reallylilyreally · 9 hours
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The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
The Queen Bee
Artist : Arthur Rackham
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reallylilyreally · 18 hours
You've heard of the man, the myth, the legend. Now get ready for the woman, the omen, the portent.
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reallylilyreally · 1 day
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ta v much @swifty-fox because you know for suuuuuure i always want to be sharing shit.
Bit more of the as-yet-untitled BabeRoe part of mine and @escrivoir's go farther in hope universe...
He winds the bandages neatly as they come off, trying not to wince at the way the dried blood pulls the skin, because while he's got no idea whether he'll ever get a chance to boil and dry these - seems unlikely - he knows better than to waste cloth. Gene's nearly finished, down to his ankle, when the sharp sound of a nervously cleared throat pulls him out of his focus.
It's Heffron again.
“I don't-” Gene starts to say, and Heffron cuts him off.
“-need help, I know,” he says, with a big shit-eating grin he could have stolen from Guarnere or Penkala or any of the other asshole idiots Gene is probably not going to be able to save. “But you do need pants. And bandages. And clean water.”
Gene stares at him, and Heffron raises an eyebrow and tips his head down at the foxhole as if to say can I? Gene shrugs, and that seems to be enough for this kid, who's come from nowhere, and now slides down into the dirt next to him.
“So,” he says, and unbuttons his jacket to reveal a neat stash of items. “Pants, bandages, and hopefully clean water.”
Completely wrongfooted, Gene continues to stare at him. “You rob a supply post?”
“I'll never tell,” says Heffron, deeply serious tone and same unsettling grin. “Need anything else?”
“Just some damn sleep,” Gene says, before he can catch himself.
Heffron looks at him, grin gone, really looks at him. “On it, Doc,” he says. “Fix that leg up and get some shut-eye. I'll keep the kids off your lawn.”
And then before Gene can think of anything to say to that, he's hauled himself up out of the hole and disappeared off into the dusk.
tagginggggg @whirlpool-blogs and @sweaterkittensahoy and @euph0riacc because i'm hungry for the vastly diverse array of wordsnacks you provide
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reallylilyreally · 1 day
you actually don't have to go on dating apps to find girlfriends. many beautiful women are waiting for you on rocks out at sea
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reallylilyreally · 1 day
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reallylilyreally · 2 days
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reallylilyreally · 2 days
bitches will see the words grief loneliness melancholy yearning nostalgia hope tiramisu and hit reblog
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reallylilyreally · 2 days
yeah i geniunely just love a good underrated background character, but also, i'm not above lying to be different.
What Your Favorite Band of Brothers character says about you (revamped and based on personal experiences)
Winters- You’re either a pretty level headed person or your life is in complete shambles and you find comfort in characters that know how to handle stress.
Nixon- You love a good self destructive character and more than likely see yourself in them. Also, how is your undiagnosed mental illness treating u lately?
Lipton- You just want to be held and cared for so bad it’s not even funny anymore.
Speirs- You most DEFINITELY read wattpad stories as a kid. The mafia kind. You’re also unnecessarily horny on the internet and probably say he’s “Lana-coded.”
Roe- You love a good tragic and tortured character, I’ll give you that. You also listen to boygenius and love religious imagery.
Babe- I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you’re on some type of lgbt or autism spectrum.
Liebgott- You have a really weird self-confidence complex and read a LOT of enemies to lovers. I’m lowkey scared of you even though you’ve probably never hit anyone in your life.
Webster- You’re an artist at heart and view the world in a way that might set you apart from your peers. You can never and will never tell if that’s a good or a bad thing. Also you call grown men “babygirl.”
Guarnere- You have TERRIBLE taste in men and can never tell the difference between being mean or flirting.
Toye- Ditto ^ but also may I add you probably have a thing for people in uniform.
Buck- You are a very simple person. You like everything to just be kind of normal and calm all of the time. Sometimes you dip your toes in the water, but it’s more of a once a year kind of thing. Your favorite superhero as a kid was Captain America.
Luz- You are just cool. Very Ferris Beuller, Bill and Ted, Matthew Lillard kind of cool. You’re also probably transmasc or into guys to some degree.
Shifty- You’re either one of those “omg smol bean” people or you just love a good ray of sunshine kind of character. Your favorite pony as a kid was probably Fluttershy.
Malarkey- I’m so deeply upset just looking into your eyes dawg you need to take a nap and book a therapy session. Not a single one of you guys is completely and totally stable.
Renee- You so desperately wanted this show to pass the bechdel test and wished more women were included in the production. You’re also into women.
Perconte- You’re either really cool or you’re really annoying. No inbetween.
Bull- You really liked the SNL “Big Boy” skit with SZA
Muck- You want to be the funny friend so bad and you’re still not sure if you’ve earned that title yet. Mad respect though bc I know ur ass has seen supernatural in full. More than once.
Welsh, Penkala, Spina, Talbert, Grant, Martin, Penkala, Hoobler, Skinny- Either you’re lying to be different or you genuinely love a good underrated background character.
Blithe- Mm you’re lying lol
Sobel- Hey, girl! What the fuck!
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reallylilyreally · 2 days
hey let's not underestimate the suffering of Harry Welsh, there's every chance they forget he's there and scar him for LIFE.
at least Skinny gets to shoot a Nazi! Harry has to watch them make cow eyes at each other and probably fuck.
gonna start ranking the guys who are third wheeling. definitely think harry and skinny are on opposite ends of the spectrum
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reallylilyreally · 2 days
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reallylilyreally · 2 days
Unmute !
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reallylilyreally · 3 days
@escrivoir 'ppreciate you
i cannot emphasize how necessary it is to have a buddy to participate in fandom with. completely elevated experience. don't have a buddy? find someone you like and message them and be their friend. gush over every sketch and drabble and insane headcanon they have. live life to the fullest.
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reallylilyreally · 3 days
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reallylilyreally · 3 days
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Sigourney Weaver in 'Alien'
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reallylilyreally · 3 days
my beautiful daughter named paranoia. shes right behind me isnt she
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reallylilyreally · 4 days
I’ve seen five different authors take down, or prepare to take down, their posted works on Ao3 this week.  At the same time, I’ve seen several people wishing there was more new content to read.  I’ve also seen countless posts by authors begging for people to leave comments and kudos. 
People tell me I am a big name fan in my chosen fandom.  I don’t quite get that but for the purposes of this post, let’s roll with it.  On my latest one shot, less than 18% of the people who read it bothered to hit the kudos button.  Sure, okay, maybe that one sort of sucked.  Let’s look at the one shot posted before that - less than 16% left kudos.  Before that - 10%, and then 16%.  I’m not even going to get into the comments.  Let’s just say the numbers drop a lot.  I’m just looking at one shots here so we don’t have to worry about multiple hits from multiple chapters, people reading previous chapters over, etc.  And if I am a BNF, that means other people are getting significantly less kudos and comments.
Fandom is withering away because it feels like people don’t care about the works that are posted.  Why should I go to the trouble of posting my stories if no one reads them, and of the people who do read them, less than a fifth like them?  Even if you are not a huge fan of the story, if it kept your attention long enough for you to get to the bottom, go ahead and mash that kudos button.  It’s a drop of encouragement in a big desert. 
TL;DR: Passively devouring content is killing fandom.
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reallylilyreally · 4 days
I'm curious. Reblog this if you know how to cook
I don’t even care if it’s macaroni, ramen or those little bowls you stick in the microwave. Please, I need reassurance that most of the population on tumblr WOULDN’T STARVE TO DEATH if their parents couldn’t fix them food or they couldn’t go out to eat. 
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