questioning what kind of photographer Renell Medrano is
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🤣🤣Q: "What camera does Renell Medrano use?" Renell Medrano, ICP Award Winner For Commercial And Editorial Photography, High-Profile Filthy Rich Millionaire Celebrity Photographer: "So most of these photos were taken on this Canon A E1, um, that I stole from my dad in a yard sale when I was. like 12. Um, and it has a 50 millimeter lens on it. And I always shoot on portrait of 400 film by Kodak."
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renellmedrano · 1 year ago
In the land of the blind the naked man (or woman) is king (or queen) and when said residents are also repulsive and moronic as fuck, their disgusting and nasty ass worship of Renell Medrano is by far problematic and obnoxious. Renell is simply a shitty, ignorant and shady photographer who's been laundering money while hiding behind the facade of a phantom studio owner together wither her hideous goblin faced looking partner in crime, Jess Moloney. If you've been wondering where the hell did these bozos come out all of a sudden, then why don't you search them on this fucking site or on Google. Yeah, that's a good Y/N. You're in to find a wide variety of raving mad, totally demented & completely unhinged dug up on dirt on them. And all of this is real. All rumors are indeed real. Are you doubting your reality yet? If you aren't, you should. What are you waiting for then? The answer is wholly, fully, aggressively and vigourously staring in your face. Stop praising and worshiping worthless celebrities. Are you so into this kind of fucked up degradation? You'd be way better off drinking from a public restroom. Just quit dragging your feet on rusty, broken nails already!
Renell's shots are redundant. And boring at best. She's got zero technique. They look as if they were totally taken by someone else or someone else had dialed before the settings on her camera making it easy for her just so that she just needs to press a simple button.
Yet. Still. Renell. Won. The ICP Award. And she's sharing it with Moloney as if it was some rich old fuck's STD ridden deflated penis. Oh wait. Maybe that's how they got all that fame. Nothing new. Move along, nothing to see here.
Why is she always keen on showing her underwear in the least sexual contexts that could possiby exist?
I'm not MAGA, a centrist edge or some type of conservative. But why would you sexualize yourself for the male gaze so much?
Didn't she know in the United States it is estimated that around 70% of photographers are male and 30% are female? Didn't she know this imbalance is also reflected in the gender breakdown of photographers featured in galleries, exhibitions, and publications. Why is she sabotaging ongoing efforts to promote gender equality in the field of photography?
When was the last time a man dressed up like that to an award show or during a photo session?
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ICP Awards screenshot by or
FUUUUUUUCK those hideous hoes. With their phantom photo studios and all their stinking threesome shit. Fake ass ghetto hoes. I've never ever read about Renell discussing in detail about all the high end pro photo gear she's supposed to have used during her A list celebrity photo shoots. In her interviews for famous magazines are totally she gives cookie cutter instagram influencer answers to questions only somebody who was paid to interview her would ask her. She did not tag any camera, lens, brand, lighting equipment in any of her photos. She never even managed to get a camera brand sponsorship deal. She never spoke about what kind of backdrops, tripods, stands, props, accesories, reflectors, diffusers, blah blah blah she has been using in any of the Ice Studios sketchy physical locations that look like some junkies' rat infested derelict gathering dens. ffs. Her knowledge about photography lingo, history and styles is equal to fucking zero. There's photos of Renell with some analog cameras ( vintage medium format Mamiya RZ67 / unknown lens, vintage full frame Canon AE-1 with its famous f/1.8 50 mm prime lens, an unknown camera – which might be digital – with a Carl Zeiss Planar prime lens mounted on it, and probably a vintage Rolleiflex ) & 1 Canon full frame DSLR (not mirrorless) with an unknown lens. And that's about it. I'm not even going to mention her piss poor point and shoot that she was holding while wearing thong pants.......
Jess' bozo beauty ad interview is faker than a cheap Tijuana whore's feelings. It's been already debunked & you just have to search for it on Tumblr and Youtube.
Renell's website is as lousy as the Lice, I mean the Ice Studios one. I don't know what the fuck that is, but that cannot be named a website.
It's infuriating how now this hypocritical bitch believes she's the illest shit in skincare regimens at the moment. When you have shit for brains and connections to various available erections you think everybody is falling for your shtick. Well guess what broke ass fake bitches? Y'all ain't gonna see what's coming and when it's gonna hit ya. When ya least expect it. I've had enough of you! All you've ever done will be de-fucking-bunked. Now go back to schmuck sucking. The next one that ya'll be feeling in the back of your throats will be the IRSchlong.
Nonetheless, their dumbass fans know that and are foaming at the mouth while banging their crap filled heads against shitloads of walls. Yet they still haven't been able to convince anyone otherwise. They have an obvious masochistic stupid wish of being proven wrong for the 100th time. Relenlessly. Poor delusional and empty brained halfwits. Yes, all this really is very stupid and tremendously dumb. But they should rest assured they're gonna have their asses kicked and will now be therefore permanently wrecked. It'd be better for them to stop screaming from their top of their lungs so much insane batshit stereotypical influencer crap. And listen to the ones who are indeed irrefutable authorities on this subject. Renell's fans make me throw up. They need a serious beating with an iron crowbar over their empty heads. How else are they going to wake up to reality then? How else will they stop bloody beating their minced up meat around a heavily thorned bush? The hands that feed her hide deadly and dangerous long, sharp claws.
Renell doesn't assume the slightest shit of responsability for what she is supposed to be doing. She's been thoroughly brainwashed to believe everybody is a mindless and unschooled hoodrat whose minuscule mind is less worthy than a recycled garbage bin. Guess what, bitch? With her opening the door to everything here and beyond, she should've been ready to expect the unexpected when they invited us in. Now we're flooding her worthless being with facts rabidly biting her face, chewing on her pieces & spitting them out. Poor Renell and Jess! Looks like their only option is letting us stay and brutally dismantle their convoluted but fickle web of lies. My advice for her is go whine and cry at another table! Her and Jess' work doesn't even amount to a shitstain, maybe they should've tried to get hired as prison garbage sorters. Go hide under a rock while you still can.
I've seen much more believable and intelligent triple x-rated casting videos than this shit.
No bitch, STFU, just because you're using a notoriously overpriced and overhyped gadget gimmick that got the worst reviews it could get (the Kodak Super8 flop) doesn't make you an intellectually and morally superior artsy fartsy 10/10 honest gram photographer or videographer influencer switch. Fuck, I hate switching swish swish bitches. Pull your head out of your ass already, wannabe fucker! You're one utterly sad incompetent mistress of fuckconnery. An impostor.
It's so vile and so offensive to think she is a high-profile photographer with craploads of top of the top A-list celebrity photo sessions as hallmarks of her portfolio. No photographer would ever dare say such unbelievably ridiculous shit. Ever!
“I always get a thrill [out] of showing new stuff on Instagram, or whatever social platform, just because I feel like the people that appreciate my work have been supporters since day one. I’m not scared to put out new work, I kind of get this high from it. If I don’t get that from a photo, then I’m doing something wrong.”
"So most of these photos were taken on this Canon A E1, um, that I stole from my dad in a yard sale when I was. like 12. Um, and it has a 50 millimeter lens on it. And I always shoot on portrait of 400 film by Kodak."
"Why," you might be asking yourself. 'Cause FUCK YOU! That's why! Fuck you, you brain rotting fanatics, you cangrenous tissue, necrotizing flesh, you mangled up cells . You'll forever be in debt to everyone right from toes till up your neck until you start explaining why you're selling fake and contrived dreams to young, naive and innocent people online, why you want them to munch on your butt while you're play pretending to be a manager, model, fashion designer, photographer, writer, therapist, why you're lying about your past and real abilities, why you're evading taxes, why you stole money from guillible individuals when they needed it most, why you gaslight and deceitfully manipulate your friends, why there's so much controversy around you, why your actions don't mach your words. Why you'll never tell the truth even if it were to lethally strangle you. Why having connections for better or for worse and bragging about them (as if she was the only one in the world with connections) to fuck knows who and what doesn't turn you into a no morals somebody from a nobody. Why you're covering for a bunch of nefarious repulsive death penalty worthy MOB asshats who deserve to be hammered, slammed, smashed and whacked, battered, pounded and pummeled to microscopic pieces untill not even the best coroner in the world can identify them by their contaminated DNA.
Even if they were to beg for attention crawling on the dirtiest carpet, even if they became the laughing stock of social media, even if they pleaded for forgiveness 24/7 7/7 28/28 29/29 30/30 31/31 365/365 366/366 till they kicked the bucket, what Jess, Renell and the others have done will not be erased from history.
Equal give and take my ass. STFU. Why are they even allowed to have a say in basically everything right now? They shouldn't. Nobody asked for their opinions. Nobody wants to hear them talk. Nobody gives two shits about them. Their ramblings are as useful as a torn apart leaking urinal. If I wanted to hear Renell and Jess talk I'd not waste my time in them, I'd go listen on Youtube how clogged toilets sound. But I don't. I'm not interested in hearing anything remorely similar to those two wet farts. I don't want to stoop at their level. They can go fuck themselves with a splinter full wooden toilet plunger. And then film their deed with the lousiest, fakest, pro camera Chinese counterfeit knock off.
Just because she's holding some random ass cameras doesn't fucking mean she knows anything about photography. Who the fuck holds their cameras in such a careless way as if they were a cheap model who were told to play pretend they're this greatly awewome celebrity photographer? A camera should be firmly held while tightly strapped so it doesn't fall on the fucking ground and makes a mess out of itself while permanently damaging the sensor, its lens + its external flash. Most cameras do weigh a lot, so why would she be dangling it around like a pair of thongs?
She admitted she's doing for the gram. And doesn't know how to tell the difference between niche photography and her pseudo commercial and editorial bullshit. What is so special about her that celebrities flock like silly, stupid geese to her in order to have their photo taken with this thing when other photographers in the game spend thousands of dollars on their gear?
They're roughly 150-200 bucks per piece(camera + lens). Dirt cheap. About the same price a celebrity pays for their designer underwear.
The estimate for a comprehensive professional camera setup in a situation like this ranges from $10,000 to $30,000 or more. Additional expenses could raise the total cost to $50,000 or more.
Who the heck even post-processes her photos? Oh wait, it's the infamous non-existent legally dubious Ice Studios. She'd have been more credible if she at least wore that "I shoot RAW" tshirt all wannabe photographers wear to impress people left and right lol. And to think she's never been seen wearing her shop's clothes.....
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Compare how scam photographer Renell is carelessly holding her expensive gear vs how real photographers actually do it.
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Who the fuck gets paid to shoot spoiled ass rich clients without having a legally registered business? Why exactly her? Who' been paying for her to be featured in magazine interviews? What makes her so frikkin' special than the tons of others so similar to her? How did she earn all that fame and appreciation? Who the fuck even allowed Renell to speak when she's doing nothing but excellenting at wasting precious seconds away from the listeners' attention span. Who the fuck uses such a small bag for carrying around their camera when a decent looking photographer's bag must contain at least 3 or 4 of the following: additional batteries & charger, additional bodies and lenses & straps and harnesses, lens caps, lens hoods, lens filters, lens pouches, external flash or speedlight, portable ssd drive, portable light source, protective waterproof cover, remote shutter release, additional sd cards, ultrabook, lens cleaning kits or wipes. She and Jess are pretending to do whatever they're clearly failing to pretend at. Fucking lousy decrepit wankers.
No serious photographer crams any of the following in such a way their bag is indististinguishable from a sack of potatoes.
I can't believe their work is so terribly uninteresting and so unoriginal. If it hadn't been for their. They need to be thrown ASAP in a huge giant shipping container with this label on it:"Don't open till Rapture comes. Destination: Timbuktu or bust." The earlier, the better. Do they expect people won't take a harsh stand against this incredibly scheming waste of time duo? Do they think they can go on and on living their miserable life with their series of snake oil salesmen tactics? Do they think nobody's going to take a stand and put an end to their con?
And what about Jamie Campbell Bower's role in this? Is he a voluntary participant in this fraud or is he being coerced?
They who dig a pit will fall into it.
moRoney & mudranoOB as cars vs a car cruSher
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