reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
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Artist aesthetic
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& jacks-onian:
“Oh, boo hoo. What are they going to do, expel me? Lower their own academic performance records? The school’s already going downhill.”
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“ Like I said - you’d go to conduct, probably have to do some dumb underage drinking workshop or something, I don’t know. I wouldn’t know. I agree the school is going downhill, though. I’m surprised nobody got pulled or transferred over the summer, cause it was a shitshow. ”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
Reese closed one eye, and then the other, looking up from her sketchpad toward the tree in front of her and back down again. It had been a while since she’d taken the opportunity to really draw anything, but with the weather changing and the leaves turning and her mind running itself in circles, she thought perhaps this would be a nice way to blow off some steam. Plus, the oil pastels set that had been sitting in the bottom of her arts supplies had been practically begging her to use them.
So she sat there, absent-mindedly biting her lip, trying to get those leaves just perfect, but she couldn’t quite get them right. The shape, the colors...what was wrong? She glanced up once more, expecting the same view as a few seconds before, instead shocked by the other person in her line of sight. “O-o-oh. Hi.”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& prfectmichele:
Michele opened the door just after her words and the rest of what she was going to say got caught in her throat at the sight of the girl on her doorstep. Reese. The brunette wouldn’t lie, she had been feeling quite down as of recently; feeling as if the other had forgotten her or simply didn’t care. Of course, Reese wasn’t that sort of person. Of course she cared. It was just a difficult situation. The two of them had known each other since childhood, though, and Michele had hoped that maybe Reese would take that into consideration and just come see her but she hadn’t. Then again, the librarian hadn’t reached out either. Again, a difficult situation. “Hi, dear.” Michele said, her voice oozing with nothing but kindness. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was you. I should have looked.”
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Reese stood frozen in place, almost as if she’d been petrified, when Michele began speaking. She could see Michele’s lips moving and hear her talking, but the actual words themselves took time to settle in her brain. She knew she could do better, she had to do better. This was Michele for god’s sake. How long had they known each other? Been there for each other? She needed to suck it up. Reese forced the words out of her mouth, despite how much they wanted to stick to the walls of her throat. “I-i-i-it’s okay. I-i-it’s fine.” she looked down at the paper in her hands again, and then back up toward the girl’s face. “I-it’s fine. I can...I’ll just...I can....go...” she added a hand gesture for good measure, a thumb pointed back down the hallway, just in case somehow her meaning wasn’t clear.
Of course she had to pick this door.
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& galilleos:
leo’s lips curled up higher into a wider smile. the girl’s attempt to speak in a metaphor that he could understand was appreciated, albeit unsuccessful. while he did have the ability to sense when it was light out and when there was an absence of light, with no color to compare that visual to he really had no frame of reference to comprehend her description. but she certainly didn’t need to know that. “gray is good,” he said instead, rubbing the sweater’s material between his fingers. “my socks are all gray.” he bought multiples of the same deep, charcoal gray socks, because according to his sister they were the safest color to go with. “and i have the right size too,” he commented, pride in his tone. “thankfully most stores put their mediums in the middle.”
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the words were out of reese’s mouth before she could stop them - how gray wasn’t always good, how gray meant storms and loneliness and a mind block when you can’t find any color to paint with, -- but after about a minute she found herself stopping, mid-sentence, reminded of what else grey represented. ceiling tiles that have lived out their dreams of reaching the floor, walls that have split in two, floors that aren’t flat anymore.
she blinked, forcing herself out of her internal reverie, and looked over at the other. she took a second process what he’d been saying, to let her brain catch up with his words. “w-well, like....like I said. It g-goes with your complexion. i think you’d look really handso-” she stopped mid-sentence again, practically cursing her own tongue. what a great first impression she was making.
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& samarasmode:
❝ no worries !! the fact that you knew there was a difference is a lot more than what i can say for some of the people around here. brooke davis ?? what a compliment. i wish. my mother however is a fashion designer, and she’s taught me that you need to plan ahead for every season. i got so caught up packing my things i didn’t get the chance to start sooner. ❞
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“ i think it was like, a goal of mine to be able to tell the difference after confusing them in an elementary art class...guess it’s the art kid mentality... if you’re not brooke davis now, you definitely will be someday... your mom sounds like a smart lady - i would assume i know of her but i shop at pretty much the same three stores, which is probably a sin, but i like to be comfy, y’know? by the way, speaking of planning ahead, any ideas for winter yet? ”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
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[10.08.17] 26/100 days of productivity 
Planning out next weekend’s road trip! I’m starting to really enjoy decorating my bullet journal’s pages. 
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& averyforrester:
“not a problem at all.” he’d said with a bright, rather lopsided smile. it was a silly grin, but it was so very avery, there was no doubt that it could only belong to the golden hearted boy. “i understand the rush, people are always going and going and going, they never seem to stop. that’s something i never quite understood about humans.” he chuckled, pressing the fourth floor’s button. he was sure he’d never seen a human actually relax before, unless they were asleep, but sometimes, even then, they’d still have a concerned look on their face. “ooh, a meeting? what for?” he didn’t mean to be intrusive, but he loved to get to know people. “i mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
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reese enjoyed listening to other people talk - it took pressure away and people like avery always seemed sort of animated every time they spoke. at least, that’s how reese saw things. “seeing as we’re going to be elevator buddies for the next few floors, i don’t see any reason to not share. although, i have to warn you, it really isn’t very interesting.” the silly grin on reese’s face certainly mirrored avery’s, and for a moment she had to wonder if smiles were always this contagious. “i’m an education major, and to graduate, i have to do field observations. usually the professors have schools picked out ahead of time, but you can go off the list if you get permission. one of my friends works at a school around here, and i wanna go help him out, but i have to get it approved by my professor, hence the meeting...so, what brings you to the library on this lovely day?”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& galilleos:
( open starter )
there was a distinctive twinkle in leo’s eyes, something playful and somewhat mischievous. “do you believe in aliens?” he asked, lips upturned and cheek resting in his hand.
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Reese grinned as she answered. “My last boyfriend was one, so I suppose I kinda have to believe in them now. What about you?”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& gavinwalter:
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            “i swear to god, i’ve been living off of candy and crackers in an attempt to not have to leave my dorm. i don’t want to have to see any of you. apparently you need to eat more than candy and crackers, though. so here i am. appreciate me while i’m here.”
“Not that I think you’d really want food from a stranger - and I promise it’s not like a pity or sympathy offer - but I bought a little more food than I have room for, and I honestly don’t know what to do with it. So like, if you do want bananas or ice cream or anything, let me know.”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& jacks-onian:
“So, call the cops,” Jack dared. “It’s not like I’m the only underage person drinking in this town, plus there aren’t any rules and regulations against it back home for my age.”
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“That’s not what I meant. Trust me, I know you’re not the only one drinking underage, but I meant, there are dorm rules. If your RA catches you, it could end in a conduct meeting or something.”
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
She hopes she isn’t as awkward to other people as she feels to herself.
Emily St. John Mandel, Station Eleven (via ladyspug)
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
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i probably should be sleeping
a mix for when it’s late and you’re awake and you have to get up early the next day but sometimes it’s better to be cozy and safe and thinking about nothing 
★ twin sized mattress // the front bottoms ★ come under the covers // WALK THE MOON ★ before you start your day // twenty one pilots  ★ rich youth // hayley kiyoko ★ behind the sea (alternate version) // panic! at the disco ★ broken flowers // danny l harle ★ the cave // mumford & sons ★ coming down // halsey ★ stardust // new politics ★          northern downpour // panic! at the disco ★ lullabye // fall out boy ★
listen [[HERE]]
original unedited photos credit to morphball
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
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➜ Hogwarts Houses: Hufflepuff
❝ You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil ❞ —The Sorting Hat
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& georgiemallory:
Georgia didn’t look up from her paper for a moment and instead chose to process what the girl had said. Not being politically important wasn’t helpful but who knew? Maybe there was something about the girl she could extort at a later date for some other reason. “I’m sorry to hear that. I can move on to a non-family question if you’d like.”
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“Please” was all Reese could say in response. She hadn’t meant for it to come out like a beg or plead, but she was certain that’s the way it would sound when it hit the other girl’s ears, and the thought made her wince. Still, anything was better than talking about family - she’d talk about literally anything else. 
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reesesxpiece-blog · 7 years
& jacks-onian:
“I don’t remember who my roommate is,” he scrunched up his face in concentration, but after a moment or two he relaxed, because thinking was just too hard. “But also I’m pretty sure that argument made no sense.”
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“Honestly, I’m pretty sure it’s bullshit, but, y’know.” Reese shrugged. “I don’t remember who mine is either - I swear they’re never around or I’m not home enough to see their face. Still, you should cool it with the drinking, especially since you’re underage and if my memory serves me, there are rules and regulations regarding that.”
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