red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
Would anyone like to plot/plan with me? I am in a real need of this...PLEASE?
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
The smile on her face only grew as she saw James hazily, as she had not realized he was asleep or something of some similar nature. He seemed vulnerable in this state and somehow it made her think that someone who was friends with likes of Sirius Black shouldn't become so easily comfortable in public places. Although she did enjoy him looking around in the confused manner as she waited for him to click that she was back even though she had made her location known already. A soft laugh escaped her mouth as he mumbled, she hunched her back so her face was closer to his, an whispered  "Didn't do what exactly? I leave you for ONE week and you have stirred up some sort of trouble?" an ease to her voice. This still came naturally, having done it for so long although now it seemed more easy and like she was teasing him instead of the latter although at the moment he may not be with the work to notice her( or what she said)
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She reminded looking at him. On hearing her name she again leaned forward ever so slightly to hear him " Jamie?" she questioned back. She stayed that was so she was taken aback when she heard her name and stumbled back ever so slightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kicked her legs up to get the full effects of being lifted. " Its so good to be home" she mumbles happily into his hair. 
With welcoming arms. (James/Lily)
Home.  That was went through Lily Evans head as she passed through the entrance to the Gryffindor common room with her trunk in toe, it was half packed anyway due to it only being a short trip home. Or the other home because in most ways she considered Hogwarts as home because in most ways it was, however she had to go to whatever you call the other one. Petunia had made it sound as if someone had dies and it was of utter importance. Oh like getting married when there was a war that threatened their lifes under their nose which they refused to take any notice of. Sure one day she would get married but she would do it knowingly, and exactly what she was doing and what was going on. Worst of all she could feel that Petunia didn’t want her as the whole thing felt very forced, after all the dreaming of being accepted back into Pettys life she realized that it was no longer as important to her.
As she entered she realized there wouldn’t be anyone to really take notice, and that’s what she liked. This didn’t feel forced or hostile if felt right. She made her way over to the arm chairs that were infront of the fires knowing that it was where James tended to sit.  Dropping her trunk on the ground at her feet she flung her arms out, and in a loud voice she said “ Honey I’m home!” with a huge smile plastered to her face. 
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
With welcoming arms. (James/Lily)
Home.  That was went through Lily Evans head as she passed through the entrance to the Gryffindor common room with her trunk in toe, it was half packed anyway due to it only being a short trip home. Or the other home because in most ways she considered Hogwarts as home because in most ways it was, however she had to go to whatever you call the other one. Petunia had made it sound as if someone had dies and it was of utter importance. Oh like getting married when there was a war that threatened their lifes under their nose which they refused to take any notice of. Sure one day she would get married but she would do it knowingly, and exactly what she was doing and what was going on. Worst of all she could feel that Petunia didn’t want her as the whole thing felt very forced, after all the dreaming of being accepted back into Pettys life she realized that it was no longer as important to her.
As she entered she realized there wouldn’t be anyone to really take notice, and that’s what she liked. This didn’t feel forced or hostile if felt right. She made her way over to the arm chairs that were infront of the fires knowing that it was where James tended to sit.  Dropping her trunk on the ground at her feet she flung her arms out, and in a loud voice she said “ Honey I’m home!” with a huge smile plastered to her face. 
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
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James I know the muggle world better then I know anything. I spent the first 11 years of my life there remember. I was safe. Next time you can come with me.
Nu-uh Mister. If I am going down you are coming down with me. Plus one!
Lily isn't coming back for another 6 days...
I missed you to
maybe to much. But I really don’t care. You know?
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I had to go to wedding planning. I am 100% sure Tunny doesn’t want me there. And they aren’t getting married for ages. I don’t want to be dragged into it this early. Even if she is my sister 
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
I missed you to...maybe to much. But I really don't care. You know?
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I had to go to wedding planning. I am 100% sure Tunny doesn't want me there. And they aren't getting married for ages. I don't want to be dragged into it this early. Even if she is my sister 
Lily isn't coming back for another 6 days...
Oh poor baby that must have been very hard.
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
Oh poor baby that must have been very hard.
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Lily isn't coming back for another 6 days...
I don’t like this.
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
Hmmm Anyone Miss Me?
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
OOC-Computer Issues
Thought i'd drop in really quickly. I am on my sisters laptop which doesn't work. I get back to NZ on the 12th and I should be getting my laptop back on the 13th. That is if everything goes to plan. Where I live has thunderstorms and where I am has bushfires/thunderstorms/maybe a cyclon. We shall see how everything turns out.
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
this has been the story of Lily Evans(Izzy the crazy person) and this is where it ends
I just want to say if anyone still follows this blog, the role play it was for kind of died. It makes me very sad because I had to agree this would be my last role-play and I miss it every day. I grew very attached to this Lily and I loved everyone I was blessed with being able to roleplay with. You guys honestly made my year that little bit better. So if any of you ever come on here all hopeful like I do( A lot), I loved all of you so much! You helped me through a lot!
My personal is ameliaandhercenturion I would love to keep contact with as many of you as possible, or if anyone who did follow me wishes to again I would love that all the same. 
Also if at anytime anyone would like to role play/do something similiar with Lily I would be happy to (e.g 1 X 1) Just mesage me on my personal.
This was Izzy! I am sad to see this go but I believe it is time to admit it, and because no one seems to be lurking anymore. 
(Before I get hate I am going to tag this as Lily Evans, so please don't bother) 
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
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Something crazy! Now that I can handle! We will need coffee and glitter and I should be able to work something out!
I know! its scaring me Arthur, Hogwarts can't be quiet and all normal! It should be loud and people unable to get a word in because everyone is talking and stuff. Did you sort things out with Mols yet?
We have to do something crazy! 
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Everyone is being so quiet and we need to give them a kick-start.
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
This has been the Story of Lily Evans
Lily Evans wasn’t what you would expect. She liked it that way, having parts of you only saved for those special people. Lily Evans worked hard in school; she strived for greatness both academically and socially. Lily Evans was a girl of many quirks and odd tendcies. Lily was a girl with fiery red hair and the temper to match but also Lily was a person with feelings that could be hit and that’s why she guards herself from everything, she likes to keep an outside view on things. Lily Evans was the girl you could often find behind a leaning tower of books or maybe curled up by herself on a coach looking out of a window while and old worm volume sits on her lap. Lily Evans has loved and lost and then found love all over again, she had gone to Hogwarts and become a witch. She had found the people she would always lobe and the people she would always share memoires with. She had grown up in this castle behind it walls and charms and secret places and the places you think are secret but aren’t. She had seemed the moors that rolled outside her widow snow-capped and lit up by sun, creating small shadows.
She had made friends lost them and then made them again. She had made old friendships stronger and tried to mend the already broken ones.
Lily had lived behind a façade of not having things touch her and had a boy with big dreams and hazel eyes put the time into mending the thing that was beginning to break, she had made friends and relationships that could never be broken all because that boy with hazel eyes never gave up on her. A ring now sat on her finger with a promise of a future with the boys who saw passed the books and hard exterior who learnt why she was afraid of stairs and helped bring her back.
She had the wild blonde friend who brought out the more wild side that people never saw, the girl she could talk to bad confine in when she felt hurt, she had become a sister and she too had brought lily back.
There was the boy with hair like hers with an interest in the world she left behind, and this boy became like a brother whom she would back up until the end of her days.
That was what Hogwarts was 
a chance of a family, a future, and a place to escape, a place to explore and grow. Hogwarts was home.
This was the story of an 11 year old with the future on her back who left behind the people she loved and found new ones, she was someone who lived in the past but was learning not to. This has been the Story of Lily Evans. 
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
*kisses back*
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Hmm...I like saying hello like this, it feels very French. So? How have you been?
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
*leans forward*
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Hello you....
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
How could you think that James? You are dealing with it wouldn't that be enough to make him proud. You are 17..or about to be, and this has been thrown at you and yes I don't understand it but I do believe he would already be proud of you and you have accomplished. You are strong James, even though this is hard..you won't fail. I won't let you. James you are one of the strongest people I know and one of the only people who challenged my ruling over being the best at everything(or most things).  You won't fail..
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*shifts to make herself comfortable* Because who else do I have who deserves to have my faith, YOu put up with me and didn't give up. You are there when I need you or even before I thought I ever would. You helped me in ways I don't think I could ever explain. Its the small things, like at the beginning of this year when you sent me that picture, or when I went with you to that quiddicth match and you explained the whole match to me. its the small things that made me Love you.  And no, you weren't terrible  you made mistakes like everyone does, but you never gave up on me, you never stopped trying. So maybe yes at one point you weren't right for me but now there is no one else I would ever want to be with. *kisses his cheek*
My birthday is coming up soon....
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
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Shouldn't that mean you have...We should make this the best birthday ever just in case. They'll find him James. Even if you have to become head first they will find him. I will be here for you every step of the way; okay? You can use me in whatever way you want and if all you want me to do is leave you alone to figure this out alone then I will. I promise James, I am not going anywhere. You can do this James..aren't you a marauder, you plan all those pranks, you put with me and all of my shit and..James you are ready for this even if you don't feel like it. 
My birthday is coming up soon....

.Is it wrong I don’t want it too?
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red-headed-mischief-blog · 12 years
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and that arrogant toerag is you, James Potter.
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