15 posts
On the job training at the Department of Science and Technology
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Program executed successfully.
Week fifteen.
I finished the code and interface for the department management feature of the system. Vincent finished the code for supplier evaluation and performance rating and I changed a little bit on the interface of the evaluation to make it more user friendly. I also finished the layout for the RIS which I started making since week one 🤣🤣🤣. I instructed Karen to start working on the reports by using the TCPDF library. Nothing much happened on my last week.
That’s it for my OJT experience. I really enjoyed my stay at the DOST, I hope I can apply what I learned throughout this whole experience in the future. For the last time, ciao 😊🤘.
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Insert, Update, Delete.
Week fourteen.
I made some modifications on the interface of the IAR to fit with the other functionalities. I started designing the UI for the Inventory Item details and supporting records. I finished programming the account management feature.
It was Janis’ last week, thanks for the food 👌

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Runtime error.
Week thirteen.
I was hospitalized during the weekend and rested for three days so I instructed Vincent to finish the PO Process and study the PHPExcel library for the generation of APP. When I got back to the office, I started designing the layout for the supplier evaluation and performance rating.
It was also Vincent’s last day in the office. Bye Vincent, you will always be...with us until second sem! 🤣🤣

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Hard coded.
Week twelve.
I finished programming the PR Quarter which generates a purchase request based on the submitted PPMP.
I got sick for 2 whole days but I still managed to start designing the supplier information module. When I got back to the office, Jess asked if anyone can come with him and join the BU Masterchef which I’am a fan of. So, I decided to come with him 🤣. Back in the office they told me to not over do it because I might get sick again but I really am hard headed at times.

I went back to the office earlier than jess because I was a bit not feeling well after the event. I came back at the office at 3 and ate lunch. After an hour sir Chad invited us and the Senior High OJTs to come up with him to the conference room. Sir Chad wanted us to help the senior high know the basics when they choose IT as their course when they reach college. The Senior High students picked ICT as their strand so they already have a little bit of background on our course.

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Finished unfinished.
Week eleven.
I finished the layout for the IAR and the code for the real-time notification. Almost all process in the procurement module have a layout, I might as well be proud of my not-really-a-designer-self right now 👏👏👏.
This week I will be starting the layout for the Inventory List of Supply and Equipment and also the department management module. The department management module shows a list of employees and their equipment records, signature *if any*, and account *also, if any*.
Nothing much happened this past few weeks in the library so we can focus on developing the system.
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...Still loading
Week ten.
We went to our programming adviser to let him check our papers and advised us to let our content adviser check first the papers before him. Since one of our panel were missing on our defense we had to find him and schedule a defense. Luckily, that week we found him because that week also was the submission of grades.
I also changed the interface for the canvass entry since there were other clarifications about the process. I also finished the feature of uploading PPMP through an excel file using the PHPExcel Library.
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Week Nine.
The development of the system is still undergoing and the procurement module is almost at it’s peak *I hope 🤞*. Me and Vincent decided to set up a client and server connection to test the process of the procurement process. My laptop as the server, we tested the submission and approval/denial of purchase requests. I also finished the interface for the purchase order and canvass entries and gave it to vincent to provide the algorithm. I also started the designing the interface for the IAR which is the last part of the procurement module 🤘. I also started learning on how to use PHPExcel library for the submission of PPMPs and to generate the APP.
I was also the OD on the last day. I helped students find the scholarship unit, gave a letter to be received by the accounting unit and helped a visitor find the metrology unit for the calibration. I was almost all over the whole DOST that day 🤣.
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Press sure.
Week eight.
I started programming the sending of purchase requests and the real time notification. I finished the design for the approval/denial of purchase requests. Other process in the system were still under development. I feel a bit pressured since the months are fast approaching.
Sir Chad’s post birthday celebration. Since sir Chad was absent on the day of his birthday, so the day after he treated the employees and us some palabok. The library was filled with employees from other units and laughter.

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DoTA (Defense of The AyTi)
Week seven.
The week started with us submitting our thesis papers for the proposal defense. We were all tensed and shaking, I didn’t even got enough sleep that day 🤣. Our topic got approved but there were a lot of revisions especially the formatting ✌. After the defense we went to our programming adviser to let him know about the result of the defense.

Revisions and the development of the system were still on-going and at the same time encoding of the RSTW data 🤣. We dropped another version of the database. 🤣
Nothing much happened this week, just the stress building up 🤣.
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Regional Science & Technology Week
Week six.
Our week started encoding the lists given by the schools containing the information of the students and teacher who attended the RSTW event. Me, Marelle, Vincent encoded the list of the students and Janis, Karen, Marla cut the barcode stickers. Some students already registered online so it was less hassle but, the real problem was identifying their age, sex, and affiliation 😂. We had to search them on their social media accounts hoping they have their birthdays on their profile.

Karen and Janis had another interview about the process of the APP since the process was a little bit complicated, especially when it comes to the format of the APP. We clarified that there is this form called PPMP which is very crucial in process of creating the APP.
The first day of the event was chaotic. We lifted 3 computers and 2 printers for the registration. While setting up the router we picked up the wrong router, it was broken. After a minute or so, students were arriving; tricycles, jeepneys, and buses full of students. Fortunately, sir Chad arrived and brought the right router. While setting up the connection, the registration proceeded. The participants wrote their information on the registration sheet provided by Ma’am Leni. We were then divided into two groups, me, marelle, and marla managed the web-based registration while the others transferred the data from the registration sheet to the registration system. We were doing our respective jobs while attending to the needs of the participants like handing out flyers, putting the barcode sticker to the IDs, and giving instructions. The first day was really a mess, crowd after crowd, wrong barcodes were given, wrong data were entered 😂. Since there were several mistakes entered in the system and the only way of fixing that at that time was to manually edit the data in the database. Sir Chad gave me the authorization to manage the database and I asked if I can alter some code in the system and he agreed. I made a feature where it can fix all the entered data which were wrong so that anyone who has access to the system can fix it, but I finished it the next day. After finishing the code, the process became a bit smooth compared to the first day. On the last day we were all given tokens of appreciation *wine 🍷*.
The event was a great experience and fun for all of us. It was a great way of letting us experience that work is not bound to the four corners of an office. That’s it for this week, ciao 🤘👋

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Planning, preparations and the lobby.
Week five.
Continuous modifications were made to the database like additional tables, removed table/s, foreign keys were all around and a database was dropped 😂. Well, sometimes *most of the time* error is the key to success 😂😂😂.

One afternoon, we stayed in the lobby *except Emman and Vincent* because a meeting about the RSTW preparation was happening in the library. We were given instructions on what to do during the event since last week we were told to help in the preparations of the RSTW. Emman and Vincent were part of the documentation team, me and the others were assigned to the registration system which was made by sir Chad. Sir Chad asked me and emman to help in creating the barcodes which will be used in the RSTW for the attendance of the participants. We made the barcodes using Photoshop, a layout were given to us and all we had to do is generate the barcode using an online barcode generator and paste it to the layout. We were asked to make 3000 thousand barcodes, so I asked Marelle to help us out. The PSD file was really heavy and my laptop experienced lagging, fortunately there were other computers in the library that we can use.

An unfortunate event happened that week while I was making the barcodes, I was working on one of the computers in the library when suddenly APEC decided to have a power interruption for just a minute!!! I was really frustrated that time because I didn’t have the chance to save my work 😭😭😭. When the power came back I was hopeful that my work got auto saved, joke’s on me, nothing was saved. Nothing. Hehehez 😢. Despite of that we all reached our barcode quota before the week ended 😎🙌.
In the end of the week, the others started cutting out the barcode stickers in the library while I was out in the lobby, alone. I was the OD that day.
That’s it for this week, ciao. 🐱👓
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Science, the foundation of a community.
Week four.
Me and Vincent started adding the PHP codes and SQL queries to the newly constructed interface for the system. Starting with the creation of purchase requests, we manually inserted data to the database since the process of creating the annual procurement plan is still a little bit incomplete and vague. One morning, me and Jess were asked to be the OD (officers of the day). We helped the students find the scholarship unit for them to submit their scholarship requirements, welcomed and answered some question about the “wheres” and “whos” of the visitors. It was fun being an OD.

Sir Chad told us that there will be an event called the Regional Science and Technology week or RSTW which happens every year for the Science and Technology month. The event will be taking place in Bicol University East Campus. We were asked to help in the preparations of the said event.
One afternoon, we were asked to assemble a PC for the accounting unit. Me, Vincent and Jess thought that our knowledge we learned on our Computer Hardware Technology subject will be put to the test. We thought that we will manually assemble the parts and stuff inside the system unit, luckily *😂😂😂* it was a newly bought computer which the only parts needed to be assembled is the connection of the monitor, system unit, and other parts of the computer 😂😂. Just like The experience helped us be more familiar with the other employees of DOST and also be acknowledged as an on-the-job trainee. We also had free snack after the work was finished.

That’s it for this week ciao 😊🙌
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Code. Compile.Execute.*Debug*
Week Three.
The week started off with a series of laughter because of Vincent’s laptop “not working”. We all thought that it was broken, but we then realized that the laptop wasn’t plugged in 😂😂🤦♂️. Karen, tried to snatch food from kuya Ipe, our snack provider 😂. He sells delicious banana wrapped in caramelized sugar on stick, boiled egg with flour coating and other snacks that we all love and will surely miss. *turon-cue and tokneneng ❤*
Sir Chad once asked us if we are going to use any framework during the development of the system, I answered him that we are using CodeIgniter as a framework. He then told us that he is learning laravel and offered us if we would like to learn also. We said yes and he told us that if he has a free time he will teach us 👌. I showed the final layout of the system to Vincent and Karen to know what the think about the design. I was proud of my self since the layout I made was nice even though I only started practicing CSS last summer. I started the layout for the creation of the annual procurement plan, purchase request and requisition since those are parts of the crucial processes in the system.
APP Page
PR Page
RIS Page
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Functions and Parameters
Week Two
On our second day the early birds were not that early anymore 😂😂. A funny thing happened when sir Chad and Charlie went out and left us for a short while, then the telephone started ringing and we panicked. We only discussed if we should pick up the call or what until it stopped ringing 😂. When sir chad came back we asked if we are allowed to pick up calls and what say when answering. He said that it is ok to answer the phone since all incoming calls are only within DOST.
The database for the system is continuously being modified by me and vincent while Karen and Janis clarified to our boss Martin the process of procurement. Sir Martin is one of our supervisors. He works as the supply officer and at the same time an administrative officer so, usually he is out of the office. When boss Martin is out of the office he instructed us to ask questions from the people inside the supply and property department. Sir Vic handles the information about the supply, Sir Loy on the equipment and Ma’am Divine with the internal processes.
Our stay in the office was quite fun since there is another group which we are acquainted with; the group of Emman, Jess, Marelle, and Marla. We have our own systems to develop but we worked as if we were all group mates helping each other. Since I am not really comfortable with designing because I’ve always been the programmer of the group, it was a huge help that Emman was there to help me with designing and in return me and Vincent helped him in programming. With the help of emman, I finished the layout for the Login and Home Page.
I hope this teamwork functions well and gets us through our OJT. 😊😊👍👍 That’s it for this week, Ciao 😊

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Week One.
*This might be long 😂✌️*. Me and my group mates started our "On the Job Training" at the Department of Science and Technology. We all arrived very VERY early since it's our first week. 😂😂😂
We were intoduced by sir Don who is an admin officer to our corresponding departments since we were two groups having our OJT in the agency. In the end, we all stayed at the Science & Technology Library. We met Ma’am Q, the librarian, Sir Chad and Sir Charlie, the IT Specialists and Ate Gina, the cleaning lady who helped us order our lunch. We started to work on our individual tasks; I started on creating the UI for the system.
The first day was very stressful since we didn't know where to eat our lunch, so we decided to look for someplace to eat. What we didn't know was that lunch time would be a battle we didn't prepared for. Cafeterias were flooding with hungry employees from left to right. Luckily we found a spot where the customers were about to leave so we took our chances. 😋😉
Luckily, we met ate Gina on our second day and helped us order or lunch. We once stayed in the lobby for the whole afternoon because a public bidding was taking place in the library. Our programming adviser also debriefed us and started checking our papers. We continued our revisions and the development of the system. Our fingerprints were also registered on the biometrics for our Daily Time Record.
That’s it for this week, Ciao 🤘

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