regretelemele · 2 years
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regretelemele · 2 years
Caci tot ce am, e tot ce sunt,
Iar cand cineva-mi spune ca m-am schimbat ma simt al dracu de pierdut.
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regretelemele · 2 years
Caci tot ce am, e tot ce sunt,
Iar cand cineva-mi spune ca m-am schimbat ma simt al dracu de pierdut.
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regretelemele · 2 years
“Sunt satul de suflete reci, ce vor sa-mi spuna o vorba calda.”
— (via regretelemele)
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regretelemele · 2 years
“Iubiti ceea ce niciodata nu veti vedea de doua ori.”
— (via uncover-my-soul)
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regretelemele · 2 years
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regretelemele · 3 years
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33K notes · View notes
regretelemele · 3 years
“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”
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regretelemele · 3 years
S-a facut noapte si apoi iarasi dimineata… In gandurile mele bateau clopote de inmormantare. Il ingropasem… Era un mort urat. Prea palid. Diform. Cu sperantele atrofiate si morala intoarsa pe dos. Nu-i aprinsesem lumanarea, n-avea catre ce lumina sa se duca. N-avea nici macar notiunea luminii. Traise ca un mort chiar daca se luptase sa para viu. Dar nu stia, bietul de el, ca mai bine n-ar fi semnat declaratia de razboi. Ca un om care pierde toate luptele ar trebui sa stea acasa. Numai acasa…
Avusese, totusi, o mare calitate. Spunea povesti nemuritoare privindu-te in ochi. Si intr-un fel ciudat… In cel mai ciudat dintre feluri… Ochii lui spuneau intotdeauna mai multe decat buzele lui.
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regretelemele · 3 years
When I found happiness, I lose it so fast.. I hate this feeling so much, I swear.
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regretelemele · 3 years
Boobs are really fucking nice
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regretelemele · 4 years
Open up to me, I find that shit attractive.
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regretelemele · 4 years
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regretelemele · 4 years
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1K notes · View notes
regretelemele · 4 years
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44K notes · View notes
regretelemele · 4 years
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66 notes · View notes
regretelemele · 4 years
i’m just a lil princess with anger issues
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