We are an online retailer for all parts Remington 700. We have you covered on everything from small parts to high end optics. Visit us at www.redhawkrifles.com
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Make sure you've got the right tool for the job! We carry a full line of gunsmithing tools to make working on your rifle a breeze. https://redhawkrifles.com/tools-1/ @realavid @fixitsticks @magnetospeed_official #lymanprecision #wheelerengineering #realavid #magnetospeed #graceusa #redhawkrifles #rifle #gunsmithing #tools #workbench (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPlvKoRLLXs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Flash Sale this weekend only! #boltaction #flashsale #grayboe #remington700 #longrangeshooting #hunting @redhawkrifles @grayboe (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/COlveRHrYnh/?igshid=1x4mlzjmmo8xo
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Reactor USA has released their Fusion Module. Guys, this thing is awesome. This doesn't just open doors to better shooting, it blows the doors right of the hinges. The amount of data it provides is mind blowing. This is a critical tool for improving shooting, load development, or fine tuning a rifle set up. Check it out, it definitely topped our list. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJEZkhUL3hv/?igshid=x1hs5v7o0dji
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Black Friday is on! Make sure to check out these deals before they're gone! https://redhawkrifles.com/black-friday-sale/ #redhawkrifles #blackfriday #goodies #holidayshopping #treatyoself #thisisprobablythelastblackfridatbeforetheapocalypse https://www.instagram.com/p/CICBAt-Jua8/?igshid=1g4tizi1142zt
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Some good deal on Zeiss this holiday season! https://redhawkrifles.com/optics-2/ #zeiss #optics #blackfriday #instantrebate https://www.instagram.com/p/CICAmWypgEM/?igshid=s2362ca5j2qd
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Flash Sale! This weekend only! Grayboe Outlander Stock - $199 Grayboe Terrain Stock $249 Only for available inventory so grab yours before they are gone! #halloween #flashsale #remington700 #longrangeshooting #rifle #stock #grayboe #outlander #terrain http://ss1.us/a/h4JH8UGn https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-SUaRJsJR/?igshid=163qvmpv6ipzo
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We're now carrying Bix n' Andy triggers! These are sweet! The Tac Sport and Tac Sport Pro are fully customizable with different trigger shoes, different sears to match your action, and removable safety and bolt release. They're also adjustable from 10 ounces to 4.5 lbs. We also have the Dakota trigger for hunting rifles. Fully weather resistant, and adjustable from 1-4.5 lbs. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGa-A-5pbJt/?igshid=52zpxnymotw3
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Everyone else is triggered this year, now it's your turn. Through July 5th take 20% off of Elftmann, Timney, and TriggerTech triggers! We also have the TriggerTech Limited Edition Primary triggers clad in the the colors of Ol' Glory. They're going quick so better grab yours before they're gone. @elftactical @timney_triggers @trigger.tech #4thofjuly #independenceday #sale, #pewpew #boltgun #2020isadumpsterfire #makethemostofit #blingyourgun #shootgood #havefun (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHVSuWJfJM/?igshid=yk4qsqv3wf8a
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These new tools are simple, but incredibly handy to have. These have been around for awhile but we added a twist by adapting it work with the Bayonet style assemblies on custom actions such as Mesa Precision Arms, Zermatt Arms, BAT Machine, and others. @mesa_precision_arms @zermatt_arms @batmachineco (at Grand Junction, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBjDTo1pci1/?igshid=oxa1bqyg9gzr
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I know a lot of you have been waiting for the Remington bottom metals to show up. We still haven't received them, but we do have these alternatives. Extremely well made and in stock! We have them in long and short action in a bead blasted finish currently. If you already have a Remington bottom metal on back order with us give us a call and we can get you one of these instead. Get them here- https://redhawkrifles.com/rhr-bdl-bottom-metal/ #remington #bdl #700 #bottommetal (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_frDwEl6cT/?igshid=17y9ppvspnjnu
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Hey guys, this weekend is 20% off all TriggerTech! Make sure to grab yours before they're gone! #redhawkrifles #triggertech #primary #special #diamond #boltaction #ar15 #easter #sale (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0PK5JpTWL/?igshid=1bibocaj76w0f
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We've extended our free DBM sale! Gete a free Grayboe M5 bottom metal with the purchase of any Grayboe M5 Renegade stock! ***The bottom metal is not added automatically so make sure to add it to your cart*** (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mXYd4JXZJ/?igshid=ib5qdp5kph4s
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We are starting to carry complete rifles! We are starting with the Elevation Lightweight Hunter rifle from Proof Research. This rifle is freakin' sweet! #redhawkrifles #proofresearch #longrangeshooting #hunting #carbonfiber #lightweight http://ss1.us/a/Zw8VQz7l (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8PFIW4pCAD/?igshid=133mt009bntre
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Mesa Precision dropped their new action and it is sick! We're taking pre orders on it now at www.redhawkrifles.com and we should see the first batch coming in around the end of January. (at Red Hawk Rifles) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7B7V64pFz3/?igshid=10gb7rxcu3921
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Taking pre-orders starting January 3rd! https://www.instagram.com/p/B601CCopRiJ/?igshid=1e5krndnq0gwq
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Taking pre-orders starting January 3rd! https://www.instagram.com/p/B6v6Rz8pc3w/?igshid=1ld2grd4abhfy
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