Redacted The Great
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
The Penis Lottery
In this world everyone is born a girl. In the place where I live sex is determined by a lottery at the end of grade school. I had a winning ticket, but on the same day as the drawing I started my period, invalidating me for the injection that would have made me a boy.
After graduation I went on a camping trip with my best friend Alex, who took my place in the lottery and recently completed male development. It's our first time together since the day of the drawing.
Watching Alex chop the wood for our fire, I was struck by the gulf that had grown between our bodies. As girls we had looked like sisters; we could share clothes, even though I was a couple inches taller. Now he towered over me, his muscles rippling with each swing of the axe.
My body had grown larger too, but not like his. I'd gained a few inches of height, but most of my development had gone to my hips, my breasts, and my reproductive system.
I'd suffered through over a hundred periods since that first awful experience, but I still hated it every single time. All I could think about now was how it should have been me getting the injection, going to boy school, chopping the wood, never worrying about a monthly cycle.
Alex paused and looked in my direction. I wondered if he knew what was going through my mind. "Do you want a turn?" He asked, offering me the axe and wiping his brow.
"Uh, sure." I said, cautiously stepping up to the stump we'd been using as a chopping block. Alex balanced a round of wood on the stump and backed away. I struggled to lift the axe over my head.
"Whoa, careful." Alex chided me, stepping up and guiding my hands. "Here, hold it near the head until you're ready to swing. It's safer this way."
"I'm holding it the same way you were." I said defensively. I'd been watching him carefully.
"I'm a lot stronger than you are now, it's dangerous to swing an axe around beyond your control." He said it like such a simple safety tip, but it felt like a fist to my ego. I had to learn how to chop wood like a girl because I wasn't strong enough to be like Alex; he won the lottery, now he can swing an axe like a man, and pee where he wants, and pick me up like a child.
What did my body get while he was gaining these abilities? A layer of fat to make me fun to touch, swollen breasts to be admired, hormones to make me fertile and horny, an arousal response that makes me easier to penetrate; it felt like every change I'd gone through was just a reward for Alex's body to enjoy.
“Are you alright?” He asked. I realized I’d been making a bit of a sour face.
“I’m fine.” I said, trying to believe it. “Just psyching myself up to smash this log apart.” I brought the axe down and felt it thunk deep into the wood. There was even a splintering sound, but it didn’t quite split. I tried to pull the axe out but it was stuck.
“Lift the whole thing up and slam it down.” Alex suggested. I tried, but I could hardly lift the axe and the wood it was stuck in at all.
“Let me help.” Alex offered, taking the handle and easily lifting it to head-level and slamming it back onto the stump. The log split apart with a satisfying crack.
“Thanks.” I said, but internally I was fuming. It felt so unfair. I tried not to let it bother me too much, but it lingered on my mind. I struggled to find anything to say as we set up the tent and roasted dinner together.
We sat around the fire until the sun fully set, our faces lit by the flickering flames. Alex must have seen me shiver, because he moved over to sit next to me and put an arm over my shoulder. His body felt so warm against mine. Was extra body heat another advantage I’d missed out on?
“We should probably go to bed soon.” Alex said. I felt an annoying little flutter in my heart.
We had been avoiding romantic subjects entirely, but now that we were about to share a tent for the night, I was uncomfortably aware of the ambiguity. Would Alex try something? Would I want him to? I couldn’t make up my mind, but I thought up a lot of ways I didn’t want it to go.
“Maybe we could watch the fire a little longer?” I suggested. Why did I feel so uncertain suggesting things to Alex? It almost felt like I was asking for approval from a teacher. I was a couple months older than him, but being side by side now almost made me feel like a child.
“Sure.” He said, squeezing me closer. “Probably good to make sure the fire goes out.” He poked at it for a while, I watched the embers fly up into the night. I felt so little next to Alex, but it felt good. I was warm, and his body was so firm holding on to mine. I didn’t know what to say, so we just watched the fire together in silence.
“Ready for bed?” He asked as the flames died out. I felt the pit again in my stomach. All this stalling and I was still just as unsure as before.
“Sure.” I said, attempting to sound cheerful. I helped him pack up a bit and get the sleeping bags laid out. We brushed our teeth and spit into the coals to help put it out.
There was still a faint glow, so Alex unzipped his pants and pulled out his thing. I’d see them before in pictures, but this was my first time seeing one in real life. It was almost pitch black outside, only the faint light of the stars and moon aided the nothing-glow of the remaining embers, but I still got a sense of its size. It almost seemed unreal the way it just stuck out of him, long and chubby, like a fat sausage.
He held it in his fingers and aimed at the remains of the fire. I heard more than saw the stream shoot from his dick onto the embers in a sizzling splash. With a few popping hisses the fire was out.
I was thankful for the darkness, because I was sure my face had turned bright red. I couldn’t stand how Alex was showing off. It made me hate the twist of fate that had given him my winning ticket, I hated it more than when I got my period. But at the same time it was very possibly the hottest thing I had ever witnessed. I felt a tingle between my legs that was only getting louder. I just saw Alex’s penis, and he’d just used it to put out the fire in a way I could never dream of.
“Sorry, I had to go.” Alex said a bit sheepishly. I’m sure he could tell I was stunned, but I hoped he didn’t know the depths of it.
“It’s fine.” I said, trying to play it cool. “Saves water, right?” I added with an awkward chuckle. I felt like such a dork. My brain was still fixated on the thing that had just happened with the fire and the penis.
In the tent all I could think about was the sexual tension between us. I could feel my body had already made up its mind. I wanted to say something, just to get it out in the open, but I couldn’t think of anything. I just paced awkwardly around the tent, pretending to get ready for bed, but too nervous to take off my clothes.
“Do you want to sleep together?” Alex asked. I felt my face get even redder. What a blunt question. I opened my mouth to reply but no words came out.
“I understand if you don’t, but I think it could be fun.” He added in response to my hesitation. “I haven’t seen a developed woman yet. I’d like you to be my first.” He added.
I felt a gross feeling come over me. A developed woman, that’s what I was to him now. He wanted me to be his first of how many? Was he really using our friendship as an in for sexual experience with a woman?
Though I could use sexual experience too, and Alex’s body was making me feel things I wanted to keep feeling. I looked at his dark outline in the tent, trying to read his invisible expression for a moment.
“Could we turn on a light?” I asked, still feeling tongue tied about the entire sexual situation.
“Of course.” He replied, hanging a dim lantern from the ceiling of the tent. I felt even more nervous in the light, but I also felt more excited. Alex already had his shirt off, and the vision of his nude torso was doing a lot to silence my doubts. His front was so flat and wide, with rippling muscles along his chest and stomach. His body hair was everywhere, a particularly thick line of it ran from his navel into his pants.
“Yes.” I said at last.
“Hmm?” Alex seemed a bit confused. The way he’d been watching me look at him filled me with an excited nervousness.
“Yes, I want to sleep together.” I clarified, beginning to take off my own shirt.
Now it was Alex’s turn for his face to turn red. I was still in my bra, but I could see his eyes roving hungrily over my chest and middle. A noticeable bulge was forming in the front of his pants.
I took off my own pants and watched the bulge swell as he saw the noticeable flatness of my panties. The way his eyes were glued to my crotch made me a little uncomfortable, I felt an urge to cover myself with my hands.
“Nothing you haven’t seen before, right?” I said with another awkward chuckle.
“It’s different now.” Alex said, eyes still roving my body, but frequently stopping to rest between my legs. “I didn’t realize how little you’d changed since we were girls.”
Hearing him say that felt like a knife, but it also made the horny tingling jump up into a new gear. “I’ve developed.” I said defensively, posturing to highlight my assets.
“Well sure, but…” He gestured at the front of my panties. “Your crotch still looks like when we were kids.”
I felt a new surge of hot embarrassment. “What are you talking about? You haven’t even seen it.”
“I can see how flat it is.” He countered. “I mean, do you even get hard?”
“Sort of.” I said meekly. It didn’t really feel right to call it ‘hard’, but I could feel it now as strongly as ever. The needy buzzing feeling in my clit before I had to touch it.
“Would you be willing to try and get hard for me? I’m just so curious.” His face was turning red with a horny embarrassment, but I was fighting to resist the urge to run straight out of the tent. How could I tell him I was already as aroused as I’d ever been in my life?
“I could do something sexy for you, I’m not sure what turns you on.” He had seemed so confident all night, but now I was seeing glimpses of my childhood friend in his awkward courting. His innocent intrigue only made the truth harder to share.
“Are you ‘hard’ now?” He asked. I reached a breaking point, I couldn’t stand his eyes on my crotch for another second, and it felt like if something didn’t touch my clit soon it was going to explode. My hand darted over my panties, holding my hot mound. I couldn’t help giving it a little pressure.
Glancing down at myself made me feel a bit ridiculous, my fingers pressing flat into my underwear only made it more obvious; I’d grown larger, but in so many ways I was the same girl he’d known before the lotto.
My vulva had developed, but it was still the same general shape, Alex’s genitals had developed in entirely new ways. How could I blame him for assuming I’d had my own metamorphosis?
I was pulled out of my thought spiral by the sound of Alex laughing. I had to look at him for a moment to understand what was going on. He must have seen my confusion because then he explained himself.
“You already are, aren’t you? Oh wow, I’m so sorry.” He couldn’t help chuckling a little more. “It’s just, I thought your clit would swell up or something. I don’t know. I feel so embarrassed. They don’t teach us about things like this in boy school, this is why I need your help. I’m clueless!”
He was so focused on his own sexual goals he didn’t even realize the effect his words were having on me. I moved my hand in tiny circles, hardly noticeable in the dim of the tent, and stared at my friend, tilting my head back to look up into his eyes.
That should be me scraping the top of the tent with my head, towering over little Alexa, teasing her until she was touching herself in front of me. I should have grown a sexy sausage fire-hose, she should be the one who grew puffier labia and a monthly nightmare.
“Sorry for laughing at you.” Alex apologized. I couldn’t help but forgive him, it was an honest reaction. I just hated how real it felt to me. “Is it okay if I take off my pants? They’re getting uncomfortable,” He asked, reaching into the front to adjust himself.
Seeing the way his bulge moved in his jeans made my fingers rub faster. His thing was so big. I could feel the hot nothing of my clit under my hand, I felt like I was melting in the presence of his superior phallus, my panties becoming damp.
I realized I hadn’t answered his question. “Oh, uh, sure.” I said. I saw him notice my hand between my legs, the motion becoming too obvious to hide. I froze like a deer caught in headlights, but I knew he’d seen enough to know what I’d been doing. The urge to run from the tent once again reasserted itself in my mind.
Alex unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor. His underwear was tented around the pole of his cock. It was firmly pointing straight out and up from his body. It looked so much bigger now than it had soft.
He stepped out of his pants as he approached. I felt the hairs stand up on my neck as he loomed over me. There was hardly a foot of space between us anymore. The outline of his cock was only a couple inches from my skin. I was so aroused it was making my pussy twitch.
Without warning he grabbed the wrist of the hand between my legs and pulled it away, placing it on his shoulder. I could feel the muscles of his shoulder flex and bend like taught cables as he leaned closer to my ear.
“I’m going to take off your bra now.” Alex said, before reaching around behind me. I just stood there and let him do it. Wishing desperately I had the courage to put my hand back where it was sorely missed.
He had to look over my shoulder at the clasp, but he managed to take it off quickly. He slid it off me gently, admiring my breasts as they were freed. The relief of being braless was eclipsed by the shame and excitement of watching Alex’s face as he saw a real woman’s breasts for the first time.
“Oh.” He said, his eyes had become huge. “Wow.” He seemed at a loss for words. I was feeling more and more uncomfortable. I thought he’d like them, but the way his eyes were roaming my chest was getting unnerving. It was like he was devouring every feature.
“I think I understand what you mean now, you do get hard.” He said, pointing at one of my nipples. The cool air in the tent had made them start to crinkle up the moment he took off my bra.
Hearing him say that made me want to die. I wasn’t even sure if he was being sarcastic, he said it so genuinely. He even had a point, my nipples were one thing that had matured drastically over puberty, and each one poking off my chest in the cool night air easily dwarfed my little clit.
I wasn’t sure what to say, so I just playfully punched Alex in the arm, but it was like hitting the flank of a horse. His body had become so firm and unyielding.
“Remember when we used to play-fight?” Alex asked, getting a mischievous look in his eyes.
“That was a long time ago.” We had tussled together a lot as girls, but never in anger.
“You won every time.” He reminded me, I couldn’t help feeling a little glow of pride in that fact. He might be bigger and taller after the injection, but when we were both girls I was undefeated. “I want a rematch.” He added.
I stared at him quizzically, what would that prove? There was no contest between us now. Alex gave me a playful punch like I had done to him, moving slow and gently, but it still made me stumble off balance. He was just so much larger than me now.
“Come on, give me your best shot.” He said, patting his chest aggressively. I didn’t really see the point in fighting like children, but he was being insistent, and I kinda did feel like hitting him again.
I leaned back and slugged him right in the chest. I felt my hand thump into his muscled sternum with no discernible effect.
Alex retaliated by gently slapping at me. I gave him a funny look, what was he doing? I punched him again, really putting my weight into it this time, slamming my fist right into his bicep, but he hardly budged. It actually hurt my wrist a little. Alex just softly slapped at me again.
"You aren't even trying!" I said. I couldn't believe he was fighting me with such little effort. It was insulting.
"I don't want to hurt you more than you're hurting me." He said with a note of arrogance.
"Yeah right, I'm hitting you harder than that. You wanted a fight, show me what you can do." I said, throwing a little kick at his thigh that actually made him stumble a bit.
Alex shrugged his shoulders and gave me a shove. For a moment my feet left the floor of the tent. I flew onto the bedroll and bounced, stunned at what had just taken place. My soft body jiggled with the violence of the throw. I felt a deep yearning inside to know what it was like for him, to be so large and powerful.
He came to stand over me, looking down at my mostly-nude body. "See why I need to go easy on you?" He asked me with a cocky grin.
I swung my leg to kick Alex in the balls, but he grabbed my ankle with his hand and used the leverage to flip me over. He held me in place by my shoulders. I tried to raise an arm to push off the mattress, but he grabbed me by the wrist and pinned it in place over my head.
I rolled to get my other arm out from under my stomach, but he snared that one as well, twisting it to pin it behind me. I was being pressed into the mattress by the small of my back while my other arm was trapped in the wrist he was using for support.
I felt Alex's knee press down between my thighs, dividing my legs. I could feel the cool air of the tent against my panties. I struggled with all my limbs, but could only flail helplessly.
He leaned over me, shifting his weight onto my body. I could feel his breath on my neck, it was hot and heavy with moisture. "Do you give up?" He asked me in a cooly casual voice.
I couldn't bring myself to surrender so easily. I flailed again, pushing against the bed with my legs, but it only pushed my butt into his thigh. I felt a flash of embarrassment squishing against him fruitlessly.
Alex applied a little pressure with his hips, pressing back against my ass. "Oh yeah, you developed quite nicely here too. I certainly would have remembered a butt like this when we were girls." He said, giving it another playful nudge.
He leaned in by my neck again and spoke softly in my ear with a rumbling tone.  "I can feel the heat of your pussy on my leg, and I'm not even touching you." My face blushed bright red. I could feel he was right, being pinned by his larger stronger body had lit a fire in me.
"Okay, okay, I give up." I said, trying again to push him off me. Alex let go of my wrists and backed away, allowing me to stand.
I turned to look at Alex and again felt my eyes drawn to the erection tenting his underwear. I had to force my gaze back up to his face.
"Would you mind taking off your panties?" Alex asked me. I had to hesitate for a moment to consider it. Did he just want to look at me, or was he planning on asking for more? In a playful act of compliance I just did it; he'd defeated me, this could be his reward: one sexy favor.
I stepped out of my embarrassingly damp underwear and tossed them in the corner. I faced Alex and widened my stance a bit, tilting my hips to give him a good look at exactly how much had changed down there.
"It's so pink!" He said. I shifted my stance, suddenly hyper aware of my arousal. "It's like your whole pussy is blushing." He gushed. I felt my face flush in response. "Can I touch it?"
"Um, if you want." I wasn't really sure how to feel, but the idea excited me.
Alex walked around behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle. He traced his fingers down from my navel all the way over my mound and finally onto my pussy.
"This feels familiar." He said. His chin was over my shoulder. I could feel his breath on the back of my ear, his voice rumbled at a gentle volume. His entire body was pressed against mine. "I used to touch my clit like this." He added, dipping a finger between my lips. I arched my back and leaned against him, reveling in the stimulation.
"I didn't get this wet, and I didn't cum, but it still felt good." He said, continuing to play with my clit in rapid little circles.
"Mmm Hmm." I groaned, attempting to listen, but getting swept up in the touching.
"It's so little, so different; I used to have a clit like yours, but-" He pressed the bulge of his erection into my backside. "My clit grew up."
At that point I whimpered. I'm not proud of it, but that's the sound that came out of my mouth. The feelings of loss, of helplessness, of utter orgasmic bliss, they washed away my ego as I crumpled in Alex's arms.
He was the man, he had the cock, I was the girl he was making cum. His finger swished and swished around my clit until my legs were about to give out from the pleasure.
The next thing I knew my legs did give out. Alex held me up as my strength left me, his fingers working me into a full body experience. I moaned in my girly voice while waves of pleasure washed over me.
As soon as I could stand, I took a few shaky steps and turned back around to face Alex. His dick was hard as ever, there was even a wet spot of precum on his boxers.
“That was quick, the guys from school made it sound like it would take forever.” Alex said. It made me wonder if becoming a boy had made him less intelligent. How did he expect that to make me feel? “I guess I’ve got a gift.” He bragged, taking credit for my orgasm.
“It’s not that big of a deal.” I said, hoping he’d drop it.
“Yeah right, you couldn’t make me cum that fast.” He said, grabbing his cock through his underwear and giving it a squeeze.
I could tell what he was doing, but I was so horny I didn’t care. I wanted to see his penis in the light, I wanted to feel it, I even wanted to taste it.
“Bet I could.” I told him flirtatiously. His face immediately blushed as I called his bluff. I played up my confidence in the situation as I sank to my knees and pulled his underwear down.
His cock sprung free and nearly hit me in the face. It looked so huge up close. I reached out and wrapped my fingers around his shaft. It felt so hot and firm in my hand. A fresh need was blooming between my legs. As interested as I’d been in pictures of dicks, it was nothing compared to the real thing. It was filling me with an electric excitement.
I looked up at Alex, trying to read his expression. My mouth was watering at the idea of sucking on his cock, but I wanted to make sure the mood was right. He was looking down with eager anticipation, a wide smile on his face. I looked him in the eye as I kissed the tip of his dick.
I loved how he felt against my lips, I kissed again more deeply, wrapping my lips around his glans. I could see Alex was enjoying it, which spurred me on to try more. I opened my mouth wide and tried to take him as deep as I could. The way he filled my mouth was incredible, but I had to stop a bit early to keep from gagging.
I couldn’t help thinking how this monster growing out of him had started as a clit just like mine. Now it was large enough to choke me with. While my mouth is full with his member, Alex starts a one-sided conversation with me.
“Did you know it was a leap year?” He asked me out of the blue.
“Hmm?” I hum on his cock, still determined to get him off faster.
“The year of the lottery. It was a leap year.” He clarified. I felt my heart skip a beat, why was he talking about that now, while I had his dick in my mouth? “If it had happened in a regular year, the lottery would have been a day earlier, a day before your period.” He explained.
I was starting to see where he was going with this, but I didn’t know why. It was working to fan my arousal back into a tempest. The combination of his cock on my tongue and the thing he was saying sent my fingers trembling back to my clit.
“You would be the one who got the injection instead of me. That dick you’re choking down wouldn’t exist, instead it would be you who could pee out the fire, you would be the one getting your dick sucked.”
The way he was talking made it hard to focus on the blowjob. More and more of my attention was directed between my legs as I feverishly rubbed at my wounded pride, at the sticky little button slick with my juices that ached to grow big and hard like the cock in my mouth.
“Oh fuck, you would love it.” He groaned. “This feels so incredible, your mouth is better than anything I could imagine.” I could feel his dick getting harder, tensing. Hearing his pleasure set my fingers rubbing even faster, and made my mouth drool. I could taste the salty wetness of his precum leaking onto my tongue.
I could feel he was getting close, I was too. I sucked on his dick with passion, attempting to coax the cum out of him. Just as we were nearing the end I felt his hand press against my forehead.
“Time’s up.” He said, sliding his dick out of my mouth. I tried to get it back in my mouth, but the hand on my head was too strong. I glared up at him in frustration.
“Come on!” I pouted, stealthily removing my fingers from my womanhood. My pussy was aching for more stimulation, but I knew Alex would grab my hand again if he caught me.
There was a touch-hungry tingle building all over. I wanted to make him cum, I wanted to witness a man’s body experiencing the sort of pleasure I’d imagined so many times. I wanted to hold his cock and feel his cum spill out, my body craved it.
Alex must have seen the lust in my expression, because he rapidly switched gears from teasing me. His hand moved from my forehead to my chin, forcing me to look up at him past his cock.
“If you’d have me, I would love to take you to bed now.” He said with an odd formality, blushing slightly from his own excitement and nerves.
I looked up from my kneeling position at his feet, eyes roaming the naked, muscular, hairy body of my friend. The taste of his cock still lingering in my mouth. All I could do was nod my head. I wanted my first time to be with the man I could have been, the winning ticket I was denied. I wanted him to make me feel every inch of the difference that had grown between us.
Alex took my hand and helped me up, then swept me off my feet into a princess carry. I felt my heart thump in my chest. We were naked and I was in his arms. My stomach churned with excitement, fear, and awe; the muscles of his arms were so firm under my body, holding me against his hairy chest.
I saw him looking down at me in his arms with a pure wonder that melted my heart. He leaned his head close to mine and spoke to me softly in his deep voice.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He told me simply. I felt the blood rush to my face.
"You're just saying that because I'm naked." I deflected, suddenly very aware of my own nudity.
"I'm serious." He said. "I always had a bit of a crush on you when we were girls, but the way you've grown since... It makes my heart race."
I felt my blood pound with a moment of excited shame. The development of every female feature had felt like a further surrender of my childhood dreams. I had hated my hips widening, the tender growth of my breasts, watching my reflection become less and less androgynous. But those same features attracted Alex to me.
He knelt to lay me gently on the bed then laid down beside me. His hands were still on me, roving my skin with a firm appreciation. "Do you mind if I touch your breasts?" He asked as his hands drew close.
"Please do." I replied, feeling a little of my anxiety melt into anticipation. His hands explored my chest, cupping my boobs and squishing them softly. He paid extra attention to my nipples, giving a gentle caress that became a soft squeeze between his thumb and finger.
"Wow, they're so perfect." He said in wonder, entirely absorbed in my chest. It filled me with a sense of pride, but also a feeling of shame; my body did this for him, those boobs had given me nothing but trouble, but for Alex they were perfect.
He rolled on top of me and continued to play with my breasts. I felt his breath again on my neck as he leaned down to give me a kiss there. A tingle shot through me at the touch of his lips. He gave my other nipple a little squeeze as he kissed me again under my ear.
I turned my head towards his and looked him in the eyes. Alex leaned in and kissed me on the lips, holding the kiss with a passionate depth. I felt myself melt for him, and his body pressed harder into me. I felt that glorious cock pressed flat against my mound. I wrapped my legs around his, holding his body against mine.
Alex pushed himself off the bed a little, lifting off me as we broke our kiss. He tilted his hips to line the tip of his cock up with my vagina. I felt a scared little flutter at the anticipation of what was to come, but I also felt achingly hungry for it.
He dragged the head of his dick along my slit until it was pushing nicely against my wet opening. I lifted my hips a bit, pulling aginst him with my legs for leverage. I wanted it pressed there harder, pushed inside.
With a little pressure from his hips Alex made my desire come true. His cock slipped into me, stretching me almost to the point of pain. I'd never felt something so large penetrate me, it made me gasp in shock, but it also felt incredible.
He worked his way deeper, thrusting in and out to coat his cock in my juices. I rocked my hips in time with his thrusts, pulling him deeper with every push until his pelvis was bumping against mine while he fucked me.
Once his cock was fully inside, Alex began to fucking me harder. His whole body flexed and strained as he pumped his cock again and again into my receptive body, and every time my body cried out with a tingle of joy. This, this is what I'd been craving, please just keep going. It felt so right.
"I used to feel guilty." Alex grunted, his breath coming quick from his efforts. "For taking your ticket. I knew how badly you wanted-" He catches his breath for a few thrusts. "How badly you wanted a penis."
"Uh huh." I moaned, feeling his cock fill me completely. Being reminded of that youthful yearning while every pounding thrust reminded me of my dicklessness sent shivers through my entire body.
"We both did." He continued. "We'd stuff our underwear and call each other boys." He was bringing back memories I had been trying to forget, because they were so painful, because I missed my friend; but now we were together again, now his underwear was stuffed with his own thick cock.
"But I'm done feeling guilty." He kept talking, speeding up the pace of his thrusts. "I'm going to earn that injection. I'm going to pay you back. I'm going to make sure you enjoy this cock every bit as much as I do." I could tell he was getting close, but he was holding himself back from orgasm. He kept thrusting at that steady rapid pace. I felt myself rushing to the precipice of a new kind of climax.
"Oooh." I cried out, gripping onto him with my legs as I reached orgasm. I felt him cum too, but my awareness of it was quickly swept away by a tidal wave of pure bliss. It was unlike anything I'd felt before in my life. I felt it with my entire body, and it rolled on and on.
I gasped and flexed under his relentless pounding. A tingling rapture had taken hold of my body and it was flowing through every inch of me. I wanted to feel this way forever. Gradually I felt him softening, my vagina still twitching around its new best friend.
Alex slipped himself out of me and pulled my body into a warm embrace. Despite the heat of our lovemaking, the cold of the tent and our lack of clothes had left parts of us chilly, so I was more than happy to cuddle against him as he pulled the blankets over us.
"That was incredible." Alex sighed contentedly.
I wiggled against his hard body with glee. "Mm hmm."
"I think you'd make a wonderful mom." He added dreamily.
I just lay there in his arms, but internally my mind was reeling from the potential ramifications of what we'd just done.
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Horny Girl Fragrance
Smell is the sense most closely linked to memory. I remember reading that somewhere. What I don't understand is how a smell could remind you of someone else's memory.
That's what the new perfume shop advertised: smell-able memories. They called them recreational fragrance. I had trouble believing anything like that could work, but I was too curious to write it off.
Now I was standing in line outside, waiting with all the other curious people in town. The shop was packed, but everyone leaving looked like they'd just had the time of their lives.
Finally I made it to the front of the line, and a friendly sales associate welcomed me in. "Good afternoon sir, have you tried one of our fragrances before?" They asked me, leading me to a wall lined with little glass bottles, each one labelled with a different name in a unique font.
"No." I said, keeping close so they could hear me through the crowded shop. "I just learned this place exists."
"Then you've got to start with a novel sample. Have you ever climbed a mountain?" The associate asked, scanning the wall for something.
I was a little confused. "No, no mountains. What do you mean by a 'novel sample'?"
"An experience you've never had before that you can try as a sample. Novel experiences are very popular, but people also like fragrances for memories. I always suggest new customers start with a novel one, just to clear any doubts." They explained, without pausing their investigation. "Ah, here it is."
I followed them to the end of the wall where there was another line of people waiting to try samples.
"I'm going to leave you here, there will be someone to help you when you get to the front of the line." They handed me a small glass vial with a little drawing of someone standing at the top of a mountain in the background of the label. 'Summit' read the text, in a bold font.
At the end of the line another associate helped prepare a smelling sample from a single drop of the fragrance. I held it to my nose and took a deep breath.
It smelled exactly like the top of the mountain, it took me right back to the moment. I could vividly remember cresting the peak, looking down on the landscape below, feeling the snow sting my face. The smell of cold air, the weight of my pack and winter clothes. I could remember it with crystal clarity.
Another breath and the illusion was shattered. I was back in the fragrance shop. "Wow." I said, thunderstruck by the experience. I stepped to the side and tried to process what I'd just been through.
"First time?" The sample associate asked me. I nodded my head. "Yeah, it's a real trip. There's some wild ones around here too, make sure you check out the back room."
I thanked them and started looking through the shop. The number of options was dizzying. There were so many I wanted to try, but none that seemed worth waiting in line for. Athletic Victory, Roller Coaster, Square Dancing, Childhood Nintendo, Gardening, on and on.
Eventually I got to a curtained off section at the back. I assumed this was the 'back room' I'd been told about. There were several 'Adults Only' signs posted around the entrance.
On the other side there were more shelves of fragrances, but with much more mature themes: Sex on the Beach, Sword-fighting, Midnight Masturbation, War Hero; there were even memories of things too dark for me to consider, fragrances for taboos and horrible sorts of torture.
One label in particular caught my attention. It was in with some other sexual fragrances. The label had a female symbol on it, and the title read Horny Girl in a pretty handwritten font. I studied it for a moment before picking it up.
Was this fragrance only for women? I struggled to understand how something like that could work. I had felt like myself during the sample, I was just at the top of a mountain. Would this recall a memory of being with a horny girl?
I took the bottle back to the sampling station, covering the label with my hand out of embarrassment. When the associate prepared the sample I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact.
I took a deep breath and I was instantly transported back to my bedroom. I was sitting at my computer, staring intently at the screen. Between my legs, under my dress, my fingers played with my pussy. The smell of my arousal was thick, I could feel the slick of it on my fingertips. I was reading some sort of porn, but I could barely focus on it, my swollen clit had my full attention; it was all exactly how I remembered it.
Then I was back in the fragrance shop. I cleared my throat and tried to collect my wits. It had felt so real. I looked down at the bottle and considered the price.
One mildly awkward checkout experience later I was on my way home with the little glass bottle in my pocket. I was buzzing with an urge to experience the fragrance again.
Once I got home I made a beeline for my bedroom. I stripped off my clothes and sat on my bed. In one hand I held the bottle, in the other a clean washcloth. I carefully saturated part of the cloth with fragrance and laid back on the bed. I held the washcloth to my nose and sharply inhaled.
It was a different memory this time. I was in bed, my boyfriend was staying up to play video games. My hand was inside my pajamas, rubbing my pussy in circles. I felt so needy and wet it almost hurt. The smell of my body wafting up from under the blankets was thick and familiar. I took a deep breath and was pulled into another memory.
Now I was back in the bathroom of my friend's place, we had just been joking around, but I'd gotten so flustered. I'd just gone to the bathroom to pee, but now that I saw how wet I'd become, I felt an urge to touch myself. I stroked my finger around my clit, feeling the slickness. Then I could smell it, wafting up from between my legs. I breathed it in and fell even deeper into my memories.
This time it was when my vibrator had run out of batteries just as I was getting close. I pushed against it harder, but the vibrations were only getting weaker. I put the toy aside and used my fingers, but I could already feel myself losing the orgasm. I moved my fingers faster, trying desperately to compensate for the loss of stimulation; before I could finish, the smell of my needy pussy pulled me deeper still into another remembrance.
I continued on like that, jumping from memory to memory. Always playing with myself but never able to cum. After countless iterations of the same formula, I was ready for a break. I wanted to put down the washcloth and jerk off or something, anything to actually climax.
But there was nothing I could do. Each drop of fragrance was potent enough to trap me into a memory, and I'd soaked the cloth with at least a quarter of the bottle. I was trapped for hours, living one memory after another as a horny girl.
Finally, after what felt like days, I fell into a memory of myself smelling a washcloth. It took me a moment to realize it wasn't a memory at all, I was back in my bedroom.
I put the washcloth aside and sat up. My entire body felt sore. I felt the now familiar ache of arousal between my legs, and almost on reflex reached down to start rubbing my pussy. It only felt natural after spending so long trapped in those memories.
My fingers found their target, sinking into my mound to play with my throbbing clit. I was already halfway to orgasm before I realized what was wrong with this picture: I shouldn't have a pussy, what happened to my dick?
Thinking about my missing dick only got me closer though. I'd spent so long being denied in those memories, the urge to finally nudge my little clit over the finish line was overwhelming.
Before much longer I'd done it. My body twitched and moaned as my fingers played in my slick. The voice coming out of my throat sounded familiar, but higher. Not obviously feminine, but no longer masculine.
As I came down from my orgasm I noticed other little differences from when I'd laid down. My nipples had become larger and thicker, and my hips were wider; the hair on my chest, thighs, and arms had vanished.
I got up to look in the mirror. In many ways my body hadn't changed. I'd still look basically the same in my clothes. I studied my face and reached a similar conclusion, though it looked like I could no longer grow facial hair.
The biggest difference was between my legs. I rubbed at the front of my crotch, feeling the slippery crack that had replaced my manhood. It felt so strange to cup my pussy with my fingers, to feel the absolute nonexistence of my dick and balls so tangibly.
Even though I'd just made myself cum, thinking about my penis was making me want to cum again. There was something crazy hot about the idea of me having a cock. After spending so long bouncing between memories of drooling over dick, it had taken hold of me.
I started stroking my clit between two fingers, up and down like I was jerking off. It was so soft and little compared to my dick; I couldn't hold onto it or squeeze it, push it into things or flex it. But the sensations it gave me were every bit as pleasurable.
Even more pleasurable actually. I had to lay down to finish because the feelings were making my legs tremble. Even after another orgasm, I kept my hand there, just fondling the wet parts that had taken permanent residence between my thighs.
The smell of the perfume came back to me, but in a new way. It wasn't a memory or a scented oil, it was the smell coming from my own slippery pussy. I put my fingers to my nose and breathed in the horny girl fragrance.
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
This work is heavily inspired by the writing of Katie Oslow, and consequently it is a bit darker than my usual writing.CW: forced transformation, abusive relationships, coerced consent. If you like this story, please read her books, they're fantastic:
"You're breaking up with me because I don't let you fuck me every day!?" Anna exclaimed, her face was livid.
"Well, maybe not every day." Greg said, scratching the back of his head. He felt awful, but a man has needs. "I just need more than I've been getting." He said, wincing at how it sounded as soon as the words left his mouth. He felt like a pig.
She didn't seem too hurt by his confession though, behind the angry expression she actually looked secretly pleased, like she was about to win a game. It made Greg feel uneasy.
"I was betting that's how you felt." Anna said vaguely, letting the anger out of her voice.
Greg had no idea what she meant, but his feeling of unease deepened. He gulped. His mouth felt dry, he glanced around for his drink but saw he'd finished it. He'd come over to Anna's place to talk about their relationship, was she saying she knew he was about to dump her?
"Want a refill?" Anna offered, lifting the bottle of wine they'd been sharing. She was standing at the edge of the kitchen, and Greg was seated on her sofa.
Despite his thirst, something in the way she offered put him off. Greg shook his head and declined.
Anna looked at the bottle like she was reading the label. "Did I mention this wine is medicated?" She asked, with that vague voice again. It was giving Greg the creeps.
"Um, no." He said, feeling a bit nervous. He knew Anna interned at a medical research facility, but he couldn't guess as to why she'd be sharing medicated wine with him.
"It's a little experiment I decided to try. A nanobot cocktail I brewed up with the equipment from work." She swirled the wine bottle and luxuriated in the suspense.
Greg was on the edge of his seat. He knew the experiments at her lab could get pretty serious, but she'd always been tight lipped about the specifics. What on earth could she have dosed him with? He felt a discomfort deep in his balls.
"Oh, don't worry, it's not going to hurt you. I can get you a deactivation shot when the lab opens on Monday." She reassured him, though something in her words sounded hollow. "It's really just a couple of minor modifications."
"What sort of modifications?" Greg asked, increasingly nervous. It was only Friday night. Even if they fixed it on Monday, he'd need to survive the weekend.
"Like a little patch of skin in the back of your throat, and another deep in your ass. I can feel mine growing in now. Just a tiny bit of oviductal tissue linked into your central nervous system."
"Huh?" Greg had no idea what she was talking about, but it sounded scary, and his throat felt even more dry than before.
"It reacts to the presence of sperm." Anna explained. "These patches are linked into our nerves, we'll be able to feel when it's triggered."
"So I'm growing sperm detectors in my mouth and ass?" Greg was upset, and a bit grossed out, but so far it seemed more weird than life altering.
"I guess you could put it that way." she said, then she winced a bit. "It also innervates existing 'sperm detectors' in the female reproductive system. It's supposed to feel really good when they're activated. I was hoping it could encourage me to have more sex." She almost seemed embarrassed talking about it.
"What else did you change?" Greg asked.
"Well, our livers are gaining the ability to produce more nanobots. We'll basically have a little internal factory ready to fix us up." She said, resting her hand over her belly.
Greg could feel a churning in his own stomach, but he wasn't sure if it was the nanobots or his nerves. "You're lying, this can't be real." He said, attempting to call her bluff. If they had this sort of tech he was sure he would have heard about it.
"No, it's all true Greg." Anna assured him. "You can test it if you don't believe me."
It took Greg a moment to put together what she was saying. "You want me to drink my own cum? Or should I hurt myself to 'activate the nanobots'?"
That suppressed smile came back to Anna's lips. "That wouldn't work, the nanobots are only activated by a lack of semen."
"A lack of what!?" Greg was completely incredulous now. This all sounded absurd to him.
"If a day passes without your body detecting cum, your liver will release a burst of nanobots in your sleep." She said it so earnestly it was hard not to believe her, but it still didn't make sense to him.
"Nanobots to do what? Repair the lack of sperm?"
"Kind of, yeah. They will attempt to cure whatever you feel is your biggest obstacle." She replied simply.
"That sounds impossible, how could nanobots know something like that?" Before she had time to answer Greg asked another question. "And if all that is true, how the heck am I supposed to 'test it'?"
"I figure you have three options: swallow some sperm, put it up your butt, or wait to see what happens if you don't." Anna replied flatly. Greg was speechless.
"I know that's not a satisfying answer." She continued. "And I'm sorry you got exposed to this. I really should be more careful with my experiments."
"Of all the bullshit you've told me tonight, that's the least believable." Greg said getting up from the sofa. "Either you've actually poisoned me with nanobots, or this is some sort of elaborate revenge prank for breaking up with you. Either way, I'm sure it was on purpose."
"Believe what you want, but we're in this together now. If you still want the deactivation shot you can visit the lab on Monday. Now please get out of my house."
Greg left in a huff and trudged his way home through the late evening light. He had expected the conversation to be hard, but he hadn't expected things to get so weird. He figured she must just be messing with his head, trying to get him to consider the expectations he put on her or something. He didn't have the patience for it.
As soon as he got home he poured a glass of water and gulped it down. As little as he believed Anna's story about the nanobots, he wasn't about to drink anything else at her place.
Greg drank a couple more glasses of water, but he still felt thirsty. Well, not exactly thirsty, but a dryness at the back of his throat. He tried not to think about it as he went about his night, but by the time he was ready to sleep the thirst was becoming unbearable. He could even feel it in his ass, like an itchy craving behind his prostate.
Either the nanobots were real, or he'd been hypnotized by the power of suggestion. Regardless, he had reached a point of desperation where he didn't care. Greg was willing to drink his own cum just for the chance it might make it stop.
He jerked off hastily, scrolling through porn on his phone. The craving made it hard to concentrate, but he was relentless. He just kept stroking until he felt the start of an orgasm creep up.
Greg lined a shot glass up with the tip of his dick just as he reached climax, hoping to catch his load in a convenient container, but the orgasm passed and nothing came out. His dick twitched and convulsed, the feeling came and went, but nothing came out. Not even a drop.
He held the empty shot glass to the light in frustration. Something had definitely been put in that wine.
He decided to text Anna, clearly there were things she wasn't telling him: "So now I can't ejaculate? What else did you change?"
He waited impatiently for a response. Every minute felt like an eternity, but soon his phone pinged with a reply: "Oh no! That wasn't supposed to happen. I guess we're really in the same predicament now, these cravings are more than I bargained for. I need to find a guy fast. If I run into any attractive gays I'll send them your way."
Greg's face flushed with anger, he thumbed out a response as fast as he could: "Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you. I'm not gay, and I don't want you to set me up with a sperm donor. I'm fine waiting until Monday."
"Suit yourself." Was her only reply. Greg tossed the phone onto his bed in frustration. What the hell was wrong with her? First she drugged him with nanobots, then she tried to set him up with a guy.
This must be some sort of revenge ploy, but it was all so confusing. It pissed him off thinking about her heading out to have sex, when a lack of sex is why he broke up with her. But he couldn't exactly offer to satisfy her tonight, he wasn't even able to satisfy himself.
Greg took a deep breath. He had to relax. This spiral of self pity was getting him nowhere. The only thing preventing him from satisfying his craving was his inability to ejaculate. If the nanobots worked like Anna said they did, it only made sense to think that would be the first thing they'd fix. He just needed to clear his mind and calm down.
That was easier said than done when it felt like he was starving. He could get to sleep for a few moments, tossing and turning, but then he'd be awake again, thirsty as ever.
After a couple hours of this he got a new text from Anna: "Having a pussy is the best! You need to use your ass or your mouth every day, but he pumped one load in my vagina and now I'm satisfied until Monday. I even got to cum in the process."
"Why are you telling me this?" Greg responded, somewhat disturbed.
"Just letting you know what you've got to look forward to." She said, attaching a photo of her crotch. Her legs were spread, and a small glob of semen was leaking out of her.
"You're sick." Greg replied. This all seemed so unreal.
"You're the one with the dysfunctional junk, my parts work just fine." She responded, and then sent a video immediately after.
Greg hesitated a moment, he could tell from the thumbnail that the video was focused on her pussy, but his curiosity got the better of him and he hit play:
Anna appeared to be inserting a realistic-looking dildo into herself while lecturing from off-camera.
"More than a hundred million years of evolution have gone into making this vagina the perfect place for a guy to cum." She pushed the dildo deep, up to its artificial balls, and then pulled it out a bit.
"It's self lubricating, self cleaning, and it can keep sperm alive for like five days." She was really working the dildo now. It was already messy with her fluids, and now he was noticing strands of semen as well, leftover from whatever guy she'd just slept with.
"Seriously Greg, it feels so good to satisfy that craving, it gives me such a buzz now. I can feel his sperm inside me, and it feels fucking incredible." It sounded like she was about to orgasm. He could see her pussy start to throb around the toy.
Wait, how was this video so long?
Greg woke up in a cold sweat. Apparently he had finally got to sleep. He checked his phone to see how long it had been since the video, but the last message he'd received from Anna was "Suit yourself." The entire pussy conversation had been a dream.
It was already early morning, he had slept through the night. Greg yawned and rubbed his eyes. Despite his fitful sleep, he actually felt pretty good. It dawned on him that the awful thirsty feeling had totally vanished. For a moment he even wondered if it had been real in the first place.
That wasn't the only thing that had vanished in the night though. When he reached under his boxers to adjust himself, he discovered that things had changed between his legs.
Greg's dick and balls were completely gone. His fingers only found pubic hair and the lips of his mound. He groped at his new flatness for a moment, struggling to understand what had happened. Suddenly he was very awake.
He got out of bed, turned on the light, and took off his boxers. He could tell just from the sensations he felt in those movements that this was all too real. No dream or suggestion could have felt so complete.
Greg looked down at his crotch and marveled for a moment at his total lack of a penis. Where it had once poked out there was now only skin and pubes, like it had been erased from his body. Below that, where his balls should have been, there was just a crack. It was like his genitals had vanished and the skin to every side had closed around the void.
In his mind though, he still felt like he had a dick. Looking at his flat crotch confused the feeling. He felt a sort of horny pang of longing concentrated just under his mound, at the top of his slit. He moved a finger in to prod around. His lips felt warm and slippery. His fingertip slid up until he reached the source of that feeling.
When Greg's finger made contact with his clit, the sudden shock of sensation made him stumble and nearly fall over. He sat on the bed for a moment to regain his composure. It felt like his dick had been transformed into a horny little jellybean.
It was in this moment of self-assessment that Greg realized how badly he needed to pee. He rushed into the bathroom and was reminded again of how he no longer had a penis.
Greg lowered the toilet seat and sat down, feeling a rush of shame around his current situation. He'd felt so smart about his plan last night, and now look at him. This was no small change, his anatomy had been altered to the point he had to sit down to take a leak. He'd be dealing with this multiple times every day for who knows how long.
He peed for a while, he'd drank a lot of water the night before. "I should have pissed before I went to bed." Greg mumbled to himself. "Now the last memory I have with my dick is that sad attempt to jerk off." He hadn't properly appreciated it at the time, but he really liked the way his cock felt when he stroked it. The memory sent a new pang of longing through his clit. Greg tried not to think about it.
When he wiped himself, Greg noticed something stringy stuck to the toilet paper. He spread his legs and leaned over to investigate. He used his hands to spread his pussy lips apart so he could get a better view. The stringy stuff seemed to be coming from a hole near the bottom, which Greg assumed must be his vaginal opening.
He touched a finger to the spot and felt his slick hole part around it. He dipped his finger in just a little then pulled it out. He found the sensation completely bizarre and unsettling, but perversely erotic at the same time. On the tip of his finger was more of the stringy white goo. He was pretty certain it was semen, but how did it get into his vagina?
A perverse curiosity ran through his mind. How did he know it was semen? Didn't Anna say he could detect it with his throat? He felt an impulse to suck on his finger, just to see what would happen. Would he even be able to feel it with his needs already satisfied?
Before he could overthink it, Greg went for it. He stuck his finger into his mouth and sucked it down. The burst of sensation as the glob passed his throat was dizzying. He was glad to be sitting down. "Oh fuck." He murmured, as his body was gripped in what felt like a long shallow orgasm. It made his legs quiver and his mouth water. The feeling quickly began to fade, and then passed entirely with his next swallow. "Well, that seems pretty conclusive." Greg grunted to himself as he regained his composure.
He finished up in the bathroom and retrieved his phone. "We need to talk." He texted Anna. Then he got dressed and went out to eat.
Despite the shocking discovery of his new genitals earlier that morning, Greg was feeling good. He couldn't explain why, he just did. It almost felt like he'd just had a couple shots of liquor, but with none of the wooziness or incoordination.
He walked into his favorite diner and got a table that wasn't near anyone else. He ordered some food and looked out the window. It didn't take long for Anna to respond, and she agreed to meet him for breakfast.
Greg tried to focus on planning what to say while he waited, but his mind kept wandering back to the place between his legs where so much had changed.
Since waking up he'd been in a perpetual state of horny-but-content. Even now, sitting at the restaurant, he could feel he was aroused, but he felt no urgency to do anything about it. It was just a warm, tingly, slippery feeling humming away in his secret crevice.
It was a new feeling for Greg, and it felt more than a little bizarre to him, but he couldn't help finding some enjoyment in it. If he focused on it, it almost felt like his dick was buried deep in pussy. When he squeezed his legs together or shifted around in his seat he could even feel it more strongly.
Soon it occurred to him that the horny little bean that had taken the place of his penis was buried in pussy, his own pussy. He could even feel his clit stiffen slightly as he got increasingly turned on, like an itty bitty erection. He tried to flex his clit like he used to flex his dick, but those muscles now seemed to pull on something deeper inside him. His clit was stationary. More a spot than an appendage.
Greg was thankful for the distraction of food once his breakfast arrived. He tried to just focus on eating and relaxing himself.
Anna got there as Greg was finishing his pancakes. When he saw Anna walk in, even though he should have been furious, his first reaction was to enthusiastically wave her over.
"Hello Greg." Anna said. She seemed to be in a much worse mood than he was. Greg felt a wave of guilt wash over him for dumping her the previous day, though a large part of him felt quite strongly that she was the one who should feel guilty right now.
"These pancakes are really good." He said, attempting to act casual.
Anna gave him a quizzical look and sat down in the booth across from him. "Is that what you called me down here to talk about, the pancakes?"
"Um, no." Greg admitted while chewing. Anna waited for him to finish what he'd eaten and continue. "We need to talk about that 'medicated wine' you drugged me with." He cleaned his face and watched her reaction, or lack thereof.
"What do you mean?" Her face was placid.
"You know what I mean." Greg was getting agitated. "It changed more than you said it would. A lot more. Not just 'minor modifications' either."
"Really?" At mention of additional changes her placid expression broke into mild curiosity. "Are you referring to your difficulty ejaculating?"
She didn't lower her voice at all. Greg quickly checked if anyone was in earshot. The diner was noisy enough he was sure nobody could hear them, but he still felt awkward discussing it in public.
"No." Greg hissed, then lowered his voice. "I grew a vagina last night."
"Like, under your balls?" Anna had likewise lowered her voice, but she didn't seem too shocked by his revelation. She only seemed more curious.
"No." Greg said again, even quieter. "Like, in place of."
"Oh my." Anna said, showing a flicker of that annoying smile. "So you're like me now, down there?"
She asked with a tone of compassion, but Greg felt too humiliated by the question to say anything. He just gave a quick nod and took a long drink of coffee.
"Oh Greg, I'm so sorry." Her voice oozed with sympathy, but Greg didn't buy it for a second.
"Yeah right, you knew this was going to happen!" He accused her.
"I promise I didn't, really." She assured him. "I mean, I have heard of genital reconstruction with nanobots resulting in things like this, but that was always in cases of extreme damage. You just had an issue ejaculating."
"That was because of your nanobots. I had no problem at all before you drugged me." Greg was getting a bit agitated.
"Alright, okay, I hear what you're saying. And that is possible. I just don't see any reason why the program we ingested would do something like that." Anna said diplomatically.
"Well you didn't see a reason why it would give me a pussy, but it did. You didn't expect it to give us such powerful cravings, and how's that working out for you?" At the question Anna looked down at the table with an expression of discomfort. Greg continued. "There seems to be a lot about this 'experiment' you didn't see a reason for, so I don't think it's a big leap to say it caused my problem."
"Like I said, it's possible." Anna replied, becoming stoic. "It also seems possible to me that it was a coincidence. We should run some tests to get to the bottom of things on Monday."
"No way is that a coincidence." Greg responded hotly. "And no way am I going to become your guinea pig."
"I understand, and that's up to you. Nobody will force you into any sort of testing or treatment." She reassured him, adopting an almost clinical tone. "And for the record, I did see a reason for the nanobots to change you how they did, I just didn't expect it to happen."
"What on earth is the reason?" Greg demanded. "I should have woke up this morning with an easy, renewable supply of sperm; but your nanobots decided it would be better for me to grow a pussy!?" As they talked, their hushed conversation had become gradually louder, and it was around this moment their waitress stopped by the table to check in.
"I'm just going to give you two a few more minutes." She said quickly as she rushed off to check on other customers.
There was an awkward moment of silence before Anna responded softly. "You said it yourself, your balls were full of sperm. The nanobots needed a way to get that sperm into contact with sperm-sensitive tissue. They must have given you a female reproductive system to solve that problem."
Greg hated when she talked in that way that made him feel stupid. He also hated how long it had taken for him to realize the semen inside him this morning was his own. "But how does that make any sense?" He pressed her.
"I don't know for sure, and it could be we never do. It's possible some jealousy or envy of the female form guided the nanobots, or-"
Greg cut her off. "What do you mean, are you saying I secretly wanted to wake up without a cock?"
"No, not at all. The nanobots are only concerned with improving your ability to contact sperm. It could be that after our conversation you felt some sort of jealously around my sexual options, maybe the nanobots picked up on that and interpreted your dick as a limitation."
Last night's dream flashed through Greg's mind. It was uncanny how much her guess lined up with dream-Anna's arguments. "Hmm. What was the other thing, before I interrupted?"
"Or" Anna repeated, patiently retracing her train of thought. "There could have been something actually wrong with your male parts. A cancer or infection that interfered with ejaculation. It's possible the nanobots saw this change as a sort of treatment."
"Seems a bit drastic." Greg said, downing the last of his coffee.
"We've noticed they have trouble repairing male genitalia after extensive damage. Like I mentioned, something like this has been observed before. The nanobots seem to prefer to rebuild from a female template. It's something we're working on understanding."
Greg rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure there was nothing wrong with my dick before you messed with it, but I suppose that's as good an answer as I'll get." He tidied up the table and got ready to leave. "At least there's a silver lining to this thing: I'm done worrying about those awful cravings until Monday, at which point you should be able to turn them off, right?"
"Well, yes to the last part. But how are you done until Monday?" Anna asked curiously.
Greg got the sinking feeling that he'd said something wrong. "Sperm can live in the vagina for like five days, right?"
"More like three days in the vagina. They can live up to six in your fallopian tubes, if conditions are right, and that's where your oviductal tissue is. But the bigger issue for the cravings is sensory adaptation. A constant signal will fade into the background. The reward feeling should last for about twelve hours, and you shouldn't feel any cravings tonight, but by Sunday you'll be back where you started."
"Oh." She had said a lot of words, and Greg understood some of them. The important part seemed to be that he'd bought himself a lot less time than he had hoped. At the very least he'd make sure to be prepared the next time the cravings kicked in. "By the way, how did you manage last night, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Ugh." Anna sighed, she looked genuinely miserable for a moment. "I couldn't find a hook-up, and I felt like I was about to lose my mind. Thankfully a friend from college came through with something to tide me over." She reached into her jacket and pulled out a flask, opened the lid and took a quick swig. She got a nasty look on her face for a moment, like she'd bit a lemon.
"It's a weird drink she mixed up and asked her boyfriend to fertilize. She claims it should last the weekend, but it's already starting to taste funky." She gave a little shiver as she put the flask away. "At least the after-buzz is fun." She continued. "That little happy-horny feeling you get as it goes down. You've probably been feeling it all morning."
Greg felt a bit embarrassed that she knew about that, but he was glad to better understand the cause and effect of his elevated mood. He just smiled a little and shrugged.
"Here, take this." Anna said abruptly, reaching into her purse and handing Greg a small black pouch. "You should probably wash it, and it needs a charge soon." She added.
Greg peaked into the pouch and recognized a small vibrator, he remembered using it on her a few times while they were dating. He didn't realize she kept it with her so casually.
"Um, thanks." He said, unsure how to accept such a strange gift from his ex-girlfriend.
"I really am sorry such a big change has been thrust on you. I promise I'm going to do everything I can to make things right." She looked utterly sincere. It was difficult for Greg to stay angry with her.
"I'll survive." He replied simply. He put down money for the meal, including a sizable tip, then started to get up.
"Text me if you need anything. I'm sure I could get another batch of special-juice if I ask nicely." Anna assured as they parted ways.
"Thanks, but I think I'd rather figure things out on my own." Greg responded. He had very little interest in drinking his ex-girlfriend's former classmate's boyfriend's semen mixed into a gross concoction.
Greg went home and tried to get his head straight. He just needed to make it through the weekend, and he was already satisfied until Sunday. That gave him two days to find one more dose of sperm; he felt like that wasn't so bad.
As much as the prospect of ingesting more sperm grossed him out, he really didn't want to wait out another night like the one before. Discomfort aside, the risk of nanobots changing him in his sleep again was terrifying. He could only imagine what they'd decide to 'fix' next time.
Though that did raise the question of where to put it. He really wasn't comfortable with putting anything up his butt, so that was out. But between his mouth and vagina, he was less certain.
There was a major ick-factor for him in the idea of having a penis that close to his face. He also wasn't interested in having to taste it. The experiment from this morning had verified much of what he had suspected about the flavor and consistency of semen, and he would rather avoid more of that.
On the other hand, he was also uncomfortable with the idea of someone fucking his vagina. He tried to imagine a guy on top of him, with Greg on his back, legs spread wide; or pounding him from behind, while he took it on all fours; none of it seemed realistic or enjoyable. He even struggled to imagine riding a dick, it just felt so invasive and strange to his mind.
He laid back on his bed and sighed. There wasn't much urgency to solve it right away, but it was a bit disheartening to feel like every option ended in him taking a dick.
Greg unbuttoned his jeans and groped his empty boxers. He didn't want some new penis invading his body, he just wanted his old one back. He slipped his fingers through the flap on the front and felt around at the featureless skin underneath. He felt a little tingle in his clit, like the ghost of his departed dick, yearning for contact.
He moved his fingers lower, hooking one into the top of his slit and curling it in to play with his little bean. It was almost too much to touch it directly, at least at first. So he circled around it, feeling the area become slick and wet as his arousal increased.
For a moment Greg reflected on his situation. Was fingering himself really the best use of his limited time? But he was stressed, and horny, and his finger was already playing with his clit.
Soon he was kicking off his pants and getting comfortable on the bed. His hand moved rapidly between his legs. He swirled his clit, swishing side to side with his fingers while rubbing up and down. The magnitude of the sensation was phenomenal, he'd never felt anything like it. His pussy was buzzing with erotic energy, and new ideas started to dance through his head.
He didn't want a penis inside him, but a guy could jerk off into a condom. Then the guy could use his fingers to push the condom into Greg backwards, dumping the contents into his vagina. Greg's fingers moved even faster. Then the guy could use his tongue to-
Before Greg could finish that thought he was gripped in a gut-clenching orgasm. His pussy spasmed as his legs twitched and shook. His fingers kept moving as the orgasm rolled on for a few more seconds. His mouth opened into a silent moan as the last waves passed in a burst of tingles.
His fingers slowed, expecting the bitter-sensitive feeling that had accompanied every orgasm with his penis, but that feeling never came. His fingers kept moving, and it kept feeling amazing. Soon he felt like he was about to cum a second time.
Greg did cum a second time, and a third. He lost count of how many times he got himself off. He rubbed and rubbed until he was an exhausted mess, until his hand was beginning to cramp. For all the trouble it gave him, at least his pussy was fun to play with.
Catching his breath on the bed, Greg began to reconsider his feelings on penetration. As great as it felt to play with his clit, at the height of his arousal he could still feel a needy yearning below, around the place he found the semen this morning. His vagina was itching to be filled. He still wasn't ready for a penis to go there, but the idea didn't feel as invasive as it had an hour ago.
As the afterglow faded, Greg came to the conclusion he needed a shower. He'd worked himself into a sweaty mess on the bed. He tossed his clothes in the hamper and grabbed a towel. It was a little strange for him to walk around naked and not feel anything dangling down there, but he was gradually becoming accustomed to it.
In the shower he tried to formulate a plan. He needed to find a guy who'd be willing to give away his sperm, but didn't want to have sex with him. Someone who would be discrete, and not hold it over him.
"Ugh" Greg sighed, letting the water run off his scalp. He couldn't imagine himself approaching one of his friends like Anna had. "Hey buddy, could you cum in this Gatorade so I can drink it?" Maybe if it was a punishment for losing a bet or something. Even then, he really didn't want to drink his friend's cum, if it could at all be avoided.
By the end of his shower Greg was back in a good mood. He still felt the happy-horny 'reward feeling' that had been buzzing through him all morning, though he could tell it was beginning to fade. He'd also narrowed in on one guy in particular he might have a chance in convincing to help him. He had a friend from high school he'd largely lost touch with, Jacob.
They used to play video games in his mom's basement, for a couple years they had been best friends. But Jacob didn't seem to mature much after high school, and the two had been drifting apart since Greg left for college. Even though they lived in the same town again, they hadn't really reconnected.
As far as Greg knew, Jacob still hadn't had sex, and not for lack of wanting to. He also knew Jacob had plenty of free time, he always seemed to be online playing stuff when he opened his friends list. It seemed possible that he'd be bored, horny, and friendly enough to be willing to help Greg out of this odd predicament.
He dried off and booted up his gaming system. He had to install some updates, but once it all loaded he was pleased to see Jacob was in a game, with room for him to join.
Greg still needed to install the game first though. He got that started, then put on some clothes and set up his mic. His plan was to just join the game, play a few rounds, and see if they could casually start up a conversation. Ideally Jacob would have some time this weekend to hang out in person, and that's when Greg could ask for his help.
The plan worked flawlessly. Jacob recognized his username right away, and invited him to a private party. They cleared missions and talked about the good old days. Greg was more than a bit rusty at first, but Jacob gave him some pointers, and soon they were both earning high marks.
"I'm hungry, but I don't want to stop playing." Greg said, eyes fixed on the screen. "After this mission I'm gonna order a pizza."
"Oh, great idea dude." Jacob's voice spoke through his headset. "I wish I had the spare cash for a pizza tonight."
"Don't stress man, I can send you a pizza." Greg offered casually. "Just message me your address." He played it cool, but inside he felt a rush of excitement. Jacob's address would make the prospect of hanging out this weekend much more likely, and he was anxious to verify that they still lived near one another.
"I'm sure you still have it. I haven't moved." Jacob replied lazily. He was still living at his mom's place? Greg's brow furrowed a bit, but he wasn't sure what he'd expected. Jacob wasn't known for holding steady work, and he had some expensive hobbies; having a place of his own probably wasn't something he could afford.
Greg checked his phone during a lull, and sure enough, Jacob's old address was still in his contacts. He placed pizza orders for himself and his friend and they got back to the task at hand.
Together they played late into the night. Greg really appreciated the chance to forget about his real life problems for a while, though reality was sure to remind him with every bathroom break. He'd forgotten how much he loved gaming with Jacob.
As the night wound down Greg took his chance. "Hey man, it's been great catching up with you."
"Totally." Jacob agreed, though he sounded a little distracted.
"I've actually been going through some stuff lately. I just had a weird breakup. Do you think we could hang out tomorrow, like in person?" Greg asked. He felt a surge of anxiety as he waited for the reply.
"Uh, yeah, I guess." Jacob said eventually. "I don't know much about breakups." He admitted with a chuckle. "But yeah, we can chill. It's been a minute."
"Awesome, thanks man." Greg felt a wave of relief. The hard part was over. "Wanna meet at my place around noon?" He offered.
"Not unless you want to pick me up, I don't have a car at the moment." Jacob chuckled again.
"I live right on the bus route." Greg suggested.
"Nah, I hate riding the bus. We should just meet at my place."
"Alright." He wasn't excited to try his condom plan in Jacob's mom's basement, but he struggled to think of a better idea. Greg had sold his car when he got his apartment in the city, and he couldn't justify the cost of a rental or multiple taxi rides. Besides, from what he remembered Jacob had that space very much to himself, it seemed likely that would still be the case.
"Oh, and we should meet a bit later, I'll still be waking up at noon." Jacob added.
"That's fine, see you at two then?"
"Sure, or like three even."
"Alright, cool. Sounds good."
They said their goodbyes. Greg blearily turned off the television and started getting ready for bed. The reward feeling from that morning was long gone, but he still felt good. It was nice to reconnect with an old friend.
He fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Without the awful thirsty feeling or fear of nanobots keeping him up, the exhaustion of a long night gaming quickly claimed him.
Greg slept deep and dreamlessly. He woke late Sunday morning with a happy, rested feeling. He stretched out his body and yawned. "Hmm, that's weird." He mumbled to himself, stretching again.
His joints felt weird. Not bad, but different. And he could feel a strangeness in how his muscles stretched, especially around his hips. For the second morning in a row he found himself jumping out of bed to inspect his own body.
For as much as things felt different, he struggled to spot anything out of place in the mirror. Well, besides the obvious change from yesterday he was still adjusting to. Though as he stared at his crotch in the mirror he started to see what had changed this time. His hips were wider. Not just wider either, they'd adjusted in angle and shape. Greg had womanly hips.
As he tilted in the mirror he noticed other changes too. His butt was larger, his legs looked longer and less toned, his shoulders felt slightly narrower. It was hard to tell at a glance, but it seemed like in addition to his new hips, his body proportions had all shifted slightly in his sleep. The changes seemed larger closer to his pelvis. His hands and feet looked to be entirely unaffected.
Greg used a door frame to attempt to gauge his height, but he couldn't really tell. If he was shorter, it couldn't be by more than an inch or two. His body hair and other attributes all seemed unchanged. Overall he looked pretty much the same, but the fact his body changed at all while he was sleeping freaked him out.
His pussy looked more at home than ever, tucked between his wide hips. He even had a gap under his crotch, before his thighs met; an empty space where his balls should be hanging.
He texted Anna: "No cravings, but there were more changes last night."
She responded right away: "That's weird." Then before he could say more she added: "No new nanobots would have been released, it must be leftover work from the previous day." Then: "What changed?"
Greg sighed in frustration. She hadn't mentioned changes could take multiple days to complete. He texted her again: "You didn't tell me that could happen." Followed by "They widened my hips."
"Oh, that makes sense." Anna replied, followed by: "Probably still finishing touches for your new reproductive system."
"How many nights will this happen? How much more will they change?"
"This should be the last of it" She replied, before adding: "The nanobots have a 48hr lifespan, they couldn't change you after tonight regardless of their program."
Greg groaned. "Well that's just great." He grumbled. Well, at least this was the last night he'd need to worry about it. Tomorrow was Monday, and he'd make sure the lab reversed everything that Anna's concoction had done to him.
He got dressed and brushed his teeth, readying himself for the day ahead. His jeans still buttoned, but they felt so tight around his hips that it wasn't comfortable. He opted for a pair of sweatpants instead. He wrote an email to his boss, explaining that he had an emergency medical appointment, and would not be able to make it to work on Monday. It didn't even feel like a lie.
He had a bit of time to spare before the bus to Jacob's place, so he dropped by the store for some food to eat, and to buy a few condoms. He also made sure to freshen up and fix his hair. He even trimmed his pubes nice and close for a tidy look. It did look better to him in the mirror, but it also made his crotch feel even more flat and empty than it already had.
On the bus ride to Jacob's place Greg couldn't help feeling nervous. In a weird way it felt like a first date, but with his childhood best friend he hadn't seen in years, who also had no idea about the whole thing.
He could also feel the thirsty feeling coming back. He tried not to think about it, but as the ride lagged on, stop after stop, it threatened to dominate his mind. It still wasn't very strong, nowhere near as bad as it had been the first night, but it had found a new way to affect him.
Deep under his stomach Greg felt a yearning, a thirst more pronounced and palpable than the others. His pussy had more than just a patch or two of sperm-sensitive tissue, he had tubes of it, and every inch was calling out for more.
When the bus stopped near Jacob's house, just a little before three, Greg was the first one off. As nervous as he'd been about sharing his secret transformation with his friend, he now found himself looking forward to it. Anything to get closer to relief from this thirst.
Greg tried to ignore the changes his new proportions made to the way he moved, like the way his new hips swayed his larger ass. Would people notice something like that? Would he be mistaken for a woman from behind now? Not productive thoughts.
He made his way to the house by memory, it wasn't hard to find. It looked exactly like it did when they were teenagers, but older. In that way it resembled its inhabitants.
Jacob's mom answered the door when Greg knocked, dressed the same way she had when he was in high school. It almost felt like going back in time.
"Oh, hello Greg! You've turned out quite well." She said, giving him a playful look over.
"Um, thanks Sally." Greg said, feeling more than a little uncomfortable. "I'm really just here to play video games."
"The more things change, the more they stay the same." Jacob's mom hummed. "Are you sure I can't get you anything to drink?"
Greg's mouth did feel dry, but he knew nothing in the fridge would fix his problem. He was beginning to see the genius in Anna's solution. He would gladly drink a gross mixture of semen and preservatives if it could just quench this thirst.
"Um, sure. I'll just have some water." He said, realizing he hadn't answered her question.
"Coming right up dear." She vanished into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a chilled bottle of water from the fridge. "Jacob is in his 'lair', you can head right on down." She added, pointing towards the stairs to the basement.
He took a long drink of water and started down the stairs. "Hey buddy, ready to hang out?" He called out as he got to the door.
Jacob pulled the door open just as Greg was reaching for the knob. He was wearing a bathrobe, and his hair was a mess, but he otherwise looked much the same as he had in high school. "Oh, hey dude, you're early."
Greg was pretty sure it was a couple minutes after three, but he really didn't care to press the issue. "Oh, uh, just looking forward to seeing you I guess."
"Nah, I'm fucking with you. It's like 3:02, I'm just a lazy bastard." Jacob cackled, giving Greg a pat to the ribs. "I had you going there, huh?"
"Haha, yeah. I was like 'what?', haha." Greg did his best to laugh along. He was starting to worry he'd invested too much in this plan, but at this point it was too late to turn back. Even if Jacob was annoying and immature, he was also capable of ending the awful thirst he was suffering from with a wave of his dick. He was still the best option.
He followed Jacob to his room and shut the door behind them. "So, uh, there's something kinda big I want to tell you about." Greg said, adopting a serious tone.
"What's up?" Jacob asked, casual as always.
"You know how my ex worked at that medical lab?" He didn't wait for an answer, but he could tell this was news to Jacob. "Well when we broke up she drugged me with nanobots."
"Whoa, what the fuck?" Jacob looked shocked. Then curious. "What does that mean? What did they do?"
"I don't know exactly, but it's been super weird. At first they gave me this awful compulsion, but when I didn't give in more changes set in." Greg felt a rising embarrassment talking about it.
"Damn dude. This is some comic book villain stuff. What's she compelling you to do?"
"Well, and here's where it gets really fucked up. I need to ingest semen." He glanced up at Jacob's face to see his expression, he looked just as horrified as Greg expected he would. "Every night, if I haven't done that, more nanobots are released."
"Holy shit." Jacob said, holding his head with his hands. Then he relaxed a bit. "Nah, you're fucking with me." He said.
"I'm serious!" Greg insisted.
"No way. This is your sick way of getting me back for making you think that you were early, when you were actually late." Jacob said, waving his hand like he was blowing away a bad smell.
Greg felt his emotions rise. This was not how he expected things to go. He needed Jacob to believe him. "For real dude, look!" he said, pulling down his pants.
"No way, you're not getting me with that, I'm not looking at your dick." Jacob said, blocking his eyes with his hand.
"Well you don't have to worry about that." Greg said, giving himself a solid slap on the crotch. It hurt more than he expected, but it sent the intended message.
"What the fuck?" Jacob said, peaking between his fingers.
"This is what the nanobots changed after I refused to give in on the first night." Greg explained. "They took my dick." He had to stop talking because he could feel himself start to tear up. The trauma was still fresh and painful.
"Damn dude, that looks exactly like a real pussy." Jacob said, scrutinizing Greg's crotch.
"That's because it is a real pussy." Greg said. He spread his labia to prove it. It felt weird revealing himself like that to another person, especially an old friend he hadn't seen in ages, but something about another person acknowledging it, and witnessing it, gave Greg a strange sense of relief.
"How is that possible?" Jacob mumbled, wide-eyed.
"I don't know, nanobots, I don't know. But it's been making my life hell, and now the compulsions are starting again." Greg exaggerated a little on the level of inconvenience, but in the midst of the thirst, he really did feel like he was in a private hell.
"So you want me to fuck you?" Jacob asked, looking horny, confused, and a bit unsure of what was going on. "Is it contagious?"
"It's not contagious." Greg assured him. Though honestly with how much had happened that wasn't planned for, he wasn't sure how true that was. "And I'm still not into guys." He clarified. "I was hoping you could jerk off into a condom or something, and then let me have it."
"Oh." Jacob said, thinking it over. "Yeah, I could do that." Greg's heart jumped. He'd do it! This would all be over soon.
"So what then, like you'd drink it?" Jacob asked.
"Uh, something like that." Greg said, not wanting to upset the plan. "I was thinking I'd stick it up my, you know."
"Butt?" Jacob asked.
"No, I was going to put it in my vagina." Greg explained, feeling mortified at having to spell it out.
"But what if you get pregnant?" Jacob asked. Greg hadn't thought of that.
"I can't get pregnant." He didn't think he could at least. That felt like something Anna would have told him about. Though he really had no idea.
"Eh, I'm getting cold feet." Jacob said, tightening his robe.
"What do you mean? You were all on board a second ago."
"Yeah, but this doesn't feel right. Nanobots and compulsions. I never saw your dick, for all I know you were born that way, and this is your sick way of getting knocked up."
"What the hell man! We've peed at urinals together. We talked about girls together in high school. This is new!" Greg enthused, gesturing towards his pussy.
"I don't know, I heard girls have a way to pee standing up. Maybe you're really good at it. I don't know. I just don't feel right putting my verile seed into the womb of someone I don't intend to impregnate."
Greg felt a combination of frustration at his friend's change of tune, and shame at the fact he really couldn't pee standing up. Maybe some girls had figured it out, but he had no idea how they did it.
"Whatever dude, I guess I'll swallow it then. I just really don't want to put that stuff in my mouth." Greg said, already feeling a bit queasy at the idea of sucking a used condom clean.
That seemed to give Jacob pause. "Huh, I guess you're really serious about this." He said after a little bit.
"Yeah, as much as I wish this was all a joke, it's my life now."
"Okay, I'll do it." Jacob said for a second time. "I'll really do it, you can put it up your vag and everything." Greg felt his heart leap again, but he got the feeling the other shoe was about to drop. Jacob went on. "All I ask is that you hang out with me first." He concluded.
Greg was taken aback. "Yeah dude, of course I'll hang out with you. Why would that be something you'd have to barter for?"
"Well you haven't in a while. Playing online last night was the first time we'd talked in years. You were my best friend, man. It shouldn't take something like this to bring us back together, but if this is what it takes I'll use it."
"Wow man, I'm sorry, you were my best friend too. I've been so busy, we just lost touch. Of course I'll hang out with you. It's just really important you help me out before I fall asleep tonight."
"Of course." Jacob reassured. "We'll just wait until my mom goes to sleep, I don't want to risk her walking in on anything."
As much as Greg hated the idea of suffering with this craving for hours, he couldn't foresee any way to satisfy it faster otherwise. At least playing video games could help keep his mind off it, and at the end the relief was a sure thing. He even felt pretty confident that Jacob would keep it a secret. He valued their friendship, and they hardly talked to any of the same people these days anyway.
Greg ordered another pizza, and the two of them got busy wasting time. It was nice to hang out in person. Jacob showed off his collection of Magic cards, and some modifications he'd made to his PC to make it glow more. Greg put together a deck from some spare cards and they played a few rounds together.
It started off light at first, but Jacob was a sore winner; he loved lording his victories over his friend, and he could get personal with it.
"Did the nanobots take your deck building skills?" as he ridiculed a card choice; "You play like a bitch, and now you gotta pee like one too." when Greg needed to use the bathroom; "Maybe there are no nanobots, you just grew a pussy because you're so bad at Magic." after another victory.
The last one set Greg off. "What does that even mean?"
"I don't know, like you just sucked so bad your dick and balls were like 'fuck this' and bounced." He giggled to himself while packing up the cards. "I don't know, just kidding around."
"Well it's not funny, it's dumb; and childish; and it makes me feel gross." Greg said, stumbling for exactly what he was trying to say.
"Okay, okay, don't get your panties in a bunch." Jacob said, giggling again at his own joke. "No, seriously, I'll stop. Let's just cool off and do something else. I won't mention your 'feminine problems' anymore."
Greg bristled at the way Jacob was talking, but he only had to get through tonight. The sun had already set, and his mom should be going to bed before too long.
As the night wound down, the craving became impossible to ignore. Eventually Greg couldn't even focus on the games they were playing. They settled on Jacob playing a game on his PC, and Greg sitting behind him, bouncing his crossed legs and trying his hardest not to lose his mind.
This was a different sort of horny than he'd felt yesterday. He wasn't so much aroused as he was needy. It blossomed into arousal in rare moments of hope, but otherwise it was a dry, hungry wanting. Every minute he had to fight the urge to prod Jacob into using the condom. He knew it wouldn't make things go faster. He could tell by his unhurried attitude. Greg was being toyed with.
Eventually Greg couldn't take it anymore. "So are you just going to make me wait forever?" He asked hotly.
"No, just until the nanobots kick in." Jacob answered without looking away from his monitor.
"What the hell!?" Greg was dumbstruck by his friend's betrayal.
"I still want proof. I want to see the changes happen." Jacob said, pausing the game and swiveling his chair around.
"Even I don't see them happen, it happens in my sleep."
"Then go to sleep, and when you start to change I'll give you my seed." Jacob said plainly.
"No, the entire point of the semen was to prevent the nanobots, it doesn't help once they're activated." Greg was becoming exasperated. He'd wasted all his time betting on this guy who wasn't even going to help him until it was too late.
Jacob took a while to respond. It was like he was struggling to make up his mind on what to do with this information, or even to trust it. Eventually he looked up and said "Fine, I'll help stop the nanobots, but no condom. You have to let me fuck you."
"What!?" Greg said, sliding his chair back. Things were getting even stranger than he was prepared for.
"I'll trust your story and give you my seed, but I want to do it naturally, the way our bodies are meant to."
"Nothing about my vagina is natural, Jacob." Greg reminded him.
"Well I've never had sex, alright?" At the admission Jacob's face flushed bright red. "Your vagina is the closest I've ever come to the real thing. And if I'm going to risk impregnating you, I want to feel what it's like. Even if it's not connected to a real woman."
Greg felt a shock of panic shoot down his spine. This guy had been deceiving him all night, and now he wanted to put his dick inside him. He had no idea what Jacob was capable of right now. Quickly he got up from his chair and moved towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Jacob asked. "I just agreed to help you." Greg could hear him getting up to follow.
"I just need to pee again." Greg lied, rushing for the bathroom. The moment he got inside he slammed the door shut and locked it. He sank to the floor and held his head in his hands as Jacob tried to get in.
"Hey, I was just kidding around again, you know that right? I just don't want you to take this so seriously, it was supposed to be a joke. Of course I've had sex, tons of times."
Greg tried to ignore him, hoping he'd talk himself out, but Jacob just seemed to be getting more upset.
"And don't think you're special just because you've got a pussy. Half the world has a pussy. It's no big deal. Get over yourself." He hit the door a few times. "Haha, this was funny at first, but I actually need to pee. You can't just live in my bathroom."
Eventually, either the boredom of the situation or an earnest need to pee won out, because he smacked the door one more time and left, saying "Fine, whatever. I'm gonna go piss in the sink, because I have a penis."
Greg finally felt like he could breathe. He hadn't realized how much he'd been controlling his breathing, to remain as quiet as he could. What the fuck was he doing here? Should he try and make a run for it? Where would he even go? No plan he could think of solved his primary problem, the thirst that brought him here in the first place.
At least he still had his shoes and coat, if he did make a break for it he could make it back to the bus stop. He put his hands in his pockets to check for his bus pass, but something in one of his pockets distracted him. It was a small black pouch, he recognized it from the conversation with Anna in the diner, which reminded him of something else she'd said.
Soon Greg was washing his ex-girlfriend's vibrator in the bathroom sink. He slipped out of his sweatpants and boxers and lay on his back in the bathtub, with his legs spread open.
It was hard for Greg to get into the right mood, especially with the distracting thirst loud as ever in his mind. He tried playing with his clit, but it didn't feel right. At a loss for what to do he started sucking on the toy while it was turned off, pretending with all his might it could give him what he needed.
The trick seemed to be working. As he encircled the vibrator with his tongue, he felt something coming alive between his legs. He closed his eyes and chased that feeling, sucking onto the toy with his lips. He pulled it out of his mouth and tried to slide it into his vagina.
At first it didn't seem to work. It was like he couldn't find the right angle. He adjusted it a couple times, and used his fingers to help spread his juices. He patiently felt it out, and with a little pressure in the right spot, he felt it sink into himself.
It didn't feel particularly amazing, but there was something deeply satisfying about it. That itch he'd been feeling was finally getting attention. He pushed deeper, until nearly all three-ish inches of the little vibrator were inside him, then pulled it back out.
Greg held the vibrator up to his mouth and resumed sucking on it. He licked, and sucked, and hoped. He hoped what Anna had said about sperm surviving in the vagina was accurate, he hoped some got transferred to the toy, and he hoped it was enough to silence the craving.
When he had sucked the toy clean and still felt the thirst, Greg almost gave up. It had seemed too crazy to work from the start. But as he laid there, he felt the thirst waver for a moment. It hadn't gone away, it hadn't even diminished for more than a few seconds, but it was enough for him to try again.
He pushed the little thing back into himself, sliding it in on the first try. He flexed his pussy against the toy and wiggled it around with his fingers. At one point he accidentally turned the vibrator on, and nearly had a panic attack trying to silence it before Jacob heard the buzzing. He was able to stop it almost as soon as it had started, but it left him with tingles of fear and stimulation.
The second time he licked the toy clean, it was like a switch was flipped. This time as he swallowed, he felt a tickle in his throat, and the thirst was satisfied. It was so sudden and relieving it almost made him want to cry. He could have done this at home.
Greg stood up to leave the tub, but suddenly felt light headed and had to lay back down. He tried to stay calm, all he needed to do now was sneak out of here. Yet as he laid down, a powerful drowsiness came over him. He struggled against it, but it was too strong. He closed his eyes with the uneasy feeling that the nanobots from Friday night had more in store for him, then felt himself pulled into another deep and dreamless slumber.
In the morning Greg felt stiff and cold. He'd spent the night sleeping half naked in a bathtub. He ached all over his body. Even places he wouldn't have expected, like his hands. He stretched out his fingers and wiggled them around a bit to get the sleep out.
His hands looked different. He held one up to his face and studied his fingers and palm. They resembled his hands from last night, but they'd been altered. The fingers were slimmer, his palm was smaller, and the proportions had shifted. If not for his knuckle hair it would look like a woman's hand.
It wasn't just his hands either. His feet looked different too. He stood up and rushed to the bathroom mirror. From the first glance he could tell his entire body had changed. What happened to his hips the night before had happened everywhere else. The bone, muscle, and fat of his body had been redistributed in a female pattern.
His face still looked mostly the same, though he could tell his altered skull shape had caused his features to shift a bit. He still had the same nose, eyes, ears, eyebrows, facial hair, etc. His body hair and vocal chords seemed likewise unchanged.
Almost everything else felt different. His shoulders had narrowed further, his arms had drastically slimmed, losing all muscle definition under a thin layer of fat. His thighs had thickened in all dimensions, and his legs had taken on a recognizably feminine shape. He had no way to get an accurate measure of his height, but he got the impression he had become significantly shorter overnight.
His chest had also changed. It still didn't quite look feminine, it was covered in chest hair, and his nipples were unchanged. But his man boobs had swollen with fat, larger than they'd been even at his most out of shape. Combined with his smaller chest, they had nearly taken on the proportions of female breasts. He cupped them with his hands and saw a hairy line of cleavage form in between. This was weird.
Greg started getting dressed. He was happy that his clothes still fit, for the most part. His shirt draped lower than it had yesterday, and his shoes were nearly too loose to stay on his feet, but the sweatpants fit about the same.
When he looked in the mirror though, his heart sank. He didn't see a man in the reflection. They looked like a tomboy, or a woman wearing her boyfriend's clothes. His hips and chest were his most notable features, but his entire shape had shifted. His outline had traded its masculine edge for feminine curves. Only his face still struck him as plainly male.
He tried putting on his coat and zipping it up, that helped a lot. Under the baggy sleeves and insulation it wasn't easy to tell the shape of his body. His legs looked a bit feminine in the sweatpants, but it wasn't super obvious. As long as the most visible part was his face, people should still recognize him, Greg told himself.
Greg left the bathroom as quietly as he could, hoping to sneak out before Jacob was awake. The moment he closed the bathroom door behind him though, the hallway light switched on, momentarily stunning him with the shock and brightness.
"Look who decided to stop camping in my bathroom." Jacob said from the stairs. Had he been waiting there all night? Greg walked to the stairway and looked up at him. Jacob sat on the stairs near the top. He had positioned himself between the only exit from the basement, blocking the stairs blocked Greg's hope of escape. He could try and push past, but even with his height and muscles from yesterday, he'd be at a disadvantage. Jacob had the high ground.
"Fuck you, dude. I just want to go home." Greg said, reaching his wits end. He needed to get to the lab more than anything. He was so close to being able to reverse this nightmare.
"Well you should have thought about that before you forced me to pee in the sink." Jacob said, getting to his feet.
"You have another bathroom." Greg still remembered the basic floor plan from hanging out there as a teenager.
"Mom doesn't like me using that one, you know that!" Jacob was becoming increasingly agitated, and it was scaring Greg. He tried a different tactic, thinking on his feet.
"Look man, I just want to go. I came here looking for your help, and now look at me." Greg pulled down the zipper of his coat and held it open. He held his knees together while pushing out his chest, exaggerating the changes with his posture.
He saw the expression on Jacob's face instantly shift to one of sympathy and awe. "Holy shit dude, I'm so sorry, I had no idea."
"No idea!? This is exactly the sort of thing I told you was going to happen."
"Well, yeah, but nanobots? Come on. You can't blame me for being skeptical."
Greg zipped his coat back up. "What I'm blaming you for is tricking me and wasting my time. I understand why you'd be skeptical, I would be too, but you put me in a really tough situation."
"Hey man, I'm sorry, really." Jacob stepped away from the door, clearing the way out. Greg cautiously walked up the stairs.
At the top step it became clear how much height Greg had lost. He used to be eye-to-eye with Jacob, but now they stood eye-to-chin. He had to look up to make eye contact.
"Hug?" Jacob asked, as Greg passed him.
"When have we ever hugged?" Greg asked, offering a fist bump instead. Jacob bumped fists with Greg, revealing just how much smaller his fists were now. He felt so much weaker than yesterday.
Greg strolled to the bus stop. He had plenty of time before the next one came, so there was no rush. The warm sun made it tempting to unzip his coat, but he couldn't stand the idea of someone seeing him.
By the time he got to the lab, his coat was really making him sweat. He hurried into the building, texting Anna that he was here. He waited around the lobby for a little bit, but didn't get a text back. Eventually the receptionist stopped to check on him.
"Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked kindly.
"I'm just trying to get in touch with my friend who works here. She said she could help me this morning." Greg replied.
"And what is your friend's name?"
"Anna" Greg answered, unsure if he should be more specific.
"Oh yes, she said you'd be stopping in. You must be Greg." Greg nodded his head. "Right this way." The receptionist led Greg through an elevator and around an elaborate maze of work areas.
"Just over here." The receptionist said, pointing into a section labeled "Nanobot Research". The lab felt well air conditioned, but Greg was still too hot in his bulky coat.
Finally he was shuffled into an examination room, where he felt comfortable removing his jacket and relaxing. He paced around, reading various posters on the wall. He tried not to worry that he still hadn't heard back from Anna.
A man in a lab coat walked in, he wore a stethoscope around his neck. "Hello Greg, I hear you've been exposed to some rogue nanobots." He said somewhat cheerily.
"Yeah, you could say that." Greg said, not sure how much he should talk about.
"Well, my name is Jason, I've been assigned as your physician, and you have a few options." Jason explained. "We could give you a purge shot, which would remove all the nanobots, but leave any changes to your anatomy in place. This would also prevent future nanobot exposures from affecting you for several years."
Greg didn't like the sound of being stuck with his body how it was, but it would be nice to at least know he was safe from nanobots for a while.
The doctor continued. "Another option would be to adjust the program. We could halt the sensory dependency and repurpose the nanobots for injury repair."
"What does that mean?" Greg asked.
"You would no longer suffer those nasty withdrawals. Instead the nanobots would focus on healing you when you get hurt."
"Hmm." Gaining healing powers sounded nice, but he wasn't sure he trusted these nanobots to put things back to how they were.
"The other option would be a halt shot. The nanobots would stop entirely, but you would still be receptive to future treatment." Jason said, and then stopped talking.
Greg waited for a moment for him to list more treatments, but he didn't. That couldn't be right. Every option left him in the same body he'd walked in with.
"So there's no option that can reverse this?" Greg asked, trying his best not to freak out.
"We're working on that." Jason said, with an awkward expression. "This is experimental technology. We weren't prepared for this sort of exposure. As long as you don't take the purge, we should be able to provide treatment as soon as it's ready. Otherwise you'd need to wait for the purge shot to wear off first."
Greg felt his heart sink. He'd always known this was a possibility, but he had really hoped it would be otherwise. He would be stuck with the body he woke up in for who knows how long. Days for sure, probably months, maybe even years.
"What I can do today, in addition to the treatment options I listed." The doctor offered. "Is give you an inspection, write you some prescriptions, and help you adjust as well as you can for the time being. We're taking this issue very seriously, and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible."
"What sort of prescriptions?" Greg asked.
"Testosterone, for a start." The doctor said, "Since your body is likely producing a lot less on its own now. Maybe some contraceptives."
"Contraceptives, like birth control? Can I get pregnant?"
"Most likely, yes, we've found our nanobots to be very skilled at growing reproductive tissues. They use host cells, so any baby would carry your genetics, with the exception of your Y chromosome."
Greg's head was spinning. Not only would he be stuck with his vagina, but he'd need to worry about getting pregnant now too. "Does that mean I'll have periods?" He asked, pretty sure he knew the answer.
"Yes." The doctor said solemnly. "Every other case of this sort of treatment has resulted in healthy and regular menstruation. You will likely have the same outcome. Usually the first period starts a week or two after restoration, but I could tell you with more precision after your pelvic exam."
By the end of his time at the lab, Greg was fighting back tears. Not only were they unable to fix him, everything they told him only made him feel worse. Jason used a sonogram to inspect his uterus, and let Greg know everything looked healthy and fertile. He should expect his first period in just over a week, though Jason said the testosterone he was prescribing should reduce the intensity.
Greg had to pee in a cup for one of the tests, and he nearly got it all over himself trying to figure out the mechanics. It was so much harder to control without a penis.
Finally they gave him a shot to remove the horrible thirsty cravings. Greg chose the option where the nanobots would heal his injuries. He figured if he had to have nanobots inside him, they could at least carry their weight. They also gave him a shot of testosterone, and pills to take at home.
He decided to skip the birth control, without the cravings he had no intention of getting sperm anywhere near him, so it seemed like an unnecessary medication, especially considering the possible side effects.
He still hadn't heard back from Anna, so on his way out he asked Jason if he knew anything.
"Oh, she got in trouble. Big trouble. That's how we knew to expect you. She's probably still in meetings with the director." Jason said surreptitiously. "I wouldn't worry too much about it." He added, seeing Greg's startled expression. "I'm sure she'll be fine. Though someone told me they're withholding the deactivation shot until she sets things right."
"What does that mean?" Greg asked.
Jason just replied with a shrug, then added "Guess she's stuck thirsting."
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Paul’s Vagina | KINKY KUFFS Chapter 4
Paul felt the tingle move through his wrists, down his arms, and into his body. His mind was drawn to the command, to the idea of growing a pussy. Sarah watched intently, still stroking his dick. Her eyes darted between his face and crotch with bemused curiosity.
The tingle got stronger, spreading all the way to his toes and scalp. Paul still hadn’t accepted the command, his mind reeled with weight of the decision. The handcuffs hadn’t been able to reverse his erection, what if the changes were permanent? No, he had felt the commands, they just weren’t strong enough; not like this one. He was beginning to feel dizzy, even his teeth were buzzing. There was no denying the idea turned him on, it tickled a powerful curiosity in the back of his mind. And what if this was his only chance to get rid of his painfully permanent boner? The tingle was beginning to fade away, he could tell his chance was expiring. Paul made up his mind.
“O-oooh” He said. He had meant to say “okay”, but the moment he opened his mouth he had a stomach-clenching orgasm. His dick had nearly gone numb from over-stimulation, but now it was spurting cum onto his chest and belly. Sarah kept stroking, even speeding up a little. She had a sly grin on her face and a mischievous look in her eyes. This was fun.
“No more” Paul said, rolling his hips away from Sarah’s jerking hand. She reluctantly let go, moving back to the edge of the bed to watch.
Paul’s orgasm had taken on a throbbing sensation, spreading from his dick down into his balls. His scrotum scrunched up, like he just got out of the pool. His dick was still rock hard, tingling and twitching, leaking a thin stream of cum. Sarah watched as one of his balls wriggled up inside him, closely followed by the other. Paul let out a soft groan, moving his shackled hands down to his stomach.
The tingle in his dick started to trickle down, following behind his testicles; as it did his dick became smaller. Sarah couldn’t look away, she watched his dick shrink down inch by inch, sinking into his body. To Paul it felt like his penis was a stick of warm butter melting from the bottom, the warm tingle sinking into him, oozing over the void left by his balls. His breath came in shuddering pants, the rolling orgasm was finally fading away. But it was followed by a wave of intense nausea.
Paul paused for a moment, his breath caught in his chest, trying to keep from heaving. Another wave rolled over him and he jumped out of bed, running naked out of the room. Sarah followed cautiously behind, not sure what to do.
“Do you want some privacy?” She asked gently, following his footsteps. She was answered by the distant sound of vomiting.
Sarah peeked around the bathroom door. She saw Paul kneeling at the toilet. Handcuffed hands clutched between his legs. Half-digested pizza floating in the toilet bowl.
“Ugh” Paul groaned. His entire crotch had the pins-and-needles feeling like it had fallen asleep. He felt a wetness on his fingers, he was pretty sure he had peed a little. One last wave of nausea swept over him, but he was able to keep from heaving. He could feel in his guts things had changed, it felt like his balls were in his hips; and between his legs, where they used to be, the tingling had finally faded away.
Paul lifted his hands, steadying himself with the toilet bowl. He looked down at his crotch. His dick and balls were completely gone, all that remained was a field of curly pubic hair. At the bottom of the pubes, about where his balls had been, was a narrow vertical slit, the top of his pussy. The sight of it left him speechless.
As Paul regained his composure, he realized that he badly needed to pee. He lowered the seat and turned around to sit down, thankful that he was already so close to the toilet. Peeing now felt about the same as it had with a penis, the biggest difference being that instead of aiming the stream, it just flowed out of him. While he was sitting, he noticed Sarah watching him from the doorway.
“You can come in” He said, beckoning “I think it’s over now.” Sarah walked into the bathroom cautiously. She wasn’t sure how Paul felt about the command, or its effects.
She removed the handcuffs and put them on the counter “Are you okay?” She asked, with gentle concern.
“Yeah, I think so.” Paul said, clumsily wiping his new equipment with a bit of toilet paper. “It wasn’t really what I had in mind, but at least it stopped that erection, it was starting to hurt.”
“Yeah, now you don’t have to worry about erections at all.” Sarah said optimistically. Paul did not seem amused. “But we can probably get you back to normal now” Sarah offered “I think it has to do with how sexy the commands are.”
Paul considered it. He certainly didn’t want to stay like this forever. But now that the change had completed, it seemed like a waste to reverse it so soon. “I think I’ll keep it for a little bit. We can change each other back tonight.” he said.
“That works for me” Sarah agreed. She was glad he didn’t want to change back right away. “I’m going to give you some privacy.” She said, closing the door behind her as she left.
Paul cleaned up in the bathroom and considered his present situation. He decided to take another shower.
The warm water was refreshing. He went through his usual routine, scrubbing and rinsing. He spread his legs towards the stream of water to rinse off any lingering fluids. The hot water tickled as it ran over his labia and down his inner thighs. He reached down and spread himself towards the stream, letting the water pulse on his inner lips.
A jet of hot water hit him directly on the clit and made him recoil. He tenderly touched the area with two of his fingers, nursing the unexpected shock. It was sensitive, like the top half of his penis was concentrated into a jellybean. Gentle touching really seemed to help it feel better though.
He took a half-step forward, so the water was spraying onto his stomach and flowing down. He put one foot up on the side of the tub and steadied himself against the back wall. With his other hand he reached back down between his legs.
He gently pressed a finger into the top of his slit, moving it down one side, avoiding direct contact with his clit, letting the water flow over it. A warm feeling was building up inside him. He started to wiggle his finger a little, tensing up from the sensation.
For a while he stood in the water like that, letting it flow over him as he played with himself. It felt amazing, but he wasn’t getting off, he would have to speed up with his fingers, or maybe move directly under the stream. Wait, what was he doing? Paul stopped, withdrawing his fingers and rinsing them off. He had literally just come all over himself not ten minutes ago. There would be plenty of time to experiment tonight.
Paul shut off the water and dried off with a towel. He hadn’t grabbed a change of clothes while running to vomit, so for the second time that day he hurried back to the bedroom naked. There was something liberating about rushing around without anything dangling between his legs, but it also weirded him out. He couldn’t help feeling like he’d lost something.
In the bedroom Sarah was surrounded by several open boxes of clothes with garments hanging out of them. She had hung an outfit on a few spare hangers in their otherwise empty closet.
“I picked out some clothes for you and put them on the bed” Sarah said from deep within a cardboard box. She lifted her head and blew a strand of hair from her face “I can grab some clothes for your interview tomorrow if you like.” She offered.
“Um, no thanks. I have an outfit in mind.” Paul said. He had already devoted a section of his suitcase to tomorrow’s interview so that he wouldn’t have to wrinkle all the other clothes rooting through boxes the night before. He looked around the room with a mild irritation. On the bed he saw the clothes she had gathered for him. A pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and two pairs of underwear: a pair of his boxers and a pair of her panties.
“I wasn’t sure which you would prefer.” Sarah said, noticing his hesitation. “You don’t have to wear them, but as someone who has had a pussy for many years, I recommend the panties.”
Paul held the panties for a moment, they were a black pair of bikini briefs. He wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but why not, this would probably be his only chance to wear them comfortably. He stepped into the leg holes and pulled them up. The crotch of the panties fit snug against him, but the elastic was stretched to its limit.
“I don’t know” Paul said, stretching his legs “They feel a little tight.” The top of the panties didn’t seem to come up far enough. He felt exposed and a little confined. He took them off and opted for the boxers.
After getting dressed Paul started hanging up clothes. He fetched a box of hangers and Sarah helped hang up the mess she had created.
By the time they finished it was almost time for bed, Sarah had to be up early for her first day of work at the new location. They had just kept putting things away until the box of hangers was empty. Sarah yawned, she was getting sleepy. Paul was looking around for any loose hangers that might be hanging around. In his mind he was thinking about those handcuffs. Who had sent them? The box said Amazon, does that mean other people could have bought them or discovered how they work? Maybe there was more information online.
“Do you want your dick back or what?” Sarah asked, breaking the silence. Paul froze for a moment. Lost in thought he had nearly forgotten about his anatomy, but her comment brought on a sudden awareness of his new genitals. A pang in the basement of his stomach.
“Yes please” Paul said, giving up the hunt for more hangers. “I guess I lost track of time.” He said, looking at the clock “I’m gonna go brush my teeth first.”
“I’ll wait here, I’ll probably just want to brush them again anyway after I go down on you.”
In the bathroom Paul considered what she'd just said. She was going to go down on him, to eat him out. As he brushed his teeth, memories of cunnilingus flashed in his mind. Just last week his head had been between her legs, licking and kissing. He could almost taste it, even with a mouth full of toothpaste. Tonight that would be him on his back, spread open for her. He was filled with a nervous anticipation.
In the bedroom Sarah moved the boxes back out of the way and made the bed. She found the box labelled “bedroom:adult supplies” and left it open next to the bed. She made sure the handcuffs were nearby on the nightstand and began to undress. Paul walked in as she was unhooking her bra and started to take off his shirt.
Sarah was down to just her bulging panties. She walked behind Paul and wrapped her arms around him. She ran her fingers down from his chest, along his sides, and back together at the button of his jeans. Paul finished pulling off his shirt and tossed it aside.
“Let me know if I’m going too fast.” Sarah said, as she slipped a hand into the front of his pants.
“You’re good.” There was a tremble of anticipation in his voice. Sarah cupped the emptiness of his crotch through his boxers. She pressed in a little with the tips of her fingers, pulling them up in a slow caress and running them back down around his slit. With her other hand she worked on unbuttoning his jeans.
“You know, I’ve never actually been with another woman before. Someone with a vagina, I mean.” Sarah admitted. “But I’ve always been curious.” She continued stroking Paul as she undid the zipper and let his pants fall to the floor.
“Well I’ve never had a vagina before, I’m pretty curious about that.” Paul said “Perhaps we can satisfy our curiosities together?”
“Sounds like a plan.” With that she put her hands on his hips and pulled down his boxers. Now Paul was standing naked in front of her, both of them facing the bed. “Lie down on your back.” Sarah suggested, nudging Paul towards the foot of the bed. He climbed into the center of the bed and rolled over, spreading out like a starfish. Sarah got her first good look at his new anatomy, it looked about the same as hers had before he told her to grow a dick.
She climbed on top of him, straddling him around the hips. She leaned over him, her hair falling around his face, and kissed him passionately on the lips. While they were making out Sarah ground lightly against him, like she had earlier that day. But this time, instead of growing hard, Paul’s body responded with its own hot wetness. A fuzzy-tense feeling was building inside him and spreading out.
Sarah, on the other hand, was growing hard. Her dick was sandwiched between the two of them, stimulated by the friction. She started kissing her way down his body. Slowly down his neck, and then a few pecks over his chest and stomach, until she was between his legs. Face to face with his pussy she took a moment to ready herself. This was the closest she had ever been to someone else’s vagina. She leaned in and kissed him on the lips, right at the top of his slit. She ran her tongue down the split, keeping to one side and then running it up the other. Paul closed his eyes and spread his legs a little further for her.
Sarah took that as a sign of encouragement and dove in, licking and kissing with more passion. “I love the way you taste.” She said while eating him out.
“I love the way it feels” Paul said, somewhat breathless. Her tongue felt incredible, way better than his exploration in the shower. Sarah moved up to his clit, delicately licking around his little nub. Paul opened his mouth in a silent moan. She started working in some light suction; to Paul it felt almost like a blowjob with the volume turned up.
“You should put on the handcuffs, I think you’re almost ready.” Sarah said, coming up for air. Paul grabbed the fuzzy pink handcuffs from the nightstand, and hesitated a moment. He wasn’t sure he wanted to change back yet, his curiosity was still raging.
Sarah picked up on his hesitation “Do you want to try sex first?” she asked, leaning back on her knees. Her dick was jutting out from under the waistband of her panties; it looked like eating pussy agreed with her. Paul nodded a little and handed handcuffs over. He felt embarrassed admitting it to her.
Sarah took the handcuffs and climbed back on top of him. She grabbed his wrists and clasped them above his head with the soft pink shackles. She leaned down next to his ear, Paul could smell his pussy on her breath. “I want you to beg for it.” she told him in a firm whisper.
Paul felt the command tickle over him and he went for it “Please” he said, trying to sound sincere. “Please fuck me.” he pushed his crotch up against her “Please” he said again.
Sarah rolled off the bed and stood up “Hmm, well now I’m not sure.” She teased, strutting to the foot of the bed.
Paul wasn’t expecting that, he begged harder “Come on Sarah, please? I promise it’ll feel great. I’m super wet, I want you so bad.” He pleaded. He wasn’t thinking, just talking, saying whatever came to mind.
“I don’t know...” Sarah said, taking her time slipping off her panties “Are you sure you want this inside you?” She asked, giving her rigid shaft a stroke for display. “It might hurt.” she warned.
“Yes” Paul said “I don’t care if it hurts.” He reassured her. “I need to know what it feels like.” He was desperate to convince her. “I played with myself a little in the shower but I didn’t cum, I wanted my first time to be with you. I wanted my first time to be like this.” He babbled. It took his brain a moment to catch up with his mouth.
“Is that true?” Sarah asked. Paul wasn’t entirely sure himself; it wasn’t exactly what he had been thinking at the time, but it felt true, he felt right saying it.
“Yes. Now please, put your dick inside me.” He begged. Sarah reached into the open box beside the bed, her hand came back with a small glob of something clear on her fingers.
“Okay, but I’m going to use some lube. Let me know if it starts to hurt, okay? Just try to relax.”
“Okay” Paul said, relieved. Though now that the magic was fading, he wasn’t sure why he had been so desperate in the first place. Sarah positioned herself over him. She spread the lube over her cock and then wiped the excess onto Paul’s pussy lips. He pushed back against her fingers hungrily.
Sarah positioned the tip of her dick at the entrance of his vagina and leaned forward slowly. “Take a deep breath.” She suggested, as she began pushing into him.
At first Paul felt like he was being split apart, it felt like her dick was impossibly large for his hole, like there was no way for it to fit. He took a deep breath and braced himself.
Sarah pressed on, with just a little push the head of her dick slipped into him. It felt hot and warm inside; a pleasant contrast from the cold lube. She lowered herself onto her elbows and thrust deeper into him, pulling on his shoulders for leverage.
Paul wrapped his legs around her and pulled her closer, sinking the last inches of her dick into him. The feeling of her cock was fantastic. He hadn’t realized how much he needed something inside him, but now that she was there, it felt right, it felt perfect.
Sarah pulled out a little and thrust back in, getting used to the motion. She tried to get a bit of a rhythm going. It felt so good to press herself completely into him, she couldn’t help speeding up. She grabbed at the bed for more leverage, pushing harder into Paul.
Paul tensed his legs and let out a soft moan. He couldn’t help it, the feeling was overwhelming him. He felt himself clenching against her dick with his pussy. He didn’t have a dick to flex, but he could squeeze onto hers. He felt the distinct sense of a building orgasm, but it was different than before. It wasn’t just building in his clit, he felt it building up from within him too, pulsing through him. He wrapped his arms around Sarah, holding onto her as he started to cum on her dick.
“Oh my god.” Paul moaned, as the orgasm crashed over him. If his previous orgasms had been like tossing a rock in a pond, this was like skipping a stone. The bursts of pleasure came with every thrust, and it just kept rolling on, second after second. “Ooooh fuck.” He said as she continued to pound into him. He could feel his pussy spasming all on its own. He just closed his eyes and held on as the last waves rolled over him. Even as it passed, he could feel the next orgasm starting to build up inside.
Sarah was breathing heavily, sweat streaked down her face and dripped off her hair. Her stomach muscles burned from the constant humping, and her shoulders ached from supporting herself. But seeing Paul cum had put a big smile on her face. She was getting close to her own orgasm. As she began to climax she lifted herself up onto her hands and pressed as deeply into him as she could. Paul held her tight with his legs as she pumped her load into him with short shuddering thrusts.
“Holy shit” she groaned through the climax. She collapsed onto him and rolled off, panting for breath. “That was the most incredible… I never… Holy shit.” Sarah was at a loss for words.
Paul was catching his breath as well. “You’re telling me.” He said “I’ve never felt anything like that.” He sat up “And now I really have to pee.” He said, getting out of bed.
“It’s important to pee after sex.” Sarah mumbled, breathlessly staring at the ceiling.
Paul padded his way back to the bathroom. As he neared the door, he felt something wet leaking out of him. He rushed to the toilet and sat down. A glob of Sarah’s cum had dribbled out onto his labia and down the side of his thigh. He wiped it off with a bit of toilet paper. He hoped they were right about her shooting blanks.
He peed, wiped, and washed his hands. By the time he got back to bed Sarah was already fast asleep. The sex had taken a lot out of her. Paul gently shook her shoulder “Hey, Sarah.” He said, trying to get her attention “Hey, wake up. We still need to change back.”
“Ugh” Sarah groaned, squeezing her eyes shut. “Can’t we do it in the morning? I’m so tired, I don’t think I could even make the magic work.” She complained.
Paul was tired too, he let out a yawn as he considered it. “Alright, I guess. But don’t forget, okay?”
“Okay.” Sarah said with her eyes closed, falling back asleep.
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Helicopters and Towel Racks | KINKY KUFFS Chapter 3
After the shower, while they were toweling off, Paul remembered another penis trick. “Hey Sarah, check this out.” He began gyrating his hips in a circular motion. His penis flopped a bit and then began to spin. It spun around and around in a crude circle. “Helicopter dick.” He said with pride, holding his tempo steady.
Sarah gasped “Oh my god! It’s mesmerizing.” She stared at his display for a while. “I want to try!” She shook her hips which made her dick slap from side to side against her thighs. Then she wiggled the other way, causing her dick to bounce up and down, slapping her belly. She tried doing both at the same time, but it didn’t sync up right and her penis just waggled all over the place. She pursed her lips in determination.
“You can sort of cheat by wiggling the base of the shaft with your fingers.” Paul offered, giving her a demonstration. “This is how I had to do it at first.” He rested his hands on his stomach, his fingers reaching down towards the base of his dick, nudging in a circular motion.
“You’ve practiced this a lot?” Sarah asked while trying to mimic his technique.
“I had an awkward adolescence.” He stared into the mirror for a moment, still absentmindedly spinning his meat “Oh, I remembered something else.” He put his towel over his shoulder. “But you have to be hard.”
“Sounds good to me. Do you want to help?” Sarah asked, offering her crotch towards him. Paul stepped closer and took her dick in his hand. He ran his fingers from the base to the tip and back down, curling his hand around the shaft and pulling it slowly up and down. Sarah tilted her head back and sighed. She already loved the feeling of growing hard.
“And then you hang a towel on it.” Paul said, draping his towel over her rod. It dangled nearly to the floor, hanging like a curtain off her penis.
“I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this one before” Sarah said, looking down at herself. “Guys love to hang things on their dicks. I think I get it now, it feels… strangely satisfying.” Her dick flexed and it made the towel bounce. “Whoa, when I do a kegel it makes my dick flex.”
“It's the muscle you flex to stop peeing.” Sarah explained. “It also makes my lady-parts clench.” She added, bouncing the towel again. “This is so wild.” She looked back up at Paul “So what kind of sex-stuff were you going to show me?” She asked, letting the towel slip to the floor. They both stood naked facing each other, she was rock-hard.
“How about a blowjob?” Paul asked, raising his eyebrows.
“That sounds fantastic. I’m glad you suggested it, I wasn’t sure if you were super into this.”
“Well, I am bi.” Paul said “This won’t be my first time sucking dick.” Paul dropped to his knees in front of Sarah and leaned back onto his heels. He reached his hands around her thighs and pulled her closer to his face, opening his mouth for her. She slipped the tip of her cock past his lips and rested her hands against his shoulders. Paul slid her dick further into his mouth, inching his lips towards the base of her cock.
Sarah moaned “Oh my god, that feels amazing!” She pushed further into him, but he was already having to crane his neck awkwardly; she stood on her toes but she couldn’t hold it. “We should move to the bed, we can sixty-nine.” She suggested, pulling back gently.
Paul let her dick flop out of his mouth with a soft ‘pop’, and stood up. They hurried from the steamy bathroom, through the cold house, back into their warm bed. Between sleeping in and their shower antics it was already past noon. Sarah curled up against Paul under the covers and he ran his hands over her, warming her up. They shivered together for a few moments, hands fondling each other under the sheets, until they were both ready to pick up where they left off.
Sarah climbed on top of Paul and turned around, positioning her crotch over his face and her face over his dick. Paul opened his lips and took her dick back into his mouth as Sarah did the same. Her vagina was right by his nose, he could taste it on his upper lip.
Paul took her cock deeper into his mouth, and pulled back slowly, running his tongue along her dick, tracing around the head, and then plunging down again.
Sarah gasped through her nose and closed her eyes. The feeling reminded her of someone sucking on her clit, but now her clit felt huge, filling his entire mouth. She pressed deeper into Paul’s mouth with her hips, pushing into the back of his throat until his nose was pressed against her pussy, and then pulling back so he could breathe. She began to bob her head in time with Paul.
After they got into a rhythm Paul reached his hand around her thigh and began probing her pussy with a finger, teasing the entrance.
Sarah moaned onto his cock and started sucking faster. She could feel the tingle of an orgasm building behind her dick already. The added feeling of his fingers took her to the brink. She brought her own hand down his calf and along his thigh, running her fingers up between his legs and towards his ass. She traced her index finger around his butt hole, pressing softly against it. Paul started to tense up, he was about to cum himself, she could feel his dick swelling in her mouth. She pushed her head down all the way and made little circles with her finger. Paul ejaculated, which caused Sarah to climax as well. She sucked down his cum as she felt her own load burst out of her and into his mouth.
Paul choked a bit “I wasn’t expecting anything to come out.” He said, wiping a dribble off his chin. “I mean, you don’t have balls.”
“Right?” Sarah said. “I should have warned you. I, uh, played with myself in the bathroom right after the change, and sort of made a mess.” She admitted sheepishly “I cleaned it up though.”
Paul chuckled. “I figured you were probably doing something like that. I mean, it’s what I would have done. You gotta test it out.”
“Yeah, you know, make sure it works.” She thought about it for a moment. “I doubt I could get anyone pregnant though. I don’t think I can make sperm without testicles.”
“Maybe we should get a test or something to find out for sure. You wouldn’t want to accidentally impregnate yourself.”
“Well I don’t intend on keeping it that long. I’ll just be careful not to jizz inside myself.” She said with some sarcasm. They lay in bed for a while longer, holding each other. Her stomach grumbled.
“Hungry?” Paul asked “Because I’m starving.” He hadn’t eaten all day either and it was nearly mid-afternoon.
“Yes, very hungry. We still haven’t finished unpacking the kitchen. Want to order something?”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll look up some place that delivers here.” He said, breaking their embrace to reach for his phone.
While Paul poured over menus and reviews Sarah got out of bed. She stretched her arms, catching her reflection in the bedroom mirror. She stared at herself for a moment. Standing naked in the cold bedroom. Her nipples were hard and crinkly, goosebumps standing out on her breasts. Her dick had shriveled up in the cold, still drying from Paul’s mouth. She cupped her cold bits, pressing in a bit. In the mirror she looked like a regular woman covering her crotch, you would never know she was hiding a dick. She tilted a bit to check the illusion.
“I told you the mangina was fun.” Paul said from the bed. Sarah blushed as she realized he had been watching her.
She flopped down on the bed next to him “So what did you order?”
“Pizza, it should be here in about 30 minutes.” Paul said. He was laying on his back in the center of the bed, looking at the confirmation email on his phone.
Sarah felt good after her first blowjob, but she was still feeling frisky. She climbed on top of Paul, straddling him at the hips, holding herself up with her hands on his chest. “So what are your plans for the next half-hour?” She asked playfully.
Paul put down his phone and looked up at her “As much as I would love to fool around some more, I don’t think either of us will be ready again for at least 20 minutes.”
“Oh yeah?” Sarah said, looking down between her legs. Paul followed her gaze and saw that her dick was already getting hard again.
“Oh, well that’s just unfair.” Paul said
Sarah leaned forward and grabbed the fuzzy pink handcuffs from the nightstand. “We could use these to even the odds, get you hard again.”
Paul was wary of the handcuffs after the events of last night, but he also wanted more sex. Sarah grinded pleadingly on his limp dick, offering the handcuffs, she felt hot and wet against him.
He took the handcuffs and put them on, holding his arms above his head. “Alright, let’s do this.” he said.
Sarah grabbed the chain in the middle and pressed it to the bed just above his head. She re-positioned herself above him and looked into his eyes. Paul felt a brief shudder of powerless excitement run through him. “Get really fucking hard.” she commanded.
Paul accepted immediately. He felt a tingle run down from his wrists through his arms and his whole body stiffened like a board. Sarah worried for a moment something had gone wrong, then she felt his dick hardening against her rear.
“Oh my god” Paul moaned, relaxing his muscles. His penis was absolutely rigid, firm and stiff with pulsing veins. He had never felt so hard in his life.
Sarah reached between her legs and positioned the tip of his penis at the opening of her pussy. She was still horny from the blowjob, and commanding Paul had really turned her on. She leaned back onto his cock and it slid in with almost no resistance. “Oh my god, you feel so big” she said, easing down onto his shaft, steadying herself with her hands on his chest.
“I know. It must be the magic, I-” Paul was cut off by a shuddering orgasm. The handcuffs had brought him to the brink of climax and all it took was one pump for him to blow his load. He flexed and groaned under her. Sarah watched him cum with satisfaction.
“Don’t go soft on me now” She said, beginning to ride him.
At first Paul felt spent, but as she started riding him a curious thing happened, it started to feel good again, and he was still hard. Before he knew it he was building up to another orgasm.
Sarah moved to supporting herself with one hand, with the other she began jerking herself off. It was good before, but this made it excellent. She pumped her shaft in time with bouncing on Paul’s dick, until he came again. As Paul gasped from his second orgasm it pushed her over the edge as well. They both moaned in climax; her cum pumped out onto Paul’s chest.
“Oh, uh, sorry about that.” Sarah mumbled, climbing off and flopping down on the bed beside him. “That was…” She trailed off blissfully.
“...Incredible” Paul finished, lying breathless on the bed. He didn’t even care about the cum on his chest. Sarah passed him a tissue and he began cleaning himself off.
“I should get dressed.” Sarah said, getting out of bed and putting on her clothes. “Pizza will be here soon.” Her dick fit comfortably in a fresh pair of panties; there was a bit of a bulge but nothing a pair of jeans wouldn’t hide.
Paul’s dick was hard as ever.
The doorbell chimed. A moment later Sarah opened the door, revealing a man holding a pizza “Welcome to the neighborhood” he said, offering her the pizza. “You must be my new neighbors.”
“Oh, I thought you were the pizza guy, we just ordered-”
“I am the pizza guy” He clarified. “But I also live across the street” He gestured to a duplex one house down on the opposite side of the road.
“Nice to meet you.” Sarah said, passing the pizza to Paul, who was standing strategically behind the sofa. “We don’t know anyone around here, the only reason we moved here is because I got a promotion” Sarah said as she signed the receipt and passed it back.
“Congratulations!” He took the receipt and shook her hand. Then he offered his hand to Paul.
Paul just stood behind the sofa, holding the pizza, faking a smile. He did kind of a half-wave with his free hand and nodded his head.
The pizza guy half-waved back “Well... have a nice night.” And left.
Paul put the pizza on the table and went to get plates. Sarah took a seat, and as Paul was walking back, she noticed his fly was open and his dick was sticking straight out.
“Oh my god, Paul, you’re still hard!” She had been in a rush to get to the door and hadn’t noticed.
“Uhh, yeah. I’m not sure how long this will last, but if he’s still standing after pizza, we might have to do something.”
After pizza they went back to the bedroom. Paul stripped naked and laid on the bed, his dick still standing at full attention, and starting to turn purple. Sarah got the handcuffs and knelt on the bed beside him.
“It shouldn’t be too difficult to reverse, right? I’ll just command you to go soft.” Sarah said, clicking the fuzzy pink cuffs around Paul’s wrists.
“I sure hope so. I have a job interview tomorrow, I think they might notice if I walk in like this” Paul said, with a nod towards his rigid penis.
Sarah grabbed it and started rubbing “Well I won’t let that happen.” She said, pumping his rod with stalwart determination.
At first, it didn’t feel great for Paul. He’d been hard for over an hour, swollen to the point of soreness. And while he was erect, he wasn’t particularly aroused, which made the stimulation feel vaguely irritating. Sarah straddled one of his legs and leaned over him for a better angle, giving him a good view down her shirt in the process.
As she redoubled her efforts, Paul began to get into it “Yeah, just like that.” He said, tensing his legs.
Sarah smiled, picking up the tempo a little. Having a dick of her own had taken some of the mystery out of handjobs. She reached her other hand over to grab the chain of the handcuffs and gave the command: “Let your dick go limp.” She said, still rubbing.
Paul felt a faint tingle in his wrists, but it faded before he could do anything about it. “Something went wrong.” He said “The tingle went away.”
Sarah tried again, more forceful this time “Make your dick soft.” She commanded. The tingle surged back into his wrists but vanished just as quickly; he didn’t have a chance to take it in.
Paul shifted a bit in frustration, trying to get comfortable. He couldn’t seem to focus in on the commands, and his failures were impacting his arousal. Sarah could tell he was struggling. She thought back through the instructions that had come with the handcuffs; one of the examples stuck out in her memory.
“Grow a wet pussy” She commanded Paul.
Next chapter:
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Sword Fight | KINKY KUFFS Chapter 2
“I think I need a minute.” Sarah said, excusing herself to the bathroom.
“I don’t blame you” Paul said. He straightened up the boxes and tidied the sheets in a bit of a daze. He was tired and honestly still pretty horny. Something about holding her dick really stuck with him, the way it twitched when he slid his finger into her. He laid back on the bed and began jerking off.
In the bathroom Sarah was doing something similar. That wasn’t her plan at first, but in the process of inspecting herself one thing had lead to another. Now she was pumping her new shaft with the best handjob technique she could muster. It felt strangely familiar to being penetrated, but at the same time completely different. The tip of her dick felt sort of like a big clit, but with her urethra in the middle. When she squeezed the shaft it made the good-ache of arousal even stronger.
She watched herself in the mirror as she worked up a rhythm. The good feelings kept building until suddenly she climaxed, almost unexpectedly. As the waves of pleasure rolled over her it caused her dick to spasm, shooting milky-clear fluid all over the bathroom sink. The feeling of the orgasm forcing it out of her was deeply satisfying, she almost felt dizzy.
As the orgasm receded she was struck by the significance of what just happened. She hadn’t expected to ejaculate like that, especially without balls. She examined the fluid thoroughly, wiping a pearly glop from the tip of her dick. It looked a lot like semen, but there was something off about the consistency, less stringy or something. She looked around at the mess, there sure was a lot of it; though no more than other ejaculations she had seen. She stood naked for a moment, appreciating the splatters, feeling an odd mix of pride and guilt. Then she began cleaning up.
Partway through cleanup, after her dick had gone completely soft, she realized that she really had to pee. She briefly considered standing at the toilet, but taking into account the mess she had already made, decided on a safer approach. She jumped into the shower and cautiously pointed her member at the drain on the other side of the tub. She took a deep breath and relaxed her bladder, springing a stream from her dick that arced across the bath, landing directly into the shower drain. Sarah couldn’t help but smile.
After she finished cleaning up she decided to take a shower. By the time she got back to bed Paul was already fast asleep. She considered waking him up to try changing back but she was tired and he looked so peaceful. They had all of Sunday to figure it out.
Paul woke up with an unusual pressure against his lower back and Sarah’s arm around him. He rolled onto his back, waking her up.
She looked up at him sleepily, her head now resting on his chest, and said “Hey.” When Paul looked down to respond he couldn’t help but notice her dick stiffening against his thigh. Sarah saw where Paul was looking and snickered. “Morning wood.”
Seeing her dick so close to his made it easier for Paul to gauge their relative size. His was smaller, but not by much, hers just looked huge on her smaller body.
“What’s the matter?” Sarah asked, noticing his interest.
“It's just a big surprise is all.” he explained.
“You’re telling me! Yesterday I had my genitals magically reconstructed by a housewarming gift, and now I’m waking up to this.” She said, grabbing her dick. It felt good when she grabbed it. She was nice and hard.
“Good point, I can’t even imagine what that must be like. You’re probably eager to get back to normal.” Paul guessed, reaching for the handcuffs, “I assume these will work the same as last time.”
Sarah paused. Now that it was the morning her situation seemed less severe. Honestly she liked the idea of playing with her dick more, I mean, there was a reason the magic worked, right? Each command had felt like an invitation and this was one she had accepted.
“Actually, I was thinking maybe we could wait until the afternoon to do that.” Sarah said shyly “I kinda wanna try this out.” She added, wiggling her stiffy.
“Like, right now?” Paul asked, trying to play it cool. Last night had got him worked up and he was already excited for more.
“Uh sure. But first I need to pee again.” She said, rolling out of bed. The house was cold so she stepped quickly to the bathroom, which caused her dick to bounce up and down hilariously. It was a little uncomfortable, but it also felt oddly sexy, and a little embarrassing, but more than anything she had to pee.
In the bathroom she ran into her first problem. The toilet was on the floor but her dick was stubbornly pointed the other direction. She tried to press it down, at first it felt kind of nice but before it was close to pointing at the bowl it started to hurt, she couldn’t press it any lower. She couldn't think of a better idea in the moment so she hopped into the shower again.
In the shower she pressed it down as far as it would go and tried to pee, but nothing came out. She tried harder and a jet of piss shot straight out and splattered between the shower faucets. After the initial burst the stream calmed down as her dick softened. That was interesting. She decided to take another shower.
Paul walked in as she was adjusting the water “How was your first time peeing with an erection?” He asked.
“I didn’t get any on the ceiling, so I’m going to call it a success.”
“Pro-tip: bend at the hips. Do you mind if I join you?” Paul asked, stepping further into the bathroom.
“Not at all. You can show me how to clean this thing.” She stuck a hand past the curtain and beckoned him in.
Paul took off his boxers and stepped into the shower. The water was hot and Sarah had her head right in the stream, wetting her hair. He watched the rivulets of water streaming down her hair, over her breasts and nipples, along her stomach and down her legs; a little flowing over her limp dick and dribbling off the tip. Her eyes were closed and her hands were rubbing her scalp. She was beautiful.
Sarah opened her eyes to get the shampoo “Oh hey, you have morning wood now too.” Paul shifted awkwardly “This is just a regular erection.”
“I know.” Sarah laughed “I’m just teasing you.” She finished applying the shampoo and handed Paul her loofa and soap “Here, you can clean me off if you like.” She loved it when they washed each other.
Paul sudsed up the loofa and began washing her back, starting at the shoulders and working down to her ankles. He stood behind her as she conditioned and washed her sides, stomach, and breasts. He cupped her sudsy breasts in his hands and nibbled her neck playfully. Sarah could feel his erection against her lower back and leaned into it, her own cock beginning to stiffen as well. When she turned around to rinse her hair, her boner bumped against his. Paul wiggled his hips, slapping their dicks together, back and forth.
“Sword fight!” Paul declared. Sarah cracked up.
“Oh my god! Is that a thing?” She asked through a fit of laughter.
“Yeah, I mean, I’ve heard of it before.”
“What are other penis things we can try? I want to get the full experience.” Sarah said eagerly, still giggling about their duel.
“What, like writing your name in the snow? or, like, sex-stuff?” Paul wasn’t sure what to say. He had some things in mind, but he wasn’t sure if she was ready or even wanted to.
“All of it. What else can we do in the shower?” She briefly glanced around for anything obvious. She grabbed her loofa and hung it from her rod like a christmas ornament. “Eh? What do you think?”
“Oh my god, it looks like you have bright-neon loofa balls.”
She adjusted herself for accuracy and put on a macho stance “You like what you see?” She asked, in her best man-voice. She looked and sounded intentionally ridiculous.
Now Paul was cracking up too “That’s a new one for me.” He paused to consider her question “Well, there’s the classic ‘mangina’, but I’m not sure that would hold much novelty for you.” He hunched over to demonstrate, tucking his junk between his legs, holding his knees together, and standing up a bit. “See, it looks like I’ve got a vagina.” He said, working to keep his balance with his legs together.
Sarah smiled “Yeah, that’s not something I ever had to work at.” She said. Paul posed for her as best he could while remaining tucked.
Sarah got a mischievous look in her eye “You know, I could probably make that easier for you.” She said, gesturing at his mangina.
“Oh, uh, like with the handcuffs?” Paul asked hesitantly.
Sarah was amused by how serious he was taking it “I was just kidding. But yeah, if you want.”
“I’m happy with my body” Paul said a bit defensively, untucking himself.
“Well so was I before you told me to grow a dick. And now I’m kinda glad you did. I’ve got to try so many new things; it’s fun.”
“I’ll think about it.” Paul said.
Next chapter:
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Sarah’s Penis | KINKY KUFFS Chapter 1
That’s what it said on the box: KINKY KUFFS, all caps, pink fuzzy lettering, cuffs spelled with a ‘k’. The box lay in a small sea of packing peanuts, inside a larger Amazon box that Paul had just opened.
“I thought Amazon stopped using packing peanuts years ago.” Sarah said, peeking over his shoulder.
“Yeah, that’s what makes this weird.” Paul said sarcastically. “What’s up with this lettering; are these a joke?” He turned the box around looking for any other writing.
“I bet they’re fuzzy handcuffs, probably a gag gift.” Sarah said, rummaging through the styrofoam for something else to justify such a large box. She found a single sheet of paper at the bottom, stuck to some packing tape from the opposite side.
She carefully removed the paper from the box, it was blank except for a single line in all-caps at the top: PLEASE ENJOY THIS HOUSEWARMING GIFT.
“It says they’re a housewarming gift.” Sarah said, perplexed.
“This must be a prank from one of your new coworkers. A bit inappropriate.” Said Paul.
“It could be from a neighbor, or one of our friends. Besides, we haven’t even opened it yet, it could be anything.” Sarah said, reaching for the box. She opened one end and dumped the contents onto the table: A bright pink pair of fuzzy handcuffs and a folded paper pamphlet.
Paul scowled and started reading the pamphlet. “They come with some kind of roleplay suggestions. It’s listed in like 5 different languages.” He said, flipping through the flimsy paper.
“Well let’s try them out.” Sarah said, toying with the handcuffs.
“Seriously?” Paul asked, lowering the pamphlet.
“We are about to go to bed anyway, and all our other things are still in boxes.” She clicked the handcuffs open and closed a few times “I don’t know, I think it could be fun.” She offered them to Paul.
“So, I guess that makes me the warden?” Paul asked.
“This time at least.” Sarah said with a wry grin.
In the bedroom Sarah narrated the pamphlet while Paul inspected the handcuffs. “Kinky Kuffs™ Magic Love Handcuffs.“
“Magic huh?” Paul said. “I bet that’s marketing-talk for ‘doesn’t lock’. These things don’t even have a keyhole, just a release. You can even reach it with the same hand.” He demonstrated by locking one wrist and trying to spring the lever by stretching his fingers.
“Have fun with that. ‘Directions: 1. Restrain your lover.’ Hey Paul, we’re halfway there.” Sarah said, Paul scoffed and continued trying to open the handcuffs one-handed. “‘2. Stimulate your lover.’ I like where this is going.”
“The really kinky ones lock you up and skip that step.”
“‘3: Your lover must do any sexy thing you command (within consent)’ and that’s it. Seems simple enough.” Sarah said as she folded up the pamphlet.
“Got it!” Paul said, finally unlatching the handcuff. “I think that might be a bad translation; the last step hardly made sense. Is that all it says?”
“There are some suggestions further down, but I don’t want spoilers. I’ll leave those to you.” She glanced at the pamphlet again “Oh and on the back it says ‘Magic requirements: Lust, Desire’, whatever that means.”
“Sounds kinda kooky. Should be fun though; I’ve always thought handcuffs were hot.” Paul said, lighting a candle and turning off the lights.
“Really?” Sarah asked. “I thought holding me down made you uncomfortable.”
“Oh, that’s just because I’m worried about hurting you.” Paul explained. “But that should be less of a problem with these.” He held up the fuzzy pink cuffs “They’re actually pretty soft on the inside.”
Sarah was a little incredulous of Paul’s enthusiasm for bondage, but he did seem to be excited, and it was something she was interested in too. She let down her hair and slipped off her socks “Well then why don’t you show me?” She asked, giving him her best come-hither expression.
Paul grinned, he loved her weird sex-face. He reached his arm around to the small of her back, pulling her into an embrace. She looked up at him and he looked down into her eyes, their noses nearly touched. His arm slipped up the back of her shirt, tracing her spine. He leaned down to kiss her as his palm reached mid-back. His other hand reached down to undo her belt and pants.
Sarah broke the kiss and started undoing the buttons on Paul’s shirt in kind. Meanwhile he finished pulling down the zipper on her jeans and reached up to unhook her bra. After unhooking the clasp his hands glided down her sides and pulled at the waist of her pants, she wiggled her hips to help them slide off. Before she could finish with the buttons on his shirt, Paul grabbed her hands by the wrists and guided them over her head. He pulled off her shirt and bra, tossing them aside, and pushed her backwards onto the bed. Then he grabbed her jeans by the loose fabric around her thighs and pulled them off as well.
Paul stood over her as he finished unbuttoning his shirt and pants. Sarah was on her back, on the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of black boyshorts. As he stripped he started getting into character. “So you thought you could break in here and steal all our stuff, huh?” He said, gesturing at their bedroom full of boxes from the move.
“Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it if I hadn’t stayed to label them with oddly specific categories.” Sarah said, straining to hold a straight face.
“Well I’m glad you did, because now I get to teach you a lesson.” He said, spinning the handcuffs around on one finger. He was down to just his underwear now as well, a healthy bulge filling out the front of his boxers. “Also, it will make putting all this back way easier.” he added, failing repress a dumb grin.
He got on at the head of the bed and pulled her closer, stroking and kissing her. She lost track of the handcuffs, and then they were on her, tightening around her wrist. She offered her other hand and Paul locked it up as well, grasping the chain by the middle to hold her arms above her head. In his fist he also held the pamphlet open to the suggestions, which he read as he knelt over her. With his other hand he stroked her gently, moving his fingers over her breast as he read the first suggestion.
“Bark like a dog.” He said, reading from the paper.
“Ah.” Sarah sighed, she felt a tingle run from her wrists down her arms. She hadn’t expected the handcuffs to shock her; she tried to remember if it was mentioned in the manual but she could feel his command tug her mind back, she wanted to hear the other suggestions, and barking like a dog didn’t fit the scene “Sorry, I’m not in a bitchy mood.” She said, pulling playfully at the cuffs. The tingle dissipated with a shudder, sending goosebumps all the way down to her toes. Her nipples crinkled and perked up.
Paul was a little irritated she wasn’t playing along, but he could tell it was having an effect on her, maybe she wanted more force? He pushed back hard against the chain, pinning her hands to the headboard with one arm. With his other hand he gently squeezed her nipple, eliciting an excited gasp. Paul tried to sound dark and authoritative as he read the next suggestion “Grow a wet pussy.” He said, pretending it was something sexy he would say.
“Way ahead of you.” Sarah flirted. She felt another tingle run down her arms and deep into her guts. She lifted her knees and let them fall apart “See for yourself.” She said, tilting her pelvis towards him. She felt hot and tense, her face flushed; a warm tightness flowed out from below her stomach. Her breathing became quick and light.
Paul’s hand made its way down her chest, over her stomach and under the edge of her panties. His fingers pressed into her, gently stroking down. She was very wet. Paul brushed his fingers by her clit and Sarah let out a soft moan “What’s the next suggestion?” She asked, ready for more.
Paul squinted at the paper and made a face “I think we should make up our own. These read like a bad translation, and this next one couldn't work for you anyway.”
“What’s it say?” She asked, half lost in the feeling of his fingers.
“Grow a big dick.” Paul said nervously. Sarah came almost immediately. Her legs tensed and her stomach contracted like she was doing a situp. She let out a long involuntary moan. Paul kept rubbing, confused and aroused by her sudden reaction. Under his fingers her clit started to swell, more and more by the second. Sarah gasped and closed her legs.
“Too sensitive.” She murmured, pulling away from his hand and beginning to tremble. Paul was getting concerned. He let go of the chain and got off the bed to turn the lights back on, tripping over a box of ‘bedroom:summer sheets’ on the way.
By the time the lights were back, Sarah was beginning to recover. She was laying on her back, knees up and parted slightly, both her handcuffed hands cupped between her legs.
“Are you okay?” Paul asked, more than a little concerned.
“I think so.” Sarah said, unsure. The whole event had happened so fast, it took a moment to process it all. Paul had told her to grow a dick and the tingle came rushing back, as soon as she accepted the tingling she had a massive orgasm. But it wasn’t like other orgasms, it kept going, rolling through her and pulsing into her clit. And then Paul’s fingers had been way too much, as the pulses grew closer together it became a constant sensation; it felt almost like a slow stretch, like soaking in a hot bath. It dulled slightly as the tingling faded away. She lifted her hands and saw the massive bulge in her boyshorts. It was large enough to push up the waistband, but not enough for her to get a good look. Her heart began to race as she took it all in.
“Oh my god!” Paul exclaimed, bewildered. For a moment he was in shock, and then he narrowed his eyes “Hold on. Is this a prank? I mean first the handcuffs, and then the weird instructions. Are you messing with me?” He glanced around for signs of a setup.
“What? No!” Sarah was fighting to hold back tears. “Fucking look at me.” She said, pulling down her underwear. Her dick flopped out against her thigh, happy to be free. “I don’t know how it happened but this is real.” She said with tears in her eyes.
Paul moved cautiously back to the bed. He leaned in and began to visually examine Sarah’s crotch.
“Could you undo these handcuffs?” Sarah asked with a sniffle “I need a tissue.” Paul released her and put the cuffs on the nightstand. He watched her penis with suspicion as she got up and blew her nose. It looked real alright, and frankly a little intimidating; even soft it was big.
“Do you want to touch it?” She asked, noticing his interest. “Would that put your mind at ease?” Honestly she hoped he would say yes because she was a little nervous to touch it herself.
Paul leaned over and extended his hand, cupping her dick in his palm. It was warm and soft, like a regular dick. He lifted it gently as it began to stiffen in his hand. Sarah watched between her breasts, transfixed. Under her dick the rest of her pussy appeared to be intact.
“It looks like you still have a vagina.” Paul said “Like, right under your, uh, penis.” That was somewhat comforting news to Sarah; she hadn’t even considered having balls. “Is it okay if I...?” Paul asked hesitantly, making a fingering gesture towards her crotch.
“Sure.” Sarah said “But be gentle.” She was still incredibly wet from earlier but also very sensitive. Paul put a hand under her shaft and lifted it up against her stomach, out of the way. It was starting to get hard, the tip nearly reaching to her bellybutton. The erection stirred up a bit of that good-ache slow-stretch feeling again. Sarah widened her stance a bit and tilted her pelvis towards him. Paul gently inserted his middle finger into her vagina, moving carefully and slow.
“It seems about the same as before, to me at least.” Paul said.
“It feels the same to me too.” Sarah said. Paul removed his finger and she stepped back. She took few deep breaths, trying to process the situation.
Paul scratched his head “This is just all so weird. When I read the command I thought it was a poor translation for ‘Get an erection.’”
“Well, I mean, look what happened.” Sarah said with a half-smile.
“Yeah, but. Wow, this is just a lot to take in.” He shook his head “Magic is real.”
“Yeah.” Sarah said “And I have a dick.”
Next Chapter:
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Three Rings
Content Warning: forced transformation
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you realize you’re dreaming? I always wake up right after the realization, like the shock of it breaks the illusion. But this dream was different, backwards almost.
I can’t remember how it started, it was like my subconscious pulled my conscious mind into the dream at the moment of realization. My first memory is of saying “This is a dream?” right as it all clicked.
It made sense why I was confused, it was different than any dream I’d ever had before. It almost felt more real than being awake.
It was like all my senses perceived the area around me in perfect clarity; the colors and brush strokes of every painting along the walls, the smell of soap and stale blood lingering under a foreign perfume, the sweat on my own skin. Even my emotions felt heightened, I was afraid.
I was seated in some sort of tattoo chair, my arms and legs restrained with heavy straps. The parlor looked hygienic enough, but it was cluttered with pictures and objects from what must have been decades of use.
Standing over me was the person I intuitively understood to be my captor. We had just been talking, or so I felt, but I had no memory of the conversation.
I couldn’t tell their ethnicity or gender, I wasn’t even sure they were human. They had smooth pale skin with intensely blue eyes. Their ears came up to gentle points, and their hair was a shimmery white-gray, falling flat and straight like a cascade of liquid silver.
They were wearing some sort of long shirt over a pair of short pants, and every visible inch of skin was covered in tattoos and piercings. Most depicted things I had no understanding of. A bemused smirk lingered on their lips.
“Yes and no, you’ve crossed into the realm of night, the land of dreams.” They spoke in a lilting voice that was gratingly condescending.
“But this is a dream, like none of this is real?” I tried to clarify.
My captor let out a chirping laugh “This is very real for me, I live here. But no, we are not in your reality. You’ve been sentenced to a new one, I’m here to guide you there.” They stated matter-of-factly.
“Sentenced, what are you talking about?” I asked, pulling a little against the straps. I was held fast, but they weren’t uncomfortably tight.
“By the Court of Night, they reviewed a plea for justice and granted benefaction in the form of these three rings.” They explained, uncurling the long fingers of their hand to show me three polished golden rings.
“None of that makes sense.” I objected, struggling harder. “What are those rings for, and why am I tied down?”
They must have felt my rising panic, because their demeanor took a sudden shift “I’m so sorry, I didn’t intend to scare you. I know it can be disorienting when you first recover awareness. The rest of this dream will come back with time.” They closed their hand and looked me in the eye. Their irises were impossibly blue, like rings of deep sapphire gemstone. “These rings are attuned to your new reality, once they’re in place your body will adjust to fit.”
They looked to the side and I followed their gaze to a cluttered desk near the back, standing above the papers was a round glass bottle with a stoppered lid. It was filled with something that looked like water, but it gave off a soft pale light. The light cast a shifting mottled pattern that reminded me of the shadows cast by clouds.
“That bottle over there holds the memories and experiences that are missing from your mind.” They held up three slender fingers. “Mind, body, soul. You’re taking the place of yourself in this new reality, so the soul is constant. The rings align your body, and the bottle completes your mind. After that my duty is complete. I’ll escort you back to your body and you can wake up.”
They spelled out the whole process with a simple directness that felt designed to put me at ease. I tried to focus on the content of what they were telling me. “So you’ve got me tied down so you can put those rings on me?” I asked, balling my hands into fists.
The smirk came back to their face “In a sense. These are meant to be worn as piercings.” They said, stepping right up to me. They raised their hand and snapped their fingers. I instantly found myself completely naked.
Honestly I couldn’t remember what I’d been wearing before, dreams can be like that. But suddenly my attention was drawn to my complete lack of clothing. My dick and balls were clearly visible, and the restraints hindered any attempts at modesty. My discomfort seemed to amuse my captor.
“No need to feel shy. I’m a professional.” They lifted one ring from their palm and twisted it. The metal bent in their bare hands, splitting cleanly at the tension point into a sort of spiral shape.
They affixed a hollow needle to one end of the twisted ring. “This is going to pinch a bit.” They warned me.
I balled my fists even tighter and tried to think of something to do or say, but all I could do was watch in shock. My captor moved too fast for me to do much else. In one motion they leaned over my chest, pinched my left nipple between two fingers, and ran the needle through it with their other hand. I felt an intense searing pinch, like stepping on a nail nipple first.
“Augh fuck!” I grunted, but they were absorbed by the task at hand and took no notice. They pulled the ring through and removed the needle, then bent the ring back into place, as effortlessly as bending a paperclip.
The moment the ring was back to its proper shape there was a flash of light, and the metal was whole again, an unbroken loop. At the same instant the pain disappeared, replaced at first with a numbness, and then a growing tingle.
The tingle spread from my nipple and down into my chest. It felt good, too good. Like a hot bath when you’re shivering cold; the shock of heat creates a blissful torture.
“Ooh, fuck.” I groaned and stretched my side. The discomfort was fading, but the pleasure kept building. Deep into my chest, along the muscles, back up through my pec, exploding from the tip of my nipple, where the slim golden ring dangled off me.
My nipple became stiff and swollen, growing larger than I’d ever seen it. As it firmed up, it gripped the ring harder, which intensified the erotic feeling shooting through my chest. My dick responded, stiffening and lengthening as the feeling became more intense.
The flesh under the piercing pulsed in time to my heart beat, swelling and shrinking. Like a rising tide, each swell came larger than the last, until my nipple rested atop a new mound of breast tissue.
“Ooooh…” I moaned as the euphoria waned. My cock was rock hard, and I had been pushed to the precipice of orgasm, but I had no way to stimulate myself over the edge. The ring was still filling me with warm tingles, but they didn’t have the same erotic energy as before.
I looked down at my chest and recoiled at the sight. The right side of my chest looked the same as before, but the left had been transformed. My pec had been replaced with what looked like a woman’s breast. Hairless and bulbous, with a thick erect nipple—the golden ring pierced through the base.
The force of my reaction caused my chest to jiggle. The difference in density between flesh and gold caused the ring to tug a little with each change in direction. “What are you doing to me?” I wailed.
“Preparing you for your new reality.” They replied calmly, moving to my other side. “Your body is quite different there.” They prepared the next ring as they talked, showing little interest in our conversation.
“And in this new reality I’m a woman?” I asked, trying to make sense of what was happening to me.
“It’s a reality where you were born with a very different body.” They said as they pierced my second nipple. There was a brief pause as they fixed the ring and I squirmed in pain. “These rings are enchanted to adjust your self-image.”
“What does that mean?” I asked, still determined to get some answers. My head was fuzzy from the new burst of erotic energy. My dick was leaking precum, but I still hadn’t reached climax. The intense feelings in my chest were holding me at the edge.
“The way you see yourself in your mind’s eye, how you appear in dreams, your subconscious awareness of your own body.” They walked around to stand between my legs.
“Wait, wait, wait!” I pleaded. “Do we need to be in such a rush?” I was stalling for time, but I also wanted more information.
They paused and considered my plea “I guess we have a little time to talk.” Their piercing blue eyes met mine again. Suddenly it became very difficult to think of what to say. There was too much pressure, and my mind was foggy from the disorienting effects of the rings.
“Why does it feel so good?” I blurted out. It was the biggest question on my mind, but it felt too embarrassing to talk about.
A wry smile briefly crossed their lips “The rings are attuned to your new reality. Self-image is built on experiences and sensation; what you’re feeling is years of sensation all rushing into your mind at once. The enchantment dulls the pain, but the pleasure all comes through.” They stated, like it made everything clear.
They resumed the task at hand. I sat in a panicked silence, trying to think of another question as they prepared the final ring.
“This is a dream though, couldn’t you just snap your fingers and change my body?” I asked, doing my best to think through the haze.
“Yes and no. I could change how you look in this dream, but it would cease the moment you wake up. These change your very concept of self.” They said, gesturing with the last gold ring. “Close your eyes and picture yourself on the beach.” They asked me.
As nervous as I was to close my eyes with them so close to me, I didn’t feel like it was a trick. Even if it was, I was at their mercy regardless. I closed my eyes and pictured myself on the beach.
The waves were crashing on the shore. I was barefoot in the sand. My swim trunks were damp from saltwater, and my top was clinging to my breasts. Wait, that’s not right, I swim shirtless. That made me think about people looking at me, seeing my chest.
“Do you understand now?” They asked me. I opened my eyes, they were placing the needle onto the last ring.
“Where are those thoughts coming from? I don’t think like that.” I stammered, coming up with another question.
“That’s exactly how you think now that you’ve absorbed some of the experiences from your new reality. The rings don’t really change your physical body, they change your self-image. It’s that shift that changes the body of your dream-self.”
I tried not to panic, but I found their explanation very unsettling. I tried to imagine myself with my chest as I remembered it, and it came to mind just fine. Masculine and broad, covered in coarse hair, little bumpy nipples. But it was a memory, like remembering my last haircut.
When I looked down I was confronted with what my chest is now: round bulging breasts, virtually hairless, topped with wide tall nipples—each one gripping a slim golden ring with excited tissue.
I let out a groan of misery, imagining that happening to my dick, existing only as a memory. I looked at it, lifting my head a little to see over my breasts. The tip was almost purple with desire. I was still teetering on the edge of climax. If what they said was true, these could be our last moments together.
“Hey, I know this is a weird request, but is there any way you could help me cum just one more time before it’s gone?” I pleaded. My face must have been beet red in embarrassment. I wanted one more ejaculation to remember it by. And even if it was all just a dream, I really wanted to get off. The suspense was bordering on agony.
“Don’t worry, this will help.” They said, pinching a bit of the skin just under the head of my dick and piercing it in the same instant.
The burst of pain would have normally doused my arousal, but I was so close it was almost a turn-on. I prepared myself for what could be my last orgasm with my penis, as a flash united the final ring.
The tingling energy surged through me even more powerfully than before. It raced down my shaft and settled deep into my balls, making my cock twitch and ache.
The power pushed me even closer to climax, but at the same time it felt like the peak was getting higher. Meanwhile I could see my dick sinking lower, shrinking closer to my body. I craned my head to get a better look at what was happening to me.
My balls were pulled up tight to my body, and my dick was standing straight up, hard as a rock, but no larger than it used to be when flaccid.
The energy was flowing down into my pelvis too, causing the flesh to plump up on either side of my junk. It pushed my balls out, but it made my penis look even smaller.
The pleasure continued to build. I was well past the point where I would have usually shot my load. My hands gripped the padded armrests and my legs tensed. My cock began to twitch involuntarily, pulling on my balls with each contraction. It was like I was cumming, but my arousal was still building.
A particularly strong contraction lasted several seconds, and accompanied the sensation of warm honey flowing up from my balls. It happened twice more, filling me with immense satisfaction. It almost felt like a slow-motion ejaculation in reverse.
Each contraction caused my balls to shrink, until they completely vanished between the sides of my growing mound. Only my penis remained, poking straight out the top of the crack.
A moment later another pulse of contractions made my dick twitch and leak. My precum had become clear and copious, running down my shaft and pooling in my new crevice.
Each time my dick flexed, it pointed a little lower, and flexed a little less, until it was aiming straight down and no longer responded to the contractions.
The vision of my dick sinking away was heart wrenching, but the sensation was utterly orgasmic. Better than orgasmic, I never knew such pleasure was possible. Even though my dick had stopped responding to the clenching pulse, my orgasm kept going, rolling deep into my pelvic floor.
“Oh fuck!” I cried out, as I finally crested the peak. In that same moment I felt my dick come apart. The thin fleshy line that ran from the tip of my dick to the base of my balls unfused, splitting to form my inner lips.
I was too absorbed in the moment to take note of it at the time, but an awareness had blossomed in my mind not only of my new shape, but of my new anatomy. I understood that I no longer had a penis, I had a clitoris. I no longer had a scrotum, I had labia. Even if I looked away or closed my eyes, it wouldn’t have mattered. The change was happening inside my head.
At the absolute zenith of my orgasmic series I felt myself ejaculate. Just one little spurt of thin watery fluid, which promptly leaked down my butt.
I gasped for air, catching my breath after what felt like minutes of blissful torture. My pussy was drenched, and still humming with erotic energy, but it didn’t feel like it was building up to anything now.
I looked down at my crotch. All I could see from my seated position was the very top of my slit, with a little golden ring poking out to mark my clit. I leaned back with a resigned sigh. At least they were done sticking needles through me.
“I’ll remove the restraints now, you’ve been very good.” My captor told me, pressing a lever at the base of the chair with their foot. My hands and feet were suddenly freed.
I rubbed my wrists and looked around. “I guess I’m a woman now.” I grunted, stepping to my feet. I wobbled a bit on my still-shaky legs.
“That’s a question you must answer with your heart.” They told me as they walked over to the desk and retrieved the bottle of memories. “The rings will continue to change your body gradually, but this will hasten it greatly. As your mind absorbs the memories of your new reality, it molds your self-image directly.” They looked from the bottle back to me, and they studied my expression for a moment. “Whether or not you come to know yourself as a woman, you have lived a life as a man, secure and complete in your gender. There will always be that part of you in your mind.”
I could tell they were trying to help, but it only made me feel more confused. I nodded my head and reached for the softly glowing bottle. For a moment I thought about smashing it, even if they had a spell to undo it, I just wanted some way to rebel against this whole scheme.
They must have sensed something was up, because they pulled the bottle back before I could reach it and gave me a warning. “This bottle holds another person’s mind. Be very gentle with it. Once you begin drinking you must continue until you’ve ingested every drop. You can pause if you must, but I will not let you stop until it’s finished.”
They handed the bottle to me with great gravitas. It felt much lighter than I’d expected, as if it was empty. I looked at the mottled glowing water in the bottle and then back to my captor.
“What happens after I finish it?” I asked, feeling nervous about beginning something they wouldn’t let me stop.
“You will lose consciousness.” They answered simply, then continued. “You will dream the memories you’re about to ingest, and then you’ll wake up in your new reality.”
“So there will be another person in my head?” I asked. I didn’t understand how this double-memory situation could work.
“Just one person. One person with two sets of memories. In one you were sentenced to a new reality, in the other you asked for a dream of another life.” They explained. I still wasn’t sure what they were saying.
Seeing my blank stare they continued. “To the person in that bottle, your entire life, up to and including now, is a dream they are currently having.” I nodded and they went on “Once you ingest the memories, you will fall asleep, and you will have a dream that includes their entire life.” I nodded again, so far so good. “Once you wake up you will be one person with two memories of their life.” They finished.
I understood what they were telling me, at least in principle, but I couldn’t understand how that was different from two people sharing one body. I would have to see for myself. It didn’t seem like I had much choice in the matter.
I uncorked the bottle and took a deep breath. “I guess this is goodbye.” I told my captor. They just returned a thin smile.
I held the bottle to my lips and took a cautious sip. It tasted like nothing, like perfectly clear water, but it filled my head with feelings. Events, ideas, things I couldn’t process. It made my head swim, and filled me with a sort of intoxicated feeling.
The fluid trickled down my throat, and the energy from the rings surged. I was covered in a vaguely itchy sensation as nearly all my body hair vanished back into my skin.
“You must keep drinking.” My captor warned, not allowing me to get distracted. I put the bottle to my lips again for a deeper swallow.
This time I felt my hips swell with energy and begin to expand. They pushed outward, changing the shape of my pelvis and widening my stance. I stumbled a little, but regained my composure and took another drink.
This time my musculature rearranged itself, thinning my arms and bolstering my new hips. I could feel my center of gravity shift even further. Another gulp and all the fat on my body flowed into a curvier shape, filling in for lost muscle mass.
All the redistribution of weight made me stumble again, worse this time. I had to brace myself on the chair to remain standing. I wanted to stop drinking, the changes were too intense. I tried to put down the bottle but they grabbed my arm.
“You must keep drinking.” They repeated, much more forcefully this time. I complied, putting the bottle to my lips once more. They held it there for me as I chugged mouthful after mouthful.
My fingers grew slender, my feet shrunk down, my hair cascaded past my shoulders. Gulp after gulp I felt the shape of my new life take form in my mind, bending my image until I became a perfect copy.
I swallowed the last bit as I felt my throat tingle with energy. I knew I’d be asleep soon, or awake, or however it worked. I lowered the bottle and tried to open my mouth to speak, but I found myself falling backwards. My captor waved goodbye as they tilted out of view.
The world spun around me and everything went black. I collapsed onto a distant mattress, at home in my new life.
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redactedthegreat · 2 years ago
Big Dick Energy
The line in front of the women's restrooms always pisses me off. We all know women take longer in the bathroom, we all know half the population is female, and yet we put the same number of toilets in each room. Sometimes more in the men's room, if you count urinals.
One night, while out drinking, I reached a breaking point. I got up to go to the bathroom, and was confronted with a line at least eight women long.
"Fuck it" I muttered and walked straight into the men's room. I noticed a few odd looks from the women stuck in line, and a bit of surprise from the men inside; but I wasn't here to make a statement, I had business.
The men's room wasn't even close to capacity; most of the urinals were in use, but more than half the stalls were empty. I took one near the back and locked the door.
As I finished up, I couldn't help overhearing a hushed conversation happening in the stall next to mine. It was a wheelchair-accessible stall, all the way against the back wall. It sounded like a couple guys were using it for some sort of drug deal.
"How do I know it works?" The first guy said, barely above a whisper.
"You'll feel it right away, it's immediate." The second reassured him, more casually.
"Then I'll do it here, if it works I'll pay for it." The first guy bargained.
"No way, money first. It works, trust me." There was a brief lull in their conversation, I could only hear a faint shuffling of clothing.
At this point I was done with the stall, but I wasn't ready to leave yet. I wanted to hear what would happen next. I got dressed quietly, so I could be ready to leave in a hurry.
"Alright, here." the first guy said, as they exchanged goods. There was a brief pause, and then he asked even more quietly than before "So I just touch it with my dick?"
I had almost started to feel bad for listening in on a conversation that was clearly none of my business, but now I was curious. What the heck could they be talking about?
"Yeah bro." The second guy said, like it was the most normal thing in the world. "Just be quick the first time; some guys have a bad reaction, and you don't want to risk a big dose."
"Wait, bad reaction? You didn't say anything about that."
"I just did. It's super rare. Like, if you're allergic to peanuts, but you've never eaten a peanut-"
"Okay, I get it." The first guy cut him off. "Are we done here, or do you want to stay and watch?" He sounded annoyed.
"Easy with the attitude, I'll catch you later." The second guy said and left the stall. I could hear the remaining guy re-latch the door and begin fumbling with his belt.
I had a brief temptation to peek under the stall partition, just to see what was going on, but that curiosity was held back by multiple layers of disgust; not least of which was the condition of the bathroom floor.
“Oh fuck!” The guy suddenly shouted, and dropped something small on the floor. He bolted out of the stall and then out of the bathroom.
The dropped item bounced a few times and rolled into my stall, stopping just next to my shoe. It was a hexagonal crystal, about the size of my thumb, that tapered to a point at one end. It was mostly clear, but there was a cloudiness around a few edges.
I reached down to examine it and then paused. Was it really a good idea to touch strange crystals on the men’s room floor? Whatever, I’m going for it.
I picked it up with two fingers and held it to the light. It felt hard and dense, I was pretty sure it was just a rock. A slightly smelly rock, after its tumble on the floor, but otherwise mundane.
I washed and dried it with my hands and pocketed it on my way out. I got a few strange looks from the guys in the room, but it was the same as when I’d come in; confused why there’s a girl in here. I made a brisk exit, avoiding eye contact.
On the way back to my seat, I could overhear the voices from the bathroom talking again, it sounded like an argument.
“Well fine, I’ll give your money back, but you gotta give me the crystal first.” The second guy was saying.
I kept my head down, but I did steal a glance as I walked past. The second guy was looking the other way, but the first looked straight at me. I held eye contact with him casually, I didn’t want to look suspicious. He looked away and hurried into the bathroom. I kept walking calmly until I got to my stool at the bar.
“Care for another drink?” The bartender asked as I returned. Over his shoulder I could see the guy from the bathroom looking around, increasingly agitated.
“Actually I just want to pay my bill.” I said. I settled up at the register and took the subway home. I had been waiting to meet a friend who was running late, so I went to text her on the ride home, but I saw I already had two unread messages:
Amber: “Hey, sorry to cancel last minute but I have to work late” - “I’ll get the check next time”
Well that’s convenient. I texted back:
Me: “Don’t worry about it. I have a weird story for you, call me when you get off work.” I hit send. I spent the rest of the train ride skimming the internet for information about mysterious crystals.
The only illegal crystals I could find were drugs, and those would have dissolved in water when I washed it. As best as I could tell the thing in my pocket was a simple quartz crystal.
I got back to my apartment, locked the door and threw my coat on the hanger. It made a ‘clunk’ when the pocket bumped the wall. I was still a little drunk, and bored, and feeling adventurous; I pulled the crystal out of the pocket and looked at it again.
I didn’t have a dick, but I was pretty familiar with my clit, and that’s basically the same thing, right? I tilted the crystal and thought about what that would feel like. It didn’t seem terribly comfortable, but something about the rigid hardness and flat sides was interesting.
I ran my fingers over it, feeling the stone. Maybe it was all in my head, but I thought I could feel a buzzing sort of energy under the surface, like touching one of those plasma dome things at the science museum.
I pulled off my underwear and sat down on the couch. I swung one leg over the cushions and left the other on the floor, pulling up my skirt so I could see what I was doing. I lowered the prism tip of the crystal between my legs. I’m not sure if I’m just more sensitive down there, but I could really feel that electric buzzing now.
I used one hand to spread my lips, and with the other I touched my clit with the crystal. I had expected it to feel cold, and hard, and maybe a little sharp on the edge; but I didn’t feel any of those things. The only thing I could feel was an instant and incredible orgasm.
“Ougha ahha” I gurgled. I wasn’t even cognizant of what I’d been trying to say, but it was clear I couldn’t make words. My pussy throbbed, clenching over and over without slowing. Almost out of reflex I pulled the crystal away and the orgasm gradually subsided.
I caught my breath on the couch. My face and chest were flushed, and I was already sweaty. What the hell was that? I’d never gone from zero to orgasm, let alone one like that. It just went on and on. I was still basking in the afterglow. No wonder that guy wanted this so badly.
I reached down and felt myself with my fingers, stroking the affected area. Everything felt alright; my clit was swollen, and I was wet all the way to my ass, but nothing felt hurt by the orgasm rock.
I sat for a moment reveling in my new treasure. I held the crystal in my hands and rotated it with my fingers. What a marvelous little thing. I wanted to talk about it with someone, but how do you even share something like that?
Almost as soon as I’d removed the stone from my clit, I felt a building urge to put it back. Eventually laying on the couch and looking at the crystal became boring, and all I could think about was playing with it again.
This time I decided to warm myself up first. I took off my top and got into a comfortable position. I toyed with my nipples, giving little pinches and prods until they were big and rubbery. I stroked my pussy, rubbing deep with my fingers. I was still incredibly wet from before. I held my lips apart and lowered the stone back into place.
It was like all the stars in the universe exploding at the same time. I opened my mouth in a soundless scream as my legs tensed and jerked, nearly knocking me off the couch. A scared little part of me wanted to pull the stone away, but a larger part wanted to feel how far it could take me.
The seconds rolled past, it must have been a minute-long orgasm by the end. Eventually the feeling coming from the crystal faded. My clit felt numb with stimulation. I put the crystal down and caught my breath again.
I felt myself once more with my fingers. The numbness was quickly fading from my clit, and other than feeling even more swollen, it seemed to be fine. Out of a pervy curiosity I tried touching my clit again with the crystal, but there was no reaction. I held the crystal to the light and inspected it; had I used it all up?
My stomach gurgled and I remembered I had skipped dinner. I hadn’t wanted a confrontation from that guy in the bathroom, so I left the bar without eating anything. Well, there should be plenty to eat around here. I got up and headed to the refrigerator.
I opened the door and looked over a couple containers of leftovers. Nothing looked appetizing. The longer I looked the less hungry I felt. The hunger in my belly was becoming a queasiness.
Absent-mindedly I reached under my skirt to scratch an itch, when I felt something that made me freeze. I lifted up the hem and looked down to verify what I had just felt: my clit was more than just swollen, it was growing. Already nearly an inch long. So big that it stuck out past my lips, to poke out like a little… penis.
I closed the refrigerator and examined this new development. It wasn’t poking up like a dick, just sort of out and down, and there was no pee hole or anything. Still, it was weird for my clit to be so big that I could wrap a finger around it.
I held it gently, and it felt really good. I could feel that it wanted more attention. The underside felt especially sensitive. I stroked it a little more and realized that the hood went all the way around now, it had fused below my clit, part of what caused it to poke out.
At this moment my phone rang, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I glanced at the screen and saw it was Amber, I had asked her to call. I thought about ignoring the call and texting an excuse, but as I let it ring I felt guilty, and silly, and answered at the last minute.
“Hey, what’s up?” I said, trying to sound casual.
“Not much, just got off work.” She said, I could hear her leaving the office in the background. “You promised me a weird story?”
“Oh right.” My brain stalled. What do I say? “It’s kind of hard to explain.” I stammered, trying to buy some time for my brain to catch up.
“Well I’ve got nothing to do tonight. Why don't I pick up a pizza and head to your place, we can catch up in person.” She offered.
“Oh, you don’t have to do that.” I said, nervous about having company over in my current state.
“Come on, it’s the least I can do after leaving you hanging at the bar. Your place is basically on my way home anyhow.” She rationalized.
I couldn’t fault her logic. How hard could hiding one little penis be? And at the mention of pizza my stomach was back to ravenous. That’s exactly what I was craving.
“Alright, you’ve won me over. I’ll let you buy me dinner and bring it to my house.” I said it like I was doing her a favor.
We got off the phone and I started cleaning up. Rearranged the couch cushions, picked my shirt and underwear up off the floor.
I went and got some fresh clothes, but while putting my underwear on I noticed my clit had grown even more in just the few minutes since I last checked. I finished getting dressed and tried not to think about it.
I looked myself over in the mirror. Nothing out of place, I looked the same as when I’d come home. I lifted up my skirt and immediately noticed the little bulge in my underwear.
While I was in the middle of examining myself in the mirror, someone knocked twice at the door, and then tried to let themselves in. I dropped my skirt back down and ran to the door.
I could see Amber standing outside through the peephole, she had a big pizza box in one hand. I unlocked the door and let her in.
“Thanks, this thing is hot!” She exclaimed, rushing through the door.
I made space for her and got us some plates to eat off. My stomach grumbled again, I was starving.
We dug into the pizza, and she told me about her day. I spent most of my time listening and chewing. I tried to prepare myself in the back of my mind for the inevitable questions, but my brain was in too much of an anxious mess to determine a course of action.
“Anyway, so how was your day? You said you had something interesting to tell me about?” She asked.
I took a big bite of pizza to buy a little more time. Think! She clearly could tell something was up, she was giving me a very puzzled look. Amber is my best friend, I didn’t want to keep secrets from her, but I felt nervous sharing something this weird. Where do I even start?
“So, I overheard what I thought was a drug deal, but it was about this crystal, and I stole it, but I think it might have…” I trailed off. She was listening intently, but she looked confused. I decided to start over: “Okay, so you know how sometimes there’s this long line at the bathroom?”
I explained the whole situation, but I stopped short of what happened once I got home. Amber listened patiently through the whole thing, nodding along and eating her pizza.
“Wow.” She said when I was done. “Can I see it?”
“The crystal, the one you stole in the men’s room.”
“Oh, yeah.” I dove to the other side of the couch and grabbed it off the coffee table. I handed it to Amber without a second thought. It was only once it was in her hands that I considered the danger I could be putting her in.
She tumbled it in her fingers and inspected it. I felt a cringing embarrassment thinking about the last place it had been.
“I think it’s a quartz crystal.” I offered, remembering what I’d read on the ride home. I really just wanted her to put it down.
“I wanna try something.” She said, getting a mischievous look in her eye. Before I could react she shoved the crystal down the front of her pants.
“No!” I said, a little louder than I’d meant to. She looked up at me quizzically, nothing was happening.
“I guess it doesn’t work on girls.” She joked, putting it back on the table.
“I just told you I got that off the men’s room floor.” I said, still shocked at what had just happened.
“You told me you washed it.” She pointed out.
“Anyway, there was a little more to that story.” I admitted bashfully. I could feel a strong desire to just shut up, but at the same time I couldn’t help but tell her. She looked at me expectantly.
“So after I got home, I tried touching myself with it like you just did.” She kept looking at me. “But it sort of shocked me.” I said nervously. Her eyebrows raised a bit. “And, um, I think I might be growing a penis.” I said, looking her straight in the eye.
“What?” She said in total disbelief. “I could tell you were making something up, but wow, that’s a weird one. It doesn’t even make sense.”
“I’m not lying!” I said, feeling defensive. It felt like such a weird thing to argue about, but it had been really hard to share. I took a deep breath and tried again. “I’m serious. I can show it to you. Honestly I want to now, just to prove I’m not crazy.”
“Whoa, chill out.” She held up her hands. “I’ve seen your vagina before, I can look at it again. This is all just really weird.”
“What, when?”
“When we went swimming last summer, we shared a locker room.”
“Oh, right. Well good, you’ll be able to spot any changes.” I said. I slipped out of my underwear and tossed them into my bedroom.
She smiled with a nervous amusement, but seemed happy to play along. She was sitting on the couch, so I moved the coffee table and stood in front of her, putting her eye-level with my crotch. Then I lifted up the front of my skirt, and watched her eyes go wide.
“No way that’s real!” She exclaimed, reaching out to touch me. I pulled my skirt down in a rush, knocking her hand away.
“It’s real. Ask before you touch.” I chided her.
“May I please touch your penis?” She asked sweetly, looking up at my face with exaggerated innocence.
“Okay, just don’t be weird.” I said, moving back into position.
“Sure, nothing weird about this.” She said sarcastically as she reached out. I leaned over so I could see what she was doing to me.
“Holy cow.” she murmured, grasping my growth and moving it one way then the other. I had a similar reaction, it was so much larger than I remembered. It was still small as far as penises go, even for a flaccid one, but it was gigantic for a clit.
It felt super strange for her to touch it. I was experienced with having my clit touched, but it was weird having it stick out so far from my body. Feeling someone grab it and move it around was completely foreign.
“This is a real penis!” Amber exclaimed, still shocked to discover I had been telling the truth. “What does it feel like?” She asked, then before I could answer went on. “Does it have a pee hole?” She began scrutinizing the tip.
“No, it’s just, like, a huge clit.” I answered, a bit embarrassed. I wasn’t sure how to explain the sensations, I was still feeling them for the first time.
“Well it looks like it has one to me.” She said, pointing it up at my face.
Inside the ring of skin at the tip, right in the middle of the glans, there was a little slit-shaped divot. I couldn’t argue with her, that looked like a pee hole. It all looked a lot like a penis.
I reached down to feel the area below my clit, where my urethra was, but I couldn’t finger it. My clit had grown so large that the skin had fused over the top. I moved my fingers even lower and felt where the fused skin stopped, just before the opening to my vagina.
I felt weird touching myself in front of Amber, so I didn’t probe further, but I guessed my vagina was still intact. Though at the rate things were progressing, who knows how long it would remain that way.
A sinking dread welled up in me at the thought of losing my vagina. At the same time, the sight of my growing penis filled me with a secret thrill.
“Does this mean you can pee standing up?” Amber asked, still marveling at my new appendage.
“I guess so.” I said, reeling from the reality of the situation. Amber’s reaction proved this couldn’t all be in my head, and I was still changing.
“All this happened because of that crystal?” She asked, turning her attention back to the little quartz hexagon. She was so full of questions.
“I don’t know what else could have caused it. The shock was pretty intense.” I felt awkward discussing ‘the shock’.
“Oh my gosh, and you let me put it down my pants!” She gasped, putting everything together. “What if it had shocked me too?”
“I tried to stop you.” I protested. “I’m pretty sure it’s all used up now anyway.” I said offhandedly.
“So it wouldn’t shock you if I touched you again?” She asked me playfully, pointing the crystal at my crotch.
Amber seemed to be taking this whole thing surprisingly lightly. I was still coming to grips with the fact it was actually happening.
“No, I don’t think so. You can test it if you want.” I felt like a fool adding the last part, but I could tell that’s where she was going with this, and I didn’t want her to think I was afraid. More than that, an excited little part of me was just as curious as Amber. I was pretty sure nothing would happen, but what if something did?
She reached out and gingerly touched the head of my dick with it like a magic wand. Nothing happened. I let out a little breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. Amber looked a little disappointed.
“Wow, your thing is even bigger than the crystal.” She said, holding the crystal beside my penis. I wasn’t really sure how to feel about that.
“Does your vagina still work?” Amber asked, prodding the crystal a bit lower. I was shocked by her brazen behavior. She was getting carried away.
Before I could think of how to respond, the crystal grazed my opening, and a new wave of energy surged into my pelvis. The crystal fell from Amber’s stunned hand. It bounced off the floor and rolled under the couch.
I let out a low groan, trying hard not to lose my cool. I could feel a massive orgasm pushing through me, but I really didn’t want to cum right in front of my best friend. It felt like one of the only ways the situation could become even more awkward.
“Oh no, I’m so sorry.” Amber gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth. It seemed the reality of it all was finally hitting her. I tried to reassure her, but it seemed I was once again rendered incoherent by the pure ecstasy coursing through me.
“Donhg… hnngt.” I grunted. My knees were feeling weak, so I sat on the coffee table. The feeling was still building and spreading inside me, it almost felt like a strong g-spot orgasm; the tingling pleasure spread through my whole body, making me dizzy.
The feelings were causing my dick to dribble, even though I was still soft. The sensation of something coming out of my penis was so alien and erotic. Despite my best efforts I was getting incredibly turned on.
My dick began to swell and straighten out as I experienced the start of my first erection. At first it reminded me of my nipples getting hard; like a tightening stiffness that made my flesh swell and take shape. As my dick went from stiff to rigid the feeling shifted though. It almost felt like a muscle flexing hard. Like flexing my tongue to make it stiff, but involuntary, and throughout my entire clit-become-dick.
It wasn’t just getting firm either, it was growing at an incredible rate. Expanding from roughly the size of my thumb to a jumbo-hotdog size, more than half a foot long, in a matter of seconds. I could feel the weight of it as it towered in defiance of gravity, pulling itself up with tension from deep inside my body.
While my penis was growing, my vagina was diminishing. The orgasmic feeling was moving more and more into my cock. I tried to clench my pussy and I barely felt it, but my dick bounced up and down in response.
“Did you do that?” Amber asked, staring at my crotch. She’d been watching the whole thing.
“Yeah.” I admitted. “Not on purpose.” I tried to keep my breathing regular. The orgasmic feeling was still there, but I felt like I had gained some control over it; at least I was able to talk a bit.
“It’s so big now.” She muttered. “What does it feel like?”
I closed my eyes and tried to think of some words, but everything in my head was swimming. I looked back to Amber and opened my mouth to say something, but all that came out was a weird grunt. I completely lost control.
My dick started jerking and squirting, while my eyes lost focus and rolled back. Amber had been leaning over me, trying to get a good look, which put her right in the line of fire. My load spilled out all over her face and chest. I put a hand over my face in embarrassment.
The last spurts were accompanied by a sickening lurch in my crotch. It felt like something had oozed out of me. I couldn’t really feel my vagina at all anymore, but something had definitely happened down there.
I moved my hand out of my face and tried to assess the situation. Amber was still gasping in shock, thick strings of my cum were hanging off her face and shirt. Between my legs my penis was softening, a little string of semen dripping off the tip.
Under my dick the skin was entirely fused, all the way to my asshole. It hung in a little sack, bulging with what I could only assume were my new balls. I could feel them hanging there, humming with the pleasant lingering feeling of my first ejaculation.
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