recipetin-blog · 9 years
Maple Roasted Pumpkin with Chili and Feta
Maple Roasted Pumpkin with Chili and Feta
I’ve found my new favourite way with pumpkin. Extra caramelisation from a dash of maple syrup combined with the kick of chili. And finished off with the sharp saltiness of feta and crunch of walnuts. I’ll happily have this any night of the week as the main!
I’m on a mission to post a meat free dish every single week. (Desserts don’t count!) In fact, I think I’m going to create an entire section…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
One Pot Greek Chicken & Lemon Rice
One Pot Greek Chicken & Lemon Rice
I want to say the star of this dish is the chicken. But that would be lying to you. Because this, my friends, is all about the RICE!
What makes this rice so special, you might ask? Well, it’s like cooking the rice in triple strength chicken stock because the chicken is cooked ON TOP of the rice. So it gets the full benefit of all the juices from the chicken seeping into it while it cooks. Add…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Sausage and Egg Breakfast Potato Skins
Sausage and Egg Breakfast Potato Skins
Hands up who else is always looking for interesting, easy and make-ahead brunch ideas, especially when you have guests over?
You would think, being a blogger, that I’d have plenty of fancy brunch ideas up my sleeve to whip up effortlessly. Nope. Every single time I put a brunch on, I find myself scrambling (not eggs!) and changing my mind at the last minute to come up with something that is easy…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Creamy, Dreamy Cauliflower Soup
Creamy, Dreamy Cauliflower Soup
Creamy, dreamy, cauliflower soup. Forget the spoon. Just pick up the bowl and drink! OH – and PS….it’s only 190 calories for an enormous bowl! This is unintentional diet food at its best!
I am very aware that there is a serious lack of vegetables / salads / meat free / cheese free / carb free food on my blog. I always have good intentions of blogging more vegetable focussed things but I tend to…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Potted Smoked Trout (Budget Gourmet)
Potted Smoked Trout (Budget Gourmet)
I like to read luxe food magazines so I can find the hidden gems that are fast and easy on the wallet. Did you know that smoked trout is one of the cheapest items at the seafood shop??
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
5 Ingredient Sticky Stove Top Balsamic Drumsticks
5 Ingredient Sticky Stove Top Balsamic Drumsticks
This is how to make awesome sticky chicken drumsticks on the stove! In half the time it takes in the oven. :-) With only 5 ingredients – from scratch. This is short cut cooking without compromise!
Sticky drumsticks…on the stove?? With caramelisation? I know, that sounds odd! But I was really amazed how well this turned out! No one will ever guess this wasn’t baked. (more…)
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Spinach & Ricotta Puffs
Spinach & Ricotta Puffs
A cute twist on traditional cheese and spinach pockets! The beauty of these is that you get so much more out of just one sheet of puff pastry because there’s a higher filling to pastry ratio!
I am addicted to cheese and spinach triangles. (more…)
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
I’ve been meaning to share this recipe with you for AGES! This is one of the most popular takeout noodles here in Australia. It’s fast to make and is perfect for tossing in bits and pieces of whatever leftovers you have. It’s all about the SAUCE and NOODLES!!
Singapore noodles is one of those classic south east Asian street foods that hawkers whip up in minutes. It’s become hugely popular in Western countries and you often see it on menus of Chinese and other Asian restaurants, whether they serve other Singaporean food or not.
But here’s a bit of food trivia for you – the Singapore Noodles as many western countries know it, with the curry flavour and touch of spice, is not the authentic way it is made in Singapore. That probably doesn’t come as a huge surprise to you, as it is the case with most Asian dishes that are popular in Western countries. I just found this particularly interesting because the curry flavour of Singapore Noodles is what I consider to be the signature flavour of these noodles. But in fact, curry is not used in the authentic recipe.
This Singapore Noodles recipe is courtesy of the Brooklyn based Kayiu from Saucy Spatula food blog.
I’ve had these noodles on my “to blog” list for months! Months and months! Way back in early December, I asked one of my favourite bloggers – the lovely Kayiu from Saucy Spatula – what her favorite recipe on her blog was. Instantly, she picked her Singapore-Style Rice Vermicelli Noodles, and it was clearly “meant to be” because when I went to read it, I realised it was the very first recipe of hers that I ever read when I first discovered her blog! I don’t think even Kayiu knows that. :-)
Kayiu is one of the very first food bloggers I became friends with when I was a newbie just starting out. The kid with no friends who ate lunch in the corner of the playground by myself. She reached out to me and was so unconditionally kind, cheerful and supportive, I feel fortunate to have met her and to call her my friend.
As for her food….if you like Chinese food and especially if you live in the US (she’s in Brooklyn), you HAVE to check out her blog.
So I finally got off my lazy bum to share this recipe because I made Chinese Barbecue Pork (Char Siu) recently and it’s one of the ingredients in this recipe. But honestly, I promise you, this will be scrumptious no matter what you throw into it and that’s one of the reasons I love noodle stir fries. I often make a vegetarian version of this, using leftover bits and pieces I have at the end of the week. This is truly all about the noodles and the sauce.
Speaking of noodles, this is made with rice vermicelli noodles – you know, those really thin dried ones that cost bugger all. Kayiu recommends a particular brand called Wai Wai (which you can get at Coles and Woolies in Australia!) because she believes it to be the best suited so I follow her recommendation. :-) Here’s what it looks like.
As with all stir fries, my golden rule is to chop everything up and have it ready to toss into the wok because once you start cooking, you ain’t got no time to do anything else!
Hope you enjoy! And pop on over to say thanks to Kayiu from Saucy Spatula for this recipe!! – Nagi
Singapore Noodles
Recipe Type: Stir Fry, Noodles, Street Food
Cuisine: Singapore, Asian, Chinese, Hong Kong
Author: Nagi | RecipeTin Eats
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 10 mins
Total time: 25 mins
Serves: 2-3
One of the most popular stir fried noodles, made at home! Easy to make and you can substitute the stir fry ingredients with whatever you have on hand. It is a “dry” style stir fry so it isn’t saucy. The sauce flavour gets soaked into the noodles, and there is plenty of flavour – you can even just eat the noodles plain! ! I often make this vegetarian using whatever vegetables I have on hand. It’s also fantastic with chicken. Adapted from [url href=”http://www.saucy-spatula.com/recipes/singapore-style-rice-vermicelli/” target=”_blank”]Singapore-Style Rice Vermicelli[/url] by [url href=”http://www.saucy-spatula.com” target=”_blank”]Saucy Spatula[/url]. (Note 1) This recipe makes 2 very large servings. It’s probably enough for 3 normal people.
5 tbsp soy sauce (ordinary dark soy sauce)
2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine (or substitute dry sherry)
2 1/2 tsp curry powder (hot or ordinary)
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp white pepper powder (or sub with black pepper)
Stir Fry
2 1/2 oz / 75g dried rice vermicelli noodles (Note 2)
2 tbsp peanut oil, separated
8-10 medium raw shrimp / prawns, shelled and deveined
2 eggs, beaten
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp ginger, freshly grated
1/2 lb / 250g Chinese barbecue pork (Char Siu), thinly sliced (Note 3)
1 cup of red bell pepper (capsicum), thinly sliced
1/2 medium onion, thinly sliced (yellow, brown or white)
2 tsp thinly sliced hot green pepper (adjust to taste)
Combine the Sauce ingredients in a small bowl and mix.
Place rice vermicelli noodles in a large bowl filled with boiled water and soak as per packet instructions. Drain and set aside.
Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a wok or heavy based fry pan over medium heat. Add the shrimp/prawns, and stir fry until just cooked. (Note 4) This should only take 1 minute or so. Remove and set aside.
Add the egg and spread it out to make a thin omelette. Once set, use the egg flip to roll it up, remove from the wok and slice (while still rolled up).
Return the wok to medium heat and add the remaining 1 tbsp of oil. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for 20 seconds or so until fragrant.
Add the onion and bell peppers (capsicum) and cook for 3 minutes or so until the onion is translucent.
Add the vermicelli noodles and give it a big stir (I sometimes roughly break the noodles to make them easier to stir fry). Then add the Sauce, egg, Char Siu and shrimp/prawns. Stir until the sauce coats all the noodles and everything is heated through – about 1 to 2 minutes.
Serve immediately.
1. The slight changes I made was to the cooking order of ingredients which worked slightly better for me – less oil required to be added. Also I only used 150g/5oz of Char Siu (the original recipe called for 250g/1/2lb) – I had thick slices which I sliced into batons so less went further. But honestly, you can never have enough Char Siu in a stir fry….[br][br]2. If you can get it, Wai Wai is the brand that Kayiu from Saucy Spatula recommends because the texture is best and soaking time is short. But if you can’t, use whatever you can find. [br][br]Rice vermicelli is very cheap – usually $2 for quite a large bag.[br][br]3. If you don’t have Char Siu (and I only happened to have it because I made it last week – here’s my recipe for an easy [url href=”http://www.recipetineats.com/chinese-barbecue-pork-char-siu/” target=”_blank” title=”Chinese Barbecue Pork | Char Siu”]Homemade Chinese Barbecue Pork[/url]), substitute with diced chicken, bacon, ham or pork or leave it out and add more vegetables.[br][br]4. How to tell shrimp/prawns are perfectly cooked: raw prawns hang straight, perfectly cooked prawns form a “C” shape and overcooked prawns are tightly curled into an “O” shape.
Nutrition assuming this serves 2. But this is 2 (very) large servings.
Singapore Noodles I've been meaning to share this recipe with you for AGES! This is one of the most popular takeout noodles here in Australia.
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Magic 3 Layer Custard Cake (From One Batter)
Magic 3 Layer Custard Cake (From One Batter)
A fudgey base. Soft custard center. Topped with fluffy sponge. Made with one simple batter. It’s like….MAGIC!
If you love vanilla sponge cakes and custard, you are going to be as obsessed with this cake as I am. It looks like it’s been carefully layered with three different components. But it’s not! You just pour one simple batter into a cake tin, pop in the oven, and this is how it comes out!!
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Chinese Barbecue Pork | Char Siu
Chinese Barbecue Pork | Char Siu
You know the sticky, crimson red pork hanging from hooks in the window of Chinese barbecue shops? You will be shocked how easy is it to make at home. And I bet you already have most (if not all) the ingredients for the glaze!
No trip to Chinatown here in Sydney is complete without taking home a container of Chinese barbecue pork. (more…)
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Truly Golden Crunchy Baked Chicken Tenders (Minimum Mess)
Truly Golden Crunchy Baked Chicken Tenders (Minimum Mess)
This is how to make baked crumbed (breaded) chicken that comes out TRULY golden and TRULY crunchy with only 1 tablespoon of oil. And minimum mess – no fingers caked with batter and breadcrumbs!
There is no story behind this. Quite simply, these are the reasons why I make my crumbed chicken the way I do. (more…)
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Cuban Pork Sandwich (Cubanos) from Chef Movie
Cuban Pork Sandwich (Cubanos) from Chef Movie
This is the Cuban Pork Cubanos sandwich from the Chef movie, including homemade Mojo Marinated Pork. Did you know that the food for the movie was created by none other than LA Korean-fusion food truck original and rockstar chef Roy Choi? AND these are great for FREEZING!
This is the “leftovers” recipe from the Juicy Cuban Mojo Pork Roast I posted last week from the movie “Chef”. I raved about…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Cheese and Bacon Breakfast Strata Cake (Bread Bake)
Cheese and Bacon Breakfast Strata Cake (Bread Bake)
Strata, breakfast casserole, savoury french toast bake or bread pudding. It doesn’t matter what you call this, it’s totally delish, it’s something a little different and requires just FIVE ingredients – bacon, eggs, cheese, milk and bread. It tastes like a cross between a quiche, french toast and an omelette!
This is one of those “throw together” breakfasts that I can always manage to scrap…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
One Pot Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta Bake (no cream)
One Pot Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta Bake (no cream)
A chicken pasta bake with plenty of thick, creamy tomato sauce….made with NO CREAM….all in ONE POT! Even the pasta is cooked right in the pan with the sauce!
My mother makes an incredible Japanese pasta bake called Makaroni Guratan, which is basically Macaroni Gratin pronounced with a Japanese accent. It is soooo typical of the Japanese to change the spelling of English words to the way Japanese…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Juicy Cuban Mojo Pork Roast (Chef Movie recipe)
Juicy Cuban Mojo Pork Roast (Chef Movie recipe)
This is THE Mojo Marinated Pork from the 2014 movie “Chef”, created especially for the movie by LA Korean-fusion food truck original and rockstar chef Roy Choi. Easy to make, the pork is juicy and tender (no thermometer required!) and the flavour is incredible. INCREDIBLE!!
While the rest of the word is obsessed with “50 Shades of Grey”, I am obsessed with the Jon Favreau movie “Chef”. Have you…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
One Bite Shrimp Tacos (Prawn) + win 1 of 4 CASES of Turkey Flat Wine! ($1,400 value!)
One Bite Shrimp Tacos (Prawn) + win 1 of 4 CASES of Turkey Flat Wine! ($1,400 value!)
This post combines two of my greatest loves – tacos and wine. You’ve got to check out how to make these mini taco shells in the oven – it’s sooo cool! (No fancy moulds required!)
I am literally beside myself with excitement, being able to share with you a chance to win an entire CASE of my favourite Australian wine – Turkey Flat. And not just for my Australian readers either – Australian AND…
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recipetin-blog · 9 years
Ester Restaurant Cauliflower with Almond Sauce (Easy Chef Recipe)
Ester Restaurant Cauliflower with Almond Sauce (Easy Chef Recipe)
This is the signature dish from Ester Restaurant which is one of Sydney’s trendiest restaurants. It’s not like me to order a head of cauliflower at a restaurant but I’m so glad I did because it was sensational! So I was thrilled to find the chef’s recipe. And it’s SO easy to make!
Ester Restaurant in Chippendale has been one of the hottest restaurants in Sydney for a couple of years now. I went…
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