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more Arkius/Lucio doodles,,
drawing these two is really self indulgent, but I just turned 19 and this was a way to spend my birthday haha
also I feel like I only draw lucio smirking but like it really is his default expression–
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Art vs. Artist
This was long overdue, but here's a self-portrait in my artstyle and me lol
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#artvsartist2020 #artvsartist #drawingwhileblack
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“Red-Haired Lifeguard”
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After rainy days, finally the heat and the sun came to me! And I am very happy about that! Therefore, I wanted to do something nice. This cute sunny boy for you, @vkusnodonis!
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“Swimming Lesson?”
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Well, persuading Julian wasn’t so difficult. He agrees to give some private swimming lessons to you, @vkusnodonis) If someone also wants to learn more about the lessons, Julian will be happy to answer your questions!
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It's been a minute but here's another #BlackLivesMatter artwork. #NoJusticeNoPeace #DrawingWhileBlack
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#drawingwhileblack here's the first of many of my drawings for the #BLACK_LIVES_MATTER movement. First up, graffiti art. #BlackLivesMatter
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Here's my two new (of many) OC's for a potential series I'm creating. Reijiro is his name, Ayaka is hers. He's the next in line to run his father's Yakuza, while Ayaka works in her father's parlor as a tebori tattoo artist (she tattoos with machines as well)... usually tattooing the yakuza
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So my family and I saw Queen and Slim this past weekend and lemme just say... this movie was breathtaking. It was painful, frustrating, intense nostalgic, intimate, passionate, riveting, beautiful, and so much more. It's so accurate about what happens to black men and women within the justice system as well.
I worked really hard on this one, and I hope I captured this story's expression.
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Alright!! So it's the holidays and your girl can seriously use some money! So I'm opening commissions!!
I can pretty much draw whatever you'd like me to (cartoony versions of yourself, your favorite characters, pin-ups, flowers, plants, still-life, etc.) as long as you give me references! Message me if you're interested!!
*Oh! I also take tips if you want to give me one!* ☺🥰😇☺🤗
Thank you for your support!! 🙂😊🥰☺🤗
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Monochrome Challenge
Hey hey hey!! Thank you soooooo much to @pastatrolastrash for tagging me in this challenge. When I saw your post with your MC and Valerius in the shades of blue.... omg I was SHOOK. I love it. I hope you don't mind, but I think I wanna keep the intimate/spicy artwork train going lol!
I actually really love doing monochromatic artwork, I just haven't had the confidence to do it in a while! But anyway.... here's my first two pieces!
Monochrome Challenge #1: Shades of Black I drew my girl Remy in some AU/Modern Day wear.
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Monochrome Challenge #2: Shades of Red Red just makes me think of Lucio... and I wanted to draw something spicy too since I rarely do that. (Probably gonna do that with the rest of the colors too). So here you have Lucio kissing Remy on her neck... which is one of her favorite kissing spots.
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So here's how it goes:
You have a list of colors (blue, black, red, orange, green, purple and pink) and gotta draw something for each one of them using the corresponding shades
Hmm... hey @mt-beau , @wingcinna ,@julians-chest-hair , @canistheapprentice @s-m-a-l-l-s .... you wanna give this challenge a go? Only if you want to, of course 🥰🤗.
Anybody else can give this a go too!
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I have... no explanation for this... except that I had this on my mind for a looooonnnnggggg ass time and I finally drew it out lmao.
I'm going to color these in on my laptop and see if I like them like that too, but here's my kine work. I present to you....
Remy and her LI's babies!!
Just so you all know, all of them have at least one adopted child... idk why but I just feel like they'd adopt some children in Vesuvia especially after the Red Plague... ESPECIALLY Julian and Portia.
Side note, yes Remy and Asra had some twins! You wanna know why? Because ever since that magnificent CG of Asra and The Magician came out, I just had it set in my mind that they were gonna have some clever twins lmao.
And yes, Remy and Portia are both pregnant mommas because I think that's what they would do lmao. Could you imaginea couple with two beautiful pregnant mommies? That's so cute to me lol
I already have their adult designs and personalities figured out too, so... I'll get those out there soon!! 😊
(And don't worry, I'm still drawing apprentices! I just really wanted to share this!)
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Hey lovely people!! So I’m sorry about a little delay… this hasn’t been a very good week for me 😖😖😖😭… anyway if anything can cheer me up, it’s making art and drawing more of my favorite ocs. I had fun making these because I’ve followed a few of these wonderful artists for a while now (as I did in my last 2 oc posts), and I’ve just been itching to draw their ocs. Anyway… lol
So here’s @fey-s gorgeous oc: Natasha, @ocarinia adorable oc: Mirabelle, @k-oatlicue (instagram page) intriguing ocs: Bina and Úrsula, @glimmerblossoms courageous oc: Theodosia Vaudou, @theartofflorence stunning ocs: Venus and Minke, @ag-doobles (Instagram page) awesome ocs: Adonis and Anaïs, @linaisbluepancake beautiful ocs: Halla and Babu, @wingcinna outrageously gorgeous ocs: Datura and Sajna (omg have y'all seen their babies too?!?! Wtf all of their beauty is breathtaking 😭😖😳) , and finally, @lazyvoyager absolutely precious oc: Illain… I also made a sneak peek of their baby together lol.
Real talk, all of your artwork blows my mind everytime I see it and it pushes me to keep doing my own. I seriously cannot get enough of it. 💕💕💕💕🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Alright,alright,alright!! Here’s 10 more of some of my favorite Apprentices for @thearcanagame . Here we have @imapeiceofshitt OC: Tailor, @apprenticesofia OC: Sofia Lunasmith, @winsbuckart @winsbuck OC: Rina, @portiasgirl OC: Zoë (Instagram name), @caywinn OC: Caywinn, @canistheapprentice OC: Canis, @i-am-arcana-trash OC: Laurel, @aaliyah-draws OC: Valerie, @gabberdraw OC: Mareen, and @cicadagirl OC: Marian Wen.
I’m bummed that the last 4 got cropped thanks to Instagram’s weird cutoff style, but I’ll be posting these on my instagram/twitter as well.
I just wanted to say that you all are some of the most talented artists and awesome people that I get check out on social media!! I hope you all love my drawings too!!
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Hey Everybody!! So… um… there’s one thing that I’ve been really afraid of doing when it comes to my art, and that’s drawing other amazing artists’ ocs… but I decided that I really wanted to do it, so I just bit my lip and did it! Lol
So here’s @oIronicalO (their twitter name) ’s oc Ivanka, @aku.jpg ( their instagram name) ’s Najib, @bichobolitach ’s Dominik, @hellothisismasu ’s oc (I’m so sorry I don’t know her name!!), @marsbie ’s Gabe, and @apprentice-grace ’s Grace.
I really love all of your character’s designs and personalities… I hope I did them justice!!
And don’t worry everyone!! I am NOWHERE NEAR done with drawing apprentices! I’m gonna keep going until I can’t anymore lol.
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Hey Everybody!! So here’s Asra’s “little things” from @obsessedwiththearcana headcanon post. In case the link isn’t working, here’s Asra’s list:
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For his “says the most random shit in his sleep” I looked up a buzzfeed post about weird things people have said in their sleep, and the spring berry one had me lmao.
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Here’s Nadia’s “Little Things” from @obsessedwiththearcana headcanon post. My favorite was the bubble bath one… mostly because I love her personal bath room and I’d love to be in it someday lol
Nadia’s was one of my favorites because I could really visualize all of them! Here’s the list just in case the link didn’t work.
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And last but certainly not least, here’s Julian’s “Little things” from @obsessedwiththearcana headcanon post!! Can you tell how much I love this knucklehead of a man??
So just in case the link doesn’t work, here’s his list from the original post:
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Ssoooooo obviously… that fourth one is HELLA nsfw… but I drew it anyway because I’m wild like that lmao… I was gonna post it on my other social media’s but…. my folks follow me so…. that’s out lmao. But if you’d like to see my uncensored version, look at this link. If it doesn’t work, message me and I’ll show it to you that way lol.
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