redraspberrycats · 3 hours
actually brings up an interesting poll question !
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redraspberrycats · 3 hours
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redraspberrycats · 3 hours
we diagnose you with a creeping sense of alienation forever. incurable
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redraspberrycats · 4 hours
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425 notes · View notes
redraspberrycats · 4 hours
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redraspberrycats · 4 hours
Accidentally unfollowing one of your mutuals is the Tumblr equivalent of stepping on your pet
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redraspberrycats · 4 hours
Time for a new poll! I'm curious to see the spread of answers on this one (and hear any other series not on the list.) Tried to go for a range of older and newer series on here, more on the older end of the spectrum, but I can't cover everything with the limited poll options here, so I hope you'll share your answers! :)
Please reblog for a larger sample size, thank you!
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redraspberrycats · 4 hours
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redraspberrycats · 4 hours
she went after my cock like she was smeego. and I was that gay little ring.
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
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This has probably been done but I couldn't find one
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
these fifty years of brainwashing can't hold a candle to my devotion. these hands know you if my mind does not. I will pull you from this river. I trust my love for you more than I trust my own mind. i ask myself who i am and there is only one enduring answer. someone that loves you. <- Believe it or not ten years ago they put this in a marvel stuidios .cinematic movie
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
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Big wunker is always watching
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
Me: It stands for Point of Sale
Also Me: Time to head for work at the piece of shit
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
what if i just rest my eyes for a second
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redraspberrycats · 1 day
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it's not really you
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it never was!
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