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(*UPDATE* WE GOT EM!) dumb kid in bronze just here to log my cp gains on my road to buying Reaper's Golden guns in Overwatch. Yes, I'm that extra.
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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hanzo sucks
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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We did it!
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
Started at 2870 today, got 7 wins and ended at 2985!! Soooo close... That means just 2 more wins! Soon I'll be able to hold the light I once saw at a distance in my hands now. I said it when I first saw reaper's golden guns and I will say it right now. Those golden guns will be mine. Now I can say it with a full heart of hope and gratitude. Again I can't thank my wonderful friends enough for helping me with this. I shall continue and get the last 2 wins I need tomorrow. Now, with proudness and prosperity: Onward!
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
Update; 9/36
2875. 2875! I'm so excited! 9 more wins and those chunks of hot gold will be mine! Aghh, this journey has been so long and fruitful, it's a real shame to see it end so soon. Just kidding! This was damn near hell, taking up all of my effort and time. But hanging out with friends and making new ones along the way made the bad times good and the boring times fun. I've laughed and smiled through jokes I've shared with friends during games which would've never been possible if I didn't have such good friends. Although they might never see this and honestly no one else really, I'd like to take a moment for myself here to thank my best friends for sticking with me while I've been tilted to all hell, or overjoyed after a great win. They've taught me many things not just about themselves, but about life and how to approach situations in overwatch. In the end, somehow I still can't explain why I'm so fascinated by the aspect of golden guns. I still don't know why I've felt new emotions soft and hard just over seeing reaper's golden guns. But I'm forever thankful and glad my friends were there to help me get along the way, and I'll be there for them as well if they want or need to pursue something as much as I did.
@megcr8 @nerdyfanboy53 @bakubit TLDR: Thank you for helping me along this long and fulfilling journey! You guys are great, and if you ever need or want anything I'll be there to help you find it <3
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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Heya! Been grinding lots today and got myself up to 2710 when I was at 2530 before. Lots of wiiiins! And great teammates, as always. Woo hoo! 20 more wins and I’ll be there. This is crazy! Anyways, on a side note: I’ve also almost got all of the reaper unlocks. Just his pixel spray, one of his voice lines and his golden guns then I’ll be set. I’m gonna try for 10 wins tomorrow, since I got about 12 today. The grind goes on! 20/36 
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
Update; 31/36
2530! Won about 5 or games today and got it on lock. Before I won those games, I was standing at 2470. But after some nice teammates and intense games I'm in the 2500s. Gonna grind hard tomorrow! I hope my hype lasts until then. I'm gonna have to seriously get grinding because the season ends soon I'm sure. Onward!
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
overwatch, everyone.
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
Short update;
At 2470! 530 cp to go....I've come a long way. 15 cp per win means 105 cp every seven wins, so then it all falls into place with a little math. 36 more wins to achieve my goal. I'm going to keep track by writing x/36 instead of how much. I have a feeling that 0 right now is going to turn into 36 sooner than I think! Can't wait to grind...So excited for the weekend! Gonna play all day tomorrow.
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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At 2440 cp...
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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Not comp related, but it’s my favorite thing seeing people in overwatch communicate like this.
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
2410! Gettin closer! Can’t wait til I finally reach 2500. But for now, 600 more cp until I reach my goal.  If my math is correct, I think 42 wins from here should get me 3030 cp. Nice number! At least the new season just started, so this could be easier than I’m thinking.
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
This one’s gonna be a bit shorter because I’m a little busy at the moment. But I’m currently at 2240 cp right now. Pretty good progress!
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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ever since i read moira smoking i have literally not stopped thinking abt it constantly
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
New Info from Storm Rising Interactions
Sojourn tries to help Genji with his body issues. She is talking from experience: in Ana’s Origin video her arms seem to be entirely prosthetic.
Mercy outranks Tracer.
Mercy is filing a medical report to Morrison about the situation in Egypt. She seems doubtful that dispatching an Overwatch team there is a good idea.
Mercy stays up late and is a hardcore coffee drinker.
Maximilien started as a simple accountant but quickly found a knack for money laundering.
Max “has fingers in a lot of pies” (possibly Talon is not his only clients?).
Even in-universe people are not sure if omnics can drink rum.
Max did a lot of renovations to Havana sea fort, turning it into a hangar.
Winston paid Swiss taxes.
It’s one of the first field missions for Winston.
Dr. Chao is the CEO of Lucheng Interstellar. She seems to suffer from bone weakness as a result from her time on the moon.
Tracer threw up on the train on the way to her mission in “Uprising”.
Tracer seems to be really enthusiastic about trying some of the rum after the mission.
Tracer loves empanadas, but those in OW cafeteria are not good.
Tracer has already been dating Emily 6 years ago.
Reinhardt’s retirement hit him pretty hard. Mercy thinks he needs someone to keep him company.
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reaperggswhen · 6 years ago
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i have fallen and i can’t get up
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