reavenom · 9 years
Number Six Requirement of my Boyfriend
Know that Iron Man is the best super hero. Like, ever. Period.
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reavenom · 9 years
Number Five Requirement of my Boyfriend
Laugh at my horrendous jokes
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reavenom · 9 years
Number Four Requirement of my Boyfriend
Sing to me, even with that terrible song voice of yours
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reavenom · 9 years
Number Three Requirement of my Boyfriend
Kill all the scary bugs
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reavenom · 9 years
Number Two Requirement of my Boyfriend
Never use the word fondle. Ever.
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reavenom · 9 years
Number One Requirement of my Boyfriend
He must be willing to peel my oranges for me
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reavenom · 9 years
Stereotype Vs. Reality
Aries Stereotype: Grr. Fight me. I hate you!!! Aggressive Sun.
Aries Reality: I'm a geeky sun child who lights up the room but can be irrational at times.
Taurus Stereotype: Food. Thats it. Eating. Always. Stubborn.
Taurus Reality: Materialistic, funny, hard-headed, but not quick tempered.
Gemini Stereotype: Two-faced bitch who no one can stand.
Gemini Reality: Nerd who doesn't like to display it and is trying to get along with everyone but got lost somewhere along the line. Very smart, very creative.
Cancer Stereotype: Cry baby who cant fend for themselves.
Cancer Reality: Manipulative, but understanding of emotions, and is unable to turn people away in their time of need. Supportive, "motherly".
Leo Stereotype: Shopping!!! Leader!!!! Ego!!! Spotlight!!
Leo Reality: A person who enjoys attention, but also loves dishing it out. Someone who is supportive, cool, and generally a hilarious person with many widespread interests, and strong opinions.
Virgo Stereotype: Unfeeling, cold, analytic.
Virgo Reality: Someone who is wary of other people, and has become distant due to it. Very funny once you get to know them. They are very analytic.
Libra Stereotype: Useless gothic gossips who feel they are always on the right side of the court room.
Libra Reality: Sweet people who gossip without realizing it. People who like to help out with others emotions.
Scorpio Stereotype: People who are crazy as hell and always horny.
Scorpio Reality: Loves adventures, loyal, funny.
Sagittarius Stereotype: Bitch who says what doesnt need to be said.
Sagittarius Reality: Someone who has trust and honesty as their biggest morale.
Capricorn Stereotype: Bossy boss boss who only thinks about work
Capricorn Reality: Asshole who burries themselves in their work because its the only place they have control over, and doesnt make them want to rip their hair out. Also very caring to those they love.
Aquarius Stereotype: Alien babe who is weird as shit and likes helping people.
Aquarius Reality: Creative, wise, intelligent person who is fiercely independent, and wants to help people in every way possible and leave their mark on the world. Wants to make a difference.
Pisces Stereotype: Sweet innocent babe child.
Pisces Reality: Meme shit lord. "I'm hot" "hot damn" Queen. 9/10 babe. Sweet, but has a lot of feelings they bury.
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