renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
Even if you feel like you have nothing to offer, you’re still allowed to be here. Your existence and value are not dependent on what you can do for other people.
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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The Pomegranate Ball ~
((get early access to new comics and my deep gratitude by supporting me on Patreon))
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
Women aren’t automatically angels for being women.
Men aren’t automatically bad because they’re men.
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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“If your partner is non-binary you got a joyfriend”  
- ThatBoyYouLike
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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“I’ll try again tomorrow”
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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You got this!
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
But seriously, when we got our property, it was all just…grass. A sterile grass moonscape, like a billion other yards. With two big old maple trees. Just grass and maples, that was it. 
But then I got my grubby little paws on it, and I immediately stopped fertilizing, spraying, and bagging up grass clippings and leaves. I ripped up sod and put in flowers and vegetables. I put down nice thick blankets of mulch around the flowers and vegetables. 
When I first was sweating my way through stripping sod, I saw a grand total of 1 worm and 0 ladybugs. The ground was compacted into something that would bend shovel blades. 
Now, six years later, I can’t dig a planting hole without turning up fourteen earthworms, and there are so many ladybugs here. Not the invasive asian lady beetles; native ladybugs. They winter over in the mulch and in the brush pile. I see thousands of them. 
The soil is soft and rich. There are birds that come to eat, and bees of many sorts.
Like this is something that you, yourself, can absolutely change. This is something that you, personally, can make a difference in.
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
Someone you met 2 weeks ago can have better intentions than someone you met 2 years ago. Don’t let time fool you
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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happy stimming
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
"A few weeks ahead of the slated return of most U.S. sports, pro women’s softball held its first game in Melbourne, Florida this week. Shortly after the game ended, every member of the Texas-based Scrap Yard Fast Pitch quit the team. Every single one.
At some point during the game, the team’s general manager Connie May tweeted a picture of the players standing during the national anthem. The tweet tagged Donald Trump, declaring, “Everyone respecting the FLAG!”
According to the New York Times, the team returned to their locker room after the game to find a bunch of texts and notifications about the picture, which was posted without their knowledge or consent to promote a political message they say was not their intention.
May’s implication is that by standing for the anthem, the team is showing opposition (or at the very least, indifference) to the Black Lives Matter movement, making it a sort of anti-protest protest in itself. And the team made it clear they were not okay with that message.
Only two of the team’s 18 players are black. Kelsey Stewart (featured in the header image) didn’t play in Monday’s game and was the one to send a screenshot of the tweet to her teammates, along with the message: “I am not going to ever be a part of this organization whatsoever.” Kiki Stokes led the walkout after May doubled down on the tweet after the game.
The Undefeated’s Sean Hurd writes:
"When May was brought into the locker room following the game, players expected an explanation. According to Stokes, May instead tried to justify what she had posted and described how uncomfortable she had felt. When May then mentioned the phrase “All Lives Matter,” Stokes had heard enough and walked out of the locker room."
Stewart and Stokes were backed up by the entirety of their team.
“Moments later, her teammates took off their jerseys and followed her,” writes Hurd. “According to Stokes, every player in the locker room was done after that moment. They would no longer play for May or the Scrap Yard organization.”
“The more we talked about it, the angrier I got, and I finally just said, ‘I’m done, I’m not going to wear this jersey,’” Cat Osterman told the Times. “We were used as pawns in a political post, and that’s not OK.”
Additionally, the USSSA Pride, who the Scrap Yard Dawgs played in Monday’s game, has suspended the rest of their planned games in solidarity. (The two were the teams on each other’s schedules, so presumably, this means the USSSA is refusing to win by default.)
These players are sacrificing a lot to take this stand. Natasha Watley, the first Black player to play with USA Softball at the Olympics, told The Undefeated, “It’s powerful that not one of them stood back and said this doesn’t really affect me, I’d rather play,” adding, “We’re already getting paid pennies and now we’re going to get paid nothing to stand up for this. That’s how much it matters.”
The now-former Scrap Yard players have said that May’s statements don’t represent them and they’ve crafted a statement to explain what they do stand for.
“This is us,” it reads, via a series of images the teammates have posted to their personal accounts. “Awareness. Empowerment. Unity.”"
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
— Khail Gibran
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
“Don’t lie, because the same people who believe your lies are also the ones who believe in you.”
— Unknown
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renarikasgraywolf · 4 years
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Captain America: The First Avenger  /  Captain America: The Winter Soldier 
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