod to the original voice actor.
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renleonhart · 3 months
Those ears tho. 😍
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Ebi is just so perfect i want to cry look at this little teddy bear
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renleonhart · 3 months
It's so tiny! 😍
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It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.
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renleonhart · 3 months
Ain't that a mood.
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Because I’m a prude. 😔
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renleonhart · 3 months
Oh god...the childhood fictional crush is still there....
I don't know why, but I've always loved Captain Hook from watching Peter Pan as well as Return to Neverland. There's just something about him that makes my heart go *Boom*
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Rough drawing
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renleonhart · 3 months
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You are a friendly beast, are you not?
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renleonhart · 4 months
I was 7 years old when it came out...
A few weeks ago a 15-year-old called me “Grandma” for being able to remember when the first Twilight film came out, and I still haven’t mentally or emotionally processed this
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renleonhart · 4 months
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I’m unable to draw currently but I watched the new trailer and great Googly Moogly these character designs are gorgeous + I really hope they lean especially into the found family and strong friendship dynamic + have that be central to the telling of the game’s story (like w aya and bayek or Jacob and evie)
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renleonhart · 5 months
I actually saw this movie. It's from Shudder obviously and had like 5-7 different production cards at the beginning. And let me just say that it gets rather weird and not in that interesting "on the edge of your seat" type of weird. More like "wtf am I watching?".
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Late Night with the Devil (2023) dir. Cameron Cairnes, Colin Cairnes
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renleonhart · 6 months
Pfft. 🤣
i have not booped half of you as well as i would have liked, and i have booped half of you half as well as you deserve.
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renleonhart · 6 months
HA! 🤣
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he ate him up im afraid
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renleonhart · 7 months
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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renleonhart · 7 months
So cute!!!
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renleonhart · 7 months
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@hajnarus I don't know if this was brought to your attention or not, but it looks like your art is being reposted and used in those *insert topic something no body really cares about* website/blog posts. I kinda stumbled on this ad just now and recognized your artwork and thought that you should know.
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