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cabbage boy..
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Strawberry mug with a froggy friend
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this feels relevant
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it’s honestly so toxic to leave a desirable object under a box propped up by a stick
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Whatever could there be inside this tiny little box?
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Oh look!  It is a handful of my tiny little rocks.
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This is Botswana Agate, known for tiny layered bands. Full of complex little patterns that can fit into my hands!
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Prehnite comes in many different colors, mostly green. It can be translucent, or can have a pearly sheen.
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Here’s a hexagonal crystal, it’s called “ruby” ‘cause it’s red. Other colors of corundum would be called “sapphire” instead!
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Slowly dripping water made these rings of pink and white. Rhodochrosite sometimes forms in caves as stalactites!
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Aluminum is what gives smoky quartz its grays and browns. It turns dark from radiation deep inside the ground.
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This common cherry opal is a lovely pastel pink. An opal without play-of-color is called “potch,” I think.
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And lastly, here’s a natural spear of gemmy apatite. We call it “gemmy” when it’s clear and shiny in the light!
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Thank you all for looking at my tiny little rocks! Now I’ll put them back inside their tiny little box.
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who’s a good girl
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Important ideas to consider when creating characters who are black and indigenous people of color. (x)
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Guerrilla Gardening
Guerrilla Gardening is the act of illegally gardening in spaces that are not technically yours to garden, to make subversive statements, protests, or as a form of direct action. The idea goes all the way back to 1973!
In other words, guerrilla gardeners take unloved or neglected land and assign it a new purpose – to make things pretty or useful. Cities are full of waste land and unused public spaces which people walk past every day without noticing. Spaces which would look a lot better if they were green!
Some guerrilla gardeners prefer to work at night when they can be more discreet. Others are activists who’ll do so in broad daylight, when everyone can see what they’re doing. Some choose to grow flowers to make places brighter. Others choose to grow fruit or vegetables (though care should be taken not to grow anything edible in places where plants might absorb toxins).
I don’t know why I haven’t posted any guerrilla gardening things on this blog yet, and I think I should change that. 
In the meantime, here are some links!
Guerrilla gardening: a report from the frontline
How to Start Guerrilla Gardening
Ron Finley: The Gangsta Gardener
What is guerrilla gardening?
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Gustav Klimt - The Tree of Life (1905)
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Lucky bird
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