Sorry if I'm bothering you but it's been a hot second. faking it? It's okay if it's over I was just wondering sorry
Hey! No harm in checking in.
Its not over! I just... lost motivation. Im an essential worker and just moved out of an emotionally abusive household on my own (which is only half the struggle) im just stuck.
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master post
Pretty boy (patrick x cis guy reader)
Heaven in the shade (poly bowers gang x cis guy reader)
what happens after (trans guy reader x belch and patrick)
soft (reader x vic and belch)
the blood in your mouth (henry x reader)
shave (poly bowers gang x reader)
talk (vic x reader)
four first dates (poly bowers gang + reader x belch)
ride (poly bowers gang x reader)
call me daddy (henry) (henry x reader)
love bites (poly bowers gang x reader)
belch gets the flu (poly bowers gang + reader x belch)
flowers (patrick x reader)
tough (poly bowers gang x guy reader)
lace (cis guy reader x poly bowers gang) Lace pt 2
nothing to be scared of (poly bowers gang x reader)
love drunk (poly bowers gang x reader)
pierced (poly bowers gang x reader)
all dolled up (bowers gang x cis guy reader)
call me daddy (belch) (belch x reader)
call me daddy (patrick) (patrick x reader)
faithfully (belch x reader)
waiting tables (belch x reader)
belch grows a beard (belch x reader)
when anxiety strikes (belch x reader)
touch me (belch x reader)
collared (poly bowers gang x reader)…….. Pt two
shorty (bowers gang + cis guy reader)
coming out (bowers gang + trans guy reader)
sunshine and smiles (belch x cis guy reader)
tell the truth (bowers gang x reader)
i missed you (belch huggins x reader)
second thanksgiving (belch x reader)
stick n poke (poly!gang x reader)
dreams and dreamers (belch x reader)
perfect (belch x cis girl reader)
tease (poly!gang x cis guy reader)
possessive (poly!gang x guy reader)
you never have to hide (henry x belch)
around the fire (poly!gang x reader)
mark me up (poly!gang x guy reader)
get in (henry x reader)
episode (henry bowers x reader)
spring break (henry bowers x girl reader)
nice to meet you (belch x reader)
three of a kind: hard day (henry x patrick x oc)
three of a kind: all dressed up (henry x patrick x oc)
chasing after dreams (poly! gang x reader)
take me home (reader x oc) (yeah i know but listen… look…)
jealousy (henry x patrick)
charlie the kitten (poly!gang x guy reader)
made for each other (henry x patrick)
hell is a high school dance (henry x patrick)
sweet, soft (belch x trans guy reader)
three of a kind: bath (henry x patrick x oc)
out of gas (poly!gang x reader)
hot and cold (poly! gang x reader)
good boy (vic x reader)
wish you were here (belch x reader)
maybe, baby (reader x oc) LOOK. LISTEN.
let loose (henry x reader)
the pouring rain (reader x oc) listen…………………
‘til death do you part (belch x reader)
down, boy (poly gang x trans guy reader)
hunger (poly gang x reader)
my baby (henry x reader)
prom night (belch x reader)
run away with me (belch x vic)
purple daisies (vic x girl reader)
snowed in (belch x reader)
too good (henry x reader)
baby boy (patrick x trans guy reader)
sunday (poly gang x reader)
spoiled rotten (poly gang x reader)
who owns you (poly gang x reader)
fool me once (henry x reader)
pretty woman (poly bowers gang x girl reader)
my angel (patrick x reader)
red-blooded (henry x patrick)
make me a drink (poly bowers gang x reader)
what isn’t and what should be (vic criss x reader)
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Some fun facts and numbers:
Aka a donations post
Note: this post was made February 8, 2020
My name is Venus. I am part of a multiple system called the moonrise collective.
We have DID. We share this body and life.
This post is not about that, but. This is a last shred of hope kinda post.
My big brother in the system, luke @god--baby , has already made posts about this.
But let me break it down.
On Thursday, February 6, we got pulled over because our registration was out. (We have never had the money to get our car inspected/registered/the title moved from our grandmother's name to ours.)
Less than an hour later, we were in jail.
(Why? Because we had outstanding warrants because of getting pulled over for that same thing. Warrants we couldn't pay off because we're just barely making it as it is.)
We had a panic attack as they handcuffed us. We had 5 more over the next 23 hours. When we were in jail.
We got out yesterday, February 7, with $100 (less than half) taken off each of our warrants. They call that "jail credit" around here, if nowhere else.
They impounded our car. Yesterday, it would have costed $262 to get it out. It will only cost more as more time goes on.
We're also overdue to buy our three antidepressants and one anti anxiety med. That will cost like idk $40.
We just paid rent. That was $800 with all the late fee bells and whistles, and now?
We have to begin payment on our warrants soon, register our car, buy pills, and food for two bodies because our disabled partner system lives with us.
Please help we are disabled and very, very poor.
We have PayPal: [email protected]
Cashapp: $benniexmonroe
Venmo: @/xBennieMonroex
Luke @god--baby can write fic for your donation (character x character Bowers gang only)!
Lily @yellowwhitegreensunset can draw something little for your donation, she's not very experienced, but she can try!
Wit @holywit can write poetry for your donation, just send a request and ze can see what ze can do!
I can't do much. But I have the most followers out of all of us. Which is why this post is going on my blog.
@lintherubbishbin pls signal boost? If u can?
Anyway. Thank you so much if you donate, and if you can't, thank you for reading and hopefully reblogging. 🤞
Venus aka Aliengrrl 🏳️🌈👽
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Hai! Do you still take requests?
Hi! ... i do but its a little complicated right now. I live in Australia and.. its kind of on fire. I live around the circled spot. Most of them are under control, but with our weather we arnt sure itll stay that way. We are being warned go prepare. In 2003 one started where the two yellow ones are. They then swept through my area and it dectruction was devastating. All of the green hear it is national park. Our only way to puf if out would be by air.
My car and bag are packed and i might have to evacuate. Its scary right now. If you want more info look up the 2003 canberra fires. Or the current ones!
We have burned more than the amazon.
So send it in! But I might not get around to it asap. If you end up donating message me/anon message and ill see what i can do to fast track!
Im also gonna link a donation place here:
WIRES: (Assisting with wildlife care)

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Can I be on the tag list for Faking It please?❤️
Oh sure!
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Hi! I was wondering if you can make another part of “Faking It” it’s so good so far!
Hi! Sure can :)
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I love your writing and was curious if you will continue to write the faking it?
I will! Please see previous anons for more details but . . . My country is on fire.
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Hai! Do you still take requests?
Hi! ... i do but its a little complicated right now. I live in Australia and.. its kind of on fire. I live around the circled spot. Most of them are under control, but with our weather we arnt sure itll stay that way. We are being warned go prepare. In 2003 one started where the two yellow ones are. They then swept through my area and it dectruction was devastating. All of the green hear it is national park. Our only way to puf if out would be by air.
My car and bag are packed and i might have to evacuate. Its scary right now. If you want more info look up the 2003 canberra fires. Or the current ones!
We have burned more than the amazon.
So send it in! But I might not get around to it asap. If you end up donating message me/anon message and ill see what i can do to fast track!
Im also gonna link a donation place here:
WIRES: (Assisting with wildlife care)

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How many more chapters of faking it will you do? Because your writing is amazing and i absolutely love that story.
Oh! Thank you! Youre so sweet! Im thinking around 25 atm
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Maggie always had some trouble understanding her son. When she was 27 and began to feel sick in the morning she knew what it meant. Her and went weren’t exactly trying, but they weren’t being cautious either. She prays for a girl and gives birth to a little boy on a cold night in March. The baby sneezes a lot, Maggie wraps him in blankets and sings to him while Went is at work, and tries not to feel the shade of blue Richie’s blankets are. The house is empty expect for her and baby and he cries, louder than a baby should cry, she thinks. She naps on the living room couch until he cries and then screams and she drags herself out of bed. When Richie says his first words, “dada” Maggie tries not to be upset, though she’s been carrying him around and pooping her lips to make the sound “mama” for months now.
But once baby starts talking he doesn’t stop. Then, she has a talkative toddler who grows knotty black hair out of his head. No pinks or braids, but bugs and toy soldiers and a raggedy brown teddy bear. Maggie thinks he cries more than a boy should, even as young as he is. He’ll cry when he bites his tongue blabbering too fast, cry when teddy is missing for five minutes, cry when daddy is ten minutes late (she shouldn’t have taught him how to read the clock, she thinks.) He wails and Maggie wipes his tears and tries not to think about how she’d feel better if he was a girl.
The crying slows when he’s 7 and 8 with his first real pack of friends: Billy and Stanley. They’re polite boys who sit on either side of Richie in front of the TV while Richie explosively impersonates the cartoons. He’s moved on from simply talking, now doing his “voices.” Went loved coming home and hearing Richie at the dinner table do his best voices, but he hadn’t heard Richie practicing all day like Maggie had. She tries not to get agitated, but finds herself saying “shh Richie,” in a harsher voice than she means to when she’s combing his hair and trying to watch the news. At 9, Richie makes another new friend. Smaller than the rest in their little group, she notices, but a million times snippier, rolling his eyes and hiding his giggles at Richie’s voices. He’s very polite to her “Yes, Mrs. Tozier. Thank you Mrs. Tozier.” But his voice shakes a little when he talks to her. Eddie comes over more than the other two and Mrs Tozier starts getting calls from one Sonia Kaspbrak. And it all clicks into place why Eddie’s a little afraid of her.
Keep reading
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Hiya! I'd like to do a ship thingy. I'm a 5'10 pale af girl with curly brown hair and a slender yet somewhat curvy body. I'm very hyper and playful, and I have a habit of challenging people even tho I'm weak as hell. I love anything and everything horror, creepy and yandere, which is kinda ironic since I have a paranoia issue. I think it's because of the thrill I get from being scared, since I'm an adrenaline junky. My passions are singing, dancing, and psychology for sure. I love your writing~!
Hey Sweetheart! Let’s see what we can do! Also, I am so sorry about bringing IT into it.... but.... I made it really long? Please let me know what you think.
I ship you with Henry :)
Greta and Henry are not friends. While they are both bullies, they operate on completely different rules and codes. As such, they have no loyalty to one another. So when he finds you shaking but pretty much tearing Greta and her ‘Friends’ to shreds he finds it very, very amusing.
He and his friends make a bet to see if you would stand up to them. So they all start, little jabs here, knocking you down there. Small stuff, nothing like what they do with other people.
What they do not know, it that you are already on edge. You’ve been hearing and seeing voices. Shadows appearing and talking to you. Which does not help with your paranoia.
So, you’re sleep deprived, more than a little pissed off and Patrick Fucking Hockstetter is bothering you again. He is pulling on small pieces of your hair, and you’re having flashbacks to the night before, when something small was running around your room, whispering all the things it was going to do as it .. well. killed you.
You had enough. So without even thinking, without even considering what you were doing you picked up your text book and swung it over your shoulder, hitting him straight in the face.
Henry get’s himself partnered with you for the next class and explains kind of angrily he did not expect you to do that. You, sleep deprived and tired look him dead in the eye and explain that they are not as bad as whatever the fuck has been haunting your ass, but you would not have done it if you had gotten more than 45 minutes sleep in the past two days.
and Henry? He thought it was just him. He spills out the nightmares and the thing that he swears looks like his dad but isn’t but also is. The whispers in the bathrooms and the urges to lash out as a result. This, anon, is where it really starts. You take notes, compare times and dates and exactly what it’s saying and the first time you fall asleep in the classroom you guys commandeered after school. So does he. Nothing happens!
So you keep doing it. Most of the time he sneaks into your house. Usually with some kind of stolen food. You guys will eat and crash. It doesn’t. . . stop things but often when you are together it is like it can’t decide what kind of torment to do. When it does torment him you’ll sing and he adores it. So much so Sometimes he will curl around you and just ask you to sing.
It stops, one day. Completely, but you guys are so used to it by now that you just seek each other out. Once it’s over, you guys end up watching and reading a whole bunch of creepy shit together and curling up to fall asleep, because this is the new normal for you.
He takes you out to a ‘Haunted House’ and the actors are in it to win it. You get knocked over, and take Henry with you. He is facing up, and although he knows its not real, the sight of a guy in a creepy mask swinging an axe down at you makes him angry.
Once you get kicked out you fight a little. You ask him what the fuck he thought he was doing and he yells back that the guy was an ass hole and you press and he admits he was scared for you and that made him angry. Cue angry kissing in the middle of the fair.
You guys are a thing, after that.
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Just wanted to say i love your blog! Are you taking requests by chance? It's okay if you're not, takes a while to get inspiration
Hey, Lovely! Thank you so much. I’m going to tentatively say yes. I may be slow, if that is okay.
Just let me know what you are looking at!
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Are you still doing ships right now?
I am...I'm just very very busy at the moment, and there isn't a whole lot of bg content anymore. If someone were to hype me up I might get them out faster. It's just I need to get into the mood y'know
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Hi! First of all I just found your account and I am OBSESSED. Faking it is soooo good, if you have a taglist could I please be on it ?
Hi! Thank you so much! I dont have a tag list, and you would be the first person to ask so I might just message you when I post another chapter?
If anyone else wants to be notified let me know and I might see what I can do :)
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