새일축하해요, 세훈이! 항상 귀엽고 행복있어. 여기에 내가 당신을 향해 무엇을 느낄 설명해야 노래의 가사의 일부를 연결합니다. 랩 부분은 최고입니다. 나는 모든 주셔서 감사합니다 @oohsenhun "여보세요 나의천사 어떻게 내 마음을 훔쳤나요 괜찮아요 나의천사 가져간 내 마음을 고이 간직해줘요 니가 좋아 너무 좋아 내 모든걸 주고 싶어 너에게 만은 내 마음 난 꾸미고 싶지 않아 언제까지 언제까지 너와함께 너와함께 있을꺼야 yeah~ 나를 사랑해줘서 고마워 나를 걱정해줘서 고마워 항상 챙겨줘서 고마워 이런 마음 느끼게 해줘서 고마워 너는 내게 빛나는 햇볕, 우릴 환하게 밝혀주고 또 넌 너무 예뻐 영원이라는 말 아끼고 있지만 오늘만 말할게 영원히 고마워" #좋아좋아
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Wahhhhhhh it's been a while huh? I am away from tumblr. Hahhahaha. As if i have follower to be kept in touch. Lololoo but it's good to be here again
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오빠, 오늘, 난 너무 행복해요. 나는 여러분 모두의 정말 자랑 스럽습니다. 당신은 모든 사람들에게 당신은 정말 재능이 있다 입증 했습니다. 나는 많이 향상 뒤었는지 정말 자랑 스러습니다. 너 오빠 최고! 대박이야 ㅋㅋ 정말! 오빠 사랑해! 엑소는 엑소엘 는 사랑하자 !!!
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박찬열, 김종인, 오세훈... 너오빠.. 내 인생. 내 사랑. 나의 행복. 사랑하 오빠.. 세카이열 영원히!! ㅋㅋ 엑소 사랑하자! 💪사랑해!!
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생일축하해요 오빠. 너무 사랑해 😘 내 뱀뱀 오빠 너도 ㅋㅋㅋ 그리웠어 오빠 ㅋㅋㅋ 😜😜 @yu_gyeom @bambam1a
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오빠!! 새일축하해요 😘😘 난 당신 이하고있는 모든 일에 행운 을 기원합니다. 항상 건강을 유지 . 식사를 건너 뛸 수 없습니다. 항상 자신 을 돌봐 . 귀엽고 잘 생긴 모든 시간을 유지 . 이 형 으로 너무 악 하지 마십시오. 하지만 그들이 당신을 괴롭히는 경우 , 그냥 그들을 괴롭히는 . 행복 . 내가 당신을 사랑 해요 , 오빠 😙😙😘😘😘😚😚😗😘😚😍😚😚
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Mark Tuan masterpost (▰˘◡˘▰)
In celebration of reaching 3,000 followers, here is another masterpost :-) It’s unfair that I wait every 500 or 1,000 followers to do a masterpost for our special boys, so for every 142 followers I get from here on out, I will make a masterpost for the other boys (or maybe if I’m just in a good mood hehe).
Besides that, I’d like to thank you all for supporting my writing endeavors by sending me your wondrous ideas and bearing with me on these random few day hiatuses I go on when I have writers’ block. ily all!!!!
Other masterposts: smut // Bambam // reactions (none are updated)
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Mark Tuan masterpost (▰˘◡˘▰)
In celebration of reaching 3,000 followers, here is another masterpost :-) It’s unfair that I wait every 500 or 1,000 followers to do a masterpost for our special boys, so for every 142 followers I get from here on out, I will make a masterpost for the other boys (or maybe if I’m just in a good mood hehe).
Besides that, I’d like to thank you all for supporting my writing endeavors by sending me your wondrous ideas and bearing with me on these random few day hiatuses I go on when I have writers’ block. ily all!!!!
Other masterposts: smut // Bambam // reactions (none are updated)
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missing someone but can do nothing i can only stalk and thats it feel like crying but still i'm smiling like an idiot it's okay i'll wait till the day come i know it will i hope bc i always keep on praying may God listen to all my prayers i know He does but if he didnt gimme what i wished that means He has prepared and save something the best for me i just need to wait bc the time will come sooner or later :')
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GOT7 today. Mark with grey hair.
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Mark Tuan loves himself hahaha

© My Own Mark | Do not edit. (1/2)
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awwww wang jackson i love ya

jacksonwang852jy: Thanks for all the allkpop fans out there showing love and support for me ! Thank you allkpop I’m very honored to receive this ” Rising Male Star” award! I GOT7 , you guys are the motivation of everything. Thanks for ones who showed support! Thank you mom and dad love ya! Without you guys i wouldn’t be able to get to anywhere. Gonna live everyday like it’s last and again, I’m feeling extremely honor to receive this award from allkpop. Let go crazy with me in 2015 !! ;) #jacksonwang #got7 #igot7 #allkpop #risingmalestar #2015 #2014 #jyp
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Now first of all Happy 1st Anniversary GOT7 !! Sorry I have to wish it quite early bc I have to head back to my hostel. GOT7, for the first anniversary, I wanna thank all the members for everything that you had done the hardwork and working non stop especially Jackson. I am so happy to know all of you. I followed you since predebut eventhough I wasnt a crazy fan back then. At first I thought I would only like you bc I am JYPN stan but no I was wrong. You brought me a lot of happiness that I never thought I would have. The craziness and everything. I just thank all of you. Were you guys having a nice vacation? I am sure you had a very good vacation. Went back to LA, HK and Thailand and spent time with beloved family always been nice right? I know it. Glad that all of you enjoyed your time. Thanks for everything. Sorry I couldnt help you win any awards in 2014. I'm so sorry. I couldnt do much to support. With loves it works, right? Then, I'll just keep loving you. What the haters said, just ignore okay. Dont mind them. We started this journey together and I'm willingly hold onto you hand and will walk with you to the end together. I'm not good at words but I hope this is okay. Lets walk together? Till the end. We started it together and yeah lets finish it together too. I'll hold onto your hands. I will embrace you tight so that you wont fall apart and break down. Ahhhh i have so much to day yet i dont even know what to say ㅠㅠㅠ whatsoever I jusy wanna thankyou guys #GOT71stAnniversary
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Happy Birthdayy. 생일축하해요 재범이 오빠 !! Have a good day. Stay healthy. Dont skip meals. Do your best in everything. Thanks for everything. #23YearsWithDeffJB @defjeffb
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@jacksonwang852jy i'm glad that you cried. You have to let go all those feelings dude. You must feeling better now, right? After meeting your parents. I'm glad that you're happy. I'm sorry to hear that your mom is sick. You must be worry right? But i am sure your mom is feeling better after meeting you. Keep working hard. Make your parents proud of you more and more. I'm proud of you. I'm happy for you. You're my strong baby. Thanks for making me smile and laugh. I aint tired of it. Hahahaha. Ily
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So yeah as what all of us already knew, GOT7 will perform on today's Music Bank. They'll perform APink's Mr. Chu while Apink will perform GOT7's Stop Stop It. I'm so anticipating so yeah. hahha. And a rumor said that Jackson will also perform together with Sunmi. Pray hard so that it will be true.
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#11MonthsWithGOT7 Thanks for the 11 amazing months. Thanks for the hardwork. Thanks for everything you've given to me. To us. To 아가새. Lack of rest Lack of sleept those dont matter to you guys as long as we're happy, right? I thank you for that. Maybe I'll post an essay long caption bc I might not be able to update during the anniversary bc I'll be back to hostel. Got7, I thank you for everything. I feel bad whenver any of you guys thank us, 아가새. Maybe other 아가새 deserve it but I dont think I am ㅠ I just want to make you guys proud and happy. What you've given to me I wanna give you back. The happiness the joyous. Behind all your smiles, I know you want a free time. You want a rest. You want to makr us happy. Yes we are happy. Thanks to you guys. How much I'm tempted to wwatch you guys on stage and on screen thats how much i want you guys to have your leisure.time. You might not read what I'm typing but at least you know this. I will always with you. I'm with you since from the start and I'm willing to walk with you guys to the end. Thanks again. This might not be heart-warming nor breath-taking bc I know I'm suck with words. Just wanna let you guys know I love you guys. I'll try my best to be a better 아가새. I'll always support you guys. You guys have my back. You guys have my shoulder to lean on. I will always be behind you guys. 갓세븐 사랑해 영원히 아가새 @bambam1a @mark_tuan @jacksonwang852jy @defjeffb @yu_gyeom @pepi_jr
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