redheadlegend93 · 3 years
sometimes u gotta be like “ okay ” & leave that shit alone
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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What a fool to give up thy life for thy sister’s.
HOCUS POCUS (1993) ♢ dir. Kenny Ortega
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
you ever look at a guy and think “nut in me”
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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Another Day Of Those:
Now i don’t remember the day where I stopped waiting for your calls nor in which the ardor of being in love perished, under my melancholy. Now I don’t know well, I don’t remember, when I stopped looking for you at sunset, in the prospects of chance…, in the words of the sane.
I wished you dead and I knew you alive strong, distant, haughty and I felt sorry for my stiff heart.
I wanted to run away, end my mourning, recover my peace and joy, but again the melancholy she showed me her lean face.
I tried to forget you, despise my luck, lose yourself, at once, in other hearts, rescue my old and forgotten illusions and revive, from this death.
                                -Ousía Poética (cc)
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Otro Día De Esos:
Ahora no recuerdo el día en el que dejé de esperar tus llamadas ni en el que el ardor de estar enamorado pereció, bajo mi melancolía. Ahora no sé bien, no lo recuerdo, cuando dejé de buscarte en el Ocaso, en las perspectivas del acaso…, en las palabras de los cuerdos.
Te deseé muerta y te supe viva, fuerte, lejana, altiva y sentí pena de mi corazón yerto.
Quise huirte, terminar mi luto, recuperar mi paz y la alegría, pero nuevamente la melancolía me mostró su rostro enjuto.
Pretendí olvidarte, desdeñar mi suerte, perderte, de una vez, en otros corazones, rescatar mis viejas y olvidadas ilusiones y revivir, desde esta muerte.
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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Lovecraft Country + titlecards
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
My parrot has a vague understanding of the word “no.” He knows to stop doing what he’s doing when he hears it, and he knows how to say it.
He knows it’s a word that is used when he’s doing something he shouldn’t be doing. However, being told “no” doesn’t make him stop doing it in future.
If he’s ever out of my sight or if I’m not paying attention, I know exactly when he’s doing something bad.
Because he says “no” to himself as he does it.
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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The Office | S04E13 “Dinner Party”
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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get to know me: [2/10 actresses] • anne hathaway “ I’ve always believed in people’s capacity for goodness. I still believe that people are good. What I’m not so trusting about anymore is their relationship to their own goodness.”
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
Did... did a series actually listened to the fans... and changed for the better... we had a bunch of minor complaints... and they CHANGED IT?
Allison and Luthor’s relationship being weird and kinda disturbing - they gave Allison a new love interest
Vanya being gay and now she actually has a WIFE?
Ben being around more
Luther being less of a leader and more of a sidekick
Allison being a bad bitch
Diego having another smart-mouth girlfriend bc his last one died
And JESUS CHRIST Klaus being EXTRA AF and having a CULT is the 🍒 on top
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
you ever get pissed off by somebody’s mindset? like damn.. you really think like that?
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
tonight’s mood is the deep desire to be held close in a dimly lit room, covered in blankets while rain is softly falling outside
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
Cheesebread Recipe
so this is a recipe that i’ve used and honed over the past seven years.  there’s no spectacular story behind it.  it hasn’t been passed down from generations and I don’t think any family members will ever feud over it (although my hardcopy of the recipe IS mysteriously gone).  i just like bread and cheese and spent probably a few weeks altogether trying to find The Perfect Cheesebread.
3 ½- 3 ¾ cups of flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1 package of yeast (2 ¼ teaspoons)
1 ¼ cup water
2 tablespoons of melted butter (or olive/vegetable oil)
1 teaspoon of herbs (I use Italian Seasonings because it’s tasty)
1 teaspoon salt
1 ¼ cup cheddar cheese. Or however much you like, whatever kind of hard cheese you like. I like a lot. Also sometimes use a smattering of asiago because a little can go a long way and it smells a lot. I find shredding the cheese works better than cubing.
Mix 1 ½ cup flour, sugar, and yeast. Heat the water on the stove until it’s around 120F (or just use hot water; honestly, the recipe isn’t fussy). Add it to the flour/sugar/yeast mix and continue to mix until it’s mixed.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set it aside for an hour. Watch it bubble and grow and wonder, ‘gee, is the bowl I used big enough…?’ I wonder that every damn time.
Stir in the butter/oil, herbs, and salt. Stir in enough of the remaining flour until the dough is soft and separates easily. There’s no real set rule on flour. Just use enough. Making bread is more about how things feel rather than exact measurements. Cover with plastic again and let stand for 15 minutes.
Sprinkle a cutting board with flour and start beating the crap out of the dough. Knead it for around 15 minutes or until it feels ‘springy’. Feel free to add more flour if it starts to stick. Knead in 1 cup of cheese or however much you like.
Flour, butter, or use cooking oil spray on a large bowl and plop the dough in it. Cover with plastic wrap and leave it alone for an hour to rise (or until it doubles in size). It’s ready when you poke it with your fingers and it leaves an indent.
Butter a cooking sheet.
Sprinkle more flour on the cutting board and punch the dough to deflate it a little. Shape it however you like. (American) football shape works well. Coat it generously with flour and let it rise AGAIN for about an hour.
Move oven racks into middle and lowest position. On the bottom rack, you’ll need an 8-9 inch square pan, filled with water. It’ll keep the oven moist so nothing dries out while it cooks. Heat the oven to 450 F.
Spray the loaf with a small amount of water and sprinkle on more flour. Use a sharp knife to cut a ½ inch deep slash down the loaf. Sprinkle some cheese in there. It’s delicious. :D
[remember to feed a bit of cheese to your cat, if they like it and can tolerate it. Skitten always comes around begging for cheese when I make this stuff]
Bake for 10 minutes at 450F. Then reduce temps to 400F and bake for 20-25 minutes. It’s done when it’s a deep golden brown and sounds ‘hollow’ when tapped. Or use a toothpick and see if it comes out clean. Put it on a cooling rack and let it cool for 30 or so minutes.
Hope you like it!
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redheadlegend93 · 4 years
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