redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
first date sentences .
between friends .
“ oh my god. i can’t breathe. this is it. i’m dying. ”
“ but, would it be weird if i suddenly got a case of the flu? ”
“ do i look fat in this? of course i do. don’t even answer. “
“ what if he/she/they won’t like me? ”
“ god everything looks weird on me now. ”
“ not sure if i want to throw up, faint or both. ”
“ we’re meeting in an hour and i have no idea what to wear. ”
“ you know them ?! why are telling me just now !? ”
“ okay but legit question ; how do you know that they won’t kidnap you? ”
“ do i kiss them goodbye ? or do i hug them ? what is natural !? ”
“ i can’t do this ! i’m going to fuck up. ”
“ promise me you’ll call me if i ask you to. ”
“ but if they don’t look like their profile picture ? ”
“ if i don’t want to meet them maybe i can pretend to be someone else. ”
“ i know, i know. no sex on the first date. ”
“ rest in fucking pieces. this will be the death of my love life. ”
the first meeting .
“ woah — you look… great! ”
“ so you’re my date for the evening? you look better in real life. ”
“ where do you want to eat? ”
“ do we… shake hands or — hug, or… ? ”
“ i rarely do this, haha! ”
“ i was nervous you wouldn’t make it! ”
“ i just have to say that i’m really nervous, sorry! ”
“ sorry that i’m late ! ”
“ oh… your profile didn’t mention — that. ”
“ let me get your coa— you’re not wearing a coat, haha, oops — ”
“ no, please — allow me! ”
“ i just can’t take my eyes off you, sorry ~ you’re just really stunning. ”
dinner for two .
“ what do you do, and how long have you been doing it? ”
” where are you originally from? ”
“ where did you go to school? ”
” what was your major? ”
“ where exactly do you live in [insert your city or town here]? ”
” so you have any nicknames? ”
“ if you won the lottery tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d buy? ”
” do you have any siblings? ”
“ if you could be any person for a day, who would it be? ”
“ there’s this bar downtown… we could check it out? ”
“ what are we doing after this ? ”
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
‘  when i was a kid, whenever i’d feel small or lonely, i’d look up at the stars. wondered if there was life up there.  ‘
‘  tens of thousands of lives were lost.  ‘
‘  this was just the beginning.  ‘
‘  to fight monsters, we created monsters of our own.  ‘
‘  we got really good at it. winning.  ‘
‘  hey, kid. don’t get cocky.  ‘
‘  please, after you. age before beauty.  ‘
‘  you know what i’m thinking.  ‘
‘  worry about yourself, kiddo!  ‘
‘  ___, listen to me!  ‘
‘  suits and ties, flashy smiles. that’s all they are.  ‘
‘  bad news: three guys died yesterday.  ‘
‘  well, orders are orders. what else am i supposed to do?  ‘
‘  took me a while to find you.  ‘
‘  i can’t have anyone else in my head again. i’m done.  ‘
‘  haven’t you heard? the world is coming to an end.  ‘
‘  so where would you rather die? here, or ____?  ‘
‘  oh, no, call me ___. only my mother calls me doctor.  ‘
‘  he was 2,500 tons of awesome. or awful. you know, whatever you wanna call it.  ‘
‘  shut up. i don’t love them, okay? i study them.  ‘
‘  things have changed. we’re not an army anymore, we’re the resistance.  ‘
‘  i didn’t know it was this bad.  ‘
‘  sorry about your brother.  ‘
‘  you haven’t told me what i’m doing here yet.  ‘
‘  numbers do not lie. politics and poetry, promises, these are lies. numbers are as close as we get to the handwriting of god.  ‘
‘  politics and poetry, promises, these are lies.  ‘
‘  and this… is the point where he goes completely crazy.  ‘
‘  fortune favors the brave, dude.  ‘
‘  they won’t give you the equipment, and even if they did, you’d kill yourself.  ‘
‘  she’s one of a kind now.  ‘
‘  i think you’re unpredictable.  ‘
‘  you take risks that endanger yourself and your crew. i don’t think you’re the right man for this mission.  ‘
‘  wow. thank you for your honesty.  ‘
‘  one day, you’re gonna see that in combat you make decisions. and you have to live with the consequences.  ‘
‘  you promised me.  ‘
‘  vengeance is like an open wound.  ‘
‘  to me, you’re dead weight. you slow me down, i’m gonna drop you like a sack of shit.  ‘
‘  i’ve raised him on my own. he’s a smart kid, but i never knew whether to give him a hug or a kick in the ass.  ‘
‘  it’s a dialogue, not a fight.  ‘
‘  better watch it.  ‘
‘  i’m not crazy. you felt it, right?  ‘
‘  this is worth fighting for.  ‘
‘  if you’re listening to this, well, i’m either alive and i’ve proven what i’ve just done works, in which case, ha ha, i won. or i’m dead and i’d like you to know that it’s all your fault. it really is, you know, you drove me to this. in which case, ha, i also won. sort of.  ‘
‘  are you gonna say anything?  ‘
‘  you look good.  ‘
‘  like when you blink your eyes over and over and over again and all you really see are like, frames. it was emotion.  ‘
‘  i’m okay. just let me control it.  ‘
‘  you are a goddamn disgrace. you’re gonna get us all killed.  ‘
‘  why don’t you just do us all a favor and disappear? it’s the only thing you’re good at.  ‘
‘  so, what, you’re grounding us?  ‘
‘  one: don’t you ever touch me again. two: don’t you ever touch me again.  ‘
‘  now, you have no idea who the hell i am or where i’ve come from, and i’m not about to tell you my whole life story.  ‘
‘  you know, you live in someone else’s head for so long… the hardest part to deal with is the silence.  ‘
‘  well, that’s classified. so i couldn’t tell you. even if i wanted to. but it is pretty cool, so i might tell you. i’m gonna tell you.  ‘
‘  jesus, we can’t just sit here and watch them die.  ‘
‘  let me in, i’m a doctor!  ‘
‘  we have a choice here. we either sit and wait, or we take these flare guns and do something really stupid.  ‘
‘  as harsh as it sounds, there is no time to celebrate. we lost people. no time to grieve.  ‘
‘  how sick are you? and why didn’t you tell me?  ‘
‘  i haven’t exactly had a very good day, okay?  ‘
‘  we’re gonna own this bad boy!  ‘
‘  by jove, we are going to own this thing for sure!  ‘
‘  today, at the edge of our hope, at the end of our time, we have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, but in each other.  ‘
‘  today we are canceling the apocalypse!  ‘
‘  as for you, well, you’re easy. you’re an egotistical jerk with daddy issues. a simple puzzle i solved on day one.  ‘
‘  i just don’t want to regret all the things that i never said out loud.  ‘
‘  well, my father always said, if you have the shot, you take it. so let’s do this.  ‘
‘  all i have to do is fall. anyone can fall.  ‘
‘  i can’t find his pulse. i don’t think he’s breathing.  ‘
‘  no. don’t go. please.  ‘
‘  you’re squeezing me too tight. i couldn’t breathe.  ‘
‘  where is my goddamn shoe?  ‘
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
Listening to “War of Hearts” again since I reblogged that audio post, and I’m once again struck by the way they remixed it for the episode.
Do yourself a favor. Put your headphones on and listen to the moment when Alec is standing at the top of the steps, looking down at Magnus and bracing himself to start his March of Endless Eye Contact.
When the piano is doing that high tinkly thing? Underneath that there is a low, deep heartbeat.
Now, go listen to the regular mix of the song, at that same moment. There’s just a drumbeat there, same as that deep bass drum that you hear throughout the song.
They did that. They did that for us. They remixed the song to put a heartbeat in that moment.
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
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Two types of people
Bonus: when they come together
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
Magnus *waking up in the middle of the night*: Wait! I was about to take that shot but then I started talking about not wanting you to move to Idris and then you kissed me and continued playing. It was my turn! Alec wake up you cheater!
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redeemedbythedevil · 6 years
Alec lightwood being a fake bitch is my mood always
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redeemedbythedevil · 7 years
I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
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SUPERNATURAL HIATUS CREATIONS | Week Thirteen ↳ Favourite Episode - 2x01 In My Time Of Dying   (x)
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
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heart eyes, mother f*cker x
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
Cuddling prompts
Because that’s the kind of mood i’m in today.
In bed
On the couch/loveseat
On the floor
In front of the fireplace
In the back seat of the car
For warmth
For comfort
Totally platonic
Totally romantic
Just waking up
Falling asleep
In public
In the dark
With rain outside
With snow outside
While someone’s crying
While someone’s sick
In the water/in the bath
Between strangers
With a first kiss
In lieu of kissing
First cuddle
Familiar cuddle
Last cuddle (if you’re feeling super angsty)
Out of necessity (trapped in a small space, etc.)
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
Send 💤 for my muse to fall asleep on yours.
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
Running from the Life || OPEN
Taking walks helped to pass the time. Anything familiar served a dual purpose to comfort him and also to reawaken the bitterness that was so ingrained into his soul. That was probably why Sam Winchester ended up at diners in town so often, rekindling that bittersweet childhood that he would never see again.
But it has been two years since the day he hopped a bus to Stanford, not looking back, not even trying to call. His dad made things very clear - there was no warm welcome awaiting him on holidays, no smiles when he got a good grade, and certainly no surprise visits from family like all of the other students on campus.
The more he reflected on it, the more Sam realized that no matter how much he detached himself from hunting, no matter how successful he might become - the baggage would still be there, weighing him down. And it was evident even now. He could see it in his surroundings every day - the unusual. The things he’d been conditioned to look out for popping up. And most of the time it was in newspapers or far out stories on tv. But today, it was in Palo Alto - the place he’d been calling home.
Instead of staying away like his brain screamed to, Sam approached the case, reading the news report in the library. Three murders - all sophomore girls in the same sorority - all bloody. His first guess would be a witch, though he knew those kinda of cases were tricky. Even though he knew for a fact that this was too difficult, he buried his nose in a book, eyes scanning the pages of the history of the sorority. He should have been focusing on his Legal Writing homework - but that could wait if only a few minutes.
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
Oblivious-To-Love Starters
"I had the biggest crush on you, it's embarrassing now that I think about it."
"I know this is silly but thank you for not making a big deal out of my crush on you, you never even mentioned it once."
"My boyfriend/girlfriend/partner doesn't like me seeing you because they know I still have feelings for you."
"How could you not have known how I felt? I thought everyone knew."
"I was so tempted to kiss you back then..."
"Everyone knew I had feelings for you, how could you not?"
"I kissed you on the cheek and you didn't say anything about it, I assumed you weren't interested."
"Are you kidding me? You seriously didn't know?"
"We kissed. I know it was small but it still meant something to me."
"You mean this whole time I've been flirting with you, you've not been interested at all."
"Of course I was flirting with you, I don't give compliments like that to just anyone."
"I told you I left my bedroom door unlocked, how could you not get the hint?"
"Of course I liked you, who the hell sends platonic love letters?!"
"Of course I wanted more. Nobody invites anyone over for coffee at 2am."
"Are you telling me that the whole time this has been one-sided?"
"Of course there was sexual tension, you just never reacted to it so I assumed it was only me."
"It was supposed to be a date, I didn't ask you out just to drink tea for no reason."
"I used to go home every night cursing myself for not having kissed you. Kind of wish I had the courage now."
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redeemedbythedevil · 8 years
Constantine - The Hellblazer Sentence Meme
“Let’s play dress-up.”
“You’re a right ass.”
“You have something to say to my ass, it’s right here waiting.”
“Tell us we’re beautiful.”
“Ah, the good stuff then.”
“You live but once.”
“Well hello, handsome stranger.”
“Honestly, I’m not the yelling type.”
“And all I had to do was scream at nothing!”
“That’s terrible. Stop it.”
“Now throw a shirt on. Or don’t.”
“Look at their awful nubbin teeth.”
“So you liked a girl once! Such juicy gossip!”
“So I can go back to forgetting we know each other.”
“See you two never again.”
“It’s what they say about me. Reliable.”
“I’ll cry myself raw tonight. I really will.”
“Let’s grab ourselves a drink.”
“We’re not braiding hair.”
“Man the hell up and admit you’re lost in this.”
“When have I ever had a bad idea?”
“Just reminding you all your ideas are terrible.”
“They looked like they needed a drink.”
“Lots of things have gone wrong at subways.”
“Now there’s a terrible idea still on the table.”
“It’s the thrill of substainably farmed, reasonably prized alaskan salmon.”
“Hell, I could stop Justin-bloody-Bieber.”
“I felt like I was going to die. I felt like I was going to live forever.”
“Now why would I do a silly thing like that?”
“You like the creepy crawly stuff then?”
“I can practically see you blushing.”
“Honestly, there’s no pleasing her.”
“And what does a pretty young boy like you know of murder?”
“Praise the lord and all his asses.”
“This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Never took you as the boring type.”
“Well, I’m not your nursemaid.”
“Can’t a fellow break in for a simple reminiscence?”
“I don’t want to know anything.”
“That’s not a tear for me, is it?”
“Don’t even have the faintest what I’m looking for, really.”
“The difference is only in your intention.”
“Can’t you find it in your heart to help a lost soul?”
“I seriously, professionally, need your help.”
“I’ll never forgive you for this.”
“Perfect moment to eat up all the neighbors.”
“Whatever strange force in the universe wants me to shag that bloke needs to bugger off.”
“Lord, that’s a bit dark even for me.”
“Bit of an asshole, really. Not the best lay, either. But nice shoulders.”
“Okay, so what have we learned?”
“I should curse this thing and put it back there.”
“She’s a 22-year-old art school kid of course she thought she could handle it.”
“You can’t just eat other people’s dogs!”
“There are pointy things in there, you’ll get hurt.”
“I don’t need anyone. I never have.”
“You can stay here and get murdered.”
“I’m having trouble denying myself, here.”
“You only want me for my brioche.”
“This is no way to pay a visit.”
“How’s that different from any tuesday?”
“Trees alone do not eat people.”
“What makes me your go-to gardener?”
“And you’re a bit of an asshole.”
“Kids nowadays. Nobody knows how to find a proper spot to shag in a bush.”
“You’re tripping high as a kite, aren’t you?”
“So it’s just going to be right to the stabbing, then.”
“Nobody understands the art of foreplay anymore.”
“Not like I’m setting the whole forest on fire.”
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