reki2002 3 years
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Hello everybody,
I am R茅ka, and in this post I would like to summarize and talk about an article that I found in The Feature. It was about sea turtles and their programmed brain about their own way to travel.
I would like to tell the secret in the first lines: they use the movement of waves and the Earth鈥檚 magnetic field. It was so unbelievable for me, that a newborn turtle knows his way to the ocean and is able to swim as well. Nicole Esteban, said that the sound of the waves gave a helping hand to the animals to coordinate themselves in the first minutes, when they are the most vulnerable.
Fortunately, turtles are born with pre-programmed information about their travelling, and habits during their life: for instance, they know exactly where they can have a little break after releasing ping-pong-ball sized eggs into the ground. Turtles usually disappear after giving a life to a huge number of little animals, and during that disappearing, they can swim 4,000 kilometers, but the most regular is to stay near to the beach where they lay the eggs.
These animals are not the best parents, but their special pre-programmed brains help them (in most cases) to find the right place to be safe.
Thank you for your attention!
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reki2002 3 years
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Book vs. movie (Harry Potter)
聽Hi everybody, my name is R茅ka and in this post, I would like to argue next to HP. books instead of the movies. I read this series several times, and I saw the films only once, which is a suggestive fact to my mind.
Let me show you some parts of the book which are worth to be mention in contrast to the motion pictures. First of all, if you read a book, you have to use your imagination to be able to live throw the character's life situations. J. K. Rowling wrote seven fantastic books, which give us a helping hand to figure out the wizards and witch's appearance, the monumental caste, and the wizard wars. On the other hand, the movies show us a simplistic vision of the fantasy world, which is not as detailed as in the hard copies. Secondly, I can't read without emotions and the hard copies gave me that unforgettable experience. In contrast, if you watch a movie the only thing you do is to figure out what's happening in the character's head. Last but not least, maybe I am a little bit old-fashioned, but reading a book in our favorite spot of the room with a hot chocolate has a unique mood, especially in H.P.
Thank you for your attention, let me know if you are of the same opinion as me! 聽
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reki2002 4 years
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Hi everybody, my name is R茅ka, and in this post, I would like to share something personal about me.
In this running world, most of us (of course including me) might forget about stop, looking around, and realize the little miracles which are around us and in front of our nose. Today, my miracle was one of my plant's miniature burgeon.
Those who know me, are must be faced with the fact that my room is crowded with small and enormous vegetables and all of them have got a name. 聽I take care of them every day: watering, changing the ceramic plant pot if they grow it out, collecting the withered leaves, and find the best place for them allowing for their special needs. And that is why a miracle could happen since if you pay attention to something little, it always worth it and give your energy back. That cute burgeon reminded me of something off-topic: parenthood. It crossed my mind, since just like me and my plants, parents also always there for their child's needs, take care of them, and if they do everything correctly, then they can see the results of teaching a child.
The most important thing is every plant is different just like children. We have to get to know both of them and their special needs to bring us little miracles in an unexpected moment.
I hope you enjoyed my post, and let me know if you are on the same wavelength!
R茅ka M谩ndli
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reki2002 4 years
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Hi everybody, my name is R茅ka. :) The idea to be a history teacher crossed my mind in primary school, and that plan made me interested about everything which is connected with history, politics, culture and the development during the humanity. I always like to compare the antecedent鈥檚 life with our, so I would like to share with you interesting articles, theories, and happenings which are around us.
To my mind, everybody could go along with 2020 was one of the of the worst, if it was not THE worst year in our life. On the other hand, this sentence is a generalization, and a psychological fact, that we feel the past better than the present time. The particular reasons for this circumstance can be the social media, the news and comparing everything negatively. 聽And this case I would like to draw your attention to doomscrolling, which actively demonstrates that we can be not just phone addict, but being addicted to be update also checking the news regularly, browsing for dire posts. Unfortunately, I fell in to this trouble, and I have compared myself with others, which have caused me a vast frustration. However in spite of that 2020 brought us something positive next to the pandemic. In my viewpoint medical workers are honored than ever and anti-racist books are on the top of bestseller lists!!! What is more, a mass of people -just like my family- adopted pets in the light of the facts that we are locked in our home.
I hope I could make you think about how 2020 was looks like, and I would like to encourage you to do your best at home!
Link for the original article: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/why-2020-feels-like-the-worst-year-ever?utm_source=digg
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