reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Reaction Paper on Paperman , A short animated film
The short animated film Paperman is a 2012 black and white 3D romantic comedy short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and directed by John Kahrs. It is a wordless tale of romance between two strangers in mid-century New York, the film is a simple construct, supremely well-rendered, and in black and white except for a few crucial dapples of red lipstick.
Paperman is an aesthetically animated short, brimming was charming little touches and a big unapologetic heart. Following a chance encounter on a train station with a beautiful young woman, a New York office employee is given another chance at making a cute connection when he spies the same girl in the opposite building. Making a series of paper planes, he attempts to finally get her attention. Although this short was far from other sophisticated short films, it still managed to convey its message with such grace, warmth and simplicity. In a mere six minutes, no frame is wasted and you will be blown away by its sentimental gesture and the possibility of a romantic discovery. It’s a film that’s well observed with a gentle humor that packs a well earned emotional punch by its close.
Many talks was made about the films striking animation which points towards a new frontier in animation, where computer generated visuals are brought face to face with old-style hand-drawing. Although it’s undoubtedly brilliant, it’s pleasing how unshowy it all is. The groundbreaking combination techniques never overpower the film or the story, and whilst it possesses multiple moments of beauty during its slender running time, the story still remains king. However, its art direction and ‘50s style setting is flawless and really accentuates the vibe of the golden age of the Hollywood romantic comedy.
This story deserves two thumbs up and if you’re in a bad mood, all you need is six short minutes to make your day.
Jewil Kirsten Salamanca 11-NMPL 1
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reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Sanra Grace Lizardo                                                                                      
A Reaction Paper on Alma
           A lot of short film that Mr. Casaquite showed to us, But there’s this one film that caught my attention, where creepiness and enigmatic scenes are loaded on that film. The Name is, ALMA. Honestly, I really don’t know why the film is entitled like that. Maybe that’s the name of the subject on that film. I noticed, Curiosity and creepiness surround the class when the film started. The Director is very smart in making a film that can easily caught a person’s attention.
             As the film started, everybody is deeply focus on what is happening in every scene. Even at the first scene of the film, Spookiness hugged the atmosphere in our room. When the boy sees himself on a doll, curiosity run in my mind. And when the boy just blink, just as the doll has no longer on it’s place. The boy suddenly found himself inside the creepy room, where you can see haunted and unique dolls surrounding the room, Suddenly excitement fill my expectation on what will happen next. Then the feeling has just been so intense when the boy got himself in a doll that portray himself . An Inquisitive penetrate on my mind, Numerous Question I have, Like: Why did the boy suddenly go inside the doll?, Is the Doll have a Curse? Are the dolls in there have all spirit’s inside of them? And Suddenly, the shocking moment is when there is another girl who pass by on that room and We noticed that there is a displayed doll again on the table. And there this surprising moment when the doll that is displayed is the same that it portray the appearance of the little girl who pass on by.
 On the other side, the film become more indelible because of the mystery that is unanswered. Yet it is the most catchy and the best of all short film I have watched. I recommend to all of you to watch the short film ALMA, cause like me, it will be the most unforgettable film that you will ever watch. I hoped that there will be a 2nd part of that film because I am still curious of what will going to happen on that little girl in there.
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reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Zyra Mar Geaga
Sir Mark Casaquite
August 30, 2017
           The short Film, In a Heartbeat depicts a aberrant kind of love. It portrays a story of a teenage boy who had a secret admiration on his fellow young boy. Despite trying to hide his love, his heart won’t let him, that only proves that our hearts really wants what it wants. This film had a certain impact on the viewers particularly and especially a positive reaction from the LGBT community. This film was surely heart warming and fascinating   and gives a powerful message, it was clearly conveyed, without any oral communication from the characters.
           Because of this film I can say that every individual has always a reason for it’s actions. Just like the boy we make our own fate; This film catches everyone’s attention because, we can all relate in the situation. It is a entertaining story giving the viewers a romantic experience. It promotes equality of every individual and the rights and freedom to love.
           But on the other hand, falling in love with the same gender is not right in the sight of the Lord. Since God only created a man to love a woman and a woman to love a man or to be attracted to the opposite sex. This is morally unrightful. In the sight of the young minds, this may influence them to do the same because it is accepted by the society.
           In a conclusion, as a Christian, I do not conform with the idea, that men may be attracted with the same gender. This situations are only results of the modernization and liberation of the society, and disagree with these practices. And I strongly stand on my belief that this is a sin to God.
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reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Destiny is a short film French animation, produced at French school Bellecour Ecole d'art. It was released in YouTube back in the year 2012 and gained a huge amount of views and likes. Destiny is currently one of the most viewed short films. And was led by Fabien Weibel The short film plays an additive game with narrative points. Destiny is all about a man who got stuck in the pre-established rhythm of time and was given an opportunity to save himself from being killed by a car, but could he be able to escape what has been destined for him? This short film offers us an opportunity to reflect upon life and destiny. And it also help us to recognize and be aware of the signs of opportunities that surrounds us. I really enjoyed watching this short film. It represents a moral lesson for us. As humans we get so caught up in our routines and schedules that we don't tend to appreciate the magic around us by not being in the present moment. He was so focused on stopping the accident that everything he did to stop it became pointless until he accepted his fate and broke the alarm clock. Alarm clocks used to help us get prepared for our day and by him smashing it, symbolized him taking the time to become aware of his surroundings. This just only means that no matter how many times we fight or control what is destined for us, we will still end up what we should have been. We may be able to trick destiny but we cannot escape it, for it will always be our destination. So enjoy life and don't be so wrapped up in routines. Chrystelle Virayo NMPL-1
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reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Reaction Paper on Invasion, A short animated film
I rarely watch short animated film like Invasion, but to my surprise , I was inspired by the message it shows us. I known this animated film when our teacher show it to us. This film “Invasion” was filmed by Clément Morin in 2009. Clément Morin is a French freelance photographer and cinematographer ,who works in Paris.Invasion is a science fiction genre wherein the blue little alien’s space ship was landed on earth. Invasion shows us that aliens do things for the exact same reason that also humans do. Aliens also can do in a creative way to express their love for their partners. Aliens are like humans , they also have the heart , experiencing the racing of their hearts, and feeling the butterflies between their stomach . The film Invasion brought me back to the idea that you can do all for love.
Invasion film contribute a great impact to the watchers who can relate to it. I adore the blue little alien when the Bip plane crashing, he jump with a calm expression. In Invasion, the film for me was quite a bit related to this quote,” The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.” Eventhough the both of them far from each other, can’t see each other nor can’t touch each other but they can both feel the warm feeling of their heart. Invasion teach us how to love genuinely.
Happily I can say that Invasion is one of the film that touch my heart. It has it’s own plot and message to the viewers. I hope that . Clément Morin’s others animated film had the message that can pull the viewers feelings.
Invasion is the best example to watch for the young ones because it is about doing effort for someone you love. It can also be related to your family, because the love you have for your family is important that you want to treasure.
Kate Julia Palmares 11-NMPL 1
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reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Reaction Paper on Bear Story , a film
A Bear Story is written by Gabriel Osorio. And 22 February 2016, it is published by the Americam Animation. My teacher shows the film in our class. It is touching and delicately textured of story. It is written be satisfying on an emotional level ans carru it's historical understone cagey. It is the story of full of dark experiences in life. Living alone and he reveal his circumtances to be shared to other people. And to appreciate his hardworks for his family. As the daddy bear presented his works as story of his circumstances in his family. I was the one who touched and appreciated his suffers for his family. His story is full of darkness and loneliness. He clearly revealed his experienced to foreknowed. He is Hardworking, loving and conorous dad. It is an unhappy experience in our life and life is dim if our family is gone and you are living alone on your own self. Our father is always the one who sacrificed for us. They defence their family in times of trouble or any mis understanding situation over the foe. In all hardworks of our father's we need to appreciate it in order to understand their importance and responsibilities for the sake that we can live and grow with a good attitude, values and the best of all to be honest child. They do everything and their capability to give the needs of their family. I can say that our family are the most important people in our life. Our family who look up to no matter how tall we have grown. They still supporting us and guiding us. And hand on our shoulder will remain with us forever. Especially our father is a banker provided by nature. Jeanvey Alcante NMPL-1
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reaktorz-blog · 7 years
Reaction Paper on The Lady and the Reaper , a film
The Lady and the Reaper is a 2009 Spanish 3d imaging animated short film created by Javier Recio Gracia and produced by Kandor Graphics and Green Moon. This wonderful 3d imaging short film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 2009. My teacher show this film in our class. It is fast, sharp and funny. The animation is great and it has a killer ending. The short film opens on an old woman, who clearly misses here late husband, going to bed with his picture. There are some nice visual bits pf foreshadowing and we then see the woman's ghost separate from her body and she sees a light and then Death. He comes for her and she willingly chooses to go. As they start to crosss over ZAP a doctor revives her, much to her dismay and that of Death. This film served as a great entertainment. Is also a Comedy about a power struggle between the Reaper and a doctor for the lady's life. When I'm watching the short film, I thinking that this is a very dark animated drama about life,death and love. I thought that to and I was pretty down with that idea from a serious style to a lighthearted whimsical pacing. The Lady and the Reaper at 8 minutes. A simple and funny animated short film. This is a hilarious film and the theater was filled with laughter from start to finish. The Lady and the Reaper is clever, funny and manically paced- and well worth a few minutes of your time. Kim Dayday NMPL-1
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