renestare-blog · 7 years
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         “Some of them want to use you, some             —of them want to get used by you…”
@renestare​ // Lachesis - Etoile aesthetic.
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renestare-blog · 7 years
eat your gods.
get drunk on godflesh, stumble with divinity, whoop and shriek as they hit your bloodstream, roll in the dirt, suck their remnants off your gritty fingers, float, tumble, howl, chase, ascend, obliviate, transcend, transform.
wake disoriented, sick and aching with the loss of them. wipe your face, coax out your tangles, inspect your skinned knees and palms. leave your shoes where you threw them as an offering.
cultivate the hunger that only theophagy can sate.
consume them and be changed.
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renestare-blog · 7 years
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       ❛ –– I don’t want to become like HER, I don’t want to be ALONE again, I don’t        want to feel NOTHING… I-I need pills, they’ll numb my pain, if not I’ll go to the       basement and HUG my ‘friends’. I’ve even indulged in my BULIMIC tendencies       again… Help me. ❜
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“You will not as long as you keep true to yourself. Those who have harmed you are fools - they are not meant to be a part of your life any longer. Some will answer for their actions, others will not - only you can control how they affect you. And I believe that you are far BETTER than any TERROR that has befallen you - you can allow it to integrate within you rather than let it consume you.”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
‘ i’m aware of some details of this and it’s– it’s yucky. ’ (One more, from Casper, just because I love watching my silly muses go up against someone so intense.)
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buzzfeed unsolved sentence starters:
“Details? Hm. I see… You are clearly an UNFORTUNATE soul, being roped into such, em… difficult circumstances, da? The person you must emulate is out for your blood, and you are but a child - all alone.”
She shakes her head once, twice, before offering him a sigh of relief as she kneels to his level. So terribly small, and so terribly unlucky - clearly, the hands of fate wished to deal him a truly painful hand. Suffering had been, and likely would be, a great part of his life.
“Will you become callous, child, or will you face it head-on?” She inquires, offering him a slight smile - ever so slight, however. Nothing to betray the EXCITEMENT building within. “Because this is a question that could forever shape the way your future turns out to be.”
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“Worry not about me, or this. They are inconsequential to what lies ahead for YOU. Perhaps something that could get you out of your current circumstances.”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
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Marie looks so good in that uniform 😍
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renestare-blog · 7 years
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JFC I can’t stop drawing her asgftgdgsaa
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renestare-blog · 7 years
‘ what is it about killers– that they want to be caught so badly… or like they want to get as close to being caught without being caught? ’
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buzzfeed unsolved sentence starters:
“It is the thrill of the hunt. We have long since lost our ability to hunt prey in the wild. Life has become stale for many. And as a result, some simply go WILD from the prospect of becoming one with their primal selves. It is an inevitability that we return to our roots, you see…”
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“I believe that killers are simply those who have realized the extent of their unhappiness in a civilized world. It is artificial, and thus they must satisfy their urges for something more visceral in… messier ways.”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
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Let’s talk physical weaknesses first, since these are related to her battle style and are flaws that she has endlessly been trying to work on, but has been having difficulty mastering.
1.) As mentioned in her bio, Lachesis is weaker with her fists than with her sword and gun. The purpose of both is to keep her opponent at bay while she makes quick work of them. While she is prepared for hand-to-hand combat, she is not very good at it and can actually fail more often than not. She simply has trouble maneuvering her punches, and dodging. She is currently practicing martial arts to correct this hand-eye coordination issue, but something seems to be holding her back.
2.) Lachesis has trouble keeping track of her left side since she is right handed - though she has learned to be ambidextrous through arduous training, she can easily be hit in her blind spot which can severely cripple her. This will likely spark her rage, and make her more emotionally unstable in the event of a battle.
3.) The aforementioned emotional side of her is her greatest weakness, and deeply compromises her ability to remain elegant in the face of danger. She makes trick shots, misses more frequently, and her judgment becomes more clouded. As a result, she is more easy to take down once this is activated. However, it isn’t easy to do so. She has to be in the right place at the right time to be put into this position.
4.) While she holds her hair up (thus revealing the shaved sides underneath the curls) during battle, she can definitely be caught off guard if someone targets it first. For example, pulling it, trying to cut it, and so on. She is used to people attempting to do this, but it is a way to get her a step closer to her emotional side if done at the right time.
1.) Targeting Cyrila, her best friend/potential lover/right hand will result in Lachesis becoming enraged. She does not want anybody touching, harming, or emotionally scarring Cyrila in any way, shape, or form. Essentially, take Cyrila, and Lachesis is in the palm of your hand. So to speak, that is.
2.) She has trouble empathizing with weakness - in fact, she abhors it. She views it as crippling to one realizing their potential, and will condemn it at any chance she gets. As a result, she can be seen as a monstrous character by many - and perhaps she is. She certainly is not entirely sane.
3.) Despite her maternal tendencies, Lachesis CAN be abusive towards people she deems insubordinate. And do keep in mind - this insubordination is purely from HER point of view. The typical villain - someone who thinks that their position is correct. It is rare to shake her from her rage if she believes that someone has wronged her - the only person that can is Cyrila.
4.) She is CALLOUS despite being emotional. Her callousness is a learned defense, but has since become a part of her Lachesis persona. Luminita, her old self, is someone she considers dead and gone, although parts of that old self remain within the recesses of her mind. She does believe that people hold multiple selves depending on the social interaction, but Luminita, to her, is a symbol of failure and defeat. She cannot tolerate being emotional, and it sends her into selfishness and self-righteous fits of callousness that make her appear meaner and less calm than usual - there is an obvious darkness to her in these moments.
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renestare-blog · 7 years
affctus replied to your post:‘ do you not know how love works? ’
“i'mma teach u abt love lady oscar”
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“Oh really? Do TELL. This, I MUST hear.”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
honestly writing an OC in this community is another set of issues.
the soul crushing feeling when you see “no OCs” in someones rules
constantly having to dumb down your canon
adjusting to adapted canons
the amount of your own canon and lore you have to sacrifice to do that
when you mention wanting to write a canon, people that have never shown any real interest in your OC jump out of the woodwork to encourage you to do it
when you do it, and that canon gets more attention than your OC ever did
the alternative of that: when your first character was canon and you transition to writing an OC, people suddenly disappear
fandom OCs that outgrow their fandoms and muns that feel they have nowhere to put them
endlessly worrying if your character is too sue-ish, even after x-amount of years
oh my god female OCs need their own post
female OCs constantly being underestimated and dismissed; being held to a different set of standards than other OCs
honestly i know people that are straight up afraid to write a female OC for these reasons. they’re discouraged before they even start because they know they will never get the same acknowledgement
people assuming simple, stupid things about your muse (can we all agree to stop guessing whose muse is taller and just look from now on?)
feeling like you have to jump through hoops to keep up with everyone else and keep your character fresh and interesting so people don’t lose interest
canon blogs that shit on OCs– you realize you were OCs too right? what would the original writer of your canon think?
no seriously, it can be so discouraging writing an OC. how many ideas are you killing by snubbing OCs? the future of creative media is in our hands!
has someone stolen my canon?
is my canon too similar to someone else’s?
do they think i stole their canon?
and what do you do when somebody does steal your canon? it can be so hard to prove and it’s so easy for it to be dismissed
having your OC written off because of the face claim choice– that face is constantly typecast, nobody can take it seriously, they’ve been overplayed and ruined. (we love you, nina dobrev and 1D OCs, you’re doing gods work)
honestly, i’m sure i could keep going. if you ask your local OC muns, they’ll be able to tack a few of their own struggles onto this list. hell, i encourage you to!
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renestare-blog · 7 years
‘ 70′s and 80′s police were always just like, ‘oh, you murdered someone? you got forty bucks?’ ’ (Bratt of course.)
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buzzfeed unsolved sentence starters:
“Now I highly doubt that you were someone who had the attention of the police - if it is as you say, then it truly was a DECADENT time, but you were one of many, no? I wonder where the truth lies…”
A pause, as despite the snicker forming behind her lips, undoubtedly she continues such an interaction because something, SOMETHING is becoming of it. Something PROFOUND. Something MEANINGFUL. Something…
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“And if it was in such a way, then how boring a time it must have been. You truly did not have to work for your delinquency…”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
‘ do you not know how love works? ’
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buzzfeed unsolved sentence starters:
“Love, hm? Complex, but not quite something I would like to concern myself with. To those that do, fair enough - it obstructs my goals. And I am selective in whom and what I choose to love. What it is I feel is controlled by me and me alone.”
A sigh emits from her lips, as the face - blurred, scratched out eyes, a perpetually smiling mouth - crosses her memory for a split second. A slight wince, as that perpetually calm expression vanishes, albeit for a moment before settling back to its confident, tranquil calm.
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“I do not waste my time with frivolity. I have ambitions that cannot be held back by such pursuits.”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
‘  strap in ‘cause this one is rough.  ’ ‘  it’s– it’s yucky.  ’ ‘  i’m aware of some details of this and it’s– it’s yucky.  ’ ‘  i’m not a gambling man, but i don’t really like those odds.  ’ ‘  we could conceivably run into this guy taking a dump in the woods or something.  ’ ‘  are you fucking out of your mind?  ’ ‘  i’m starting to think you want to die.  ’ ‘  you turned a corner on that one pretty quick.  ’ ‘  oh my god, it’s fucking horrifying.  ’ ‘  there’s an elk, though. there’s a deer over there.  ’ ‘  here’s the remains and rubble of one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of all time and you’re looking at the fucking deer in the forrest.  ’ ‘  maybe they were in there telling ghost stories.  ’ ‘  that’s not what pillow talk is, i don’t think.  ’ ‘  pillow talk could either mean something you do after sex or it could mean what’s like sleepover talk.  ’ ‘  do you tell ghost stories after sex?  ’ ‘  all very effective for– for murder.  ’ ‘  they stabbed him so hard that the knife bent.  ’ ‘  you would think that there’d be at least one witness.  ’ ‘  you see someone running through the forrest covered in blood, you’re probably not gonna bat an eye.  ’ ‘  that’s not how the forrest works.  ’ ‘  excuse me, sir. why are you covered in blood?  ’ ‘  i’m glad to know that you would be the worst crime scene witness of all time.  ’ ‘  oh, you were phrasing it in a dramatic way.  ’ ‘  what is it about killers– that they want to be caught so badly… or like they want to get as close to being caught without being caught?  ’ ‘  i can’t put my mind into the mind of a criminal.  ’ ‘  i can put my mind into the mind of a criminal.  ’ ‘  some of them must be friends, others would like to plunge knives into each other.  ’ ‘  i can imagine one friend of yours murdering you.  ’ ‘  i’m pretty sure there was a coverup by the police department.  ’ ‘  70′s and 80′s police were always just like, ‘oh, you murdered someone? you got forty bucks?’  ’ ‘  great! what else do you want?! i murdered people for you! and now… what?  ’ ‘  oh, so i’m the psycho cause i murdered for you!?  ’ ‘  what, the police were just writing fan fiction?  ’ ‘  this is just baffling to me.  ’ ‘  i guess that’s their job, but can you imagine how much goddamn paperwork is involved in that? so much!  ’ ‘  i’m pretty sure we’re being watched, so i kind of wanna leave, to be honest.  ’ ‘  i’ve had enough of this place and i haven’t even been here that long. i hate this place.  ’ ‘  this boogeyman is very thorough.  ’ ‘  i guess we’re lucky he got lazy.  ’ ‘  the greatest safety precautions of our time are written in blood.  ’ ‘  i think they’re tired of this ongoing saga that never ends.  ’ ‘  you know, i actually disagree with that last sentiment.  ’ ‘  this is like straight-up end of days shit going on.  ’ ‘  this could’ve been the beginning of the zombie apocalypse, in my mind.  ’ ‘  i’ve daydreamed about having an amazing bunker that has satellite tv.   ’ ‘  ‘bad advil’ sounds like a shitty indie band.  ’ ‘  the wild west was the 80′s.  ’ ‘  in the 80′s you could walk in a store, pocket a soda, punch a guy in the face, and then be like ‘see ya later. fuck you!’ cops wouldn’t get to your door for weeks.  ’ ‘  he had books that were just titled ‘how to crime’? if he had a book called ‘how to crime’ then there’s your guy.  ’ ‘  oh, yeah… nah, i’m good. eh, bit of a reach.  ’ ‘  some old lady in florida bought the unabomber’s typewriter?  ’ ‘  maybe this guy was really in the dog house and was just desperate for any kind of turn of affection from her so he thought, ‘i know that i’ll do! i’ll write the fbi!’  ’ ‘  no, i didn’t– what, is there anything to suggest that i would chase my mom with an axe?  ’ ‘  i think you wear a mask sometimes.  ’ ‘  maybe you should keep digging and see what happens.  ’ ‘  these are two messed up weirdos who have found each other and it’s almost a shockingly beautiful love story.  ’ ‘  i don’t get it. i just wanna talk about my work and everyone just keeps seeming to bring up all my past of all the shitty stuff i’ve done.  ’ ‘  ugh, this guy’s gross.  ’ ‘  it must’ve been fun to be a criminal in the 80′s.  ’ ‘  everything before the 80′s – just lawless.  ’ ‘  get your sunglasses ready because this one is packed full of bright stars.  ’ ‘  i’m good to go. i’m always ready, baby!  ’ ‘  it came true so she was actually warranted in all these fears.  ’ ‘  this would be like if you were eaten by a shark.  ’ ‘  i thought for a second we were talking about things that are actually scary.  ’ ‘  i’m gonna let this slide because i know you’re just trying to get a rise out of me.  ’ ‘  does that man have a magical penis or something?  ’ ‘  you think the only reason someone would go back to someone is because they have a magical penis?  ’ ‘  i feel like divorce is probably a lot of work.  ’ ‘  do you not know how love works?  ’ ‘  maybe i don’t know how love works.  ’ ‘  i have a hard time imagining someone going gaga over christopher walken.  ’ ‘  i bet when you get in a room with christopher walken, he commands the space.  ’ ‘  i brought some cocktail weenies.  ’ ‘  one of my greatest fears is that someone will trick me into doing heroin.  ’ ‘  that’s the dumbest fear i’ve ever heard in my life.  ’ ‘  how many situations can you be in that would put you up to that potential danger?  ’ ‘  how many parties are you going to where heroin’s involved? it seems like a lot.  ’ ‘  it’s the fear that someone would come up to me on the street and put heroin in me and then i’m hooked forever.  ’ ‘  here’s what must’ve happened… these forty things, in succession.  ’ ‘  what are you trying to do, fuck my wife?  ’ ‘  why would he make this up?  ’ ‘  he– he was just trying to fuck someones wife.  ’ ‘  i can’t imagine murdering someone even when drunk.  ’ ‘  when you drink you can imagine murdering someone?!  ’ ‘  i ate a pumpkin once when i was drunk… i just took a bite out of a pumpkin.  ’ ‘  that’s a rational fear!  ’ ‘  that is not a rational fear!  ’ ‘  these are the musings of a paranoid man.  ’
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renestare-blog · 7 years
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“h-h-h-hey.. um.. you - you dropped. your headphones. which s-s-s-sucks. they’re like.. expensive. you k-k-know what i mean?”
@renestare liked this. 
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“Mm, does it?” She inquires, although true - she had not noticed that she’d dropped the bits of string that could, perhaps, appear as the chords of headphones from a distance. “In truth, I’d not noticed. I appreciate your vigilance, however.”
A pause, as she kneels over to retrieve the strings from the ground - how unfortunate she’d not wound the prayer beads on them yet. Had Cyrila simply forgotten to do as she’d bid her to do? It seemed as much; that subordinate of hers would receive quite the lecture in the coming hours.
Allowing her lips to curve in a slight smile at the other woman, Lachesis braids the strings in both hands. An idle activity.
“But yes, I do know what you mean. A good thing, then, that these are not headphones. Or earbuds, for that matter. I would never waste the money on such things - is a waste of space, da?”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
“ waaaaah! you killed him! “ (Dru)
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drakengard 3 sentence starters:
“I did what was necessary, fool! If you must remember something in your pitiful life, remember this - death comes for everyone, eventually. Especially for those who are the most vulnerable to having their minds TWISTED by tomfoolery! Shall you too become an example of my philosophy, or will you take it in stride.” 
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“You wished to be FREE, NO? So BE IT, don’t RUN from it, lest you be FORGOTTEN as a FAILURE LIKE THE REST OF THEM!”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
“ i’ll say when this ends. “
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drakengard 3 sentence starters:
“Call me mad, call me a fool, but I shall never allow you or your ilk to dictate what I do. In fact, I believe I am the one who says when it ENDS. I have the power to end my own life, NOT YOU. You must NEVER forget it, da? Lachesis controls her OWN fate. You are EXTRANEOUS.”
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renestare-blog · 7 years
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D&G ss 2015 RTW
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