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【Somehow I’ve started to doubt the meaning of this all…】
「 @religion-matsu-zine Church of the Damned, Religion Matsu fanzine: X」
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One complete entry- Religion Matsu Zine A bit of choukeimatsu here
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part of my piece for the recently released @religion-matsu-zine
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Also to celebrate the success (And release!) of @religion-matsu-zine, here’s my entry!
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WHOOP finally the Relgion AU Matsu Zine: Church of the Damned is out!!!  It’s my favorite Ososan AU and I’m still super duper happy to be part of this Zine with all these other absolutely stunning artists!!!(ノ。≧◇≦)ノ Hosted/organized/edited/designed by @religion-matsu-zine, @idontlikesummer & @nimini-ninoni !!  Thanks so much for letting me be part of this ♥
It took me forever to finish this piece because I’ve never done such a “complex” composition before and I’m glad I finished it. I also think it looks quite nice :3
Buy a physical copy View PDF online
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This was my entry for the @religion-matsu-zine
I was so glad to have participated in it!
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here’s my piece for the @religion-matsu-zine! thank you for accepting me, i enjoyed making this piece!
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My piece for the @religion-matsu-zine !!!!!!
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My piece for the @religion-matsu-zine
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my piece for the @religion-matsu-zine!
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Here’s the drawing I made for the zine that @religion-matsu-zine hosted. This was so much fun I’m glad I got to take part in it aaA
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can we now upload our drawings that we put in?
Sure! Feel free to do so! And thank you very much for your contribution! >w
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Hi everyone! Thank you for your patience. We are pleased to announce that the Church of the Damned fanzine is out at last!
Church of the Damned is an Osomatsu-san Religion AU fanzine, which was made possible by the efforts and contributions of 50 fan artists. 
It contains:
- 80 pages
- Full colour
- is 21 x 26 cm in size
- No BLMatsu
- No gore and SFW 
- But partial nudity
You may order the book from Blurb here.
If you would like to view the digital copy of the book, you may do so here. 
A big thank you to all the artists who have made this zine possible, and to those who have spread word about the zine! We couldn’t have done it without you guys.
Please reblog this so to spread the word! 
(Cover art by the wonderful @blakkiek)
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Hey everyone! Exciting news.
My copy of the zine has arrived today and there are no errors! The quality of the book itself is impeccable! The zine should be up for sale very soon! :’D -Yuri-
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Choromatsu - Colour Preview Part of my entry for @religion-matsu-zine
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I’ve been super busy but here’s a preview for a zine!!!
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reblogging jic!
Contributors’ information
Hi everyone! 
Thank you again for all the submissions! We’re having an enjoyable time looking through all your art!
The zine will begin its designing phase soon. Before that, we have an update on the contributors’ information of the zine. Due to page constraints and that some contributors preferred to leave their short introduction section blank, we have decided to take out the introductory statements from each of the contributors’ profiles. However, do drop us a message if you feel this isn’t favorable. We may put your introductions back if many of you really want to include them!
Here’s a google docs of the profile information you’ve submitted to us. They include your names as well as the link to your websites. For those who have more than one website, please indicate which of your given websites you would like us to include in the zine in the event of a space constraint. 
You may make your edits through commenting on the docs. This is to ensure that you don’t affect other artists’ sections through editing.
The deadline for editing will be the end of this week, so please let us know as soon as possible if there are edits to be made. And please reblog so that your friends can see this!
@chaoticmatsu @jokersdoubt @cazybunny @gloossom @sonyshock @oscensonata @kawaii-niki @soromatsu @iamthe9thwitchthatdoesntexist @matsuno-painful @ronkiku @liamatsu @akosuta-v @thegreatitchymatsu @kitamurrrr @misool  @littlemay528 @cursematsu @idontlikesummer @callmeleggy @4themindandsoul @sweetcream10 @the-multi-geek @mossygardening @orangihaze @elitas-art @hwasang @saranimeme @cikoriia @osomatchu @heinbomelon @kaachiel @blakkiek  @artsy-tanuki @shwppy @negi-nar @bombmatsu @icoele @manneechi @sukiline @liliachuu @captainhaha @ichi-nyatsu @hetaliamatsu @hi-avery @lutrinaes
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