My fbi agent watching me type “slow burn” into additional tags for the 7,895th time at 3am
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having deep serious thoughts about ghost dean and ghost hunter castiel
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i love that jensen ackles has become like. a well known and respected actor ever since he played soldier boy in the boys but i still see him pop up in social media all the time talking about bringing back supernatural. like he's committed. the spinoff didnt even do that well and he still won't shut the fuck up about doing another season or making a movie or whatever. i fear the deangirlism is fatal. he's like a musician on the titanic it's all or nothing he's sinking with this fucking ship dude
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spn season 1 is so funny. they made the main plot line finding sam and dean’s missing father. but like. the guys not missing. he’s just avoiding them.
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trans activist, model, and actress hunter schafer was amongst the 50 people arrested yesterday at an action held in new york city to disrupt president joe biden’s appearance on late night with seth meyer.
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she was there in coalition with the organization jewish voices for peace.
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CHAPPELL ROAN - Casual (2023) dir. Hadley Hillel with MIKA LESHA as THE SIREN
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“If Cas was here - ”
“He’s not.”
I love that kiss from God’s Own Country. So tender.
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How come whenever anyone ever talks about media literacy being on a downward decline no one ever brings up how propaganda is Literally everywhere and fascist media are essentially warping the minds of people and it's always about DaRk FiCtiOn and Characters who aren't Morally Pure™️
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“I could fix him”; “I could make him worse!” Why??????? Why all this DIY???? I just wanna stand over his shoulder and see what he can possibly fuck up next
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Bear Selfies Captured By Camera Traps
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Mad at your Dad?
Mad at your Dad? By wannaliveindeansdimples Rating: Mature Word Count: 7k
Dean wasn’t sure why he was even scrolling through Craigslist. Especially not the casual encounters section. It was four days before Thanksgiving. Not like he was gonna try and hook up with someone before that shitstorm. After, sure, but not before. He kept scrolling, though, not clicking anything until a title caught his eye. Alone on Thanksgiving? Mad at your dad? I am a 28 year old male felon who has no degree, but has studied enough theologies of the world, behavioral psychology, and philosophy to set your whole family’s teeth on edge—no matter which way they lean, politically, religiously or in terms of neuroses. I drive a van the same age as me that’s got a mural on the side of an angel holding an orgy. I can play between the ages of 20-30 depending on whether I shave. I live off an inheritance, and sell weed on the side. If you’d like to have me as your strictly platonic date for Thanksgiving, but have me pretend to be in a very long or serious relationship (monogamous or polyamorous, whichever sounds most like it would freak out su familia) with you (and/or others), to torment your family, I’m game...
A shortie but definitely worth the time to sit back and relax with this fabulous piece of fiction. Cas is everything you want a mentally healthy endverse!Cas to be, irreverent, smart as shit, and sexy as all hell. The man literally has no shame and it's a joy to witness.
Dean has been pushed past his limit and can't handle his family's medling and his father's disapproval anymore. The ad he sees in the paper seems like the perfect prank.
The best part? Cas gets thru to his family in ways Dean never could and Dean can see through all of Cas' bullshit for the armor that it is. They're both broken, both lonely, and both adorable.
For a happy, funny, quick fix, give this one a read.
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just realized dean has a cowboy kink not a cowgirl kink and in fact dean is NEVER faced with a cowgirl in all 15 years of the show but he is faced with cowboys many many times
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#The destiel confession scene but it's just text posts from this day because I still can't believe this was real
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Dean and Cas should have gotten to poke fun at Sam’s career choice more often. When Cas is annoyed, his response is always ‘ok law boy’ with an eye roll. Anytime Sam utters ‘so get this’, Dean and Cas rush to be the first to object. Dean threatens to sue Sam anytime he interrupts his alone time with Cas. The party city wig was actually one of those white British judge wigs.
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part two
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Dean and Cas in every moment of Heaven Can’t Wait --20/?
Supernatural 9x06//Heaven Can't Wait
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