remus-harper · 10 years
Beautiful lyrics.
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remus-harper · 10 years
Dire Straits - Calling Elvis
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remus-harper · 10 years
Most heartless people have a heart, they’ll just do anything to protect their heart even if it means that they have to break yours.
Sonya Parker (via leohearts)
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remus-harper · 10 years
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remus-harper · 10 years
"Right, too bad." Remus shrugged his shoulders; He did have an medical insurance, so he didn't really care ending up in an asylum again. "You're in a band? Must be all roses for you then. What are you trying to cure yourself of? Drug addiction?" Remus asked, ignoring the 'nice to meet you' that usually followed introductions. 
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"What do you mean we don’t have to pay?" Gabe questioned raising an eyebrow, "I don’t have medical insurance and my band is paying for this out of pocket and gig money." He said to the man, "It isn’t cheep being here, but they wanted me to get better you know?" He questioned, "Anyway, Gabe Carina, thank you for the welcome." The man replied shaking the others hand. 
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remus-harper · 10 years
         { ☠              People like us
                                                              don’t get happy endings             ☠ }
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remus-harper · 10 years
Remus had just returned to the gym after a won bet with one of the guards, just to find someone working out on the treadmills. At first he didn't really know who it was, and he was there, quietly, until the woman apparently burned out. When she went to get a drink, Remus remembered her; Elena. The one with anemia. Remus smiled for himself and walked over to her once she had sat down, and he crouched down in front of her. "Hi." He replied casually and glanced at the treadmill. "I'm glad you did, there was a lot of patients here earlier, messing with the machines. But other than that, my day has been splendid. Yours?" He smiled and offered her the towel that he had slung around his neck earlier. "Sounds like you're trying to huff and puff down a house. Are you okay?" He asked, and even if it sounded rude in his head, he didn't imply anything mean.
Elena had been jogging at a solid pace for ten minutes until, predictably, burning out. Putting the treadmill to a stop, she stepped off of it and leaned against the machine as she took a few steady breathes. Regardless, there was the inevitable dizziness again. A five minute break. That should do...
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remus-harper · 10 years
"Well, I wouldn't really complain. At least you don't need to pay for anything." Remus spoke to the new arrival while writing programs for the lazy ass guards in the hospital. He finished the paper with a signature before giving the orders to the receptionist, then he walked over to the new guy. "Remus Harper, fitness instructor. Welcome to Thornewood." He reached his hand out for a handshake, polite as ever.
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"Holy shit." Gabe muttered as he entered the hospital looking around, "This place is off the hook!  Puts little Jersey into perspective." He chuckled, "But, Jersey is so much better.” He decided, placing his hands in his pockets, walking into the building.
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remus-harper · 10 years
"Why?" was the only question Remus asked first; He didn't want to live very long but still didn't want to take his own life. An optimist, this guy, how annoying. But what wouldn't annoy Remus. He did although listen to the man calmly, nodding at appropriate parts and cracking a vague smile when he mentioned wanting to be an musician. But his mind had caught on one thing; 
    --  I think everyone can become a better person.
What a bullshit sentence, Remus though as he looked back at himself. Eighteen years and nothing had worked, nothing electrical, no pills, no talks, and no sympathy had made him regret anything. He hadn't became an better person, but he had became an better actor. But let the man think everyone can be good, maybe he needed that. 
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"me?" He snapped back to reality from his thoughts and shrugged his shoulder. "I had nothing better to do in my youth, so I got obsessed with sports and working out instead of bands and celebrities." Before that, I wanted to become an serial killer akin to Ted Bundy and John Gacy. But then I was forced to be what society wished me to be and now I'm stuck here with your lazy asses. "And that' about it. I'm still obsessed with exercise, so here I am."
"In a way, we’re all doomed, yes - but we may as well prolong our survival a little bit longer," Kaiden pointed out calmly, his tongue swiping at his upper lip as he cocked his head; purely out of habit. "Good guess." Smiling broadly, he nodded. "It is, actually. And, ha, to some extent.” As he chuckled, his eyes shifted from Thornewood to Remus’ eyes. “A lot of the patients seem to dread exercise.”
"This is going to sound cheesy, but it’s true." A faint, albeit fond, smile curved Kaiden’s lips as he spoke with greater clarity than before, "I originally didn’t want to be a Psychiatrist, but then I realized that I have to do something about this relentless urge to help people; I think everyone can become a better person. All it needs is a little push, and I’m here to provide that. B e f o r e  that, though.” He broke off with a hearty laugh which tilted his head back. “I wanted to be a musician, or a director. Drastic change, I know. How about you, though?”
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remus-harper · 10 years
"I better not get in trouble, I didn't travel this far to get fired for some stupid ..." He lowered his voice so she wouldn't hear his little outburst. But he took a deep breath and calmed down a little so he could concentrate  on doing his job anyway. He knew she didn't want to talk, he could see it on her face, but he still had to find out who she was so he could deny her ever being there. "Alright, what's your name? I need to know who uses the equipment here so if it breaks, I have someone to turn to for answers. Security reasons." He offered her a smile and put on a hoodie he had grabbed along, just if the girl had some freaky triggers and would freak out of he was half naked.
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Grey pulled her sneakers on as quickly as she could and made her way over to the treadmill furthest from the man. She had just stepped on and was about to start the machine when she heard him talking again. Oh crap. “I um..” she started before he continued, quickly shutting her mouth as he spoke again. She took a deep breath as she glanced him over, thinking a little before speaking. “The nurses aren’t going to be checking this late.” she shrugged, fidgeting with her headphones. “I’m not going to be that long I promise. You won’t get in trouble.” There didn’t seem to be a point in lying, maybe he would appreciate her being honest, not likely but there was a chance. 
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remus-harper · 10 years
"You don't want your daughter to be close to you? I don't mean to come off rude..." Yes you do. "But if I had a child, I'd much rather she had a roof over her head and every free service there is, instead of living in the streets, which usually leads to prostitution. But how you parent is not my business, please, continue." Remus tilted his head back a tad and had that very vague smile on his face.
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"I don't care for 'friends', so you can forget that. Just for your own safety you know." He rolled his hand in the air to make it seem like it wasn't that bad. Rem literally didn't trust anyone, so he didn't even want to fake friendship, especially not with an other mental patient, he had had enough backstabbing from them in Lexington. He let the girl ramble in peace until she went silent for a minute, giving him a chance to talk again. "Having both intelligent sides is an advantage, but as long as you don't complain how people don't treat you right while you're being an asshole, I'm fine with any smarts." He spoke and looked at the finger gun, raising an brow at her.
"Well I would teach her that but murdering people, yeah it kinda gets you in here. I don’t want her in here." She said speaking through her teeth. 
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"Alright, another person that doesn’t like guards. Yep, you might be a good friend to have then." She said giggling, and then spinning around on her toes as if she was displaying something, "Hey they don’t call me Racey for nothin’. I have speed and no strength… polar opposites? Yes! Coincidence, maybe." She scrunched her face as she thought about his words for a moment, "Well I like to think I have a pretty sharp tongue, I may not be the smartest book wise but street smarts I do have." She said with a wink and pointed her finger gun at him. 
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remus-harper · 10 years
"It's okay, these things happen." He waved it off and shook his head when she apologized again. "I guess it's a good thing you get new people very day? Must be an popular place." He spoke politely, not exactly sure how to actually hold and conversation. He was more of an listener.
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I know I will do great, why wouldn't I? "That would be very kind of you, but I do think you should get some sleep before you pass out." He said but still opened the door for her and gestured her to go inside. "I know how to get around places, so you need not to worry about me."
Tracey’s cheeks heated up as she laughed sheepsihly. She ran a hand through her hair and smiled. “Oh god, sorry. I guess I’ve lost a lot more sleep than I thought,” she said with a laugh. She quickly covered up a yawn, blushing again. “Wow, yeah, I need sleep. Sorry.”
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She smiled, her cheeks still a little pink. “It’s not a problem. We get new people here almost every day. It’s nice to meet you.” 
"Yeah we haven’t had one before. You’ll do great." She nodded her head as he gestured to the door. "It is getting a little cold out. Would you like me to show you around a little?" she asked as she stepped through the door.
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remus-harper · 10 years
people who have made a lasting impression on you so far??
"I don't really know, Anon. I rarely get good impressions of people, and quite frankly, I don't even care. If I had to choose, I'd say Elena has been quite a surprise as a human. Surprising in the way she doesn't let her troubles keep her down."
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remus-harper · 10 years
Guilty pleasures and Pet Peeves?
Guilty pleasures
"Well basically I just watch serial killer interviews or documentaries. It’s quite fascinating, really."
Pet Peeves
"Oh there’s a long list of those, like 
Couples who sit on the same side of the booth when there is no one on the other side.
Parents who bring their young kids to R rated films.
People who blame anything but themselves for their failure.
Noisy eaters.
Couples that own a dog together and call themselves mommy and daddy.
The noise people make when they rub their fingers on balloons.
People who ride their bikes in the road when a sidewalk is right there.
People who take forever to order food while I’m in line.
Someone standing over my shoulder reading the computer screen.
People who write “Noone” instead of “No one”.
Jerks who take up 2 parking spaces. 
People who give their kids weird names (Yeah thanks mom.)
People that pop and smack their chewing gum. 
Women who wear too much perfume. 
Cutesy intentional misspellings: ” lite” ” kwik” ” ‘R ” for are. 
People who don’t know the difference between its/it’s and they’re /their/there.
People who read over your shoulder on public transportation. (This isn’t really that bad as long as they don’t breathe in my ear.)
Drivers who tailgate.
Anyone – male or female- who says “We’re pregnant”. Are they sharing a uterus?
Suburban kids who think they are gangstas. 
People who chew with their mouth open.
People who use the word “gay” to mean “lame”. 
People who don’t control their bratty children. (I swear to god if one more kid comes up to me and complains that I’m tall, I’ll throw them off a bridge.) 
Girls who wear way too much make up. 
People who mumble, then annoyedly say “Forget it!” when people don’t hear it.
People who spell “you’re” as “your.” 
When you have to walk out of the shower naked because you forgot to bring a towel with you. 
People who stare.
“Okay, there’s a shit ton of ways to piss me off, so this list is still lacking. But you get the general idea.”
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remus-harper · 10 years
Some questions, if you need inspiration.
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remus-harper · 10 years
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remus-harper · 10 years
"You have an good attitude, I have to say. And thank you for bringing it up, it helps me if something happens to you in the gym." He spoke honestly, and in his own personal opinion, he never wanted anyone to use their illness as an excuse. But the doctors always did, didn't they? "Yes, morning are fine as well. The patients are awoken at six am, and breakfast is served at eight am, so between those hours the gym is out of bounds for them. And that's usually when the more active guards work out as well, I would say." He explained and tried to remember what other schedules the patients had. It was difficult to know really, since he had only been there for a couple of days.
Remus chuckled lightly and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I'm glad the ruddy gutter of your intestines doesn't hold you back. I can respect that." He gave her a little laughter, barely audible, but still there. When she touched his shoulder though, he almost froze. Mainly because no one had actually touched him in, what, 10 years? Unless you count handshakes, there had been a lot of those. And her hand was so small, it felt strange. 
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He didn't really react, but offered her a smile when she spoke about Antarctica. "Just head north or south long enough, and when you find penguins, you're in the right place." He said, trying not to joke since it didn't really suit his personality. But her reaction to the pool was actually genuine, an genuine emotion of like. He scoffed a breath, but the smile on his lips indicated that he wasn't mocking her in any manner. "It is quite fancy, yes. And no, I manage quite well on my own. Thank you for the offer, though." He bowed his head in appreciation, truly grateful to have gotten on the good side of an guard. He and guards rarely got along this well anyway. "If you ever need me, you can find me in my office. It's right by the gym, of course, and that's where I always am. Have a good day, Elena." He gave her a final smile before his phone beeped and he apologized to her, answering the beeping phone and heading towards his office. 
First Impressions || OPEN
"Oh, that’s probably because it shouldn’t be used as an excuse. In my point of view." Elena gave Remus a faint, albeit genuine, smile as she swept her hair over to one shoulder out of habit. "I simply thought it’d be appropriate to bring it up with you, seeing as you’re the fitness instructor. Otherwise, I don’t think Anemia would be normally brought up at all." Elena closed her eyes, the smile still lingering, as she nodded. "I’ll bear that in mind. And early in the morning’s alright too, isn’t it?" Her brown hues fluttered open. "Unpopular opinion, but, I actually do like mornings.”
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"I see. On the contrary, I was always focused on my academics." She laughed softly, before nodding firmly after. "I don’t think I need to try any more sports, but thank you. Marathon running and swimming has always been my forté; what stuck, and I admit, what I excelled at — before my intestines decided to go down the ruddy gutter.” Elena laughed a little harder, her eyes and nose scrunching up as she ducked her head. 
At Remus’ humble exclamation of pride, delicate laughter passed her grinning lips, as Elena gingerly laid a hand on his shoulder whilst she walked past. “Excellent work, Mr Harper. Perhaps, with such skills, you’ll be able to direct me to Antartica in no time,” she teased.  As soon as she walked in, she halted in her steps, gaping at the extravagant pool room. “Wow. This is — this is stunning.” Her russet hues seemed to sparkle as she took in the place, before finally landing on Remus again with a wide smile. “Mm.. not that I can think of? I wouldn’t want to trouble you any further. But is there anything I can help you with?”
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