Black Mage. Alchemist. Empath. Warrior of Light [Hyperion]
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JUST FOR THE CRACK OF IT: Zenos and Nero for the kid meme LOL

Name: Sophia yae Galvus
Gender: female
Personality: Manages to embody both Nero’s boundless energy and Zenos’ raw, unstoppable strength. As both of her fathers are endlessly curious stubborn nerds with obnoxiously short attention spans, it goes without saying that she too takes after them in that regard.
Special Talents: Is managing her mane of hair a special talent? She was created to be the perfect mix of two geniuses. It is debatable how true that is, but she’s a clever cookie.
Who they like better: Nero is the fun dad. Zenos is the cuddly dad. They are both good.
Who they take after more: Nero, actually. She is more easygoing and her curiosity and creativity manifests in tinkering.
Personal Head canon: Her very existence was a surprise to both Nero and Zenos. A rogue scientist created her through cloning in an attempt to make the perfect Garlean. The lab was raided and she ended up in Zenos’ custody who asked Nero to help raise her to make up for his own lacking social skills - besides, two parents are better than one and she already was, in a way, Nero’s daughter too. They make a fun little family unit, both men doing their very best to protect her and give her as good a childhood as possible.
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Curtain call
A speedpaint video and layered PSD file of this will be available at my Patreon on Nov 1st!
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“...Alphinaud, it’s like your manhood finally awoken, it’s so weird. Don’t let Hero see that, though, he might panic.” @herohikara-wol
Vauthry: I warn you, I’ve been trained to kill since birth. Alphinaud: Wow, and how long have you been training to be a prat? Vauthry: You can’t address me like that. Alphinaud: Sorry. How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?
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“Graceful”, he says. “Big brother”, he says. Siiiiigh.
What took you so long, Rei-Rei? Inspired by your big brother’s graceful footsteps? Finally decided to get out into the world and make your mark?
Or did you get drunk with Vivi and made this before you had a chance to think better of it?
((WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!! I know you’re a shy bean but I’m going to embarrass the shit out of you anyway.))
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Reina quiets down, tilting her head and pausing in thought. “You might be right. It might not be fair to assail Rielle’s...well, y’know, her ears certainly aren’t virgin, but I’m certain Sid would take issue with me offering anything in detail.” She huffs, nodding to herself. “Alright, you’re right. I won’t go to the Forgotten Knight.”
Instead, she spins on her heels and starts walking to the other nearby set of double doors, where a lone knight stood sentry before a pair of blazing torches...
@herohikara-wol “You don’t say. Well then, I suppose you won’t mind…” She huffs, tilting her head…then grinning from ear to ear, “…if I take a quick trip to Ishgard and regale the patrons of the Forgotten Knight what happens when you get loaded with Firewhiskey as opposed to fire magic.”
“Hey now, calm down Rei. Let’s not be so hasty… I’m sure some of them already know the answer and Rielle is in that bar. I don’t wanna upset the poor girl. She’s got enough on her plate as is.” His hand both go up on either side of his head, palms forward and fingers splayed. “Y’know, you’re right. I could stand to be a better influence for you. Y’know, the empathy thing and all. Don’t want to overload you with negative emotions after all….”
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@herohikara-wol “You don’t say. Well then, I suppose you won’t mind...” She huffs, tilting her head...then grinning from ear to ear, “...if I take a quick trip to Ishgard and regale the patrons of the Forgotten Knight what happens when you get loaded with Firewhiskey as opposed to fire magic.”
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Reina Nichols
the basics ––––
NICKNAME: Rei-Rei (to her dismay; thanks, Hero)
AGE: 18
BIRTHDAY: 10th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
RACE: Midlander Hyur/Garlean Halfbreed
GENDER: Female
MARITAL STATUS: In a relationship with Viridian Kaimana
SERVER: Hyperion
physical appearance ––––
HAIR: Light brown with green highlights, frequently kept in twin braids or rolled in a messy bun. Sometimes she’ll cut it all off, and grow it back at a whim with the help of the Aesthetician.
EYES: Amber
HEIGHT: 5'5"
BUILD: Small-framed; she has some muscle from hefting heavy books and equipment, but it's hidden under a few curves from being sedentary.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Has a beauty mark right under her left eye
COMMON ACCESSORIES: She is almost always wearing glasses; when she can, she wears anything with extra pockets, hidden or otherwise.
personal ––––
PROFESSION: Alchemist by education, self-taught Garlean translator. Black Mage in between.
HOBBIES: Reina likes sifting through tomestones and any technical literature, wanting to have an understanding on anything she comes into contact. She blames this on her upbringing.
LANGUAGES: Eorzean, Garlean
RESIDENCE: Reina owns a house in the Goblet to maintain her citizenship and rank in Ul'dah, but rarely spends time there, spending more time at the Rising Stones or Hero's bakery.
PATRON DEITY: Thaliak (to her mother’s chagrin)
FEARS: Losing her self-of-self; mortal fear of Zenos yae Galvus in his entirety.
relationships ––––
SPOUSE: In a relationship with Viridian Kaimana
PARENTS: Mathildis rem Asina (Mother, deceased), Harold Nichols (Father)
SIBLINGS: Hero Hikara (Surrogate brother, against her will)
OTHER RELATIVES: Aulus mal Asina (Maternal uncle, deceased), others unknown
PETS: None
traits ––––
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
additional information ––––
PERSONALITY: When not at the mercy of her emotions, Reina is shy and skittish. Spending a lot of time around people tires her out, but she fears being alone, so is willing to tough it out.
SENSITIVITY: Reina possesses an Echo that allows her to directly be in tune with the emotions of her peers. While it helps her detect the motives of those around her, she often has little direct control over this. Given enough time, she will start to emulate those she spends a lot of time around, and has problems psychologically drowning when in crowds for long periods of time.
RECREATIONAL SUBSTANCES: In a natural state, she does not care for recreational use of mind altering substances, except perhaps for the odd glass of wine. When stressed, she may be more easily encouraged to reach for something harder.
LIKES: Her Sultana (<3), gambling, studying, traveling
DISLIKES: The Monetarists, pain and suffering, Garlean conquerors
STRENGTHS: Earnest, Caring, Studious
FLAWS: Submissive, Shy, Mercurial
possible hooks ––––
Reina's mother was a Garlean spy; she took the name Matilda, bedded an Ul'dahn paladin, and used her talents to secure a position working for the Aldenard Trading Company as a consultant, raising her daughter in high society. She maintained her cover until Reina turned fifteen, at which point she mysteriously died. Coincidentally, Reina found out about her heritage in light of her mother's death, took the written evidence fled Ul'dah in fear of being ostracized, becoming an adventurer.
Reina has stepped foot in almost every Guild at least once in her life, her Echo having given her a means to pick up the basics fairly quickly. She can do just about anything in a pinch, but is only just proficient; her talents lie in her thaumaturgy and alchemy. Though, in hindsight, she may have picked up a thing about espionage or two not quite unlike her mother....
While she experiences personality shifts often, they typically don't last, provided she has an opportunity to unwind. It -has- left her susceptible to many a odd circumstance and given some folks the wrong idea. The only exception to this is a hint of bloodlust that manifests in extreme stress, "gifted" to her by the crown prince of Garlemald.
what I’m looking for ––––
I'm stepping out of my shell on this one, having spent a lot of time sticking with close friends and I’m trying to find where my comfort zone is with new people. I won’t immediately say no to anything out of hand, and I can be flexible, but I have to at least have that discussion while I sort out where the limits are.
oocly, I am ––––
In the EST!
New to Tumblr, not new to RPing. I practically grew up on mIRC, and had some forum experience.
Am unfortunately a shift worker, and my days are inconsistent. Hopefully I’ll get a rhythm going, though.
you can contact me via ––––
Feel free to send me PMs through tumblr.
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