readytech · 3 years
The 7 Core Benefits of Remote Instructor-led Training
Now, more than ever, we are realizing the true value that online technologies offer to people of all ages. The shift from the classroom environment to online learning was already well underway, but the COVID-19 pandemic has sped up the process. As we rely more on e-learning in our daily lives, we observe some important benefits that are associated with remote instructor-led training. Here are a few of those advantages.
Most people would agree that one of the main benefits of remote instructor-led training is its inherent flexibility. Instead of having all students in a single classroom, virtual training can take place no matter where learners are located. Students can also study when they find the time, as long as they complete their lessons. Online training can also be carried out over the course of a few months rather than within a string of successive days, as often happens in a traditional study environment. This allows students to take in the information at their own pace, without the need to hurry.
Cost Savings
Online learning can be significantly more cost-efficient in comparison to traditional learning tools, like in-person classes and printed manuals. Learning materials are available online and ready for download at any time of the day. Similarly, any changes to the materials can be made on the spot with a simple file update. Students can also save money on travel expenses and accommodation costs, as well as on time that’s lost while commuting to the training center.
Improved Retention and Engagement
Live virtual instructor-led training sessions help students focus on learning without in-person distractions. With fewer opportunities to multitask, students can engage more with the content, increasing comprehension and application of the material.
Immediate Feedback
The most important part of any course is comprehension. In a traditional learning environment, the trainer would need to gather all the tests, mark them, and discuss them at the next session. But with online training, tests can be set to immediately return feedback to the students. This means they can improve their weaker areas more quickly.
Maximized Scalability
In-person training presents quite a few disadvantages, a big one being limited seating capacity. Learners who would greatly benefit from the teaching experience are left out due to a lack of physical space. But by using a remote training platform, you can eliminate this inconvenience. E-learning allows companies and schools to enroll more learners, ensuring everyone has the knowledge they need to be effective.
The online learning environment gives trainers the necessary tools to check their students’ comprehension levels. Through mini-quizzes, exercises, and discussion, facilitators can identify students who may be struggling with a topic. This allows them to modify their approach so that all students get the help they need to understand the content.
Faster Results
Online learning is readily available. Shifting to virtual training makes even more sense in the context of competitive advantage. If you’re a company, being proactive and getting that training session started sooner rather than later can help you outpace your competitors.
Key Takeaway
Virtual instructor-led training is the future of learning. The cost-effectiveness, scalability, and efficiency of this technology have made it a popular trend in the development industry. Considering the points mentioned above, you can truly benefit from remote instructor-led training. ReadyTech offers the most user-friendly online training software to help your employees, partners, and customers learn and grow. For more information, don't hesitate to call us today.
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readytech · 3 years
Virtual Instructor-Led Training Solution
Our Virtual Instructor-Led Training portal provides you with the tools for distance learning with easy classroom and lab setup that allows you to focus on delivering memorable experiences that lead to higher student, customer and partner success. Empower your instructors with the training solutions and technologies to deliver great online training.
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readytech · 3 years
Readytech Virtual Customer Training
Now that your sales team has sold your technology, customers need to be trained so they can be productive with it. That’s where ReadyTech’s virtual training software comes in. We provide the most reliable training delivery software in the industry, ensuring that your technology courses are delivered when needed. Our software is also backed by a dedicated IT and support team that work around the clock to ensure your training department can focus on your most important task: providing engaging and effective IT training.
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readytech · 3 years
Online Instructor-Led Training
Why Online Instructor-Led Training is More Critical Now Than Ever
There are many ways to learn these days, but remote learning has gained popularity over traditional classroom settings as industries have changed and learner demographics have shifted. However, most trainees still need the presence of an instructor to aid in their learning, as fully online, automated training loses its personal touch and hinders learning outcomes. Companies who choose to take the leap and train their employees online will benefit more so from choosing a modality like ReadyTech’s. ReadyTech’s online training platforms enable you to build your courses with the instructor’s presence in mind in something known as online instructor - led training. Below are just some of the benefits of using a virtual training platform like ReadyTech’s.
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readytech · 3 years
Using Virtual Training and Development Assistance
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In many organizations, training and development activity is minimal. Besides thinking this activity is of low value, lack can also occur in financial hard times or because the organization cannot fund a position to carry on people development.
Due to today's technology, training and development activities can be outsourced virtually, using the Internet. This can be done to supplement existing in-house programs or as a cost-effective means to provide important people development without having to hire permanent staff to carry out this function.
In addition to cost-effectiveness, virtual training and development assistance provides objectivity through an outside source. Having a detached set of eyes to look at a situation or person allows for objective solutions that are best suited to answer issues, needs, and problems.
Here are some of the kinds of assistance that a ​virtual training and development source can provide:
Assessment questions and surveys can be developed aimed at measuring such things as the status of human resource development, or employee views on how the organization is doing at all levels. If personal interviews need to be conducted, these can be done through video conferences.
Once needs are established, training and coaching can be provided at a distance through seminars or one-on-one interventions using the Internet. The virtual assistance service can also develop materials and presentations that can be delivered on-site by members who are part of the organization.
Depending on how strong a performance management system exists in the organization, virtual development assistance can include the creation of clear job descriptions that include clear performance expectations, policy and procedure development, and employee handbook development. These areas are critical to the organization if successful recruitment and management of performance are to occur.
Management and leadership development can be enhanced through virtual assistance. Many times managers and leaders run into difficulty in developing their human resources and in managing the performance of those who answer to them. Coaching at a distance by someone who is not biased about the situation can be helpful.
Organizational structure can be assessed virtually. Sometimes the organization is growing but is unsure of how to expand its structure. Sometimes organizational contraction is called for in a downsizing effort. Virtual assistance providing developmental help can answer to both these possibilities.
The development and implementation of the organization's strategic planning effort can be facilitated through work with outside virtual assistance. Experience shows that often strategic plans do not get attention in implementation unless someone works across the organization making sure there is accountability for the tasks needing to be completed. Outside assistance can monitor the progress.
Whenever the organization cannot afford full-time personnel to ensure the issues discussed above are being worked on, the implementation of virtual training and development assistance can be a valuable alternative.
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readytech · 3 years
The Virtual Training System: Redefining the Concept of Training
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Most organizations and employers have the responsibility of training their employees or personnel to ensure that their organization's processes and functions can move smoothly and productively. Training employees to handle indoor office situations may not be too complex. Yet, it's an entirely different matter, when it comes to training people for handling complicated situations like disasters or wars. Similarly, providing on-the-job training for handling highly sophisticated equipment like aircraft or ships isn't safe or economic. It is in these kinds of situations that the virtual training system acts as a really suitable training tool.
Providing training for handling crucial and expensive equipment
Expensive machinery and devices require well-skilled personnel for their operation. Yet, it's neither easy nor ideal to allow newbies to train directly on such devices. The slightest mistakes in handling such equipment could prove to be very costly. The virtual training system can be used as an ideal tool for providing complete training to employees. By allowing trainees to work and be tested until they are fully capable, the virtual training system ensures a risk-free and economic environment for training people.
Preparing for the worst
The threats of certain unwanted or undesirable situations like wars, disasters, and emergencies are always present in the environment. Yet providing on-the-job training for the same is never easy. In fact, training personnel for such a situation is often cost-intensive and in many cases could even prove to be life-threatening. But over the last few years, the virtual training system has emerged as the ideal way to handle such situations. With the use of modern display equipment including virtual reality and 3d screens, the trainees are put into ideally simulated environments, where they can improve their skills in a risk-free environment. Several governments already use these situations effectively in order to train army and security personnel for real-life disasters.
Multi-scope and scientific technology
The virtual training system can be used across a wide array of situations ranging from the medical industry to the construction industry. This has proven to be the best alternative for training and assessing skilled people using the most compliant methods in recent years. Because of virtual training systems, people involved in disaster rescue have been able to gain valuable real-life skills, with which they have been able to save hundreds of lives in real disasters.
Cost-effective system
In the medium and long run, the virtual training system can effectively help in the reduction of organizational budget on training. By cutting the expensive overhead and wage costs associated with real-life training scenarios, adopting the virtual training system could prove to be a beneficial arrangement from the economic point of view.
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readytech · 3 years
All About Virtual Learning Environments
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With rapid developments in the field of technology, the Learning and Development industry has incorporated dynamic changes in the process of learning. The World-wide Web has now become the newest platform for conducting classes and training sessions. With web-based learning becoming the rage, the virtual learning environment is gradually gaining ground. Following the virtual environment, the Learning Management System (LMS) and Learning Content Management System (LCMS) are turning out to be the most popularly used learning platforms.
Normally, a virtual learning environment involves an integrated set of virtual training software tools to support learning. Here is a brief description of how a virtual learning environment streamlines the process of learning.
A virtual environment gives unlimited access to the course content and studies material as and when required, no matter where you may be located.
The system offers an organized and steadfast repository of content, and thus streamlines the entire content management system. It helps instructors to upload and organize study materials via a Web-based platform even without using technical tools such as File Transfer Protocol or FTP.
Virtually users can create a private community and can carry out important conversations using a range of synchronized communication tools, like bulletin boards, real-time chat rooms, discussion forums, and so on. It helps in expanding their knowledge base.
Learners can be divided into small sub-groups depending on the subject they are studying. With the help of communication tools, students can access tutorial support and enhance peer-to-peer interaction.
The virtual environment offers a host of reporting tools that allows a learner to evaluate their day-to-day performance. Besides, instructors can efficiently administer the assessed tests.
There is a number of tracking tools available, which enables users to keep detailed information about the students and class schedules.
The virtual learning platforms come with ready-to-use course materials, such as content according to the curriculum, interactive, multimedia components, and so on. The new-age virtual environments are integrated with Web 2.0 features such as Wikis and blogs in order to accentuate the interactive aspects in the process of learning.
At present, academic and corporate training organizations are increasingly using virtual learning environments to ensure flexibility in the process of imparting knowledge. Both on-campus and distance learners can access its benefits. On-campus students can get access to study materials beforehand and can have an idea about the curriculum. In the case of distance learning, it breaks the geographical barriers thereby enabling students to get access to course content and online classes instantly.
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readytech · 4 years
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readytech · 4 years
Our self-paced training solution allows organizations to quickly jump into the lucrative self-paced market by bringing materials, assessments, hands-on labs, and course evaluations into a single portal and includes live chat and offline messaging functionality to support your user base.
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