rekofan101 · 14 days
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DAY 366: me and reko as always
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rekofan101 · 1 month
I know I said I would post something for my rekoversairy on July 10th... and I didnt... BUT IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS MOVING IM SORRY!!!!!
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rekofan101 · 3 months
could you please tell me if you know where the original you get periods? meme is from i keep seeing art of it but i can t find the original. thank you!
i believe this is the original!
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rekofan101 · 3 months
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and that's a wrap!
dailyreko is a project i started on june 28, 2023 our of my love for yttd and reko yabusame specifically. i know the one year post is on july 3rd, but that's because of a boycott week! i never imagined for this blog to gain so much traction or for my art to be enjoyed on this level. i am truly grateful that so many of you have stuck along for the ride.
thank you to all of my fellow dailies out there (particularly the ones in the server) who became such nice people to be around during this whole thing! when you all drew me birthday art, it really warmed my heart. you are all just the sweetest <3
and thank you to the few dedicated followers of this blog. i see you like and interact with almost every single post, and i have really valued your participation in this account. mpregcatboyshin, nyanyaokayyyy, thatoneluckybee, kastrylya, katiehp, gwurgle, kidfoundonstreets, probably more people who just aren't coming to my head right now... if you interacted a lot trust me i remember your username. you guys kept me going LOL
now, serious business, what will happen to this blog? it'll stay up! it just will no longer be titled "daily"reko, as i won't be posting daily anymore. i think i'll rebrand to rekofan101 to match my main, @evanescencefan101. ill still pop in and post as long as i have requests in my inbox, so keep sending them if you want! i still have about eighty, so you definitely havent seen the last of me, haha!
but yeah, happy one year guys! thanks for sticking around to see me geek about reko. it'll be four years fawning over her on the 10th, so expect a post then! HERES TO ANOTHER YEAR MORE!
no, but seriously, thank you. if there's any legacy i want to leave behind, it's that i (hearken) am reko's biggest fan.
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rekofan101 · 3 months
DAY 364: reko yabusame living manifestation but it's in the way that people manifest that gojo will live
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rekofan101 · 3 months
samuai yaib rek o
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DAY 363: samurai yaiba (+ reko)
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rekofan101 · 3 months
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DAY 362: alice is PREGNANT!!!!
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rekofan101 · 3 months
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A special treat for the car thing bc it immediately reminded me of this
DAY 361: THANK YOU SILVER this is her finally selling her volvo 960
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rekofan101 · 3 months
Freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ You’re under arrest for being so lovely. Copy this message to 10 other blogs (or not!) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!
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DAY 360: love you!
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rekofan101 · 3 months
i just realized it was because of the week i wasn't active for palestianian blackout. that makes more sense!
DAY 356: okay. so funny story. somehow, i've kept up with every day i've ran this account (currently catching up) and DAY 365 should be tomorrow! this would mean a year, right? WRONG! apparently, i started this account june 28. idk how i messed this up. HAPPY LATE DAILYREKO ANNIVERSARY?
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rekofan101 · 3 months
DAY 359: a reko a day keeps the lack of content away....
DAY 354: i desperately need the last chapter to come out or for a ytts pov to come out. yttd fandom is withering away and so is the reko content
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rekofan101 · 3 months
reko Yeah! emote
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DAY 358: YEAH!
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rekofan101 · 3 months
lmao you should draw naoreko as connecticut clark and malfina the demon witch
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DAY 357: conneticut nao and reko the demon witch
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rekofan101 · 3 months
DAY 356: okay. so funny story. somehow, i've kept up with every day i've ran this account (currently catching up) and DAY 365 should be tomorrow! this would mean a year, right? WRONG! apparently, i started this account june 28. idk how i messed this up. HAPPY LATE DAILYREKO ANNIVERSARY?
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rekofan101 · 3 months
idk if i asked this before cause i was thinking of asking it and im not sure if i ever sent it BUT whats your hc for reko driving. i know a lot of people hc her as riding and owning a motorcycle but me personally i think she drives a crossover. semi small but big enough to carry band equipment. sure shes more popular and famous now but i imagine when she was starting out how else would she get her equipment to their sets???
DAY 355: i've had discussions about this irl (of course i have)
people headcanon her to drive a motorcycle mainly because it just looks cool. its the classic punk mode of transportation. no diss to that headcanon, i quite like it as well, but i feel reko is more into Practicality rather than Aesthetic. at least, when it comes to things she will actually use everyday. fashion is a different story, of course.
so, practically, a motorcycle wouldn't really cut it. also, i feel like she'd be a chronic road rager and borderline horrible driver, so a motorcycle isn't the safest option either!
i've always headcanoned her to be the type who is determined to keep anything she has working for as long as she can-- she often diys clothes and fixes her own equipment rather than buying new things (maybe i think this way because all of her articles of clothing look a bit raggedy and diy... + she is punk!). i think this would extend to her car as well, which means she probably owns this horrible shitbox she is constantly working on or beating the shit out of for being faulty. but she's had it since high-school, and it still drives straight, so she doesn't mind having a project... she's much too stubborn to get rid of it at this point.
as to what car? i don't know a lot about cars, i'll be honest. but i think she would like an older-looking model (this is about the only time an aesthetic would come in...) and they would've been easier to afford in her younger years. it needs to be a bit roomy though, so no shitty trunk that can't carry an amp or something. with this in mind, i've settled on her owning a shitty volvo 960 (1990-1997, haven't deduced a year of model). either black or silver. she probably decks out the inside but leaves the outside plain.
hope this suffices!
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rekofan101 · 3 months
DAY 354: i desperately need the last chapter to come out or for a ytts pov to come out. yttd fandom is withering away and so is the reko content
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rekofan101 · 3 months
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