~Redacted Vibes~
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The vibes? Purely Redacted ofc (ノ^∇^)ノ Totally unserious take on Redactedverse // 24 // new to tumblr so plz be nice
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redacted-vibes · 5 days ago
Sweetheart opened the door after a long day. The moon is already shining in place of the sun, the hands of the clock long passed the number 12, signalling the start of a new day when it hadn’t even ended for them.
Milo was there, welcoming them in. He took them in his arms and kissed the top of their head as they nuzzled into the crook of his neck and groaned.
“I missed you.”
“I know, baby. I missed you too.” Milo nuzzled his nose into their hair, taking a deep breath. His hand reached up and stroked their head in slow movements, letting Sweetheart nuzzle further.
Milo loved these moments. When he held them in his arms he could feel Sweetheart’s tense body physically relax like they exhaled a breath that they had been holding for the entire day. He felt pride knowing that he could let them feel like this, and that they felt safe enough to let go of the tough Investigator and return back to being his Sweetheart.
“Come on, let’s get you inside. If you’re hungry I made some lasagna for dinner. If not we can get you cleaned up and in bed. Whatever you’re feelin’ right now.”
Milo slowly guided them in the house with a shuffle and closed the door. He moved to let go of them briefly to help them with their jacket, but Sweetheart tightened their grip on his waist.
“Mmmf.” They shook their head in protest. Milo chuckled, heart warming at Sweetheart’s wordless plea for him to stay. It must’ve been a really tough day for them to be clinging to him like this.
“Okay. We can stay like this for a little longer. At least let me take you to the couch, Sweetheart. Just five steps.
Theeerree we go.”
They both let out a satisfied sigh as the pillows of the couch welcomed them. Sweetheart shifted to straddle his lap, arms snaking around his neck. Milo rubbed his hands up and down their back in a slow rhythm.
“You can sleep now. You’ve damn well earned it, baby. I’ll take you to bed in a bit. Right now, just focus on resting. I’m right here. Just let me take care of you.”
The feeling of his arms around them and the soft, warm thrum of his core as it synced with theirs lulled them into a deep sleep.
Sweetheart woke up at 1pm later that day. Thank god they had the day off.
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redacted-vibes · 15 days ago
david has to be an absolute slut for forehead kisses, he’s all big and tall and buff so he doesn’t get them as often, but it turns him into complete mush
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redacted-vibes · 15 days ago
How times do you think Porter got Vincent with a car (or threatened to)
How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn't see their reflection
I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue
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redacted-vibes · 20 days ago
david & angel can’t playfully argue for very long anymore because one of them starts giving the other bedroom eyes mid-argument, and now neither of them remembers what they were talking about.
milo & sweetheart can playfully argue for quite a while, but they will end up all over each other eventually because they’re turned on by how passionate they both are
asher & baabe don’t playfully argue at all. not because they can’t, but because baabe is always right.
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redacted-vibes · 21 days ago
"I can't carry a tune to save my life," laughed Milo Greer, once.
But it's Sunday night, with the setting sun making your living room glow. He's got his hand on your waist as you slow dance together, the cheesy old love songs he plays when it's just the two of you crooning gently from his phone.
Milo, with love-soft eyes and a smitten smile, pitches his voice low and starts singing along, singing to you.
He's a little off-key, a little self-conscious. But he knows all the words, and when he's looking at you, he means every one.
And you hope Milo Greer never gets tired of singing to you. No matter what he thinks, It's the most perfect voice you've ever heard, all because it's him.
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redacted-vibes · 21 days ago
Honey to Guy
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redacted-vibes · 1 month ago
Why are all your headcannons so depressing? Give me funny ones. I headcannon Porter's friends pushed him down a hill in a trolley aged 14 and he broke his tailbone or that Darlin' used to chew on gel pens in school until one burst in their mouth during a test and they coughed glitter spit all over their maths paper but no let's be angsty and saddd. What the fuck ever man.
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redacted-vibes · 1 month ago
Asher getting on the elevator where he meets the love of his life
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redacted-vibes · 1 month ago
Redacted Valenswap!! <3
Thank you so much @ode2youu / @shadowofyouu for organising this event, it’s been so fun!
Here’s my fic for @aimedis, I hope you enjoy!
Tags I took from your sheet will be in pink :)
Tags: Sam/Darlin’, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, romance, dealing with past hurt, slight innuendos, no talk of turning but implications, play fighting
Disclaimer: I do not think this could actually happen in canon but for the sake of the fic I’m electing to ignore that. Nothing too hard core but definitely emotional.
Words: 2.6 k
Title: I love you like the Sun
Darlin’ never used to consider themself a romantic. Sometimes they’d find themself watching couples in restaurants giggling and kissing and caressing constantly and they couldn’t get past how fake it seemed. How forced those grand gestures and baby voices came across.
They’d never felt the need to do that with any of their past partners, never mind receive behaviour like it back.
That was before they met Sam.
With him, everything was different. Every little bad habit had slowly blossomed into something good. Every doubt proved wrong. All of the most private, intimate parts of themself had slowly been brought to the light and they didn’t feel the need to try and stuff them back into the darkness. Not with Sam.
And Darlin’ knew that what they had together, who they had become, was real, soppy couple behaviour included.
On those late nights when Sam was working and Darlin’ couldn’t sleep, they’d often found themself thinking about all he’d done for them and all they wished they could do for him, when a stupidly romantic idea struck and what better time to do it than the day of love.
Placing the last few stems of Babies Breath in the bouquet of their mate’s favourite flowers, Darlin’ checked the time, 2:38 am; Sam would be home soon.
Darlin’ placed the vase in the centre of their kitchen next to some freshly baked lemon treats, admiring their handy work.
Bouquets hadn’t exactly suited the vibe of their dingy apartment but here at Sam’s, at their shared home, with all the wooden beams, soft blankets and vintage furniture. They fit right in.
Straightening at the sound of keys shaking, Darlin’ rushed to the hallway, stopping for a moment to fix their hair in the mirror and turning towards the door, they pointlessly tried to slow their nervous heart rate, they’d never done anything like this before. Never really wanted to.
Sam would know something was up either way, he knew his Darlin’ too well, but that wouldn’t stop them from trying to surprise him.
Apparently the most recent change he’d brought was that, now, Darlin’ enjoyed a grand gesture, and they really hoped he’d like it.
With their hands stiffly at their sides, Darlin smiled as their love walked through the door, bouquet of flowers in hand and small tired smile on his face, mirroring their own.
“Hi, Darlin’” He breathed deep, relief at finally being home clear in his voice. “Happy Valentine’s” He held out his arm with the flowers and Darlin’ leaned straight in for a hug, wrapping their arms around his neck as he relaxed into them.
“Long day?” they whispered
“Long day, he agreed.”But not bad.” He loosened his hold and Darlin stepped back. “Better now.” Sam mused, taking them in.
He held his arm out again and Darlin accepted the flowers this time, thanking Sam before reaching their spare hand out to take his. Walking them together towards the kitchen, Sam following willingly.
“Do you like ‘em?” Sam laughed as Darlin intensely inspected the bunch.
“I do.” They looked back at him, “What are the purple ones?”
“I think I like those best.” Darlin stated, matter of fact.
“Well, I’m glad. You refusing to pick a favourite flower makes this time of year awful difficult.”
Darlin’ stopped in the doorway, turning to face Sam with a stern look on their face. “I don’t want to pick, that would take away all of the joy of the surprise.”
“The joy of knowing your mate is fumbling around a florist trying to figure out what looks best, you mean.”
Darlin’ smirked, “Well, I do like to keep you on your toes.”
Sam huffed a ‘you can say that again’ kind of noise as Darlin ushered him into the room. They place their own floral gift next to his own and watched nervously as he took in their little display. It wasn’t much but that’s what Sam liked.
“You made these?” Sam picked up one of the cakes, as the kettle Darlin’ had set to boil chimed.
“I told you I'm not bad in the kitchen, I just don't usually have the patience for all the waiting and the checking and the cleaning.” They listed off, Sam laughed, biting into one of the cakes, all too familiar with their Pot Noodle and take-out habits.
Darlin’ returned to the table, fresh cup of coffee in hand. “Nice?”
“Mmm,” Sam attempted a response, his mouth too full to answer. Taking the cup from them with a kiss on the cheek. “Really nice”
Darlin’ lifted their own mug to their mouth, decaf, as Sam gestured to the flowers.
“Did ya put this together yourself?”
“Is it that obvious?” Darlin’ chuckled.
“No, it’s, it’s all really wonderful Darlin' you just have prick marks all over your hands.”
He made that face, that stupid face that Darlin’ knew all too well, that little uncertain question, ‘can I heal it?’.
Darlin placed their hands in his as Sam so lightly soothed them with just his fingertips. They loved him so much.
“Thank you, Darlin’, really, you didn't have to do all this. I half expected you to be sleepin’.”
“I wanted to.” Darlin’ stood. “Do this for you, I mean. But sleep does sound good too.”
Thankfully it had only taken Sam a little convincing that it was fine for him to fall asleep first. Sam had fallen asleep fairly fast; he usually did after a shift. Darlin’ ran their fingers through his hair as he laid comfortable against their torso.
Willing his weight to lull them to sleep too, Darlin’ squeezed their eyes shut, if there was one night they didn’t need trouble sleeping, it was this one.
They hadn’t been surprised when he didn’t question how nervous they seemed, he wouldn’t want to make a deal about it. Probably considered it might embarrass Darlin’ and Sam never discouraged Darlin’ when they were trying something new.
They could only hope that would remain the same tonight.
Darlin’ didn’t allow their mind to wander further than that. Focussing on Sam’s steady breaths as the darkness covered them like a blanket. Darlin’ joined Sam in sweet slumber.
“Darlin’?” They awoke, Sam’s morning voice nowhere near as rough as it usually is.
That was because it wasn’t morning, not really.
Darlin’ could hear the birds chirping outside, feel the faint heat from the sun through the blind in their bedroom.
But their hair was not tussled nearly as much as it would usually be and Darlin’ did not feel rested.
“Hi Collins.” Darlin’ rasped, turning towards Sam who’d somehow moved over to his side of the bed in the few minutes the couple had been unconscious.
“Morning already?” He questioned, brushing his hair out of his face with his fingers.
“Mmm, kind of, technically I requested it to be afternoon.” Darlin’s face scrunched up. They really weren't sure how to go about this. If Sam didn’t like it they’d understand but figured it was worth a shot.
They watched as his face scrunched up in confusion. “You requested it huh?” Sam pulled them towards him. “Well, I wouldn’t mind a lie in, if you wanna doze back off again.”
Darlin’ let out a shaky laugh, of course he wouldn’t question them behaving oddly, it was practically their favourite pastime.
“You alright?” Sam had waited for an answer before speaking. “I can feel your heart beating against me, it's going a mile a minute.”
Sam had such an ease to him that for a second, Darlin’ almost considered nodding their head and staying curled up in bed with him.
“I’m okay.” They placed a gentle kiss against his soft lips. “Just- will you come downstairs with me?”
Taking on the exhausting task of climbing out of bed and stretching the couple made their way towards the back door, the window on it covered and Sam's confusion growing steadily by the minute.
“What are you up to?” He teased, that Southern drawl Darlin’ fell in love with elongating his words.
Darlin’ breathed for a moment.
“Seriously Darlin’, is something going on.”
“No,” they responded, instinctively. “I mean yeah there is but nothing bad, I hope.” Voice shaking, they continued, Sam waiting, listening, patient as ever. “It’s not actually morning; it’s not afternoon either.”
Sam nodded and Darlin’ couldn’t tell if he was accepting that his mate had finally lost it or if he was genuinely taking in what they were saying. Maybe both.
“We’re actually still up in our bedroom, asleep.”
Sam opened his mouth to reply before closing it again, speechless. That was a first.
“This is a dream.”
“Ah Darlin’, I don’t” He smiled, nervous.
“You’re not dreaming, I mean, this is my dream but you’re in it.” Darlin brought their ramble to a stop as Sam stood as still as they’d ever seen him.
“I’m in your dream...” Sam prompted.
Darlin’ grinned, this was stupid, they’d taken on shifters and vampires far more powerful than them with more ease and less tension.
“Milo’s mate works with a Dreamwalker at the department and I commissioned? I don’t um-”
Sam laughed bright but quiet. “You asked them to make us a dream, in our own house?” There was no judgement present in his voice just a soft curiosity.
Darlin’ grinned, self-conscious but wolf-like all the same. “Well, we don’t have to stay here but I figured it would be an easy starting point.
Sam grunted happily, “I have to say, I was not expecting this. Where are we visitin’ Darlin?” He stepped closer, a comforting gesture.
Darlin’ signalled towards the door. “Outside.”
“In the garden? Well, I can’t.” Darlin’ caught the exact moment Sam realised and they caught the exact moment that faded away.
“I can’t.” He repeated, unsure. Unwilling to dare hope until it was confirmed.
“You can.” Darlin’ whispered and Sam inhaled deep. “If you want too, only if you want to.” They rubbed his arm gently, reassuring. Darlin’ knew how badly Sam had wanted this, but they also knew that this wasn’t permanent. It wasn’t the same and having to wake up from a dream he’d yearned for just to have to face the truth, that this wasn’t reality. It might not be worth the torment.
“You really mean? I- I don’t know what...” The pace of his breathing increased rapidly. “I can.”
“Yeah. You can.” Darlin’ stepped back, “The Dreamwalker said that he couldn’t guarantee it would be exactly the same and if you don’t want to Sam, if it’s too difficult or-”
Sam stepped towards the door, just staring for a moment at them, then at the window. He lifted the blind with caution allowing the sunlight to seep through the glass and onto his arm, his skin. Not a single red mark, no burning.
Gasping but not a flinch in sight as Sam reached for the handle. “I want too.”
Darlin’ stood waiting in the entrance once he’d opened the door. Sam stood unmoving on the porch, still covered by the roof and taking it all in. He was about to feel sunlight for the first time in over a decade.
He reached his hand out “Come with me?”
Darlin’ met him “Always.”
They creeped into the day together, barefoot and slow paced. Sam bared his face to the sky, his arms spread out, the warmth, the scent of the morning, the sounds of the animals in woods around their lawn. It was all so much.
And it was all for him.
A chuckle burst from Sam as Darlin’ admired the scene in front of them, certain their ears had never before had the pleasure of hearing a laugh so pure, so true. It was beautiful.
“This is-” Sam couldn’t stop the cheery laughter erupting from him. “You are, so fuckin’ amazing.”
He closed the tiny gap between him and his mate, speeding to pick them up, Darlin clung on tight. Ignoring the tears in his eyes as his kissed them all over.
“I love you.” Darlin’ managed through the pecks and giggles.
“I love you too, so much.” Darlin wrapped their legs firmly around his waist, having gotten used to the fact that Sam could in fact, pick them up. “You wanna go for a run?”
Darlin’ nodded tightly and with that Sam took off, speeding through the forest and around the trees, Darlin’ gasping at every sharp turn and acceleration.
Certain that Sam had never gone this fast before. It was amazing.
After a long while they stopped, both panting in the heat. “That was, fast.” Darlin’ gasped between breaths, their adrenaline spiked.
“I thought you liked it fast.” He smirked, placing darlin on the ground, his hands lingering on their hips until they got their balance and then for a little while longer after that. “Wanna head back?”
Darlin squinted their eyes, a plan forming. “Mmm,hmm.” They stepped back a few paces. “Race ya.”
Shifting suddenly, Darlin’ rushed into the woods, ears pricked back awaiting the sounds of Sams footsteps behind them. He’d give them a head-start, he always did.
Darlin dodged around the trees as fast as they could spot them, too focused on being fast to realise they were heading in the wrong direction. Sam ran around them a few times, slowing them or throwing them off course.
With the wind in their fur, they continued forward. Even when they knew they weren’t being chased Darlin’ got an indescribable rush from playing with around with Sam like this, and they relished every second of it.
Spotting Sam stood waiting a couple hundred yards in front Darlin’ sped up, pouncing before giving themself the time to register he was holding his hands out.
They rolled, Darlin’ shifted back mid-air as the couple made their way down the hidden hill. Sputtering laughter as they landed in a field of grass and sunflowers. Sam on top cradling them.
He scanned over them checking for injuries quickly before pinning them down lightly. “Gotcha”
Darlin’ snorted “That doesn’t count, I got you first!”
“Got me? You launched us off a cliff” Sam retorted, picking twigs out of their hair.
“It’s an ancient tactic, I knew what I was doing” Darlin laid there, sarcastic and perfect and free and so themself.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Sam laid down next to them, the heated grass enveloping him as he admired his mate. “You look so Damn beautiful in the sun.” He observed and Darlin; didn’t try to hide like usual.
Lying together in the grass, present in the moment. Sam clicked his teeth together after a long spell of silence.
“Why where you so nervous?”
Darlin’ relaxed into his side, thinking. “I wasn’t sure if you’d find it too hard to go back to, living in darkness again. I didn’t want to pressure you, I guess.
Sam hummed, “I appreciate that, was just wondering.” He hugged them closer. “But, Darlin’?”
“I ain’t living in darkness. I’ve got my own light, and they’re perfect.”
He leant in for a kiss, deep and slow. Stopping any of the shyness that might have over taken his mate because of his earnest.
“I’m glad you like it.” Darlin’ muttered,
“Mmm, it’s the second-best gift I've ever gotten.”
“And what could possibly be the first?” Darlin’ teased.
“Oh you know, just an unexpected, wild wolf crashing into my life a couple years ago”.
At that Darlin’ let out another short burst of laughter, rolling up onto his lap, straddling him with legs at either side of his hips. “Well, I hope you're not burnt out with the surprises ‘cause I had one more thing planned, that I thought you might like.” They leant down to press kisses at his neck as he tilted his head back into the grass, holding their hips tight.
“Mm, I get the feeling I might like it too.”
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redacted-vibes · 1 month ago
I kinda wanna actually re-wright something I wrote a long time ago about Sweetheart and how fucking scary being a stealth is and how everyone should fucking fear them.
I do head cannon that Sweetheart is one of THE STRONGEST and best stealth’s there is, period.
And there are things that can be so terrifying about being able to go intangible, like it can be scary in just the basic form, but in the hands of a master?
Let’s be happy Sweetheart is on our side and I really fucking hope they get to truly fight someone who isn’t and they put.them.down.
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
did we ever consider the fact that lovely is an ao3 writer, and everything that’s happened to them is a part of the writers curse.
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
"Beauty marks are where you were kissed in a past life"
Vincent that teasingly kissed Strangers hand to calm them down before the ride
Lovely that has a mole on their right knuckle
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
i just know sweetheart looks GORGEOUS with dark eye bags.
they’re working late on a case, haven’t gotten much sleep, and they just look over at milo and he MELTS.
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
Shaw pack head cannons. I have pt2
Marie took up healing magic so that pack members wouldn't have to spend money to go to a healer after getting injured or sick. It wa her way of showing gratitude towards her pack for what they'd done for her and Milo.
Colm wanted Milo to work for the department, going so far to try and steer Milo in the direction of doing so. However, Milo was quick to catch on what Colm was doing, and the two broke out into a massive argument about it.
Asher's parents always felt guilty for leaving Asher behind in pursuit of traveling around the world. While yes he's an adult, and had the support of his packmates, unlike his sister who they where present for the majority of her life up until she moved with her husband back to his pack and hometown. They immediately left the moment Asher could legally care for himself. Asher didn't blame them, nor did he hold any kind of grudge against them. He just kinda wished they stuck around longer before they up and left.
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Milo has a sleeper build body, and it drives Sweetheart wild whenever he decides to flex just to get a rise out of them. He gets a huge ego boost out of it every time, too.
Milo is the very much, I love to stay /hang out more but I have to go check on my cat and make sure he's doing okay and that he gets fed, etc, kind of person.
Whenever Milo is coming home from a rough or stressful job, he'll just pick up Aggro and Sweetheart, before heading to the bedroom to snuggle with the two, gaining a few cheek/forehead kisses from Sweetheart before all three fall asleep in each other embrace.
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One time, Sweetheart spooked Milo into shifting out of fear, and they've never felt so bad in their life until now. Just immediately pulled Milo's wolf into a tight hug as they apologized to Milo, their hand instinctively running through his fur as they kept hugging him til Milo slowly shifted back. They managed to get a laugh about the whole thing, but it took a bit of convincing from Milo that he was absolutely fine from the whole thing.
Whenever Sweetheart is experiencing a panic attack or feels an oncoming attack, Milo's either away on a job or hanging out with the pack members. They'll go to hide in their shared closet until it passes, unaware that Aggro is following them until Aggro is crawling into their lap and begins nuzzling Sweetheart, making biscuits on their lap, or making "conversation" by constantly meowing at Sweetheart. Manging to calm down, Sweetheart will thank Aggro before carrying him to the bed to take a small nap with him. Only to wake up to Milo petting their head as he lays across from them, and Aggro curled up between them, purring loudly.
Sweetheart, who'll make sure everything is up to code on Quinn's security/containment, double checking and ensuring the man doesn't even have a chance at escaping. Sending a list of details and updates of what they've gathered to the pack group chat at the end of their shfit before heading home.
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Darlin struggles to break their terrible habit of hiding bruises, cuts, etc. They won't even acknowledge whatever cut or bruises they have until someone points it out. Sometimes getting a bit defensive about the whole thing, as they're still not used to the idea of relying or asking for help from others.
Darlin swears they're not a good teacher, that they don't know or can't teach, and on top of it, someone who isn't an exact role model. Yet, can't say no whenever one of the younger pack members come to them on help on either learning on how to fight in their wolf form, getting better a shifting, etc.
Darlin is covered in various scars, small, big, either faint or not, depending on how old they are, either visible from afar others you can't really see unless you're up close.
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Whenever Sam joins in on pack runs, the others even David will try and race against him, and he'll indulge in their antics, pretending to slow down and acting a bit tired before blowing past them with ease.
Has gotten caught up in their spins out though it typically gets a chuckle out of him, because they always end up in a tangled mess, and he's trying to get them to hold still while he untangled them rather than having them wiggle around as they untangle themselves from each other limbs.
Sam will give Darlin a few words of encouragement whenever they're struggling to interact with the pack. He is struggling to hide the look of pride on his face whenever Darlin does it without help.
Sam, who's made to sit separately from Darlin during pack movie nights by Asher, because the two always end up falling asleep, not even halfway through the movie. Asher's attempts fail though because the two just "magically" find themselves right next to each other a few minutes later and are vast asleep, Sam having a tight yet gentle grip around Darlin's waist keeping them close and tight against him.
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David used to be in between a heavy sleeper and a light sleeper. However, after the inversion, he became an extremely light sleeper at the time, practically waking up to the sound of the blanket moving. He's gotten a bit better over time, but every now and then, he'll be awoken by the tiniest of noise.
Saw someone say that Darlin possibly has a limp due from the fights they've been in, 100% agree on it, yet overtime Darlin has learned how to adapt and normally functional with it, almost as if they've never had it. But given their age, they sometimes struggle to keep up on pack runs, so David will act as support and stick by them as they run together.
David gets dragged into the little playful scuffles that are mostly started by Asher, though he acts a bit annoyed by it. You can tell he enjoys these kinds of things that allow him to act like a kid/teen again. He'll sometimes switch up on sides every now and then or just team up on Asher with Milo and Darlin, ignoring Asher complaints that 3v1 is unfair.
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Angel will help David in looking for places that are suitable for Sam, of anything they can possibly bring with them if the place they're going to doesn't have much or doesn't offer any kind of shade, just to ensure Sam doesn't miss out on anything even if he claims he does mind being exclude from a few things.
(Both David and Angel won't allow it)
Whenever Angel manages to get David to lie on top of them, they'd usually have to hold onto him to get him to stay because he'll only lay on them for a few minutes, before trying to move, because he believes they'll end up hurt if he stays on top of them longer than usual.
Angel enjoys poking David's sides as they love getting a reaction out of him. Sometimes, David will pull them close to him in a tight embrace, growling in their ear for them to stop, or he'll punish them later for their behavior.
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You know those people who always have their arm around or hands on the person shoulders they're standing right next to because it feels weird if they don't or like have no idea what to do with their limbs in general. And on top of it, they give that little shoulder side pat or do that little shake when they get excited or happy about it. That's Asher, and it doesn't matter who it is, Babe, David, basically anyone who's close in range, Asher automatically has an arm slung over them or a hand on their shoulder.
Asher is very popular with kids since he's down to play with them whenever they invite/nag him to come play with them. Answers their questions with a silly response before going on to ask them questions that typically get a laugh out of them. Gets a laugh at pretending to scare the absolute crap out of their parents whenever he pretends he's dropped the kid whenever holding them. 100%, the one who starts tickle fights among the children. It's not uncommon for him to be the children jungle gym. On top of it, he'll be having a conversation with someone while it's happening and is 100% unphased by it.
Asher who'll jump onto one of the packmates back in a surprise greeting, the other typically being able to support the sudden weight but every now and then, it's enough to send both of them to the floor.
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Babe frequently smacks Asher's hand away whenever they're eating in or out, because no matter how much of their food they give Asher, it seems he's always coming back for more but at this point it's 50/50 for either more food or loving the reaction he's getting out of Babe.
Babe loves getting a rise out of Asher whenever they're over at Milo's and Sweetheart's place and just start loving on Aggro while Asher is whining at them. Milo often joins in, telling Babe how they should get a cat and telling them the perks about owning one, Babe acting all interested in what Milo's telling them all while "ignoring" Asher who's clinging onto them and whining on how they don't need a cat as they have him who is in his words much cooler than a cat.
Every now and then, whenever they're eating in or out, Babe will pretend they're full and offer the rest of their food to Asher, who's been eyeballing their plate after finishing his food.
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
William ^
this is a terrible time to be alive *remembers the latter half of the 14th century* this is a not so good time to be alive
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
thinking abt nicknames the listeners would give the characters if the roles were reversed..... cause ik deep in my soul sweetheart calls milo "loverboy" & he gets weak in the knees every time
like imagine in their first meeting they leave with a little quip like "see you 'round, loverboy"...... yeah thats when he knew he was hooked
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redacted-vibes · 2 months ago
Porter Solaire that uses blades concealed in his sleeves whenever he has to carry out a job, the kind that shoots out at the flick of his wrist- silver, deadly, and efficient.
Porter Solaire that's so distraught after an assassination that he rushes to Treasure's home directly afterward, mind so focused on them he forgets about the killer blades at his wrists.
Porter Solaire that pulls Treasure into an all encompassing hug, holding them so impossibly close to himself, as if they were salvation from his sins, they were.
Porter that gets so caught up in the moment he's only viciously snapped out of it when the all too familiar hiss of a blade and the scent of his love's blood slices through the air.
The assassin that recoils so fast he slams his back against their door, hands trembling as the now exposed silver carves rivers across it's wood when he sinks to the floor. Trembling lips babbling unintelligible apologies.
He's so certain he's just massacred the love of his life, his mind is reeling, images of their limp lifeless corpse sprawled out across the floor like all his targets before him.
He causes harm to everything he touches
He's a curse and a wretch and-
Treasure that kneels in front of the hyperventilating vampire and cradles his face with soft, gentle hands.
Treasure that wipes the tears from his cheeks and presses their forehead to his, making him look into their eyes.
Treasure that holds him like that until his breathing matches their slow and deep breaths, until the panic and fear slowly eases from his features.
Treasure that whispers soft reassurances that they're alright, it's just a surface wound, they'll be okay.
Porter hiccuping out frenzied apologies, swearing he didn't mean to, that he was so sorry, that he understood if they wanted to leave him and never see him again.
Treasure kissing the corner of his lips as they say its okay, they know he didn't mean to hurt them, telling them that it was an honest mistake and that they forgive him and love him as they lift one of his hands from the cold floor, fiddling with the blade's locks until it clatters to the ground.
They bring his palm up their own face, kissing his wrist before sinking down into his touch and letting him hold them, letting him cradle them as if he didnt just slice them open a minute ago.
Treasure that undoes Porter’s other blade; and Porter that lets his arms wrap around his love. The pair holding each other flush, letting warmth and comfort and love engulf them.
Porter Solaire that feels fresh tears on his face, incredulous that he's found someone willing to look past his steel and crimson and endless screw ups.
Porter Solaire that feels like he's finally found a home.
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