reluctantbluesniper · 7 years
“N-non, my darling double. It didn’t bother me that much.” it did, but he covered it up with a smile and a ‘confident pose’.
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It was sexual? That didn’t make much sense to him honestly. Sex just wasn’t something any of the brothers likely considered often, considering they all were unable to have sex at this point in their lives, and that it could distract them from the contract.
“I don’t get it. Sex is, like, reproduction? Is there really a need to add anything else to it besides, well, fucking?”
“Wh-whats so funny!? I don’t know normal diseases much!”
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Karamatsu didn’t get it, why was he laughing? He felt a hot flash of embarrassment when this other him explained that a daddy kink was in fact not a disease. The sniper looked away, rubbing at the back of his neck and coughing, trying to play it off.
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“I-it’s like a bend in something! I know that much!”
Aw, shit, now he felt kinda bad. He didn’t think his laughing would bother the other so much, but then again, Kara wasn’t really the best at subtle emotion—
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“E-eh, wait, sorry if I hurt your feelings—I wasn’t making fun of you, really! I just thought the idea was really funny…!”
He cleared his throat and awkwardly shoved his hands into his pockets.
“I mean, that’s one definition, but when it comes to things like daddy kink, or—any kind of kink, really—it means an… er, unusual sexual fantasy or practices? Like, somebody who has a bondage kink likes being tied up, or tying people up for sex. It’s a sexual thing.”
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reluctantbluesniper · 7 years
“Wh-whats so funny!? I don’t know normal diseases much!”
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Karamatsu didn’t get it, why was he laughing? He felt a hot flash of embarrassment when this other him explained that a daddy kink was in fact not a disease. The sniper looked away, rubbing at the back of his neck and coughing, trying to play it off.
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“I-it’s like a bend in something! I know that much!”
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“You’re the only person outside the compound we talk to though!”
“….Is it bad? Is it a disease!?”
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“—is it a…”
Give him a moment—he’s a bit occupied with trying to curb his suddenly uncontrollable laughter.
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“O-oh my god—no, it’s not a disease. It can be questionable, yeah, but it’s definitely not a disease—pffff! Oh my god! Okay, do you know what a kink is?” He could start with there. Suddenly, he was in a much better mood. That was a good laugh!
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reluctantbluesniper · 7 years
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“You’re the only person outside the compound we talk to though!”
“....Is it bad? Is it a disease!?”
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“What’s a daddy kink?”
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“…no. Nope, I’m not doing this. Ask somebody else, I’m definitely not doing this.”
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reluctantbluesniper · 7 years
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“What’s a daddy kink?”
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“So what are cummies…?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 7 years
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“So what are cummies...?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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The male kept looking between this double of himself and the mirror, probably more amazed by the glitter than he should have been. Honestly he wished he had a better way to convey his feelings, but--
“Th-that would not be a problem with me...”
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The sniper waited patiently as the other applied the glitter to his skin, trying his best not to stiffen up.
When he was shown his own reflection he stared. It wasn’t as bad as he thought it’d be, honestly he liked it.
“….it’s different.” too bad his emotions were stunted and he wasn’t the best at expressing joy to anyone that wasn’t one of his brothers.
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“Different in a good way, or bad way?”
Karamatsu didn’t seem to be too fazed by his lack of reaction—after all, he was kind of used to a much more negative feedback, anyway. Which—sounded slightly depressing, but whatever. Karamatsu still beamed.
“If you like it, I certainly wouldn’t mind sharing with you more often!”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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The sniper waited patiently as the other applied the glitter to his skin, trying his best not to stiffen up.
When he was shown his own reflection he stared. It wasn’t as bad as he thought it’d be, honestly he liked it.
“....it’s different.” too bad his emotions were stunted and he wasn’t the best at expressing joy to anyone that wasn’t one of his brothers.
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“….alright then, put it on me.”
He’s too curious not to want some. He’s pretty sure this would be fine, especially if it’s not going to physically harm him.
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“Okay! Now, stay still for a few moments, my very good sir! Heh… I promise you, you will look absolutely dashing!”
Karamatsu applied a subtle layer of blue glitter on the other’s face, and put some on his hands and wrists too, so he could see it. Though, he also had a mirror, so…
“…aaaand voila! Finished!” With a beaming smile, Karamatsu pulled out his hand mirror from his pocket, and handed it to the other. “What do you think, my handsome double?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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“....alright then, put it on me.”
He’s too curious not to want some. He’s pretty sure this would be fine, especially if it’s not going to physically harm him.
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“Is it going to hurt me?”
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“Unless you get it in your eyes, no! It’s really quite harmless! A bit tricky to get off if you put too much, but probably nothing a shower cannot fix.”
A Karamatsu that didn’t know what this glitter was? He was surprised, but happy to teach, too!
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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“Is it going to hurt me?”
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He just… stared. Blankly. He was completely unsure of what to do or how to react to this gesture.
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“…do you want me to help you put it on?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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“What the fuck, kid?”
He hates the deep shots of panic that run through him, the worry that this could hurt him. He feels cold and he resists the urge to punch this kid into next year. Instead he turns and immediately begins to walk off to go and wash himself off, scared of otherwise.
“Do that again and I’m gonna have to kick your ass, Kid.”
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  ❝ You look so pretty in all this glitter mister! ❞
Aya smiled as she stepped back with messy  hands that were covered in blue glitter. Don’t  ask where she got it from or how she even  met the male in the first place.
                               ❝ Now you can sparkle like diamonds in                                   the sky!  ❞ 
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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He just... stared. Blankly. He was completely unsure of what to do or how to react to this gesture.
What the fuck is with all the glitter?
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and why does he like it so much?
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
What the fuck is with all the glitter?
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and why does he like it so much?
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
Karamatsu didn’t quite know the double’s feelings on his siblings, but he hoped they were positive. The five of his brothers, especially the four younger, were everything to him. He loved them more than anything, and would die for them or give anything to convince people that they were amazing.
He didn’t like people seeing the truth of what they were.
They didn’t deserve that pain.
“Yes, the Iyami Corporation, er, I assume Jyushimatsu told you about them, about us. We’re quite the investment for our wonderful benefactors.” he hummed, though he seemed bitter.
“It is more stressful for Osomatsu. He handles the brunt of our jobs, punishments, and the slack from the CEO and his followers.”
Honestly the first thing that came to Karamatsu’s mind wasn’t concern, but--
“He took one of my guns!?” he seemed almost offended for a moment, before coughing and shaking his head. “I love my little Ichimatsu, but he doesn’t think things through sometimes. Using a sniper at close range is dangerous to all involved, after all. Even if you were experienced compliance would be messy? What did he want you to shoot exactly...?”
{ Bc I finally got this blog back and wanted to do this /before/ it was deleted, for Blue Poison } "Oi, you're Kara, right?" someone questioned, suddenly behind the male. If he turned around he would be facing... well, himself. The male wore the same outside the rest of his siblings did, just in a blue color. He also had some kind of case strapped to his back (It looked almost like an instrument case). He offered an easygoing smile and a small wave as well. ~reluctantbluesniper
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Kara immediately whipped around the moment he heard what felt like an echo speak behind him. It was like his voice exactly, but there were slight differences in inflection and tone, and—
—and of fucking course. It was him from that verse. Jyushimatsu’s verse.
For a few moments, Kara stared and studied the other’s face. Seeing copies of his brothers was jarring around, but seeing one of himself was—certainly weird.
But so far, he seemed friendly. Something he wasn’t expecting, since Kara didn’t exactly consider himself an easygoing person.
So, he smiled back and said, “Yes, Kara. Let me guess—Jyushimatsu’s told you a lot about me?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
Karamatsu was glad that he was not met with instant dislike. Choromatsu made this double of him sound really unpleasant to be around, but the second eldest of the brothers was already disagreeing.
Karamatsu noticed the change in behavior, even as slight as it was. Noticing these changes was crucial in his work after all, and he had very keen eyesight after years of looking through the scope.
He was the distaste Kara held for Choromatsu and couldn’t help the snicker that left him.
“Ah, er, our darling Choromatsu, our wonderful handler. He tends to be.. well, to be blunt, an asshole.”
“It’s nothing against you, he simply wants what’s best for our family. Usually outsiders aren’t a part of that equation. It’s mostly precaution. We are, in fact, very expensive and important after all.”
He blinked at the question. Ah, so this double already knew about him...?
“I’m a sniper, yes. Firearms are my specialty, especially long-range ones. I’m also the second-in-command of our little ensemble.”
{ Bc I finally got this blog back and wanted to do this /before/ it was deleted, for Blue Poison } "Oi, you're Kara, right?" someone questioned, suddenly behind the male. If he turned around he would be facing... well, himself. The male wore the same outside the rest of his siblings did, just in a blue color. He also had some kind of case strapped to his back (It looked almost like an instrument case). He offered an easygoing smile and a small wave as well. ~reluctantbluesniper
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Kara immediately whipped around the moment he heard what felt like an echo speak behind him. It was like his voice exactly, but there were slight differences in inflection and tone, and—
—and of fucking course. It was him from that verse. Jyushimatsu’s verse.
For a few moments, Kara stared and studied the other’s face. Seeing copies of his brothers was jarring around, but seeing one of himself was—certainly weird.
But so far, he seemed friendly. Something he wasn’t expecting, since Kara didn’t exactly consider himself an easygoing person.
So, he smiled back and said, “Yes, Kara. Let me guess—Jyushimatsu’s told you a lot about me?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
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Karamatsu was glad to see he had the right person, and it showed on the snipers face. He put his hands behind his back, obviously pleased that he had found the right guy.
Oh, so he was expecting him? That was good, but, Jyushimatsu? Ah, right, he was Jyushimatsu’s friend.
“Ah, no. I didn’t hear about you at all from my Little Jyushimatsu.” he seemed pleased somehow, as though that was funny. To him it was, the fact that this double could assume the bruiser would speak about him.
It was seriously cute. He wondered if that sort of naive was what attracted their second youngest.
“Actually, it was our wonderful handler Choromatsu who told me about you, er, um, me?” he laughed nervously.
“I am, er, I guess who know who I am, right?”
{ Bc I finally got this blog back and wanted to do this /before/ it was deleted, for Blue Poison } "Oi, you're Kara, right?" someone questioned, suddenly behind the male. If he turned around he would be facing... well, himself. The male wore the same outside the rest of his siblings did, just in a blue color. He also had some kind of case strapped to his back (It looked almost like an instrument case). He offered an easygoing smile and a small wave as well. ~reluctantbluesniper
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Kara immediately whipped around the moment he heard what felt like an echo speak behind him. It was like his voice exactly, but there were slight differences in inflection and tone, and—
—and of fucking course. It was him from that verse. Jyushimatsu’s verse.
For a few moments, Kara stared and studied the other’s face. Seeing copies of his brothers was jarring around, but seeing one of himself was—certainly weird.
But so far, he seemed friendly. Something he wasn’t expecting, since Kara didn’t exactly consider himself an easygoing person.
So, he smiled back and said, “Yes, Kara. Let me guess—Jyushimatsu’s told you a lot about me?”
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
Karamatsu wanted nothing more than to comfort the younger, to tell him that it was okay and that things would turn out well. But that was soft, and as much as he was they couldn’t always afford that luxury, even with each other. He sighed deeply and put a hand on Ichimatsu’s shoulder, hoping that it would somehow convey the feelings of anger he got seeing how his job wore upon the male, on how stressed he got. Oh just how much Karamatsu cared for him.
“It’s not by much, but its best to nip these issues before they get worse. We’d rather cuff it during training than have something go wrong out there.” a cruel way of saying that they were worried and that they didn’t want him to somehow get injured in the field.
{ outside of the event thing, also public since anons not on } "A-ah... Can I speak to you pr-privately, my darling I-Ichimatsu?" ~reluctantbluesniper
Ichimatsu narrowed his eyes in slight suspicion. It’s not that he didn’t trust his older brother, it just wasn’t every day that one of the brothers requests to speak privately. With the whole problem of going rogue, he didn’t quite know if he should allow it.
Ichimatsu sighed slightly as he gave in, the stutter in his brother’s voice making it difficult to say no. Ichimatsu hesitated slightly before turning off his com and crossing his arms, “Fine. What’s wrong?”
(( @reluctantbluesniper I’m sorry, I’ll try to fix that.))
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reluctantbluesniper · 8 years
;; status // open { ? }
He didn’t want to do this.
He had made sure the boy was asleep before he had perched himself casually in one of the windows, watching for signs of life. In the meanwhile his hands were occupied, assembling the rifle he had with him from the mission he had been sent to before this entire ordeal had happened.
He really didn’t want to do this.
He already could assume who would be coming for him- something like this they likely wouldn’t send everyone, and Choromatsu for sure wouldn’t come. Totty was not likely either, so he only had three potential pursuers.
Ichimatsu would be easy to take out- ruthless but probably the slowest of the siblings. Osomatsu... would be a fight. He was their leader for a reason, but hey, Karamatsu was their second in command for a reason. Jyushimatsu-- he didn’t want to think about that right now.
It’d be fine though, if it came to conflict, after all--
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He prided himself in never missing his target.
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