realt5d2-blog · 4 years
I personally enjoyed listening to this episode of Clay Travis' stories about the 'Portland Athena'. Relating that to a cleaning lady from a cleaning service that came into the bathroom while he taking a shower and also his interview with George Papadeas about Jeff Goldblum. I encourage anyone interested to take a listen!
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realt5d2-blog · 4 years
Me too! #veggietales #quartet #beatles
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Oh man I love the beatles
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realt5d2-blog · 5 years
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Today I turned 22 and please enjoy World Series champion and free agent 2nd baseman Brian Dozier pumping his fist in a Braves uniform. He's probably thinking, "Well geez, I guess I'm darn lucky to be alive!" https://www.instagram.com/p/B6KMnZFgyfCDe7VjMXli9aBb-8BXVDsd6JDsP40/?igshid=176n7dgvy5lg8
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realt5d2-blog · 5 years
Alright Dr. Premiere. How much 'interview' gauze will we need to perform the 'interview' surgery? https://www.instagram.com/p/B5WvY8TAXBEnzDP7186y9UC7g3_7C_2XmfE9yE0/?igshid=u6jzzdzjhqdz
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realt5d2-blog · 6 years
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Hue Jackson is going to be getting paid more by the team he's playing than the team he's employed by, according to ESPN.
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realt5d2-blog · 6 years
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Ohio State survived Maryland, but Urban Meyer's pained expressions underscored bigger issues about his future on the sideline.
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realt5d2-blog · 6 years
Hello, I’m new here to Tumblr. #Tumblr
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