rebelliouxteen · 4 years
I’d prefer if we could skip the arm twisting, but hey!
whos arm do i have to twist to get someone to write with me on here???
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rebelliouxteen · 5 years
Jasper would claim he had killed Maria out of self preservation. He had been a loyal companion, and he loved his maker in his own way. There was a time he wouldn’t have hesitated to do anything she asked of him. She didn’t trust him anymore, and there was only a question of time before it was HIM or HER. He would probably have killed her either way though. He knew that much. She stood in the way of his ambition, so she had to go. 
Now, over a century later, Jasper was easily the most powerful vampire on the American continent, and there were whispers that the Volturi only left him alone because they feared his army. Jasper left the Volturi alone because he had no desire to do their job. 
He was currently leaned back in his chair, his bright red eyes fixed on the hybrid that had joined his ranks relatively recently. He’d never thought he’d allow a werewolf come close to him, even if she was part vampire, but he enjoyed Bella’s company, and she was terribly useful. 
“I trust you encountered no problems out west, my dear?” he asked, his voice almost gentle. He had sent her to deal with a problematic coven, a test to see if she managed without close supervision. 
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rebelliouxteen · 5 years
The Cullens can freak out all they like about Edward exposing his strength when he saves Bella from the van but CAN YOU IMAGINE IF IT HAD HIT HER AND SHE STARTED BLEEDING OUT IN THAT PROXIMITY TO JASPER
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