16 posts
My perspective and reflections on socio-cultural and behavioural dimensions of leisure.
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recrelations · 10 years ago
That's a wrap folks!
This is crazy! The semester is basically over, I do not understand where the time went. It feels like it was just September a week or two ago. It is even crazy to think that this is my last Fall semester at university!
This class was not what I expected it to be. This class was much more than that. I had a great time in this class, even though it was an 8:30 am class 3 hours long. The fact that the professor was great, the fact that we had interesting Grad students presenting their research, the fact that we got to participate in such an amazing event Night\Shift, the fact that we got to choose our own research projects, the fact that we got to study Mardi Gras..everything was just great.
This class also opened up a whole new world to me...blogging. I can't say I am someone who would have blogged other wise or that I will continue to blog. But I can say that I did have a great experience blogging and enjoyed it. I can see myself blogging though if I decide to travel after school. 
As another semester comes to an end, I am very excited to be able to say that January marks my last semester at university and I couldn't be more excited.
This below picture includes some of my favourite places! These are pictures I took. 
My cottage (sunset)
Las Vegas (the strip and Bellagio fountains)
Cuba (me floating in the water)
Bahamas (Atlantis towers)
Dominican (walking on the beach)
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Thank you to those who followed me on my blogging experience!
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Analyzing Research
As stated in previous blogs, my REC 401 class attended Night\Shift to conduct research! I have participated in research before with my REC 220: Program Management class. We handed out surveys for participants to complete...but I did not need to create the survey or analyze the survey. So doing research for Night\Shift was definately an experience, as I got to be part of picking the research topic, coming up with the survey questions, inviting individuals to participant in the survey, and the best part yet...analyzing the data. I personally thought it would be easier to analyze, however with the types of questions we asked it become a little time consuming (if I did the survey again, I would have definately changed the questions just to make it simple to analyze. First. My partner and I entered each survey individually into excel. The columns identified the different questions and the rows identifed a coding (1 through to 75) which represent a participant who completed the survey. Second. I used the COUNT function to determine the amount of times that answer was selected. This determined the frequency of the answer. Example: Female was selected 48 times (frequency 48), Male was selected 25 times (frequency 25), and Other / Prefer not to say was selected 2 times (frequency 2). Third. I determined which demographic characteristics were most prominent. Fourth. I created pie charts, line graphs, bar graphs, and tables which displayed frequency and percent. Five. I further analyzed the relationships between demographic characterisitcs and art / cultural events, specifically with Night\Shift. Six. A research paper was created to represent findings and conclusions from our study. Although the six steps above (give or take a few minor ones) may seem pretty straight forward. I am not a math/statistic/accounting person, and I took my REC stats course a while ago. I definately had a hard time trying to create/understand t-test and chi test. However, I feel as though I analyzed ad interpreted the data and findings in a realistic yet significant way that will hopefully help Night\Shift organizers! Once the research paper is complete, I will discuss my findings! Next up is preparing for our presentation!
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Beads, Bodies, and Trash: FINAL THOUGHT
Beads, Bodies, and Trash...where to begin?
First, I can say that this book is definitely staying in my collection. I only keep a few books/textbooks from classes...only the ones I think I will refer back to. Second, I have already told a variety of people (including family) to read this book. Third, it is probably one of my favourite books from my at at university.
To me it just seemed so different. Different than anything I have ever read before. Although there may have been some dry parts. David Redmon did a great job of portraying his research in a realistic way. I like how descriptive Redmon is, for example Chapter 4 - Mardi Gras: Made in New Orleans he states: "I'm sitting on a curb surrounded by broken beads, trash, and puke, looking at the street littered with scraps of paper that read "Made in China: as dangling beads drape there trees above the gutter next to me". You wouldn't even need to view that sentence in real life and you would be able to determine the disgust he is feeling. I also enjoyed how in Chapter 5: Sensory sphere and somatic commodity of chains, he explores the relationship between commodity chains and new materialism. He stated that "the sensuous immediacy of consuming Mardi Gras beads bears no apparent connection to the degrading circumstances in which the beads were made", this is a very true statement. There isn't really a connection made between the making of the beads and the wearing of the beads. They are seen as very different objects. I feel as though if there was more education on the making of the beads and what happens to the beads after Mardi Gras not as many individuals would wear them or possibly be accepting of them.
Redmond does a great job of exploring the inequalities of global capitalism but still allows, his research to come through as an easy to read and yet somehow enjoyable read. I think ethnography was a great way for Redmon to display his research; it is beneficial for his research to be presented in a book as well as a documentary. This book also portrays how individuals act in different recreation settings, as I'm sure not all individuals who participate in Mardi Gras act the way they do back in "reality". It also describes how people live without the idea of recreation in their life and how it contributes to their overall presence in society.
Overall, I extremely enjoyed this book and am definitely glad I made the decision to buy it (even though we had to for class, haha)
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recrelations · 10 years ago
You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore” ― Christopher Columbus
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recrelations · 10 years ago
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I really enjoy going through and reading quotes, as some just create such meaning! I also enjoy sharing quotes. So here is another!
If you want something done, you need to do it yourself. I think this can relate to many aspects of life because if you want an event to grow then you need to do research. If you want to travel then you need to plan and save money, and if you want to do well in school you must study and do the work!
Picture is from:
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Work to play and back to work again (Kip Jones)
An article we had to read for class was called: A Conversation Between Kip Jones and Patricia Leavy: Arts-Based Research, Performative Social Science and Working on the Margins by Kip Jones and Patricia Leavy. 
This paper follows a conversation between Jones and Leavy who are researchers in Arts- Based Research and Performative Social Science. This paper allowed me to explore more of the qualitative side of research, as for my own research for the class I focused on quantitative research. It is understandable that people use other research to help with their own research, whether its to understand it better or to make stronger points. But it is interesting to see that researcher use other pieces to gain influence, or how other researchers pieces influence their own work. I guess this would mainly be the case with qualitative research. With quantitative research it could be seen as trial and error, either you get the statistics you want or the understandings needed or you do not. Where as qualitative research is more of a process, going through steps and linking findings together. Then possibly moving on to other parts of qualitative research and then going back to other findings. I think qualitative can be a more meaningful experience, or so I would assume. it may have more impact on the individual conducting research. I suppose if you were truly passionate about your own quantitative research than it would be more meaningful. 
However, it both styles of research it definitely creates a learning experience. You learn from what you have done and can change your approach for the future. It definitely would have been interesting to take on a qualitative research project for this term. 
My favourite quote from the paper was when Jones stated "work to play and back to work again. And really learn to see. There is a lot to be learned by looking as well as listening."
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recrelations · 10 years ago
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While doing some research on Mardi Gras today...I came across this picture/quote and I felt like I should share it! 
Picture is from:
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Post Night\Shift
Today was our first class since the event happened on the weekend. Our class had a lot of great things to say about the event and then a lot of great areas of growth for the event.
It is interesting to see how everyone feels about what they experienced because everyone has such different backgrounds...some attend this types of events and some do not. Other factors can be included in different backgrounds such was enjoying art or not, enjoying being around people or not. It was also interesting to hear everyone state how cold it was! Welcome to Waterloo, Canada. 
It seems as though a lot of groups had time to walk around but are saying they would have still liked more time - seeing as they mainly stayed at one location (my partner and I didn't really get to walk around at all). 
I think the biggest concerns (that link to areas of growth) were the map and signs. Everyone seems to state that they had trouble finding sections they wanted to go to because they couldn't find it on the map or they just didn't see a sign. I think that is one major area for growth. There is great potential to have maps and signs. There could even be an app created that individuals can use to find the different areas. I noticed that the map had numbers but then when you got to the number you thought you were at...there was no number to match up and confirm you were at the right one. 
The positives: Altering researching some pieces and from the ones I experienced...I think there were a lot of cool/interesting pieces to look at! Like I stated above I wish I could have seen more. But the pieces selected represent something...whether it is wishes, expressing oneself through fashion, music, or signatures. They all had create aspects. The whole idea of Night\Shift is an amazing idea. 
It sounds as though everyone enjoyed themselves, and there were definitely highlights of the night. But I believe there are a lot of areas for growth that could make this event so much better.  I can honestly say, I am very happy this event was selected for our research. It definitely was eye opening and I would love to attend more events like these in the future!
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Night\Shift 2014 – November 1
Night\Shift 2014 finally happened…after all the hype and all the preparations…it has finally come and gone.
It was my first time experiencing a nighttime culture/arts event…even though I was there as a researcher, I felt as though I was there as a visitor. I only was able to see a few art pieces, but it definitely makes you think differently. It makes you think about how you see it, and how other may view it differently. Art opens up a lot of possibilities. 
 My class was at the event to conduct research…my partner and I specifically focused on demographics/visitors. We wanted to know who was attending the event so hopefully we could pass the research/findings along to those of Night\Shift and they can use the information to grow and expand the event for future years.
 I think overall I had a great experience! I was nervous that the visitors would not want to complete our 15-question survey however I was very wrong! Almost everyone was very open and actually happy to complete the survey. I feel as though it has to do with the type of people that attend these culture/art events.  It was nice to think that everyone was so open. I am very exciting to go through our data we collected and to see what the outcome is. Since it was only my partner and was hard to collect data because we had to keep saying the same speech over and over again...trying to get as many surveys completed as possible. I definitely think if there was more of us we could have had more surveys completed. I believe we still have a good sample size but it would have been interesting to have surveys completed from around all of the events. Not just outside/inside city hall. But seeing as this was a one time event, I think we did great!
 I feel as though this event has so much potential…so hopefully with feedback and our research it is able to grow!
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recrelations · 10 years ago
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I only took one picture on the night of Night\Shift I was busy collecting surveys.
This is a piece from: Creatures of the Gyre (4 creates, this being an octopus, there was also a stingray, a turtle, and a jelly fish). I would have loved to see the jelly fish but I did get to see the turtle and stingray!
The pieces were to ignite discussion about the environmental consequences of choosing single-use water bottles (
Having a form of leisure - which here is creating art, and being able to create this art while educating individuals on recycled water bottles is brilliant!
If would have been great to seen some interacting components to Creatures of Gyre...for further education. For example, how much waste is created from these bottles if they aren't recycled. Or if we use refillable bottles, how many are we saving. Maybe even having extra bottles and then the visitors could have created a big piece together. 
Overall there were beautiful pieces!
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Made in China: David Redmon
Made in China by David Redmon....This movie…wow.
 There is a lot going on and a lot of different focuses. I enjoyed how Redmon portrayed certain aspect of the movie. The book had very good descriptions so I enjoyed creating them in my mind and then I was able to see it through the movie. Redmond has a very nice way of expressing his ideas and capturing these moments through his research.
 Made in China is about Mardi Gras…it relates to our book we have been reading this semester Beads, Bodies, and Trash: Public Sex, Global Labor, and the Disposability of Mardi Gras by David Redmon. We see everything from the beads being made to how individuals receive “the beads” and how they celebrate the beads.
 It amazes me how hard the people in China work to create these beads and how the people in America receive the beads for “participating in leisure”. There was one scene where you could see all the blisters, cuts, and sores on individuals hands who were using the machines 12-14 hours a day to create the beads. There was also a scene where men were flaunting beads to women.
 I feel as though Redmon displayed his book well through the movie. But it would have been interesting to see different aspects of the beads. For example, where the beads go next? The environmental view on beads?
Redmon did ask those in China where they thought the beads went…and they didn’t know. He then shared pictures and they couldn’t believe it. But they were laughing at those participating in Mardi Gras because the beads were ugly. The beads meant nothing to those in China except for income.
Redmon then asked those attending the event where they thought the beads came from, some didn’t know/didn’t care…and some thought probably bad places. One man stated he didn’t want to know because he just wanted to enjoy his time…basically stating that he knew it would be bad but just wanted to have fun.
Leisure is an important aspect of everyones lives. So its interesting to see how those who attend Mardi Gras may use deviant leisure, where as those who create the beads do not really have any leisure. 
 Overall, I enjoyed the movie! I definitely will want to watch it again once I am done the entire book and have completed all class discussions.
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recrelations · 10 years ago
What is Night\Shift?
What is it?
“NIGHT\SHIFT 2014 is downtown Kitchener’s second annual nuit blanche-style festival of art, culture and nocturnal adventure” (
Who’s behind it?
“NIGHT\SHIFT is a project of locally-produced environmental magazine A\J (Alternatives Journal) with involvement from local artists, businesses and other community builders” (
 My class will be attending Night\Shift 2014 to gather information which link to event management. Groups will be looking at visitor demographics, safety, advertising, social media, and more. Our goal is to gather this information (not only for our class) but also to provide Night\Shift AKA. The one man show, some data that could potentially help Night\Shift grow!
One I state it is a one man basically is. There is one guy that creates the main idea of the event and then uses volunteers and artists to present the event. 
 The event will take place November 1 in downtown Kitchener…and I couldn’t be more exciting...from 7 pm until 2 am!
 My partner and I right now are trying to complete our ethics application to hand in.  The process is very interesting…I have not completed an ethics application before. I think overall it is going well but I will be excited when it is completed.
I personally enjoy event management so I am looking forward for the event! And I am looking forward to "attend" my first night time culture/art event. 
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Beads, Bodies, and Trash - Take 2
Work is the Norm; Play is Obsolete
This week I continued my reading of Beads, Bodies, and Trash: Public Sex, Global Labor, and the Disposability of Mardi Gras by David Redmon. And all I have to say is wow.  The more of I read this book the more I understand what the “beads” are all about.
To those who attend Mardi Gras, beads are just apart of the celebration. But those in China who create the beads see them as part of their life. Those who wear the beads don’t realize that the creators sit for 12-14 hours a day and make less than what celebrators pay for the beds.
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**image from:
  It is very interesting, but very true when Redmon states work is the norm; play is obsolete (Chapter 2, Page 20).  I feel this basically is saying that work is what the bead creators do everyday and what they know; and that play is something that the bead creators no longer use. I always feel as though play is an important part of every life because it allows time for individuals to enjoy themselves outside a work setting.
 I would be lying if I said I did not have a couple strands of beads myself, from old costumes and themed parties…I thought they were fun, colourful, but also pretty useless after wearing my costume or attending the party. However I can’t bring myself to throw them out because…where do they go…just in the garbage. I feel as though these huge companies buying all these beads for these events should then have a way to dispose of them. A drop off station, where people go and drop them off then companies can wash them and reuse them (you never know what happened to that one strand of beads).
 I just feel the beads represent so much more than celebration…they represent: hard work, dedicated workers, lots of money, different types of leisure, trash thrown on the grounds, and items that are not recycled.
 I am excited to continue reading this book and expand on the ideas of these beads in relation to Mardi Gras and further understand Redmon’s research.
 Opinion on the type of research: Redmon produced research through ethnography, which is very interested. I think it is an easy to read type of research. However it would be interesting to see some data on the number of beads used, found in trash, and the perception of these beads (perhaps this will be described in later chapters).
 Thanks for reading! Join me for my next blog as I continue to critique readings, lecture discussions and reflect on my opinions. 
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Leisure Studies vs. Professional Specialties
This past week I got the chance to read A continuum of leisure studies and professional specialties: what if no connections exist? by Karla A. Henderson. This paper includes thoughts and discussion about the relationship between leisure studies and professional specialties. Henderson specifically uses the idea of a continuum which leisure studies and professional specialties are the two anchors.
It is interesting how Henderson describes the future of fields for leisure studies and professional specialties, and how it will depend on intersections and interdependencies. Henderson states scholars, academic units, or those with cultural perspectives will identify these intersections and interdependencies.
Although being a Recreation and Leisure studies student I know that ideas of leisure and professional opportunities come together, but I don't think about how the academic world could shape the future of that. However reading the thought that scholars, academic units, or those with cultural perspectives create these intersections and interdependencies it makes sense.
It will be interesting to see what the future holds for leisure studies and professional specialties. Hopefully we do see more intersection in regards to the two.
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  **picture from
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Beads, Bodies, and Trash - Take 1
As stated in my Welcome to my Blog post, the focus of my research methods course is Mardi Gras. Specifically, I will be dissecting the book Beads, Bodies, and Trash: Public Sex, Global Labor, and the Disposability of Mardi Gras by David Redmon. This case study will allow me to critically examine deviant leisure, consumption rituals, the production and commodification of leisure and some of the ways our leisure decisions impact the lives of others.
 Leisure allows individuals to engage in vivid behaviours, these behaviours can be seen as good or deviant/criminal, seen as socially controlled or socially encouraged. But sometimes people are so involved in the leisure activity itself, that they forget about the behind the scenes…about how people need to make all of the beads that are exchange for “favors”. 
 I like to think of myself as someone that thinks beyond the big picture of leisure and look at it through the backstage but I would never think about people sitting there and creating these beads. I would just think that machines create them. So here people enjoy these leisure activities of Mardi Gras at the expense of others hard work…and for what, because after the event is over the beads get dumped into the trash. Who would have though that these beads have so much meaning, yet not that much meaning to true leisure.
 In Redmon’s preface, he states that his books concepts are introduced by: how social life develops into forms, patterns, and assemblages, students question everyday objects that circulate through several international countries, theoretical frameworks introduce beads inseparable from surroundings (gender, inequalities, leisure, environment, body), and that students utilize digital technologies to record everyday life. I plan to keep these four different ideas throughout this book and relate them to Mardi Gras.
 Again, if you decide to follow this blog, you can join me as I critique readings, lecture discussions and reflect on my opinions.
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recrelations · 10 years ago
Welcome to my Blog
 This is my first time blogging and over the next 12 weeks I will be blogging about my experience in a research methods course. We will be looking at a variety of topics with a common focus geared towards Mardi Gras. The case study of Mardi Gras will allow my research methods course to critically examine deviant leisure, consumption rituals, the production and commodification of leisure and some of the ways our leisure decisions impact the lives of others.
 I do not know much about Mardi Gras (besides lots of beads and a big parade), so I am excited to see what this book is about and how it will link with socio-cultural and behavioural dimensions of leisure.  
 I am excited as this is my last year of my undergrad and soon I will hopefully be working full time in a recreation setting…or if that doesn’t happen right away I plan to travel! In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with friends and family, shopping, playing sports (specifically basketball), researching travel destinations…and of course travelling to those destinations.
 If you decide to follow this blog, you can join me as I critique readings, lecture discussions and reflect on my opinions.
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**I took this photo of Atlantis Resort in my recent travels to the Bahamas 
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