reece-wood · 11 years
I can't believe it
I just heard that Alice went out with someone else to the Ball and....she seemed to be pretty cozy with the guy. Was I expecting too much of her? Was I too boring? Merlin, girls are just ARGH
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reece-wood · 11 years
I really hope we don't ever reach a bump in our relationship, Reece thought, it will be a Herculean feat to resist that dewy gaze. 
Reece prided himself on being rarely fazed by anything, much less the female appearance. Most of his life he had been rather indifferent to the opposite gender. While his peers were obsessed by one girl's looks or another girl's scintillating personality, he regarded them with a sort of cold detachment. There were exceptions for his sisters and a few close family friends, Alice included. He was nice to the Longbottom girl, but she had never gotten under his skin like this before.
In his honest opinion, having a sweet tooth was nothing to be ashamed of. Considering the female psych was probably different concerning their diet, he really shouldn't say anything that could trigger lowered self-esteem. "The chocolates are my favorite part," Reece admitted, "it isn't too late to catch up with the others. McGonagall's probably getting a bit impatient. Should we go?"
Lines of Fantasy and Reality || Reeces
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reece-wood · 11 years
Oops, didn't mean to scare her, he winced at her error. Both their faces were red with embarrassment. Well, his face was flushed because he ran all the way down here. Then again, he was a little mortified at his lack of tact. As it turned out, dating was harder than it seemed.
"Umm," Reece's confidence faltered at her alarmed tone, "I was wondering if you would like to go to Hogsmeade, on a date, I mean. It's pretty nice out today. But if this is a bad time, I can come back later! Or if you would like to study instead, that's fine too. Anything you want to do. I'm all yours for the next four hours," he cracked a smile, "if you can put up with me for that long."
That attempt at wit could have gone better, he thought to himself, I'm just glad Chandler's never gonna find out about my ineptitude at dating. The seventh year tapped the side of his leg in a fidgety fashion. Reece's nerves were starting to get to him. Trying to calm down, he began to recite the properties of human transfiguration. A little intellectual stimulus was always a good way to help him focus on something other than his current predicament.
Lines of Fantasy and Reality || Reeces
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reece-wood · 11 years
"Reece Wood, you are a complete idiot," he muttered to himself as he stumbled over his feet, trying to get to the Hufflepuff common room. "Start dating a girl then you forget to arrange a date on Hogsmeade weekend."
It really was rather stupid of him to assume that she would know that they were going to have a date. That was why he was now running like the wind to fetch Alice. I really hope she doesn't think I'm an imbecile...
He rounded the corner and near ran into the row of barrels. Taking out his wand, he tapped out the memorized rhythm rapidly. Reece ran down the tunnel and burst into the earthy common room. Immediately, his eyes landed on Alice sitting on the floor, head bent over a table in concentration. The quill slipped from her hand and she leaned back, eyes closed and a small smile on her face as she stretched.
All of the panic fled from his mind as he beheld his girlfriend--still strange to think that he had a girlfriend. He couldn't help but smile at her beauty, her grace, the light that she seemed to emit. Perfection was the only word that came to mind when he thought of Alice. Forget fear of Professor Longbottom, Reece would go through anything to protect her. 
He walked over to her, feeling calmer and less anxious. Stopping right behind her, he said, "Hey, guess who?"
Lines of Fantasy and Reality || Reeces
Alice’s mind was somewhere between homework and fantasy, lala land, happy place…whatever it’s called while sitting in the Hufflepuff common room. She honestly couldn’t stop thinking about the events that had transpired a few weeks ago.
I can hardly believe it…Alice smiled to herself lightly as she thought about Reece. The older Hufflepuff was so…what was the word? Perfect. Yes, despite the awkwardness Alice couldn’t help loving the adorable seventh year. His nervous-as-deer-in-headlights look, the way he talked, how hard he tried in class, the look he gave her the first time he nearly threw the flowers in her hands, it made Alice’s stomach do a whole gymnastics floor routine. Who knew…I hope I don’t do something wrong…what if he gets bored of me? Well, he’s not his brother but still, I’m sure there are other girls that might like him. I really don’t know how to be a good…lover? girlfriend? Should I get him something like flowers? Eep, no! That would be copying anyways. We’re dating…so does that mean we’re going to start doing couple-like things? Like holding hands. No! But, if he wants to…Alice blushed furiously at the thought. It was too embarrassing for her to think about. Furthermore…if her brother ever found out or her dad. She really hoped Reece knew some self defense skills.
Pushing those nerve-wracking thought to the back of her head, Alice started writing her Charms essay with renewed vigor. Charms were an ok subject for her, she hadn’t failed the class but it wasn’t spectacular. Then again…it wasn’t potions. Somehow Alice had managed to cause her partner’s hair to turn the most brilliant shade of neon blue the last time she brewed potions…now that was a failing a class.
It was Saturday and because of her constant worrying, most of the work had been done before the weekend, letting her mind wander back to Reece.
It’s Hogsmade weekend, I wonder if I should go? I know that a lot of other couples go there…  Alice loved Hogsmade, the sweet chocolate from Honeydukes, the interesting prank items her brother sometimes got from Zonko’s, and the snug aura the village held. Right now it would be beginning to show signs of green as spring neared and the vines on the shops began to come back to life. Sighing a trifle dreamily Alice stretched, ignorant of the sound of footsteps approaching her.
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reece-wood · 11 years
You seem to be better at this than I am. Are you sure you don't have a girl of your own?
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Watch where you're going
Yes but if i remember the stores he is a just man as well.  unless you pull a moronic move if she is happy with you i dont think he’ll ruin that.  but i dont know for sure. 
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reece-wood · 11 years
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“Do you think it’s possible to achieve the perfect twirl?”
“Everything about you is perfect.”
Alice Longbottom attempts to make a perfect twirl. Photo taken by Reece Wood.
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reece-wood · 11 years
I think you underestimate the wrath of an overprotective parent. He's the guy who defied Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts!
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Watch where you're going
 Ha ha ha Sorry really Longbottom.  well i dont think he will kill you.
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reece-wood · 11 years
I see your point, but it is rather hard to believe that the Alice Longbottom wants to date me. Oh Merlin, what if Professor Longbottom hears about this?!
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Watch where you're going
Maybe you should just stop trying and be your self like its said.  isn’t that who she chose.  You not who you try to be.
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reece-wood · 11 years
Thanks for the pie offer, but I am honestly beyond help at this point. I don't know how to date a girl! I've tried the books, but they keep spouting all this "be natural" stuff and I'm just...totally and completely lost.
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Watch where you're going
Aww well the nerd got the girl i guess.  good luck i would help if i could.  Want me to see if i can get you a pie.
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reece-wood · 11 years
Really? Well that's a first. Most people know him...never mind. Well...technically I'm not single anymore. That's why I'm panicking.
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Watch where you're going
Not ringing any bells i don’t get out much. But we single guys gotta stick together so to say.
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reece-wood · 11 years
And no one wants to date the nerd. Looks like we're in the same boat. My brother has trouble with that sort of stuff though. Chandler. You probably know him.
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Watch where you're going
I wouldn’t know about that no one wants to date the freaky tattoo kid. 
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reece-wood · 11 years
They must like you, yeah? Well...you know, relationship troubles and all that.
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Watch where you're going
I’m always getting a pie from the elves if they have one.  Wood like… eh probably.  any ways nice to meet you as well.  So what are you nervous about.
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reece-wood · 11 years
Nice to meet you, Adrian. My name's Reece, Reece Wood. And while I do like food, I usually only eat when I'm nervous or something like that.
Watch where you're going
Adrian,  there are two thing i’m deatly serious about one is food.
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reece-wood · 11 years
Huh, I never thought about that. Sometimes I really wonder if I'm actually a wizard. Thanks...umm, what's your name?
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Watch where you're going
yeah that would do it.  Here is a hit shrink it first its what i do.
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reece-wood · 11 years
Got chased out by the house-elves. They thought I was my twin and Chandler pulled a prank on them a few years back.
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Watch where you're going
um that is why you eat it in the kitchens…
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reece-wood · 11 years
Watch where you're going
I almost dropped everything. You know how hard it is to sneak food back to the dorms?
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reece-wood · 11 years
I doubt it. With the games going on as well as the deaths, Quidditch is probably the last thing on anybody's minds right now.
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So….is quidditch still going on?
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