red-light-steez-light · 8 months
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The Soul Virus On discord earlier throughout the character's lifespan, I made this roleplay storyline, based off the IDW metal virus, and UNDERTALE's soul traits- all into one thing. Multiple moving parts working together- all to bring back the titan of time to rule over the universe. ..All against the popular little military team started by a couple of demigods.
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red-light-steez-light · 9 months
OOC: the main purpose this serves is because i find this more fun than making an honest to god professional bio. I'm doing this in pieces for every part of his character. I'll probably make another post including each of these when i feel like i'm done. And there's some truth to the consistency with difference thing, since throughout the four years of him roaming around through multiple roleplays on discord(and youtube), he's interacted with the worlds of other games. Some were retcons to include them.. like the soul traits. Steev awakened to them at some point. Some were added after, like the keyblade, and deev, whom plays with darkness, as kingdom hearts would define it. Like with heartless and whatnot.
Mind and SOUL!
"From what I've gleaned off this platform, it looks like we've got to talk about ourselves." "..So let's. One piece at a time." "Oo! Do a musical number!" "...I wouldn't be able to even if i tried!" "But thanks for piping up, orange juice. This makes it easier on me." "By the gods, this is falling apart at an alarming rate."
"..Yeah.." "Okay, Okay-" "Okay.." "These- Are my soul traits." "The 'musical number' Clown's bravery." "We've got two out of three right now. Second one's the aspect of Justice that hangs out with B, And they work their magic more differently than you'd expect. There's some nuance to this." "Not just to them- but for the rest of the soul traits around my side of the 'verse. My side of town makes them work to a pretty weird extreme." "There's some consistency lying around in there. There's also more that's.. different" "They change depending on my Level of Violence. At 10.. Well. It wouldn't exactly be fair to fight me, if they were all I had." "Let me take it from here, pardner." "Cool, thanks." "Zip it, I'm teaching the class now." The bright yellow humanoid would retort." It's strange, he's ALL yellow. If you squint hard enough, you can even see through Justice, too. "Each of us have a thing, a say in his systems." "..Bravery, for example, goads him into acting impulsive." "From our first showing in that.. pong game, you'd know that it was his idea. The same goes for any strong mental stuff like that. For the rest of us n' whatnot." "We've also got.. skills. I'm your gunman. With me? He shoots better than a trained sniper on a god day, when he wants. With any gun he wants, with as big of a bullet as he wants. Illusions are a bust, and I can discern weak points, along with tracking any living breathing being in a 500 mile radius. Bravery?" Bravery for a second moves across the room at a high speed. Firstly taking steev's phone out of his pocket, looking through youtube, searching.. before realizing he wants to do something different. For another second, he runs through the door, breaking it under the raw impact. In less than 3 Seconds.. Bravery returns with multiple megaphones taped together, lifting it with one hand- it seeming as if lifting this much comes with ease. the pure orange figure seems to be under the impression doing this would make his points louder. "I'M THE SPEED GUY, THE STRENGTH GUY, THE FIRE GUY." "I CAN DO THE RULES OF NATURE SWORD BIT, AT 50%, AND I CAN TAKE A BATH IN LAVA, AND MAYBE CONTROL IT I DONT KNOW WE HAVEN'T TRIED THAT YET. I'VE ONLY REALLY BEEN ABLE TO CONTROL AND PUT OUT FIRE WITH HIM" "IT'D BLOW UP THE PLANET, YOU KNOW THAT!" Justice shoots through important components of the megaphones, causing the rest of bravery's little joke to fall flat, with him only yelling. "...." "...Ight red, your go." "Yes, determination. We've given ourselves an adequate profile." "mAAAN! Alright. You guys suck" "...Please?" "All is forgiven." "Okay, so. I'm basically what makes steev functionally inmortal. Every death comes to a resucitation so long as the man wants to continue." "If he doesn't? He gets to sit in a little Game over void for all I care." "I've also made swords, and shields. Ala glitchtale. With a few creative applications, like shield bubbles..." "We've even taken that little 'reset' idea and have used it to revert an object's memory- or place in time, back, some." "..Including ourselves! It's an effective-ish way to heal without any healing items." Each of the soul traits are recalled into him, steev creating a construct of a gun(It's visually a very bright and golden yellow) to blow the cap off a soda bottle. Before it tips over, he catches it with an orange speedster streak, creating a small red barrier with his hands so no soda fizz leaks. "Now I know you might be thinking about deev- He was included, after all." "..We'll hold something for him later, making written records for this exchange alone already looks like it's getting lengthy." He takes a swig of his sprite. "But that's most of us- and a pretty meaty chunk, too. Since they're all parts of me." "We'll get to talk again when I get to Dark Steev later..." Steev seems pensive, indecisive of the timeframe. "..Later later." "Do you have ANY idea how little that narrows it down?" deev would speak from his mind, laughing a little at his choice in words. "Shh. You're for next time."
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red-light-steez-light · 9 months
Mind and SOUL!
"From what I've gleaned off this platform, it looks like we've got to talk about ourselves." "..So let's. One piece at a time." "Oo! Do a musical number!" "...I wouldn't be able to even if i tried!" "But thanks for piping up, orange juice. This makes it easier on me." "By the gods, this is falling apart at an alarming rate."
"..Yeah.." "Okay, Okay-" "Okay.." "These- Are my soul traits." "The 'musical number' Clown's bravery." "We've got two out of three right now. Second one's the aspect of Justice that hangs out with B, And they work their magic more differently than you'd expect. There's some nuance to this." "Not just to them- but for the rest of the soul traits around my side of the 'verse. My side of town makes them work to a pretty weird extreme." "There's some consistency lying around in there. There's also more that's.. different" "They change depending on my Level of Violence. At 10.. Well. It wouldn't exactly be fair to fight me, if they were all I had." "Let me take it from here, pardner." "Cool, thanks." "Zip it, I'm teaching the class now." The bright yellow humanoid would retort." It's strange, he's ALL yellow. If you squint hard enough, you can even see through Justice, too. "Each of us have a thing, a say in his systems." "..Bravery, for example, goads him into acting impulsive." "From our first showing in that.. pong game, you'd know that it was his idea. The same goes for any strong mental stuff like that. For the rest of us n' whatnot." "We've also got.. skills. I'm your gunman. With me? He shoots better than a trained sniper on a god day, when he wants. With any gun he wants, with as big of a bullet as he wants. Illusions are a bust, and I can discern weak points, along with tracking any living breathing being in a 500 mile radius. Bravery?" Bravery for a second moves across the room at a high speed. Firstly taking steev's phone out of his pocket, looking through youtube, searching.. before realizing he wants to do something different. For another second, he runs through the door, breaking it under the raw impact. In less than 3 Seconds.. Bravery returns with multiple megaphones taped together, lifting it with one hand- it seeming as if lifting this much comes with ease. the pure orange figure seems to be under the impression doing this would make his points louder. "I'M THE SPEED GUY, THE STRENGTH GUY, THE FIRE GUY." "I CAN DO THE RULES OF NATURE SWORD BIT, AT 50%, AND I CAN TAKE A BATH IN LAVA, AND MAYBE CONTROL IT I DONT KNOW WE HAVEN'T TRIED THAT YET. I'VE ONLY REALLY BEEN ABLE TO CONTROL AND PUT OUT FIRE WITH HIM" "IT'D BLOW UP THE PLANET, YOU KNOW THAT!" Justice shoots through important components of the megaphones, causing the rest of bravery's little joke to fall flat, with him only yelling. "...." "...Ight red, your go." "Yes, determination. We've given ourselves an adequate profile." "mAAAN! Alright. You guys suck" "...Please?" "All is forgiven." "Okay, so. I'm basically what makes steev functionally inmortal. Every death comes to a resucitation so long as the man wants to continue." "If he doesn't? He gets to sit in a little Game over void for all I care." "I've also made swords, and shields. Ala glitchtale. With a few creative applications, like shield bubbles..." "We've even taken that little 'reset' idea and have used it to revert an object's memory- or place in time, back, some." "..Including ourselves! It's an effective-ish way to heal without any healing items." Each of the soul traits are recalled into him, steev creating a construct of a gun(It's visually a very bright and golden yellow) to blow the cap off a soda bottle. Before it tips over, he catches it with an orange speedster streak, creating a small red barrier with his hands so no soda fizz leaks. "Now I know you might be thinking about deev- He was included, after all." "..We'll hold something for him later, making written records for this exchange alone already looks like it's getting lengthy." He takes a swig of his sprite. "But that's most of us- and a pretty meaty chunk, too. Since they're all parts of me." "We'll get to talk again when I get to Dark Steev later..." Steev seems pensive, indecisive of the timeframe. "..Later later." "Do you have ANY idea how little that narrows it down?" deev would speak from his mind, laughing a little at his choice in words. "Shh. You're for next time."
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red-light-steez-light · 9 months
The man of change.
"This'll help train your reaction time, I prooooomise!" speaks a voice from the inside of the man's mind.
The young man only looks unimpressed at the constant badgering of his aspect as it speaks in his mind, his soul trait.
The bravery he carries in his life.
"...Maybe in some roundabout way."
"Why are we still encouraging him?"
That there is the justice and determination that've helped carry him throughout his worst, when there was no one there.
No one but himself..
When it was someone or serenity, he chose himself.
At least that's changed, but-
Ugh, what the hell-
When the weight of these memories come, the young man shakes his head to focus at the matter at hand.
"C'mon, y'all, let this simmer. It might not helpful but- maybe it could be fun!" Speaks the insecurity in his mind having taken form, an inverse of his public personality (affectionately named deev :D).
Steev looks up at the wall of the back of the building he walked up to, with- a pong paddle.
"Could be a neat little lesson in self control."
"though Yeah- it's a bit of a goofy trainin' idea, for someone like us.."
He held up the paddle, and played against the wall. Drifting left and right in almost an instant, via the usage of his bravery. Never faltering at the worst of the world to his face.
At the worst of the world..
[Years before now..]
[An isle is shown with a souls virus made up of the traits Steven awakened to, a substance creating monsters, mindless zombies roaming to conquer with no aim.]
He hits the plastic ball with his aim true- to his own justice.
The justice to act in line for the people he protects, and those behind them, an overwhelming responsibility he's betrayed.
He takes an exasperated, almost frustrated sigh, then-
And hits it forward with a drive, a determined will that defines him. Never stopping, never wavering.
Never stopping.
..as the pong ball causes more cracks to emerge upon the building.
All for a life he doesn't believe will sta-
the ping pong ball he was """training""" with is sent through the building, smoke coming from the paddle. Multiple small holes follow the original with further buildings under the sheer force he finalized his game with.
"...Oh Shi-"
this is Steven aegaeus Whitelderon, a fandomless fella who's done a lot since his inception 4 years ago.
I think for someone like him, it'll be more fun to *get* to know what he can do over time.
Since he's a really unique character and all- defining him with some Google sheet only feels boring.
I mean, this is the same man who's made a large lamp out of Legos to kill hundreds of dark enemies with simply a lot of light from the roleplay he's in/from.
...with it *WORKING.*
Or him applying his base abillities in a different way to survive, and speak an entire NordVPN sponsor as a bit when his back was against the wall in battle.
It wouldn't really do him justice as to simply TELL you how he is
you can consider this a sort of intro post while I get my act together for this blog, I'll probably spruce things up at some point- it'd work as my own spring cleaning.
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