recruiterss-blog · 3 years
March 17, 2022 - I received a call from a person name “Raquel” of GEO NATION informing me that I won the grand prize of dhow cruise / movie tickets and hotel accommodation 4d/3n to selected country of choice except local/UAE. The gullible me believed it since I remembered filling out a coupon in Al Barsha- Cuisinerong Pinoy restaurant while me and my husband were dining. My husband initially told me not to sign as he was being offered multiple times but he just doesnt want to give his contact details.
So I was invited to collect the prize in Grand Mercure Hotel Deira with the thought that it will be only a photo ops. I know how this kind of strategy works as I am in marketing line of work. I was initially hesitant to enter the hall since I knew from the start that there will be something to offer. But then, in the form that they asked me to sign it said that Im consenting them to have a 30 minutes meeting with their staff to teach me on “how to activate” the ticket. Then to my surprise, there went a Pakistan staff explaining everything, I just said I already knew everything and Im just here to collect the vouchers then he sensed that I am a difficult customer since Im a Filipino he passed me to another lady of the same nationality, the lady name “Hazelyn” talked a lot we just let her went on and then she came to offering us for “classic package” which includes visa, I asked her right away even US visa? She said yes and they dont event have any visa rejections. To gave me a proof she showed me some approved US visa which was taken not from UAE but somewhere else. I knew exactly that it was already a scam when she asked me for upfront payment of aed 450 - zero installment payable for 12-24 months and I can use the package for 3 countries in span of 3 years and can carry over to another year and she even said that another 15% discount will be given on the time of our flight. Imagine that, for 10,899 aed she can even lower it down without considering the travel economic factors by the time of booking. Lols
When she saw me checking my phone coz I didnt event checked them first since the gullible me was in Lalaland knowing that I won something big, she changed her tone and even said why Im checking reddit. I was like how did she even saw that. Lols
Lots of red flags, bottomline is I was almost had a heated argument with this lady coz she talked a lot even though I said NO and told her to stop justifying your offerings when I already said NO and just give my prize. What irritated me more was when she said she will give me my “gifts”, I was like its cleared to me that I won something hence its not a gift but a prize. Something I won from electronic draw, then I came back to my senses and understood that it was really a whole damn show run by clowns and will take you to the make believe, too good to be true fantasy until you fell from their trap. Be careful from this tactic, if you really won something they wont asked you for this kind of setups and dont bother filling up their form unless you have the luxury to splurge for 10grand.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Upper management don't communicate at all
They hire wonderful people, but they don't take care of their employees. They do not want to. All they carte about is money
Literally upper management don't communicate at all. They love to gossip and have no idea how to truly manage talent. Company is not afraid to make changes, even at employees' expense. Not a destination for mid-career professionals looking to grow as you are more likely to get burnt out with mundane work
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Do Not Work Here
Small departments so get to do a lot Free time (since there is not a solid client base) allows for generous work life balance
-Horribly understaffed, and none of the staff are trained properly -Lack of clients with substance and bad choices to take on as clients makes getting press hard, which then means you get reprimanded for not delivering -Managers are allowed to be abusive and scream and yell. Even after multiple first hand reports to higher management nothing is done -No praise given for any accomplishment -Pay is tens of thousands below industry standard -Do not observe normal holidays (Indigenous People's Day, MLK day, President's Day) -Lack of lower support staff (coordinators, etc) so staff have to handle responsibilities for 4-5 roles
Listen to your employees when they submit real complaints about management. Don't just take anyone on as a client, look for actual substance. Hire people with experience and train those who don't have it. Increase pay.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Miko 3 Opinion?
I'm extremely conflicted with this purchase. I 100% agree with everyone when they say it was falsely advertised because it definitely was despite customer service reps on social media platforms insisting that it isn't and that all the features are there and it's being constantly updated. Okay, that's all fine, but i purchased this robot under the impression those features were already THERE not that "They were going to be added" at a later date. Like NO! Why is Disney allowing this type of false advertising to happen? I'm sure they're dealing with a bunch of pissed off parents.
My daughter is 8 and she isn't really engaging with it like we hope she would. Its very glitchy and she gets frustrated easily.
We do have fun with Miko 3 if we are engaging with it together. If I sit down and play with her then it's enjoyable for her because I'm there to fix all the bugs. She doesn't like to on her own though because it just doesn't work like it should, at least not yet.
I know she's disappointed in this robot but she won't say so. The problem is I want to return it because I never would have bought it had I known it was an unfinished product, but my daughter seems to want to keep it even with all the problems and glitches because "it's cute".
Any thoughts? Do you guys think this thing is going to get updated and better? I'm not even sure they'll give me a refund considering she's been playing with it for about a week now, not heavily but maybe an hour a day as long as I play with her, if not maybe she plays 5 or 10 mins with it.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Thoughts on HackerU
I am almost done with the introduction course which was $500. I learned a lot from the course and am at the point of “do I continue”. The main course is $17,500 and runs 10 months. They say they offer job placement making $90k but they don’t provide any certifications. I tried to look up reviews and most of them are negative. There isn’t much on their website and most of their links don’t work (maybe because they rebranded to ThriveDX).
Has anyone completed this program and actually landed a decent job? Any other thoughts on a cybersecurity Bootcamp?
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Kangen Water: The Scam That Pays
“Life doesn’t have to be such a challenge. We went from barely getting by to building the life of our dreams. You can do the same when you click the button below & register for this online workshop”
In the last few years, I’ve come upon a very dubious business model, which has lured thousands upon thousands of people, mostly from the Philippine community, and … enriched a very few…
In a nutshell, the promoted “online business” has only one purpose: to get as many distributors for the equally dubious Kangen Water (the brand name for alkaline water owned by Enagic Corporation), which operates as a MLM/pyramid.
In Canada, according to Section 55.1 of the Competition Act, A PYRAMID BUSINESS is: a multi-level marketing plan that includes either compensation for recruitment, required purchases as a condition of participation, inventory loading, or the lack of a buy-back guarantee on reasonable commercial terms, constitutes a prohibited “scheme of pyramid selling”. Examples.
Kangen Water/Enagic Canada (Address: 7460 Edmonds St Suite 101, Burnaby, BC V3N 1B2) clearly falls into the category of a pyramid (scheme in disguise).
The big question is: WHY IS KANGEN WATER BEING ALLOWED TO OPERATE IN CANADA?What is actually Kangen Water?
Kangen water® is the brand name for alkaline water owned by Enagic Corporation (read BBB complains about the company here). It is sold through multi-level marketing. The multi-level marketing system used by Enagic® to sell its water ionizer has also been called a scam because it doubles the price of the kangen water® machine.
The way you buy a Kangen Water machine is through a distributor. Even on their website, they ask for a “sponsor’s ID, name, phone number and email address” (distributor) in order to buy a machine.
Every time a Kangen machine is sold, eight sales people — the Kangen Water pyramid — get paid a commission. Their sales commission doubles the cost of the Kangen machine. Replacement filters for the Kangen® machines are expensive too, because they are also sold through the MLM scheme. The same eight people get paid every time you buy a replacement filter for your machine. It’s an outrageous scam!
Every time a Kangen machine is sold, eight sales people — the Kangen Water pyramid — get paid a commission.
The top people (the so-called 6A2–8) in the pyramid get a $800,000 bonus, and a $80,000 Monthly For Life (which, you’re told, can be inherited by your next of kin when you die… not exactly true, but hey — fairy tales work when you’re selling the dream)!
Do you know any other business which does that?
We’re talking about SERIOUS MONEY that the scammers at the top will get monthly, guaranteed… if they continue to supply Enagic with distributors. Money, that they collect from sales of those OVERPRICED, NO-GOOD WATER MACHINES to other distributors.
No wonder they get so upset when they are exposed…
To recap: You can’t become a Kangen Water distributor without buying a Kangen Water machine. From another distributor.
The Kangen Water machines are hugely overpriced in order to pass down the line commissions from sales.
This creates the perfect opportunity for the perfect pyramid business scam.
I did my own “investigation” — I went to Enagic Canada main office in Burnaby, BC (7460 Edmonds St Suite 101, Burnaby, BC V3N 1B2) to inquire how I can become a distributor. I was told that the requirement is to purchase a Kangen machine from another distributor. “Just be sure it’s an honest one, there are a lot of dishonest people out there.”, said the guy behind the counter. “No sh*t!”, I thought to myself.
Purchasing a product is never a condition to become a distributor. In any other business, you apply to become a distributor, and only if/when you are approved, you can purchase an inventory.
Enagic sells their overpriced alkalized water machines that make “antioxidant-rich, health water for revitalized cells” (quote is from one of their sites), which will do miracles for your health, and “everyone will tell you so”… although the company “prohibits” their distributors from making such claims. Wink wink.
Some of the “claimed” health benefits from distributors (who mostly know nothing about any of this science) include:
Slows aging process
Boost immune system
More hydrating
Boost metabolism
Relieves heartburn
Cures cancer, diabetes, measles
and a ton of other stuff
In multi-level marketing scams, the parent company keeps a low profile and makes few claims that would attract the scrutiny of regulators such as the U.S. FTC. Instead, they recruit thousands of “independent agents” who are provided with sales literature containing false and misleading claims which they then transmit to their customers or put up on their own Web sites.
These agents, few of whom are well-enough educated to evaluate these claims or to realize that they violate the FTC rules on deceptive advertising, are as much victims as are their consumer customers.
“Snake oil” is a term used to describe deceptive marketing, health care fraud, or a scam. Which clearly Enagic is. Their water machines have no health benefits. They are overpriced only because of the MLM system for distribution of commissions.
So here is what we know about Kangen Water
It has NO PROVEN HEALTH benefits — and because Kangen water is sold through a network of distributors, the company can easily deny any wrongdoing when the individual distributors make such claims.
The Kangen Water cost thousands of dollars — between $2,980.00 and $5,980.00 for their most expensive model. The inflated price has one purpose — to provide large commissions to the few successful distributors.
Kangen Water is sold through multi-level marketing pyramid scheme. To become a Kangen distributor you HAVE TO PURCHASE A MACHINE FROM ANOTHER DISTRIBUTOR — a clear violation of Section 55.1 of the Competition Act.
The company has been sued for making spam calls to more than a million people in the US.
The Health Ministry in Malaysia has taken steps against the sale and promotion of Kangen water.
Finally, the very existence of Kangen Water/Enagic in Canada, allows for additional scams, like the one described below.
The Local Scam
Did you know that you can easily make a 6-figure passive income with virtually no experience, no skills and no education? You may also receive, guaranteed, a passive $5,000–$80,000 monthly “lifetime legacy bonus which can also be bequeathed or willed to your next of kin or your children.”
Sounds too good to be true?
This is, of course, if you join Mike Dreher and Darren Ewert online “business system”.
Or should I repeat: scam.
This information is from Enagic’s own Earnings Disclosure statement (as a distributor, you start at 1A — the more sales you have, the more additional distributors you get in the pyramid structure, the higher you climb and the bigger the commissions get. Only 0.24% hold a rank of 6A2–3.):
We don’t know what rank do Darren and Mike hold right now, but it’s above 6A2–4.
The scamming duo, Kangen Water/Enagic Canada main office and the majority of the “Dream team” are all located in Vancouver, British Columbia. But there are more victims of the scam, from many other parts of the world.
The Dream Team Or The Nightmare Mike And Darren’s Business
is a first hand experience from someone who bought into the scam.
How does the scam work? Let me explain as easy as I can:
If you’re on Facebook (who isn’t?) you may come upon an ad or a post where you see ordinary people showing how much money they’re making from their “online business”. “Join our webinar, and you’ll learn how you can do it too!”, they say.
You go to their website, where you fill in your email and watch a pre recorded “webinar”. If you want to join, please pay $149 (US).
After you pay, you join the “Dream Team”, a hidden Facebook community group and you learn that the “business model” actually is to become a distributor of Enagic products.
Basically, this is an online scam designed to trick people into becoming Enagic distributors. Mike and Derren have been featured in an Enagic newsletter, where they talk about “building a community for distributors, which could help each other succeed and change lives.”
There are 3 different Enagic “investments” these platforms typically promote to people.
The first is buying a K8 for $4890, which is one of their most popular water ionizers.
The second is something people call the “Trifecta”, which consists of purchasing a K8, an Anespa mineral ion water spa system for $2890, and a 4 month supply of Ukon turmeric supplements for $760 which will autoship to you 3 times a year. With taxes, shipping, and handling all added in, this comes out to an initial “investment” of around $10,000.
The final and least common is the “Quad” or “Quadzilla” which is a trifecta + an extra K8, that most attach to a bathroom faucet or loan out to leads (people they want to sell to). This would of course be an investment of around $15,000.
Here’s a video explaining the scam by Alanda Carter, a former member of their “Dream team” (article here):
AT THE MOMENT (20 Sept., 2021), Mike and Darren’s “Dream team” has more than 90,000 participants. A huge number of them are Filipinos expats, people who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and are trying to make ends meet.
I have to admit, it’s a clever scam as it double dips: first, you have to pay to join the system, which provides no real knowledge or training, but convinces you to invest and buy a Kangen Water machine, in order to become a distributor.
So, if numbers are right, if we have 90,000 individuals in the “Dream team”, all those people have paid US$149
90,000 X $149 = US$ 13,410,000
Not everyone has actually become a distributor at that point, but if we assume half are, that makes appr. 40,000 individuals who have purchased at least one Kangen Water machine at an average price of $4,000.
40,000 X $4,000 = $160,000,000
That’s a lot of profit for Enagic. And Darren and Mike.
Why is this a scam?
Scam: a dishonest scheme; a fraud
FALSE ADVERTISING/DISHONESTY: You’re tricked into thinking you’re joining an online training/business system. In reality, you’re charged $149 US to be convinced you need to become an Enagic distributor and buy an overpriced water machine.
SECRECY: By not identifying the business with a defined public brand, they go unnoticed and it is more difficult to find information about them on the Internet. When you join they ask you not to share information outside the group, neither the name of the private group nor the name of the company and basically nothing. The Facebook groups are secret by design. The less people know, the better.
SOCIAL NETWORKS ABUSE: Facebook forbids “ads promoting business models offering quick compensation for little investment, including multilevel marketing opportunities.”
PREDATORY SCHEME: The scam targets people with minimal computer literacy, experiencing hardships with promises for easy money. A typical “get-rich-quick” scheme. If you can’t afford tp pay the $4,000 for the machine, they encourage you to take a LOAN or a new CREDIT CARD.
SELLING ‘THE LIFESTYLE’: The whole marketing pitch these two do is based on the ‘financial freedom dream’. Which, let’s be fair, only about one to two percent of all independent consultants working for MLM companies can achieve, by making the huge salaries that you hear about in the testimonials.
If you search online for “We’re Helping Thousands of Hard Working People To Switch It Up And Become Online Entrepreneurs”, you will find hundreds of templated websites’ like:
Learn to leverage the digital world
Anne Rafinan
Life doesn't have to be such a challenge. We went from barely getting by to building the life of our dreams. Learn how…
Gina and Dimitar Dimitrov
Learn to leverage the digital world
Abolade Digital Entrepreneur
Learn to leverage the digital world
Sarah Lacroix
The websites are built on Landingi landing pages and Clickfunnels. Payments are processed through Stripe. Domains are purchased from GoDaddy. Ads are posted on Facebook and YouTube.
All those companies share responsibility for allowing the scam to continue.
Are those people “experts” who will teach you and give you the training you so desperately need?
No. They are people like you, duped into becoming Kangen Water distributors.
And apparently those who complain are banned from the group. Those who expose or criticize the system are targeted by the scamming duo who have a lot of money to spend on legal proceedings.
Quote: “From what I have learned from combined testimonials, this couple has initiated several legal proceedings against those who expose or criticize their system on the Internet. It’s always suspicious when there is so much to hide, isn’t it?”
So the big question remains:
Why are those scams and illegal pyramid businesses allowed to operate in Canada?
Why is this not looked at and investigated by the media?
Why are the authorities closing their eyes at thousands of people being scammed into purchasing overpriced, useless machines?
Why are unethical business systems like Mike and Derren’s being allowed to exist?
Better Business Bureau Investigation
See all additional business information
Additional Information: BBB opened an investigation into betterlife.buzz (AKA Darren and Mike also AKA WorkShopReplay)(note: after BBB’s investigation, the betterlife.buzz homepage seems to have been disabled. However, training.betterlife.buzz is active) due to public inquiries. During the course of the investigation, BBB found that betterlife.buzz operated affiliate marketing webinars and sold an affiliate marketing program. The stated purpose of these webinars was to introduce & explain the basics of the affiliate marketing program offered by betterlife.buzz. The webinars are 60–90 minutes in length. The content of the webinar is aspirational and motivational rather than informative.
BBB has found many other websites offering the same marketing program. The other websites use an identical format, but different urls that link to the same privacy policy and terms and conditions pages.
The webinar has two sections, the first is the founder or host talking about why viewers should become affiliate marketers, what the earnings potential is and how little work is involved. The second half is current users of the program talking about their introduction and experience with the program. The webinar does not provide any specific details about the affiliate marketing program.
The few mentions of the program do not include sufficient details for a viewer to understand how the program operates or what their involvement will be. The webinar host claims that the program “does 90% of the work for you”. According to the webinar, the software they give you access to is worth $21 000.00. They mention access to mentors, high commission products and sales funnel, but do not get into any detail about what the viewer is expected to do in order to earn 6 to 7 figures a year. The webinar also does not mention why they are offering this program to others.
On August 16, 2019 BBB asked betterlife.buzz to provide the following information: Please provide the average, median and range of earnings for people using your program. Do your community members market the program? If so, do they make any commission on sales of the program? Do community members earn income based on the income of their recruits? How many of your users are marketing betterlife.buzz? How many of your users were brought on via affiliate marketers, rather than by seeking betterlife.buzz out themselves? The webinar also mentions a “proven sales funnel”. Can you provide some information to explain how the sales funnel has been proven?
As of August 26, 2019 BBB has not received a response.
Here’s are two quotes from BBB complaint page:
“This group is full of manipulators. They use ads to manipulate people to watch their webinar, where they manipulate you even more and don’t explain the entire business. You have to pay to learn more, where again you are manipulated by a coach who will dance around the bush, rather than get straight to the point. Business owners end up having to invest thousands into Kangen water, which is a totally separate business. However, they have masterminded how to manipulate the commision schedule for profit. Once you are a business owner, they teach you how to manipulate people to join, and how to manipulate Facebook, and other social media platforms to allow your ads…. that are not allowed as this is an MLM. After that you will delete all negative comments to manipulate people into thinking the business is great. You will also share who these negative Nancy’s are to the dream team so they can ban and block them from their business page. They will tell you to follow the law of attraction, and buy crystals…. because if you believe in the business you will achieve? Yet most people don’t believe it because people are hardly making a penny, let alone what they invested. They manipulate these people and use them as pawns. The people at the tops make hundreds of thousands, but 80% invest their last bit of savings or credit, to not make a penny and end up broke.” Leila R
“This training is nothing else than a scam. Unfortunately these 2 Kangen Water distributors created this training to distract people from the real business as an Enagic distributor. They created a “business” where people are attracted to start an online business and to attract more people to to sign to this webinar. At the end people has to pay $150 to enter into this group. I was attracted by this “training” and now that I came out of this group I can talk about this scam.” Mirela Botez
P.S. There are other Kangen Water scams online too (like the Breakaway Movement, etc.). There’s a very informative article about most of them. Bottom line is — MLM and pyramid companies are the perfect environment where dishonest people thrive.
Reporting fraud is crucial!
Fraudulent or suspicious activity can be reported to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, through its website at www.antifraudcentre.ca, or by telephone at 1–888–495–8501.
Misleading advertising and labelling
The misleading advertising and labelling provisions enforced by the Competition Bureau prohibit making any deceptive representations for the purpose of promoting a product or a business interest, and encourage the provision of sufficient information to allow consumers to make informed choices.
Please use the following form to notify the Competition Bureau.
Contact the media
List of Canadian media emails.
If you have lost money by investing into this scam, you can also report to the local RCMP.
Some additional actions you can take to protect yourself and others include:
Sign up for BBB Scam Alerts.
Encourage others to report scams to BBB Scam Tracker by sharing via social media.
View our most recent research reports.
Find your local Better Business Bureau to assist you further via our online directory.
Alkaline Water Criticism in the Media
Alkaline water has been roundly criticized in the media. Here are just a few of the examples and some quotes:
McGill University Title: Alkaline Water Nonsense Subtitle: The words absurd, ridiculous, ludicrous, preposterous, comical, and farcical come to mind, but they still don’t quite seem to capture the extent of the mind-numbing nonsense. And what nonsense is that? ‘Ionized Alkaline Water!’”
New York Times Expert: “It’s all about marketing. There is no science to back it up.” Other analysis: This article notes that companies funded several small studies seemingly for the purpose of marketing.
Science Based Medicine Subtitle: “Alkaline water is pure BS — there is no plausibility to the claims of any health benefits, and what evidence we have is negative. Its popularity grows despite this.”
The Guardian Key Quote: “While people have been touting the benefits of upping your alkaline levels for decades, Fenton says the belief is not supported by any scientific evidence. Fenton, who analyzed studies looking at the association of alkaline water with cancer treatment, notes that while ‘there are a few very poorly designed studies’ that suggest alkaline water confers health benefits, there is no rigorous evidence this is the case.’ What’s more, Fenton stresses, you simply can’t change the pH of your body by drinking alkaline water. ‘Your body regulates its [blood] pH in a very narrow range because all our enzymes are designed to work at pH 7.4. If our pH varied too much we wouldn’t survive.’”
Vice Subtitle: “No, Alkaline Water Isn’t Making You Healthier — It is making your wallet lighter, though.”
Self Title: “What Even Is Alkaline Water and Is It Really Better Than Regular Water?” This article included several experts that debunked alkaline in decent detail.
Truth in Advertising Truth in Advertising covers the class action lawsuits against the makers of alkaline water companies, citing an expert that says “It’s all about marketing. There is no science to back it up.”
More links:
Pandemic Schemes: How Multilevel Marketing Distributors Are Using the Internet — and the Coronavirus — to Grow Their Businesses
How to prove a product is NOT a hoax
Alkaline Disease theory is nonsense
All About Water pH
Alkalosis — a serious health concern
Alkaline or Ionized Water — another scam?
Calcite : for raising pH of water.
Drinking Water Scams and Tricks (pdf from Auburn University)
Alkaline Water — Snake oil on tap. (link to another site)
Kangen Water Is Supposed to Be Healthier — But Is It? — Yahoo
Is alkaline water a miracle cure — or BS? The science is in
MLM’s ABYSMAL NUMBERS Chapter summary — Federal
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Is this a real company or scam? Need some help!!! Brainnest?
The company name is Brainnest. I got an email from them saying I have been selected for Brainnest Junior Business Analyst Programme. There is an 129 euro fee for the 1 month programme, which is dodgy firstly.
I genuinely can't tell if this is a real legit company or not. I went on Linkedln and all the new internship trainees start on July 2021, a little dodgy. I cant find any evidence of them working with any of their partners shown on their website, some big names like EY. Its supposed to be a German company, I searched for it and could find no registered company under that name in Germany, again dodgy!!
It has 14,000+ followers on Linkedln though. Website seems dodgy also.
Can anyone tell me if this is a legitimate company or some dodgy money making scheme of some sort.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Don’t work here
There were some good people who also work here and were trying there best to do a good job. If you like drinking, it’s not only an option (while working) it is encouraged.
Management is unprofessional. The environment is a classic example of a toxic work environment. The only HR person is the CEOs wife, so there is no opportunity for reporting inappropriate behavior. They have high turnover and almost 0 onboarding or training. You won’t be paid well and there are no raises, performance reviews or opportunities for advancement. I could go on but I will just conclude with I don’t recommend anyone work here.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Full of heart, fantastic mission, unfortunate leadership
The staff is full of enthusiasm and genuine care for the students. The mission is real. It's amazing to watch the students transforms their lives.
Leadership is haphazard and at times inexperienced. Fair amount of instability and uncertainty around companies future. Expectations can be unreasonable.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Derek Moneyberg: Legit or Scam?
Hey guys! My first ever post. I wanted to ask for anyone that might have been on Derek’s course(s), are they legit? Did you/anyone you know make money from them? Just want to know in case it is a scam... thank you!
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Not A Pleasant Working Environment interdependece company review  my experienc with this
You get to work on a variety of accounts, mostly startups, so you get great experience when it comes to being creative with strategies.
Rapid turnover of clients and employees. Blatant workplace discrimination. Contracts promise unrealistic things, like guaranteed sales/ROI. Contracts can be very short, so clients get angry when the promises made in the contracts aren't delivered.
Listen to employee feedback and take action on what needs to be improved. Revamp the entire new business process. HIRE HR before you get sued (you wouldn't be the first PR agency to get sued and lose) . Get real benefits. Promote from within and recognize good employees. Raise the salaries to meet market standards. Don't put anyone on more than 4 to 5 accounts (10-12 isn't realistic).
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
Bad Experience
Downtown, team outings, commrader
If you’re not white or Asian 9 times out of 10 you WONT get hired. There’s no diversity within this company. I mean just look at their website. So many great companies to work besides Velo IT Group. They will act like you got the job but f you over in the end. 10/10 do NOT recommend.
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recruiterss-blog · 3 years
The most toxic corporate experience ever
Learning experience, looks good on resume, decent pay and benefits, growing business, most likely about to get bought out by a larger company so could help with funding and resources but don’t hold your breath.
First let me start by saying any positive reviews left on here are written by HR to throw any bad reviews off. If you see any bad reviews written please believe them.. this was the most toxic work culture I’ve ever experienced in my life. The amount of gaslighting, lack of transparency and crooked things that go on behind the scenes at this company is honestly so disturbing and is very hard to even express on paper. Once they changed leader ship it all went downhill from there. All they want to do is set the company up to be bought out by a larger company so this place is always a revolving door( NOONE IS SAFE) Any employees that are there are overworked undervalued and consistently lied to to get them to stay and basically be minions to upper leadership. There is no room for growth at the company.. all they do is continue to hire over people who dedicate all their time and energy to make the company as successful as it is and they get nothing in return. They act like they value and support their employees and I guarantee will tell you that the culture is all daisies and roses but it simply is not and it starts at the top. They have so many talented employees there but the lack of support and resources they give their teams will always be dysfunctional. Speaking of teams most “teams” consist of 1-3 people instead of hiring roles that actually do the dirty work they hire leadership thats stays in meetings all day and can’t support anyone under them. Once you get hired there is no onboarding so good luck at training yourself. All this company does is use employees, push them to work long hours. Most Managers and upper leadership work until midnight and expect the same lack of work life balance for their teams. Also, don’t believe the diversity and inclusion bs they feed its all a front for whenever they get called out on it.
Actually listen to what your employees say is not working and ask and actually FOLLOW THROUGH with what the teams need to feel valued and supported not what YOU think they need. The teams DONT need more leadership they need more hands on deck!!
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recruiterss-blog · 4 years
Not Worth It  Review about No Labels company
They believe in their mission, pay is good in a vacuum but not enough for the expectations
Literally everything else -Zero work-life balance: you are expected to be available at all hours including on weekends -No organization - No Labels is over 10 years old and only recently put together a rudimentary org chart -No onboarding - training and onboarding is done entirely piecemeal, with no coherency or planning -No communication - decisions about responsibilities and portfolios are made without any warning or input from the affected employees - people get moved into entirely new departments without warning -Automation/integrations - employees spend hours each day doing manual data entry into Salesforce, time that could be spent working on projects/talking to donors -The point of the organization seems to be fundraising - everything is focused around donor communication and all events are opportunities to get donors involved -Turnover - look how many reviews say they worked there for less than a year
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recruiterss-blog · 4 years
Pay attention to the reviews
Read all of the reviews and play close attention to the ones that are overly positive. Those reviews come from the current President, former President (they're BFFs!!) and HR. These reviews will tell you that it's a fantastic place to work, that the environment is friendly, that it compares to multi-billion dollar companies (LOL), that it's full of positive and upbeat "go-getters". Of course your president(s) and HR are going to sell you on this place, they need you to do the work! and they need the image of the company to appear vastly different than it really, and truly, is.
Now read the reviews that rate the company below average (which is the lion's share). These reviews will tell you the truth - the hardworking majority of the company is telling you the truth here. If you want to work in an environment that is led by a group of catty, bullying and unattractive (inward, and outward) women - by all means - but what you're signing up for is a president who bullies and belittles her staff, puts 'leaders' in place that foster hostility over peace, who do not value you *you'll work non-stop and be underpaid*, then go for it. At least you'll get some free makeup to make it look like you're doing well?
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recruiterss-blog · 4 years
COO bar non the worst!!!!!!!!!
most colleagues are nice and hard working
I worked here and was hesitant to write a review. I left in 2019, and have since moved to a great company. It is not me to speak bad but out of respect to all those who have since left or were laid off I felt it was only correct to warn job seekers. Should Matt Goker still work at ATA do not take the job. Trust the bad reviews. Every review on here is real. He is the worst, he hides all day in his office he has his secretary do all the work and pretends he is some kind of silicon valley executive. He embellishes everything. He has no clue how things work; what system does what. He asks everyone else to do the work but gives them no tools. he wastes so much unnecessary money on things that do not matter. I do not even understand how they make money. He has weekly meetings where everyone stands around and just nods because they all know it is BS as nothing ever changes. There is a CEO but he shows up 1x a year. They claim to work on some new Freight forwarding tool but 3 years later it still has not been launched. Fire Matt Goker and actually give a competent person the reins like Esma Sahin. To bad she is held hostage by god knows what. That lady actually does 90% of the COO job. She cannot implement change because Matt does not even trust himself.
Fire COO its that simple, and promote Esma Sahin or someone capable.
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recruiterss-blog · 4 years
Michael Kohler A Scam
So I came across this guy on youtube named Michael Kohler. He claims to be the CEO & Founder of some large investment company called Kohler Global Investments. He is also a mentee of Dan Pena.
In his webinar he said he made like $10 Million selling his online business in 2018 and is now doing Mergers & Acquisitions and makes tens of millions per year.
He has a video on how to make $10 Million in your first year in business LOL check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_raKxTdTZb8
I mean the info he presents isn't that bad and kinda makes sense just wanted to get your thoughts on the guy?
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