Not that I don’t love the movies, but I kind of feel like Elizabeth and Will’s places should have been switched at the end of At World’s End. Like, Will never gave a damn about pirating, he was just there for Elizabeth. Elizabeth, on the other hand, LOVED the sea, loved adventure and piracy, and there’s no way she’d just stay on the land for TEN YEARS at a time for Will. Both of them would be utterly miserable in that situation and, though the ending was bittersweet, it was NOT supposed to be an unhappy one.
What I’m saying is, Will is absolutely the type to play the dutiful husband and father waiting on the shore for his love (he literally already had ten years of practice waiting for Elizabeth as a child), and Elizabeth was already the pirate king, so being sworn to sail the seas for years at a time would have been the tragic other side of her devotion to adventure. The only reason they were switched is because of stereotypical gender roles.
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When there is a perfectly good 'U' right there.
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this is so fucking funny
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Do you think there's anything Joe and Nicky could possibly fight about?
And I don't mean those teasing little fun-fights that most likely only end when one kisses the other to make him shut up 🤭
No, I mean real fights. Fights where they get angry at each other and give the other the silent treatment for a few hours. (But obviously would still make up before they go to bed or leave the house, cause they wouldn't ever risk staying angry at each other for too long...)
I'm trying to come up with something but it seems so impossible with these two 😅
yeah, greg talked about that once and made it sound like its actually not uncommon for them to fight
One of the things I’m actually hoping to get to in a second film is that they're not identical. They can disagree. they can fight with each other. That doesn't mean that they love each other any less, or that their relationship is in jeopardy. (...) They can be really pissed at each other. But neither of them would for a second feel that they're wrong for how they feel for one another.
i dont know, as much as i think you dont get 900 yrs into a relationship without becoming very good at communicating with your partner, i think (especially with the nature of their jobs) there are some things that two people just wont be able to agree on. and i dont mean 'oh well... we have slightly different opinions but at the end of the day we both think xyz!' type disagreements but 'youre wrong, im right, and i cant understand or agree with anything youre saying here' type disagreements.
honestly one thing ive literally never seen anyone point out is that joe and nicky refuse to look at each other in the eye in the pub scene
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look at how theyre twisting so they dont have to look at each other
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(you know... joe and nicky, Kings Of Extended Eye Contact)
i mean theyre back to normal two seconds later in the scene at copley's house but still
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but yeah i think they do fight -in a genuine way- not uncommonly. now What they argue about,,,,, i mean.. who knows. im sure they get into all sorts of wild ethical situations where theres no real good answer to a problem & that resulted in fights. the only thing i cant see them getting into a fight over any kind of miscommunication tho. i feel like if they got one thing down for sure its Talking About Their Feelings
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- o.g.k.
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Joe/Nicky from the Old Guard
Full - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33664828
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ksdfg oh my god recovering rich person joe would get on nicky's nerves so much in the beginning though right? like they'd find a place to sleep for the night and joe would find a cloth or a rag and start to discreetly (but not really) wipe down the places he's going to sit or sleep in
nicky: yusuf just sit on THE FUCKING DIRT
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we dont talk enough abt joe canonly coming from a 'wealthy merchant family' tbh. we talk all the time abt nicky being an ex-priest but never about joe being a recovering Insufferable Rich Person™
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i think nile and joe have pop culture exchange nights where she picks a piece of ancient art/poetry/literature for joe to give her a little lecture on and joe picks some part of modern culture for nile to tell him about
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Marwan talking about working with Luca
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#character development
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no thoughts, just sambucky as dads????? ? pls focus on the last one, that’s the best sketch just some WIPs/sketches
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to forget is to remember, to cherish
For @yusufalkaysanibingo - “Joe as the Oldest Immortal”
Sometimes, Joe forgets.
But then he sees how Andy’s breath hitches when she’s sparring with Nile, or how she readily leans onto Nicky when they’re trekking through the dessert like they’ve done a thousand times before. It’s during these little moments that it hits him.
Andy’s mortal. And with mortality, comes the end.
One day, Andy is going to die, and Joe…
When Joe remembers, the day that follows is difficult. There’s a numbness that settles into his chest that makes it hard to breathe. Because suddenly, he remembers that one day, their dearest Andromache will be gone. And there will only be four of them left, and he will be the oldest out of all of them.
Keep reading
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People will say “write what you know!” But I know so little
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g0fundme link
Reposting our g0fundme as we haven’t gotten any donations in a while.
I’m a disabled trans person babysitting my siblings (3, 10, 11) basically every day. My mother works for/with my ill grandparents and hardly makes enough money for even just rent. She cannot find another job as my grandparents need her, I can’t work because I’m disabled and have to care for my siblings.
In general, we’re in need of clothes, a microwave, an oven, help with bills, cat supplies, hygiene products, etc. We also need groceries incredibly often having a family of two adults, two preteens, and a toddler, PLUS a broken fridge so we never /really/ know if food has gone bad.
Our lives are miserable, we’re so far from normalcy that it stresses my mom and I into daily breakdowns and I am so tired .
Anything helps, please boost 🙏🥺
(extra links in case you can’t/don’t wanna use g0fundme)
c*shapp: $wintersoulja
v*nmo: leafybb
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Wondering how the word gypsy is a racial slur? Why are you referring to it as the G word when it literally means a free spirited traveller. What is so offensive about that?
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Let me tell you a story, ignorant one. 
Once upon a time, there were a group of people migrating from northern India and Pakistan after the invasion “of the Persian Muslims who have since settled in Trukey, all of Europe, and the Americas These people are called the Rromani.” (x)
Once the pale bird feces people of Europe came into contact with the Rromani, they believed them to hail from Egypt, thus calling them Gypsies. 
Now about what disgusting white people like you have been trying to turn this racial slur into. There is nothing about being a free spirited traveller if you’re called such a word. What is up with white people romanticizing everything to make it seem all nice and rainbows for them?
“They were not nomadic by choice. They moved around because they had to… they were persecuted everywhere they went, and still are, to this day. They were persecuted alongside the Jews in the Holocaust – the Roma & Sinti”. They were forced to have this sort of nomadic lifestyle because “no country wanted them there”. (x)
Let’s not forget these lovely things Rromani people did and still go through because of who they are:
“Forced sterilization (yes, it is still happening)
Harassment (by law enforcement as well as civilians)
Fingerprinting (this is happening in Italy right now – all Romani people are being fingerprinted, simply because our race is considered ‘criminal’)
Concentration camps
Exclusion from public schools and welfare programs
Bombings (it is not uncommon in places like the Czech Republic for people to throw molotov cocktails into the windows of Romani homes)” (x)
“First and foremost: THE WORD “GYPSY” IS AN ETHNIC SLUR. It is a pejorative. It is an exonym that is hurtful and offensive. You need to accept this, period.
We are NOT your halloween costume. We are NOT your flowy skirt. We are NOT your fashion sense. We are NOT your wanderlust. We are NOT ‘boho.’
Gypsy is not fashion. Gypsy is not traveling. Gypsy is not a headband or a costume, or boho, or a long skirt.
Gypsy is a hurtful ethnic slur used to refer to the Romani people.
We cannot seem to emphasize this enough to people. This word is a slur. It was created to be a slur. Its meaning does not change. It will always be a slur. It will always be offensive.
‘The word is not yours. It’s ours. We can use it as we see fit. You cannot.’ - biggadjeworld 
We are a real people, with traditions, culture, and colorful heritage that spans centuries.” (x)
The “x”s in the post refer to sources you can click on and educate yourself with. On those pages, there are more links to become familiar to this slur and the Rromani people.
Also, don’t forget to stop by thisisnotromani!
- Jess
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This suits them so well
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nicky of course doesn’t actually care about the illegal part but if they get caught they’ll be late for dinner and he’s making cheese soufflés. time is critical, booker, chop chop
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